999 resultados para EDUCAÇÃO DE TEMPO INTEGRAL
In this paper we present two studies, the first one completed and the second one in development, which are based in teaching approaches that propose the qualitative study of mathematical models as a strategy for the teaching and learning of mathematical concepts. These teaching approaches focus on subjects from Higher Education such as Introduction to Ordinary Differential Equations and Topics of Differential and Integral Calculus. We denominate this common aspect of the teaching approaches as Model Analysis and in a preliminary level we relate it with Mathematical Modeling. Furthermore, we discuss some questions related with the choice of the theme and the role of Digital Technologies when Model Analysis is applied.
Over the past four decades it occurred a great expansion of science education research in Brazil (TEIXEIRA, 2008). Considering the scientific production in the area, descriptive studies, called state of the art are necessary, but little found in Brazilian scientific literature, especially in the field of science education. In this context, this paper identifies and describes the main features and trends of Brazilian research in the field of education in science museums, released in the form of dissertations and thesis, in the period 1970 to 2010. It is a qualitative and quantitative research, which performs a document analysis, in a bibliographical review. We mapped 153 academic researches, mainly in the Rio-São Paulo axis, mostly in the last decade, showing that the area can be characterized as an emerging field in science education.
The use of images as a mean of human knowledge transmission dates from the earliest records of visual communication with the cave paintings. Throughout history, the communicating function remained and was extended for a variety of approaches, including illustration, which plays an important role by transmitting a content to be communicated on a creative and unique way. The advertising area relies largely on the communicative power of illustration, using it as a visual aid on different ways and medias. The advertising pieces aimed at the automotive sector – especially those developed by BMW for the Mini Cooper model – broadly employs illustrations to spread the word about the product and its attributes, seeking to communicate it using an original way. With a qualitative approach to the case study, this article analyzes the illustrations produced by the South African design studio Am I Collective as part of a video prepared by South African advertising agency Blackriver FC as a celebration campaign for the fifty years of vehicle Mini Cooper, celebrated on 2009, and it aims to identify the illustrations visuals and compositions used in the construction of the covered temporal panorama.
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Televisão Digital: Informação e Conhecimento - FAAC
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC
Pós-graduação em Docência para a Educação Básica - FC
Os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (BRASIL, 1997) é um documento que procura auxiliar o professor na execução de seu trabalho na escola, e dentre os temas contemplados neste documento encontramos a temática da saúde. Desde a origem deste documento, a saúde é um tema considerado importante de ser ensinado na escola, mas atualmente tem recebido destaque nas mídias, chamando a atenção de toda população para o desenvolvimento de um estilo de vida saudável, ao mesmo tempo em que, existe uma crescente preocupação quanto à saúde das crianças relacionada à obesidade e sedentarismo. Desta forma, o presente estudo procurou organizar materiais didáticos em forma de tecnologias da informação e comunicação que fiquem a disposição dos professores para ensinar alguns temas relacionados à saúde. Para a organização desses materiais, foi necessária uma revisão da literatura e em especial uma revisão documental dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais no que diz respeito à saúde, que resultaram em quatro eixos de conteúdos a serem desenvolvidos, sendo eles: higiene pessoal, alimentação, atividade física e padrões de saúde e beleza apresentados pelas mídias. A tecnologia de informação e comunicação foi escolhida como ferramenta para o desenvolvimento das aulas, pois é utilizada com prazer pelos estudantes. Conclui-se que este material é importante, principalmente para os professores de Educação Física escolar, que encontram uma escassez de materiais didáticos na área e sobre as possibilidades de utilização da tecnologia de informação e comunicação em ambiente escolar, e principalmente, que mais estudos sobre a saúde são necessários, pois o mesmo proporciona muitas possibilidades e formas de abordagens
Introduction: Sedentary behavior is characterized by individuals who designed much of the day sitting or lying down activities, even if such conduct regular physical activity. Over the years people tend to be less active, worsening the quality of life. For healthy aging is necessary for the individual to be constantly active, and moving activities improve mood and quality of life, though little is known of the influence of sedentary behavior in these variables. Aim: To investigate the association between sedentary time, quality of life and mood states of elderly women engaged in physical activity. Methodology: The study included 68 elderly women who belong to the Physical Activity Program for the Elderly (PROFIT), for at least 6 months. These answered the Sedentary Behaviour Questionnaire, the Pentacle Welfare and IPAQ Short Version. The Pep States List Reduced and Illustrated (LEA-RI) was applied before and after a workout and before and after three times of sedentary behaviors. To evaluate the difference of sedentary behavior time average for each domain of quality of life was conducted the analysis of the 95% confidence interval for the STATA program version 12.0 and to the moods list data a non-parametric test - test binomial using SPSS version 17.0 program and has adopted a p≤0,05. Results: A moderate intensity physical activity was the most practiced (939.5 ± 650.2 min / week) and the activity most frequently performed in sedentary time was watching television (187.6 ± 96,4min / day). In general, the quality of life for the elderly is considered good (98.39%) and the disease is most prevalent hypertension (29.47%). After a physical activity older felt less useless, less shy and less fear and after a sedentary behavior, felt less agitated and less useless. In relation between the domains of QOL and sedentary behavior time, there were no statistical differences. Conclusion: Elderly active even after a sedentary behavior...
Historiography shows that the historical moment is inscribed in the culture of every time and place. Thus, it allows us to identify within the different modes of cultural production - therefore in the literature of a particular time, our research object - expressions of historical aspects. Furthermore, it is important that we know our own history, so that such knowledge help us to learn how to build, individually and collectively, more equitable societies. The objective of this bibliographic research nature was to identify historical aspects of the nineteenth century Brazilian education printed in O Ateneu (The Athenaeum), written in 1888 by Raul Pompéia. We sought for narrative passages that could reveal usual educational practices in the time context of our work in order to better understand a historical period that contributed to the establishment of our current education
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC