884 resultados para Dunkl Kernel


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This paper deals with the testing of autoregressive conditional duration (ACD) models by gauging the distance between the parametric density and hazard rate functions implied by the duration process and their non-parametric estimates. We derive the asymptotic justification using the functional delta method for fixed and gamma kernels, and then investigate the finite-sample properties through Monte Carlo simulations. Although our tests display some size distortion, bootstrapping suffices to correct the size without compromising their excellent power. We show the practical usefulness of such testing procedures for the estimation of intraday volatility patterns.


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In this paper we revisit the relationship between the equity and the forward premium puzzles. We construct return-based stochastic discount factors under very mild assumptions and check whether they price correctly the equity and the foreign currency risk premia. We avoid log-linearizations by using moments restrictions associated with euler equations to test the capacity of our return-based stochastic discount factors to price returns on the relevant assets. Our main finding is that a pricing kernel constructed only using information on American domestic assets accounts for both domestic and international stylized facts that escape consumption based models. In particular, we fail to reject the null hypothesis that the foreign currency risk premium has zero price when the instrument is the own current value of the forward premium.


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As contribuições deste artigo são duas. A primeira, um método de avaliação de regressões não lineares para a previsão de retornos intradiários de ações no mercado brasileiro é discutido e aplicado, com o objetivo de maximizar o retorno de um portfólio simulado de compras e vendas. A segunda, regressões usando funções-núcleo associadas ao particionamento da amostra por vizinhos mais próximos são realizadas. Algumas variáveis independentes utilizadas são indicadores técnicos, cujos parâmetros são otimizados dentro da amostra de estimação. Os resultados alcançados são positivos e superam, em uma análise quartil a quartil, os resultados produzidos por um modelo benchmark de autorregressão linear


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We build a pricing kernel using only US domestic assets data and check whether it accounts for foreign markets stylized facts that escape consumption based models. By interpreting our stochastic discount factor as the projection of a pricing kernel from a fully specified model in the space of returns, our results indicate that a model that accounts for the behavior of domestic assets goes a long way toward accounting for the behavior of foreign assets. We address predictability issues associated with the forward premium puzzle by: i) using instruments that are known to forecast excess returns in the moments restrictions associated with Euler equations, and; ii) by pricing Lustig and Verdelhan (2007)'s foreign currency portfolios. Our results indicate that the relevant state variables that explain foreign-currency market asset prices are also the driving forces behind U.S. domestic assets behavior.


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Using information on US domestic financial data only, we build a stochastic discount factor—SDF— and check whether it accounts for foreign markets stylized facts that escape consumption based models. By interpreting our SDF as the projection of a pricing kernel from a fully specified model in the space of returns, our results indicate that a model that accounts for the behavior of domestic assets goes a long way toward accounting for the behavior of foreign assets prices. We address predictability issues associated with the forward premium puzzle by: i) using instruments that are known to forecast excess returns in the moments restrictions associated with Euler equations, and; ii) by pricing Lustig and Verdelhan (2007)’s foreign currency portfolios. Our results indicate that the relevant state variables that explain foreign-currency market asset prices are also the driving forces behind U.S. domestic assets behavior.


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Using information on US domestic financial data only, we build a stochastic discount factor—SDF— and check whether it accounts for foreign markets stylized facts that escape consumption based models. By interpreting our SDF as the projection of a pricing kernel from a fully specified model in the space of returns, our results indicate that a model that accounts for the behavior of domestic assets goes a long way toward accounting for the behavior of foreign assets prices. We address predictability issues associated with the forward premium puzzle by: i) using instruments that are known to forecast excess returns in the moments restrictions associated with Euler equations, and; ii) by comparing this out-of-sample results with the one obtained performing an in-sample exercise, where the return-based SDF captures sources of risk of a representative set of developed and emerging economies government bonds. Our results indicate that the relevant state variables that explain foreign-currency market asset prices are also the driving forces behind U.S. domestic assets behavior.


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O objetivo deste estudo é analisar três modelos de operação de uma usina de extração de óleo de palma, de óleo de palmiste, e de biodiesel, respectivamente, em conjunto com a produção de dendê pela agricultura familiar, visando o fornecimento exclusivo de matéria-prima para a indústria através da parceria com Programa Nacional da Agricultura Familiar. O projeto consiste na construção de uma usina de grande porte, a partir de investimentos de fontes públicas e privadas voltados à construção do complexo industrial e ao financiamento da implantação do cultivo de dendê pelos agricultores. Foram construídos quatro cenários, onde foram analisados os indicadores de performance econômico-financeira de avaliação do arranjo produtivo da indústria e da parte agrícola. Esses cenários visam a tomada de decisões de investimentos, através da utilização dos indicadores econômico-financeiros clássicos para avaliação da viabilidade do dendê como matéria-prima para o complexo industrial da usina. Entre os indicadores utilizados neste trabalho podemos citar como principais: o VPL (Valor Presente Líquido) e a TIR (Taxa Interna de Retorno), e indicadores secundários utilizados como suporte para as análises, tais como Payback Descontado, TIRM (Taxa Interna de Retorno Modificada), dentre outros. Além de indicadores sociais, como geração de renda para as famílias de agricultores, com o objetivo principal de criar valor monetário, gerar emprego e renda e pagar os recursos dos investidores púbicos. A implantação do dendezal está fundamentada no Zoneamento Agroecológico do dendê e será executada em áreas degradas por pastagens para garantir a sustentabilidade, contribuir para a recuperação ambiental através do sequestro de carbono e diminuir a pressão sobre as florestas nativas. Consequentemente, espera-se que o projeto contribua para evitar o avanço do desmatamento na região da Amazônia legal. Para tanto, foram realizadas visitas às plantações de dendê e à usina da Biopalma. Também foram realizadas visitas à Embrapa Ocidental na cidade de Manaus e Embrapa na Cidade de Campinas. Foi proposto um modelo de análise econômica financeira baseado em implantação de uma usina de grande porte para a produção de Biodiesel no Estado do Pará. O estudo apresentou, dentre suas limitações, o fato de ser complexo e amplo. A inexistência de projetos de usina grande envergadura totalmente implantados e funcionando com emprego de tecnologia e capital intensivo, como também a impossibilidade de se realizar esta pesquisa de amplo espectro sem um número consideravelmente maior de organizações envolvidas. Como resultado, os indicadores economicos analisados mostram que há viabilidade do projeto em três dos quatro cenários construídos, demonstrando que o capital dos investidores públicos, privados e do agricultor familiar serão remunerados utilizando às taxas de juros, prazos, condições do mercado de capitais. O objetivo é atrair investimentos para a produção de biodiesel, implantação de empreendimentos agrícolas, indústriais, geração emprego e renda para Agricultura Familiar na cadeia produtiva do dendê.


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We build a stochastic discount factor—SDF— using information on US domestic financial data only, and provide evidence that it accounts for foreign markets stylized facts that escape SDF’s generated by consumption based models. By interpreting our SDF as the projection of the pricing kernel from a fully specified model in the space of returns, our results indicate that a model that accounts for the behavior of domestic assets goes a long way toward accounting for the behavior of foreign assets prices. In our tests, we address predictability, a defining feature of the Forward Premium Puzzle—FPP— by using instruments that are known to forecast excess returns in the moments restrictions associated with Euler equations both in the equity and the foreign markets.


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We build a stochastic discount factor—SDF— using information on US domestic financial data only, and provide evidence that it accounts for foreign markets stylized facts that escape SDF’s generated by consumption based models. By interpreting our SDF as the projection of the pricing kernel from a fully specified model in the space of returns, our results indicate that a model that accounts for the behavior of domestic assets goes a long way toward accounting for the behavior of foreign assets prices. In our tests, we address predictability, a defining feature of the Forward Premium Puzzle—FPP— by using instruments that are known to forecast excess returns in the moments restrictions associated with Euler equations both in the equity and the foreign markets.


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O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a base teórica para o problema de aprendizagem através de exemplos conforme as ref. [14], [15] e [16]. Aprender através de exemplos pode ser examinado como o problema de regressão da aproximação de uma função multivaluada sobre um conjunto de dados esparsos. Tal problema não é bem posto e a maneira clássica de resolvê-lo é através da teoria de regularização. A teoria de regularização clássica, como será considerada aqui, formula este problema de regressão como o problema variacional de achar a função f que minimiza o funcional Q[f] = 1 n n Xi=1 (yi ¡ f(xi))2 + ¸kfk2 K; onde kfk2 K é a norma em um espa»co de Hilbert especial que chamaremos de Núcleo Reprodutivo (Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Spaces), ou somente RKHS, IH definido pela função positiva K, o número de pontos do exemplo n e o parâmetro de regularização ¸. Sob condições gerais a solução da equação é dada por f(x) = n Xi=1 ciK(x; xi): A teoria apresentada neste trabalho é na verdade a fundamentação para uma teoria mais geral que justfica os funcionais regularizados para a aprendizagem através de um conjunto infinito de dados e pode ser usada para estender consideravelmente a estrutura clássica a regularização, combinando efetivamente uma perspectiva de análise funcional com modernos avanços em Teoria de Probabilidade e Estatística.


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We study the asset pricing implications of an endowment economy when agents can default on contracts that would leave them otherwise worse off. We specialize and extend the environment studied by Kocherlakota (1995) and Kehoe and Levine (1993) to make it comparable to standard studies of asset pricillg. We completely charactize efficient allocations for several special cases. We illtroduce a competitive equilibrium with complete markets alld with elldogellous solvency constraints. These solvellcy constraints are such as to prevent default -at the cost of reduced risk sharing. We show a version of the classical welfare theorems for this equilibrium definition. We characterize the pricing kernel, alld compare it with the one for economies without participation constraints : interest rates are lower and risk premia can be bigger depending on the covariance of the idiosyncratic and aggregate shocks. Quantitative examples show that for reasonable parameter values the relevant marginal rates of substitution fali within the Hansen-Jagannathan bounds.


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The Forward Premium Puzzle (FPP) is how the empirical observation of a negative relation between future changes in the spot rates and the forward premium is known. Modeling this forward bias as a risk premium and under weak assumptions on the behavior of the pricing kernel, we characterize the potential bias that is present in the regressions where the FPP is observed and we identify the necessary and sufficient conditions that the pricing kernel has to satisfy to account for the predictability of exchange rate movements. Next, we estimate the pricing kernel applying two methods: i) one, du.e to Araújo et aI. (2005), that exploits the fact that the pricing kernel is a serial correlation common feature of asset prices, and ii) a traditional principal component analysis used as a procedure 1;0 generate a statistical factor modeI. Then, using on the sample and out of the sample exercises, we are able to show that the same kernel that explains the Equity Premi um Puzzle (EPP) accounts for the FPP in all our data sets. This suggests that the quest for an economic mo deI that generates a pricing kernel which solves the EPP may double its prize by simultaneously accounting for the FPP.


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This paper deals with the estimation and testing of conditional duration models by looking at the density and baseline hazard rate functions. More precisely, we foeus on the distance between the parametric density (or hazard rate) function implied by the duration process and its non-parametric estimate. Asymptotic justification is derived using the functional delta method for fixed and gamma kernels, whereas finite sample properties are investigated through Monte Carlo simulations. Finally, we show the practical usefulness of such testing procedures by carrying out an empirical assessment of whether autoregressive conditional duration models are appropriate to oIs for modelling price durations of stocks traded at the New York Stock Exchange.


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This paper provides a systematic and unified treatment of the developments in the area of kernel estimation in econometrics and statistics. Both the estimation and hypothesis testing issues are discussed for the nonparametric and semiparametric regression models. A discussion on the choice of windowwidth is also presented.


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We study an intertemporal asset pricing model in which a representative consumer maximizes expected utility derived from both the ratio of his consumption to some reference level and this level itself. If the reference consumption level is assumed to be determined by past consumption levels, the model generalizes the usual habit formation specifications. When the reference level growth rate is made dependent on the market portfolio return and on past consumption growth, the model mixes a consumption CAPM with habit formation together with the CAPM. It therefore provides, in an expected utility framework, a generalization of the non-expected recursive utility model of Epstein and Zin (1989). When we estimate this specification with aggregate per capita consumption, we obtain economically plausible values of the preference parameters, in contrast with the habit formation or the Epstein-Zin cases taken separately. All tests performed with various preference specifications confirm that the reference level enters significantly in the pricing kernel.