986 resultados para Drug Knowledge
Dissertação de mestrado em Sociologia (área de especialização em Organizações e Trabalho)
Dissertação de mestrado em Biofísica e Bionanossistemas
OBJECTIVE: To report about a group of physicians' understanding of the recommendations of the II Brazilian Guidelines Conference on Dyslipidemias, and about the state of the art of primary and secondary prevention of atherosclerosis. METHODS: Through the use of a questionnaire on dyslipidemia, atherosclerosis prevention, and recommendations for lipid targets established by the II Brazilian Guidelines Conference on Dyslipidemias, 746 physicians, 98% cardiologists, were evaluated. RESULTS:Eighty-seven percent of the respondents stated that the treatment of dyslipidemia changes the natural history of coronary disease. Although most of the participants followed the total cholesterol recommendations (<200mg/dL for atherosclerosis prevention), only 55.8% would adopt the target of LDL-C <100 mg/dL for secondary prevention. Between 30.5 and 36.7% answered, in different questions, that the recommended level for HDL-C should be <35mg/dL. Only 32.7% would treat their patients indefinitely with lipid- lowering drugs. If the drug treatment did not reach the proposed target, only 35.5% would increase the dosage, and 29.4% would change the medication. Participants did not know the targets proposed for diabetics. CONCLUSION: Although the participating physicians valued the role played by lipids in the prevention of atherosclerosis, serious deficiencies exist in their knowledge of the recommendations given during the II Brazilian Guidelines Conference on Dyslipidemias.
Tese de Doutoramento em Biologia Molecular e Ambiental (área de especialização em Biologia Molecular e Saúde).
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of the use, prior to the procedure, of injectable diltiazem to prevent complications. METHODS: Between September 2000 and July 2001, 50 patients underwent transradial coronary angiography and were randomized to receive placebo (GI) or diltiazem (GII) through a catheter inserted into the radial artery. All patients received isosorbide mononitrate. Ultrasound analyses of the radial artery were performed before examination, 30 minutes afterwards, and 7 days afterwards to evaluate the flow, the diameter, and the artery output. RESULTS: The radial artery diameter of GI was 2.4± 0.5 mm before the procedure and 2.3±0.5 mm after 30 minutes (NS), whereas in GII the diameter was 2.2±0.3 mm before the examination and 2.5±0.4 mm 30 minutes after it (P<0.001). Radial artery output in group 1 was 7.3±5.l2 mL/min before the examination and 6.1±3.5 mL/min 30 minutes after the examination (NS), and GII had an increase of 5.9±2.5 mL/min before examination to 9.05± 7.78 mL/min after the examination (P=0.04). Complications (spasm, occlusion, and partial obstruction) occurred in 4 patients (17.4%) in GI and did not occur in GII (P=0.04). CONCLUSION: The study suggests a decrease in vascular complications through the transradial access for coronary angiography with the use of diltiazem as an antispasmodic drug, resulting in the significant increase in the diameter of the radial artery and radial artery output.
Se propone desarrollar e integrar estudios sobre Modelado y Resolución de Problemas en Física que asumen como factores explicativos: características de la situación planteada, conocimiento de la persona que resuelve y proceso puesto en juego durante la resolución. Interesa comprender cómo los estudiantes acceden al conocimiento previo, qué procedimientos usan para recuperar algunos conocimientos y desechar otros, cuáles son los criterios que dan coherencia a sus decisiones, cómo se relacionan estas decisiones con algunas características de la tarea, entre otras. Todo ello con miras a estudiar relaciones causales entre las dificultades encontradas y el retraso o abandono en las carreras.Se propone organizar el trabajo en tres ejes, los dos primeros de construcción teórica y un tercero de implementación y transferencia. Se pretende.1.-Estudiar los procesos de construcción de las representaciones mentales en resolución de problemas de física, tanto en expertos como en estudiantes de diferentes niveles académicos.2.-Analizar y clasificar las inferencias que se producen durante las tareas de comprensión en resolución de problemas de física. Asociar dichas inferencias con procesos de transición entre representaciones mentales de diferente naturaleza.3.-Desarrollar materiales y diseños instruccionales en la enseñanza de la Física, fundamentado en un conocimiento de los requerimientos psicológicos de los estudiantes en diversas tareas de aprendizaje.En términos generales se plantea un enfoque interpretativo a la luz de marcos de la psicología cognitiva y de los desarrollos propios del grupo. Se trabajará con muestras intencionales de alumnos y profesores de física. Se utilizarán protocolos verbales y registros escritos producidos durante la ejecución de las tareas con el fin de identificar indicadores de comprensión, inferencias, y diferentes niveles de representación. Se prevé analizar material escrito de circulación corriente sea comercial o preparado por los docentes de las carreras involucradas.Las características del objeto de estudio y el distinto nivel de desarrollo en que se encuentran los diferentes ojetivos específicos llevan a que el abordaje contemple -según consideracion de Juni y Urbano (2006)- tanto la lógica cualitativa como la cuantitativa.
Entre los factores que contribuyen a predecir el rendimiento académico se pueden destacar aquellos que reflejan capacidades cognitivas (inteligencia, por ejemplo), y aquellas diferencias individuales consideradas como no-cognitivas (rasgos de personalidad, por ejemplo). En los últimos años, también se considera al Conocimiento General (CG) como un criterio para el éxito académico (ver Ackerman, 1997), ya que se ha evidenciado que el conocimiento previo ayuda en la adquisición de nuevo conocimiento (Hambrick & Engle, 2001). Uno de los objetivos de la psicología educacional consiste en identificar las principales variables que explican el rendimiento académico, como también proponer modelos teóricos que expliquen las relaciones existentes entre estas variables. El modelo teórico PPIK (Inteligencia-como-Proceso, Personalidad, Intereses e Inteligencia-como-Conocimiento) propuesto por Ackerman (1996) propone que el conocimiento y las destrezas adquiridas en un dominio en particular son el resultado de la dedicación de recursos cognitivos que una persona realiza durante un prolongado período de tiempo. Este modelo propone que los rasgos de personalidad, intereses individuales/vocacionales y aspectos motivacionales están integrados como rasgos complejos que determinan la dirección y la intensidad de la dedicación de recursos cognitivos sobre el aprendizaje que realiza una persona (Ackerman, 2003). En nuestro medio (Córdoba, Argentina), un grupo de investigadores ha desarrollado una serie de recursos técnicos necesarios para la evaluación de algunos de los constructos propuesto por este modelo. Sin embargo, por el momento no contamos con una medida de Conocimiento General. Por lo tanto, en el presente proyecto se propone la construcción de un instrumento para medir Conocimiento General (CG), indispensable para poder contar con una herramienta que permita establecer parámetros sobre el nivel de conocimiento de la población universitaria y para en próximos trabajos poner a prueba los postulados de la teoría PPIK (Ackerman, 1996). Between the factors that contribute to predict the academic achievement, may be featured those who reflect cognitive capacities (i.g. intelligence) and those who reflect individual differences that are considered like non-cognitive (i.g. personality traits). In the last years, also the General Knowledge has been considered like a criterion for the academic successfully (see Ackerman, 1997), since it has been shown that the previous knowledge helps in the acquisition of the new knowledge (Hambrick & Engle, 2001). An interesting theoretical model that has proposed an explanation for the academic achievement, is the PPIK (intelligence like a process, interests and inteligence like knowledge) proposed by Ackerman (1996), who argues that knowledge and the acquired skills in a particular domain are the result of the dedication of cognitive resources that a person perform during a long period of time. This model proposes that personality traits, individuals interests and motivational aspects are integrated as complex traits that determine the direction and the intensity of the dedication of cognitive resources on the learning that a person make (Ackerman, 2003). In our context, (Córdoba, Argentina), a group of researcher has developed a series of necessary technical resoures for the assesment of some of the theoretical constructs proposed by this model. However, by the moment, we do not have an instrument for evaluate the General Knowledge. Therefore, this project aims the construction of an instrument to asess General Knowledge, essential to set parameters on the knowledge level of the university population and for in next works test the PPIK theory postulates.
Los sistemas intensivos de producción, predisponen en los peces a la presentación de diversas enfermedades, lo que demanda el empleo de antimicrobianos para mantener la salud de los lotes de cultivo. En tal sentido es importante contar con información local en cuanto al comportamiento cinético a los efectos de determinar una adecuada dosificación de los antimicrobianos empleados y con esta información, establecer los periodos de resguardo necesarios para evitar la presencia violativa de estos fármacos en el animal destinado a consumo humano. En el presente proyecto se propone efectuar un estudio farmacocinético de concentraciones plasmáticas y tisulares alcanzadas y establecer los periodos de resguardo para marbofloxacina, antimicrobiano del cual no se tienen antecedentes regionales en cuanto a su disposición a diferentes temperaturas como las que condicionan las estaciones de verano e invierno, de marcada variación en la provincia, modificando la actividad metabólica de los peces. La concreción de este proyecto permitirá entregar conocimientos concretos y de aplicación directa en la cría intensiva de la trucha arco iris (Oncorhynchus mykiss) en diferentes condiciones ambientales, al contarse con la información necesaria para una adecuada dosificación y periodos de resguardo necesarios para evitar el residuo de este fármaco. Además, permitirá consolidar una línea de investigación dentro de la acuicultura muy poco desarrollada actualmente en el país. Intensive production systems predispose fishes to diverse diseases, which demands antimicrobial use for health maintenance in the lots of culture. In such sense it is important to have local information of the kinetic behavior to determine a suitable dosing of the antimicrobials employed, and on this information, to establish withdrawal periods to avoid the violative presence of these drugs in animals for human consumption. The present project will carry out a pharmacokinetic study of plasmatic and tissue concentrations to establish the withdrawal period for marbofloxacin, being known that temperature, modify the metabolic activity of the fish, and there are no local antecedents of disposition at different temperatures in summer and winter for this antimicrobial. The concretion of this project will allow to give concrete knowledge of direct application in intensive production of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss), in different environmental conditions, counting with the necessary information for a suitable dosification and withdrawal periods to avoid residues of this drug. In addition, it will allow to consolidate an investigation line in acuiculture, not much developed in our country.
Hepatology is an ever - changing field. The editors and authors of Hepatology − A Clinical Textbook have made every effort to provide information that is accurate and complete as of thedate of publication. However, in view of the rapid changes occurring in medical science, as well as the possibility of human error, this book may contain technical inaccuracies, typographical or other errors. Readers are advised to check the product information currently provided by the manufacturer of each drug to be administered to verify the recommen ded dose, the method and duration of administration, and contraindications. It is the responsibility of the treating physician who relies on experience and knowledge about the patient to determine dosages and the best treatment for the patient. The informa tion contained herein is provided "as is" and without warranty of any kind. The editors and Flying Publisher & Kamps disclaim responsibility for any errors or omissions or for results obtained from the use of information contained herein.
The publication, Approved Drug Products with Therapeutic Equivalence Evaluations (the List, commonly known as the Orange Book), identifies drug products approved on the basis of safety and effectiveness by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (the Act). Drugs on the market approved only on the basis of safety (covered by the ongoing Drug Efficacy Study Implementation [DESI] review [e.g., Donnatal® Tablets and Librax® Capsules] or pre-1938 drugs [e.g., Phenobarbital Tablets]) are not included in this publication. The main criterion for the inclusion of any product is that the product is the subject of an application with an effective approval that has not been withdrawn for safety or efficacy reasons. Inclusion of products on the List is independent of any current regulatory action through administrative or judicial means against a drug product. In addition, the List contains therapeutic equivalence evaluations for approved multisource prescription drug products. These evaluations have been prepared to serve as public information and advice to state health agencies, prescribers, and pharmacists to promote public education in the area of drug product selection and to foster containment of health care costs. Therapeutic equivalence evaluations in this publication are not official FDA actions affecting the legal status of products under the Act.
Background:Long-term outcomes of drug-eluting stents (DES) versus bare-metal stents (BMS) in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) remain uncertain.Objective:To investigate long-term outcomes of drug-eluting stents (DES) versus bare-metal stents (BMS) in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI).Methods:We performed search of MEDLINE, EMBASE, the Cochrane library, and ISI Web of Science (until February 2013) for randomized trials comparing more than 12-month efficacy or safety of DES with BMS in patients with STEMI. Pooled estimate was presented with risk ratio (RR) and its 95% confidence interval (CI) using random-effects model.Results:Ten trials with 7,592 participants with STEMI were included. The overall results showed that there was no significant difference in the incidence of all-cause death and definite/probable stent thrombosis between DES and BMS at long-term follow-up. Patients receiving DES implantation appeared to have a lower 1-year incidence of recurrent myocardial infarction than those receiving BMS (RR = 0.75, 95% CI 0.56 to 1.00, p= 0.05). Moreover, the risk of target vessel revascularization (TVR) after receiving DES was consistently lowered during long-term observation (all p< 0.01). In subgroup analysis, the use of everolimus-eluting stents (EES) was associated with reduced risk of stent thrombosis in STEMI patients (RR = 0.37, p=0.02).Conclusions:DES did not increase the risk of stent thrombosis in patients with STEMI compared with BMS. Moreover, the use of DES did lower long-term risk of repeat revascularization and might decrease the occurrence of reinfarction.
Background: The autonomic nervous system plays a central role in cardiovascular regulation; sympathetic activation occurs during myocardial ischemia. Objective: To assess the spectral analysis of heart rate variability during stent implantation, comparing the types of stent. Methods: This study assessed 61 patients (mean age, 64.0 years; 35 men) with ischemic heart disease and indication for stenting. Stent implantation was performed under Holter monitoring to record the spectral analysis of heart rate variability (Fourier transform), measuring the low-frequency (LF) and high-frequency (HF) components, and the LF/HF ratio before and during the procedure. Results: Bare-metal stent was implanted in 34 patients, while the others received drug-eluting stents. The right coronary artery was approached in 21 patients, the left anterior descending, in 28, and the circumflex, in 9. As compared with the pre-stenting period, all patients showed an increase in LF and HF during stent implantation (658 versus 185 ms2, p = 0.00; 322 versus 121, p = 0.00, respectively), with no change in LF/HF. During stent implantation, LF was 864 ms2 in patients with bare-metal stents, and 398 ms2 in those with drug-eluting stents (p = 0.00). The spectral analysis of heart rate variability showed no association with diabetes mellitus, family history, clinical presentation, beta-blockers, age, and vessel or its segment. Conclusions: Stent implantation resulted in concomitant sympathetic and vagal activations. Diabetes mellitus, use of beta-blockers, and the vessel approached showed no influence on the spectral analysis of heart rate variability. Sympathetic activation was lower during the implantation of drug-eluting stents.
Background: Drug-eluting stents have been used in daily practice since 2002, with the clear advantages of reducing the risk of target vessel revascularization and an impressive reduction in restenosis rate by 50%-70%. However, the occurrence of a late thrombosis can compromise long-term results, particularly if the risks of this event were sustained. In this context, a registry of clinical cases gains special value. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of drug-eluting stents in the real world. Methods: We report on the clinical findings and 8-year follow-up parameters of all patients that underwent percutaneous coronary intervention with a drug-eluting stent from January 2002 to April 2007. Drug-eluting stents were used in accordance with the clinical and interventional cardiologist decision and availability of the stent. Results: A total of 611 patients were included, and clinical follow-up of up to 8 years was obtained for 96.2% of the patients. Total mortality was 8.7% and nonfatal infarctions occurred in 4.3% of the cases. Target vessel revascularization occurred in 12.4% of the cases, and target lesion revascularization occurred in 8% of the cases. The rate of stent thrombosis was 2.1%. There were no new episodes of stent thrombosis after the fifth year of follow-up. Comparative subanalysis showed no outcome differences between the different types of stents used, including Cypher®, Taxus®, and Endeavor®. Conclusion: These findings indicate that drug-eluting stents remain safe and effective at very long-term follow-up. Patients in the "real world" may benefit from drug-eluting stenting with excellent, long-term results.
Propositionalization, Inductive Logic Programming, Multi-Relational Data Mining