901 resultados para Discrete Element Method (dem)


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This work focuses on the dynamic modeling of a flexible robotic manipulator with two flexible links and two revolute joints, which rotates in the horizontal plane. The dynamic equations are derived using the Newton-Euler formulation and the finite element method, based on elementary beam theory. Computer simulation results are presented to illustrate this study. The dynamic model becomes necessary for use in future design and control applications.


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In this work, the plate bending formulation of the boundary element method (BEM), based on the Reissner's hypothesis, is extended to the analysis of plates reinforced by rectangular beams. This composed structure is modelled by a zoned plate, being the beams represented by narrow sub-regions with larger thickness. The integral equations are derived by applying the weighted residual method to each sub-region, and summing them to get the equation for the whole plate. Equilibrium and compatibility conditions are automatically imposed by the integral equations, which treat this composed structure as a single body. In order to decrease the number of degrees of freedom, some approximations are considered for both displacements and tractions along the beam width. The accuracy of the proposed model is illustrated by simple examples whose exact solution are known as well as by more complex examples whose numerical results are compared with a well-known finite element code.


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This paper discusses the application of a damage detection methodology to monitor the location and extent of partial structural damage. The methodology combines, in an iterative way, the model updating technique based on frequency response functions (FRF) with monitoring data aiming at identifying the damage area of the structure. After the updating procedure reaches a good correlation between the models, it compares the parameters of the damage structure with those of the undamaged one to find the deteriorated area. The influence of the FEM mesh size on the evaluation of the extent of the damage has also been discussed. The methodology is applied using real experimental data from a spatial frame structure.


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In this work, a Finite Element Method treatment is outlined for the equations of Magnetoaerodynamics. In order to provide a good basis for numerical treatment of Magneto-aerodynamics, a full version of the complete equations is presented and FEM contribution matrices are deduced, as well as further terms of stabilization for the compressible flow case.


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The pressure field of a high-power klystron amplifier in the cathode and anode region was investigated. The investigation was performed using a 1.3 GHz, 100 A and 240 kV high-power klystron with five reentrant coaxial cavities, assembled in cylindrical drift tube 1.2 m long. The diffusion equation in mathematical model was also solved by using a 3-D finite element method code, in order to obtain pressure profile in region of interest. The results show that density profile of molecules between cathode-anode region was determined, where cathode pressure is approximately 10% higher than anode pressure.


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A general technique to embed non-uniform displacement discontinuities into standard solid finite elements is presented. The technique is based on the decomposition of the kinematic fields into a component related to the deformation of the solid portion of the element and one related to the rigid-body motion due to a displacement discontinuity. This decomposition simplifies the incorporation of discontinuity interfaces and provides a suitable framework to account for non-uniform discontinuity modes. The present publication addresses two families of finite element formulations: displacement-based and stress hybrid finite element. © 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The necessity of adapting the standardized fan models to conditions of higher temperature has emerged due to the growth of concerning referring to the consequences of the gas expelling after the Mont Blanc tunnel accident in Italy and France, where even though, with 100 fans in operation, 41 people died. However, since then, the defied solutions have pointed to aerodynamic disadvantages or have seemed nonappropriate in these conditions. The objective of this work is to present an alternative to the market standard fans considering a new technology in constructing blades. This new technology introduces the use of the stainless steel AISI 409 due to its good adaptation to temperatures higher than 400°C, particularly exposed to temperatures of gas exhaust from tunnels in fire situation. Furthermore, it presents a very good resistance to corrosion and posterior welding and pressing, due to its alloyed elements. The innovation is centered in the process of a deep drawing of metallic shells and posterior welding, in order to keep the ideal aerodynamic superficies for the fan ideal performance. On the other hand, the finite element method, through the elasto-plastic software COSMOS permitted the verification of the thickness and structural stability of the blade in relation to the aerodynamic efforts established in the project. In addition, it is not advisable the fabrication of blades with variable localized thickness not even, non-uniform ones, due to the verified concentration of tensions and the difficulties observed in the forming. In this way, this study recommends the construction of blades with uniform variations of thickness. © 2007 Springer.


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An improvement to the quality bidimensional Delaunay mesh generation algorithm, which combines the mesh refinement algorithms strategy of Ruppert and Shewchuk is proposed in this research. The developed technique uses diametral lenses criterion, introduced by L. P. Chew, with the purpose of eliminating the extremely obtuse triangles in the boundary mesh. This method splits the boundary segment and obtains an initial prerefinement, and thus reducing the number of necessary iterations to generate a high quality sequential triangulation. Moreover, it decreases the intensity of the communication and synchronization between subdomains in parallel mesh refinement. © 2008 IEEE.


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This work intends to analyze the application and execution time of a numerical algorithm that simulates incompressible and isothermal flows. It was used the explicit scheme of the Characteristic Based Split (CBS) algorithm and the Artificial Compressibility (AC) scheme for coupling pressure-velocity equations. The discretization was done with the finite element method using a bilinear elements grid. The free software GNU-Octave was used for implementation and execution of routines. The results were analyzed using the classic lid-driven cavity problem. This work shows results for tests with several Reynolds' number. The results for these tests show a good agreement when compared with previous ones obtained from bibliography. The code runtime's analysis shows yet that the matrix's assembly is the part of greater consumption time in the implementation.


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The class of piezoelectric actuators considered in this paper consists of a multi-flexible structure actuated by two or more piezoceramic devices that must generate different output displacements and forces at different specified points of the domain and in different directions. The devices were modeled by finite element using the software ANSYS and the topology optimization method. The following XY actuators were build to achieve maximum displacement in the X and Y directions with a minimum crosstalk between them. The actuator prototypes are composed of an aluminum structure, manufactured by using a wire Electrical Discharge Machining, which are bonded to rectangular PZT5A piezoceramic blocks by using epoxy resin. Multi-actuator piezoelectric device displacements can be measured by using optical interferometry, since it allows dynamic measurements in the kHz range, which is of the order of the first resonance frequency of these piezomechanisms. A Michelson-type interferometer, with a He-Ne laser source, is used to measure the displacement amplitudes in nanometric range. A new optical phase demodulation technique is applied, based on the properties of the triangular waveform drive voltage applied to the XY piezoelectric nanopositioner. This is a low-phase-modulation-depth-like technique that allows the rapid interferometer auto-calibration. The measurements were performed at 100 Hz frequency, and revealed that the device is linear voltage range utilized in this work. The ratio between the generated and coupled output displacements and the drive voltages is equal to 10.97 nm/V and 1.76 nm/V, respectively, which corresponds to a 16% coupling rate. © 2010 IEEE.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of the high values of insertion torques on the stress and strain distribution in cortical and cancellous bones. Based on tomography imaging, a representative mathematical model of a partial maxilla was built using Mimics 11.11 and Solid Works 2010 softwares. Six models were built and each of them received an implant with one of the following insertion torques: 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 or 80 Ncm on the external hexagon. The cortical and cancellous bones were considered anisotropic. The bone/implant interface was considered perfectly bonded. The numerical analysis was carried out using Ansys Workbench 10.0. The convergence of analysis (6%) drove the mesh refinement. Maximum principal stress (σ max) and maximum principal strain (ε max) were obtained for cortical and cancellous bones around to implant. Pearson's correlation test was used to determine the correlation between insertion torque and stress concentration in the periimplant bone tissue, considering the significance level at 5%. The increase in the insertion torque generated an increase in the σ max and ε max values for cortical and cancellous bone. The σmax was smaller for the cancellous bone, with greater stress variation among the insertion torques. The ε max was higher in the cancellous bone in comparison to the cortical bone. According to the methodology used and the limits of this study, it can be concluded that higher insertion torques increased tensile and compressive stress concentrations in the periimplant bone tissue.


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Summary In this work the structural dependence of plastic rotation capacity in RC beams is evaluated using the Finite Element Method. The objective is to achieve a better understanding of the non-linear behavior of reinforced concrete members and perform extensive parameter studies, using a rational model developed by Bigaj [1] to analyze the phenomenon of plastic rotation capacity in reinforced concrete members. It is assumed that only bending failure is relevant due to sufficient member resistance against shear and torsion. The paper begins with the physical and theoretical background of the phenomenon of plastic hinge development in RC structures. Special emphasis is laid on the issue of structural dependence of deformation capacity of plastic hinges in RC members. Member size dependence and influence of properties of construction materials were emphasized as well. The essential components of the Bigajs model for calculating the plastic rotation capacity are discussed. The behaviour of the plastic hinge is analysed taking into account the strain localisation in the damage zones of the hinge region. The Fictitious Crack Model (FCM) and the Compressive Damage Zone Model (CDZ) are adopted in a Fracture Mechanics approach to model the behaviour of concrete in tension and compression, respectively. The approach is implemented in FEMOOP, a FEM in-house solver under development, and applied to evaluate ductility in 2D beams. The models were generated with GiD, a pre-processor and post-processor developed by CIMNE, and analyzed with the capabilities implemented in FEMOOP. © Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, España 2010.


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The applications of the Finite Element Method (FEM) for three-dimensional domains are already well documented in the framework of Computational Electromagnetics. However, despite the power and reliability of this technique for solving partial differential equations, there are only a few examples of open source codes available and dedicated to the solid modeling and automatic constrained tetrahedralization, which are the most time consuming steps in a typical three-dimensional FEM simulation. Besides, these open source codes are usually developed separately by distinct software teams, and even under conflicting specifications. In this paper, we describe an experiment of open source code integration for solid modeling and automatic mesh generation. The integration strategy and techniques are discussed, and examples and performance results are given, specially for complicated and irregular volumes which are not simply connected. © 2011 IEEE.


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Objective: To investigate the influence of the convergence angle of tooth preparation on the fracture load of Y-TZP-based ceramic (YZ-Vita YZ) substructure (SB) veneered with a feldspathic porcelain (VM9-Vita VM9). Methods: Finite element stress analysis (FEA) was performed to examine the stress distribution of the system. Eighty YZ SB were fabricated using a CAD-CAM system and divided into four groups (n = 20), according to the total occlusal convergence (TOC) angle: G6-6° TOC; G12-12° TOC; G20-20° TOC; and G20MOD-20° TOC with modified SB. All SB were veneered with VM9, cemented in a fiber reinforced epoxy resin die, and loaded to failure. Half of the specimens from each group (n = 10) were cyclic fatigued (106 cycles) before testing. Failure analysis was performed to determine the fracture origin. Data were statistically analyzed using Anova and Tukey's tests (α = 0.05). Results: The greatest mean load to fracture value was found for the G20MOD, which was predicted by the FEA. Cyclic fatigue did not significantly affect the load of fracture. Catastrophic failure originating from the internal occlusal surface of the SB was the predominant failure mode, except for G20MOD. Significance: The YZ-VM9 restorations resisted greater compression load than the usual physiological occlusal load, regardless of the TOC angle of preparations. Yet, the G20MOD design produced the best performance among the experimental conditions evaluated. © 2013 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper describes strategies and techniques to perform modeling and automatic mesh generation of the aorta artery and its tunics (adventitia, media and intima walls), using open source codes. The models were constructed in the Blender package and Python scripts were used to export the data necessary for the mesh generation in TetGen. The strategies proposed are able to provide meshes of complicated and irregular volumes, with a large number of mesh elements involved (12,000,000 tetrahedrons approximately). These meshes can be used to perform computational simulations by Finite Element Method (FEM). © Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd.