1000 resultados para Dieta para Diabéticos


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Obesity along with overweight, has been considered one of the most serious public health problems in the world, especially because they are the main risk factors for many chronic diseases, such as coronary heart disease, type II diabetes mellitus, hypertension and some types of tumors, which are associated with high mortality rates. The use of functional foods and appropriate diets to call health promotion has grown as a mechanism for prevention, control and treatment of chronic diseases such as obesity. Several ethnopharmacological studies indicate plant species for the treatment of disorders associated with obesity with a major attraction of this regimen is perceived as safer and more effective health than the traditional treatment with appetite suppressants. This work aims to develop and standardize models of biological assays in stress and obesity, also aims to evaluate the effect of oil green beans of Coffea arabica in the regulation of body weight and energy balance in mice. To this end, trials were made in vivo studies of this product and their effects on energy metabolism in non-obese mice with obesity induced by hypercaloric diet. After induction of obesity by 8 weeks, animals were treated for 21 days with the extracts orally. After 21 days the animals were killed to evaluate the effects of these products on daily feed intake and on body weight. The group treated with the oil of Coffea arabica L. showed significant weight loss and feed intake high. According to the results, we conclude that the standardized extract of Coffea arabica L. decreased body weight without restriction or decrease the amount of food ingested


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The obesity has been considered one of the most serious public health problem in the worldwide scale, especially for being one of the main risk factors for many chronic diseases that characterize the metabolic syndrome. In addition to these diseases, obesity also causes dermatoses that affect not only the individual emotions but also cause various cutaneous infections. Thus, overweighting can be an agent that causes many types of stress: psychological, physical and social. In order to improve people’s life quality, several ethnopharmacological studies indicate plant species for the treatment of disorders associated with obesity due to the attraction of this regimen is perceived as safer and more health effective when compared to the treatment performed by traditional anorectic substances. If considered both food intake and also oral treatment with different compounds can promote change in the gene expression, besides an appropriate diet has been maintenance mechanism of body's vital functions. The aim of this work was to develop new standard methods for induced obesity and stress, which stress is induced through physical and psychogenic stressors in Swiss male mice. Also to evaluate the effect of supercritical extract of Physalis angulata L. on the food intake and corporeal weight loss


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar o desempenho dos sistemas sensoriais e do controle postural de idosos diabéticos e investigar a relação entre as alterações destes sistemas e do controle postural desta população. Participaram deste estudo dez idosos diabéticos ativos (62±4,4 anos) (GDA), 10 diabéticos sedentários (65,5±7,4 anos) (GDS) e 10 idosos saudáveis ativos (63,2±4.5anos) (GCA) foram submetidos a avaliações sensoriais e de controle postural. As avaliações sensoriais foram compostas por avaliação somatossensorial (sensibilidade cutânea e sensibilidade ao movimento passivo). Para avaliar o controle postural foram analisadas medidas de oscilação corporal durante manutenção da postura ereta (em tandem stance e bipodal). Os resultados indicaram pior desempenho do GDS na avaliação do movimento passivo e de controle postural. Nas avaliações de controle postural, o GDS apresentou uma maior amplitude média de oscilação (AMO) (cm) nas condições de manutenção da postura ereta na posição tandem stance na direção médio-lateral. No teste de sensibilidade ao movimento passivo, o GDS precisou, em média, de um maior deslocamento angular para perceber o movimento das articulações do joelho e tornozelo. Estes resultados indicam, portanto, que as alterações estruturais e fisiológicas decorrentes do diabetes, resultam em piora do desempenho dos sistemas sensoriais e de controle postural. Além disso, a maior deterioração do sistema proprioceptivo em idosos diabéticos pode interferir negativamente no desempenho de controle postural dos mesmos. Desta forma, a atividade física minimiza a perda sensorial e ainda ajuda no controle postural dos diabéticos.


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Nas regiões tropicais muitas espécies de vertebrados são frugívoras e entre 50-90% das espécies de plantas arbóreas e herbáceas dependem destes animais para dispersar suas sementes. A alta diversidade de frugívoros nesses ecossistemas sugere que possa haver mecanismos entre as espécies para evitar competição inter-específica. Uma das estratégias que as espécies de frugívoros podem ter para reduzir ou evitar a competição por recursos é não sobrepor suas dietas ou diferir no horário de forrageamento. Esses mecanismos podem ser afetados pela introdução de espécies exóticas. Nesse trabalho comparamos, por meio de amostragem por armadilhas fotográficas, a sobreposição na dieta entre frugívoros e testarmos se os padrões de atividade de forrageamento dos frugívoros é um dos mecanismos para evitar sobreposição no nicho alimentar. Nossas principais hipóteses foram (1) Espécies de mamíferos frugívoros solitários e pequenos forrageiam em horários distintos de espécies de mamíferos gregárias e grandes, (2) Espécies solitárias forrageiam em horários distintos dos seus predadores, (3) Espécies filogeneticamente aparentadas diferem no período de forrageamento. Os dados foram coletados de 2002 a 2010 em duas áreas no Pantanal sendo que as câmeras foram dispostas embaixo de 35 espécies arbóreas com frutos carnosos. As análises foram realizadas com estatística circular para detectar os períodos de maior atividade de cada espécie de frugívoros em cada espécie de planta. Nossos resultados indicam que frugívoros solitários e pequenos não diferem em seu período de forrageamento com animais de grande porte, espécies solitárias forrageiam em horários distintos de seus predadores e espécies aparentadas diferem seus horários de atividades quando coexistem


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The obesity along with overweight has been considered one of the most serious public health problems in the world, especially because they are the main risk factors for many chronic diseases such as coronary heart disease, diabetes mellitus, hypertension and some types of tumors, which are associated with high mortality rates. The use of functional foods and appropriate diets to promote health has grown as a prevention mechanism. Previous studies suggested Bidens pilosa L. for the treatment of disorders associated with obesity, with one important attraction of this regiment is perceived as safer and more effective health than the traditional anorexigen .The aim of this project is to standardize a new model of obesity induced by hipercaloric diet in Swiss mice, and also to evaluate the effect of Bidens pilosa L. extract in the reduction of food intake, weight and toxicity. After induction of obesity, the animals were treated for 21 days with the extract. Then the animals were killed and samples were collected for further analysis. Preliminary, the effect of this product has being evaluated on the daily food intake and body weight. In dose of 100mg/Kg, there were no significant changes in food intake and body weight. Thus, this concentration of Bidens pilosa was not effective in reducing body weight of obese animals, and did not reduce food intake


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As ilhas do litoral do estado de São Paulo estão isoladas desde o final do Pleistoceno, depois da última elevação do nível do mar (cerca de 10.000 anos). Elas apresentam condições diferentes do que as do continente, como por exemplo, a disponibilidade de recursos e pressão de predação. Os anfíbios apresentam pele permeável e assim, de modo geral, são intolerantes à salinidade do mar. Desta forma, as populações de anfíbios insulares podem apresentar variações em comportamentos em relação às populações do continente. O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar e comparar os hábitos alimentares das populações insulares e continentais de Thoropa taophora, uma espécie endêmica da Mata Atlântica que ocorre em costões rochosos e riachos. Neste estudo, utilizamos os espécimes adultos da coleção de Anfíbios do Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, UNESP, Rio Claro (CFBH), provenientes de duas localidades no continente (Barra do Una e praia de Toque-Toque, município de São Sebastião, SP); e de sete Ilhas do litoral do Estado de São Paulo (Ilha dos Gatos, Ilha de Toque-Toque Grande, Ilha do Prumirim, Ilha Redonda, Ilha de Porcos Pequena, Ilha das Couves e Ilha das Ilhas). Em laboratório, foram medidos a massa corpórea (MC), o comprimento rostro-cloacal (CRC), e a largura da cabeça (LC) de cada indivíduo. O conteúdo estomacal e intestinal foi analisado qualitativa e quantitativamente. Para todas as populações de T. taophora, Formicidae foi o item alimentar mais consumido. Outras categorias como Coleoptera, Araneae e Blattodea também foram representativas. Não houve diferença na riqueza de presas entre as populações de T. taophora. Machos de todas as populações comeram mais formigas do que as fêmeas, no entanto não houve diferença entre a riqueza de presas entre machos e fêmeas. Este estudo foi pioneiro para entender quais... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The species Pimelodus maculatus is one of the most abundant fish in many artificial reservoirs. Shows feeding plasticity and exploits all trophic levels in aquatic ecosystems. This study aimed to analyze and compare aspects of the diet of P. maculatus in two important tributaries (Taquari and Veados rivers) in the upper Paranapanema River system, and also investigate possible differences in the condition factor using its feeding habit as reference. Samplings were carried out every three months during 2011 and 2012 in two tributaries of Jurumirim's dam. After biometric analysis, fish were dissected to remove the stomachs that were fixed in formaldehyde 10% and conserved in alcohol 70%. The stomach content was analyzed under stereomicroscope and the food items were identified until the least possible taxonomic level. The diet was characterized based on the Alimentary Index (IAi). Feeding strategy and aspects of species autoecology were evaluated by the relation between abundance of prey-specific (Pi) and occurrence frequency (Fo) of the prey, and also was calculated the niche width of Levin (B). The condition factor was also established and values obtained in samples of both rivers were compared, correlating them with diet of the species


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Living organisms are constantly subjected to the action of free radicals, which are one of the causes of oxidation reactions, because they have on free electron, what makes it very reactive. They are products of organism reactions or they are produced by exogenous factors, such as tobacco. Fatty acids are the most vulnerable target, and may suffer lipid peroxidation, what affects the cell structure. Cardiovascular diseases, cancer and diseases of aging are occurrence of these reactions in the organism related. The aliments are also subjected to suffer oxidation reactions, what make them unfit for consumption and decreasing the useful life. Synthetics antioxidants are used as aliments preservatives, but they present some toxicity for the organism. Studies for the utilization of natural antioxidants have gained more importance in recent decades, due to the conservation potential and low toxicity. Phenolics compounds are largely present at the vegetable kingdom and they present high antioxidant potential due to the neutralization and kidnapping of free radicals capacity. These compounds are used by the industry at the aliments conservation, specially the phenolics acids. The consumption of aliments rich in phenolic compounds, such as teas, wines and fruits are low incidence of degenerative diseases related. This study consists in a bibliographic revision that covers these compounds importance in diet and at the food conservation, and the methodologies and difficulties in the extraction process due to variety of molecules of this group.