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In recent years, management of abdominal pain in emergency care units (ECU) has undergone a radical change. Chronic work overload of ECU and increase in severity and complexity of cases required an optimal medical imaging method, such as ultrasound, to establish an accurate diagnosis as quickly as possible. A great variety of causes may cause acute abdominal pain and the role of sonography is to accurately distinguish between these aetiologies. For the application of sonography, perhaps more so than with other imaging methods, a perfect knowledge of sonographical characteristics and technical possibilities is essential to achieve an optimal answer. The purpose of this review is to present and discuss the sonographic characteristics of extra-digestive causes of acute abdominal pain such as splenic infarction, thoracic pathologies, urinary and gynaecologic diseases or retroperitoneal pathologies.


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In addition to the monographs which were published last year by the working group "Drug Monitoring" of the Swiss Society of Clinical Chemistry (SSCC) [1], new monographs have been written. The aim of these monographs is to give an overview of the most important information necessary for ordering a drug analysis or interpreting the results. Therefore, the targeted readers comprise laboratory health professionals and all receivers of laboratory reports. There is information provided on the indication for therapeutic drug monitoring, protein binding, metabolic pathways and enzymes involved, elimination half-life and elimination routes, and on therapeutic or toxic concentrations. Preanalytical considerations are of particular importance for therapeutic drug monitoring. Therefore, information is provided regarding a reasonable timing for the determination of drug concentrations as well as steady-state concentrations after changing the dose. Furthermore, the stability of the drug and its metabolite(s) after blood sampling is described. For readers with a specific interest in drug analysis, references to important publications are given. The number of monographs will be continuously enlarged. The updated files are presented on the homepage of the SSCC (www.sscc.ch).


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Taking as a starting point the seeming inconsistency of late-medieval romances notoriously 'run wild' (verwildert), this article is concerned with the description of an abstract form of narrative coherence that is based on the notion of the diagrammatic. In a first section, this concept is illustrated in a simplified manner by an analysis of Boccaccio's Decameron based on two levels of spatial structure: that of the autograph Berlin manuscript (Codex Hamilton 90) and that of the recipient's mental visualisation of the relations between the frame and the tales of the work. It is argued that the connectivity of the work as a whole depends on the perception of those two spatial representations of the plot. A second section develops this concept in a more theoretical fashion, drawing on Charles Sanders Peirce's notion of diagrammatic reasoning as a way of perceiving relations through mental and material topological representations. Correspondingly, a view of narrative is proposed that does not depend on the traditional perspective of temporal sequence but emphasizes the spatial structure of literary narrative. It is argued that these conditions form the primary ontological mode of narrative, whereas the temporal development of a story is an aesthetic illusion that has been specifically stimulated by the narrative conventions of approximately the past three centuries and must thus be considered a secondary effect. To conclude, an interpretation in miniature of an aspect of Heinrich von Neustadt's Apollonius von Tyrland that seems to have 'run wild' is undertaken from a diagrammatic perspective.


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(Résumé de l'ouvrage) Das Schweizerische Jahrbuch für Kirchenrecht bzw. Annuaire suisse de droit ecclésial befasst sich mit der ganzen Breite des Kirchenrechts, angefangen mit dem Recht der evangelisch-reformierten Kirchen sowie der römisch-katholischen Kirche und ihrer Kantonalkirchen, sodann dem Staatskirchenrecht, d.h. denjenigen staatlichen Rechtssätzen, die Religion und Kirche betreffen, und bezieht auch religionsrechtliche Fragestellungen ein, die sich aus der zunehmenden Bedeutung ausserchristlicher Religionen in der Schweiz ergeben. In seinem Aufsatzteil enthält das Jahrbuch u.a. die Vorträge, die auf den Jahrestagungen der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für evangelisches Kirchenrecht gehalten werden. Berichte aus Kirchen und Kantonen geben die Entwicklung des Kirchenrechts in den Regionen und Landesteilen wieder und machen auf wichtige Ereignisse aufmerksam. Ferner werden neuergangene und partial- bzw. totalrevidierte Kirchenverfassungen, religionsrechtliche Bestimmungen staatlicher Verfassungen sowie kantonale Kirchengesetze durch Abdruck dokumentiert und wichtige kirchenrechtliche Neuerscheinungen rezensiert. Eine Jahresbibliographie zum schweizerischen Kirchen- und Religionsrecht rundet den Literaturteil ab. Das Jahrbuch möchte dem Kirchenrecht in der Schweiz ein Forum schaffen, das als Vermittler sowohl von den Kantonalkirchen zur wissenschaftlichen Öffentlichkeit als auch in umgekehrter Richtung wirken kann, und auf diese Weise dem Kirchenrecht in der Öffentlichkeit eine besser hörbare Stimme verleihen.