636 resultados para DISPARITIES
Objetivos Determinar si existe asociación entre la exposición a violencia, experimentada a nivel individual o municipal, y el embarazo adolescente en mujeres Colombianas entre 13 y 19 años de edad que contestaron la Encuesta de Demografía y Salud en el año 2010. Métodos Estudio de corte transversal, nacional y multinivel. Se tomaron datos de dos niveles jerárquicos: Nivel- 1: Datos individuales de una muestra representativa de 13.313 mujeres entre 13 y 19 años de edad provenientes de La Encuesta Nacional de Demografía y Salud del año 2010 y Nivel- 2: Datos municipales de 258 municipios provenientes de las estadísticas vitales del DANE. Resultados La prevalencia del embarazo adolescente fue del 16.8% IC 95% [16.2-17.4]. El análisis mostró que la asociación entre embarazo adolescente y violencia tanto individual, representada como violencia sexual [OR= 6.99 IC99% 4.80-10.10] y violencia física [OR= 1.74 IC99% 1.47-2.05] así como la violencia municipal medida con tasas de homicidios altas [OR= 1.99 IC99% 1.29-3.07] y muy altas [OR= 2.10 IC99% 1.21-3.61] se mantuvo estadísticamente significativa después de ajustar por las variables: Edad [OR= 1.81 IC99% 1.71-1.91], ocupación [OR= 1.62 IC99% 1.37-1.93], educación primaria o sin educación [OR= 2.20 IC99% 1.47-3.30], educación secundaria [OR= 1.70 IC99% 1.24-2.32], asistir al colegio [OR= 0.18 IC99% 0.15-0.21], conocimiento en la fisiología reproductiva [OR= 1.28 IC99% 1.06-1.54], el índice de riqueza Q1, Q2, Q3 [OR= 2.18 IC99% 1.42-3.34], [OR= 2.00 IC99% 1.39-2.28], [OR= 1.82 IC99% 1.92-2.25] y alto porcentaje de Necesidades básicas insatisfechas a nivel municipal [OR= 2.34 IC99% 1.55-3.52]. Conclusiones Este estudio mostró una relación significativamente estadística entre la violencia sexual y física con el inicio de relaciones sexuales y embarazo adolescente después de controlar por factores sociodemográficos y conocimientos en reproducción sexual en mujeres colombianas de 13 a 19 años en el año 2010. Esta asociación debe continuar siendo estudiada para lograr optimizar las estrategias de prevención y disminuir la tasa actual de embarazos adolescentes en el país y sus consecuencias.
Introducción: El Cáncer es prevenible en algunos casos, si se evita la exposición a sustancias cancerígenas en el medio ambiente. En Colombia, Cundinamarca es uno de los departamentos con mayores incrementos en la tasa de mortalidad y en el municipio de Sibaté, habitantes han manifestado preocupación por el incremento de la enfermedad. En el campo de la salud ambiental mundial, la georreferenciación aplicada al estudio de fenómenos en salud, ha tenido éxito con resultados válidos. El estudio propuso usar herramientas de información geográfica, para generar análisis de tiempo y espacio que hicieran visible el comportamiento del cáncer en Sibaté y sustentaran hipótesis de influencias ambientales sobre concentraciones de casos. Objetivo: Obtener incidencia y prevalencia de casos de cáncer en habitantes de Sibaté y georreferenciar los casos en un periodo de 5 años, con base en indagación de registros. Metodología: Estudio exploratorio descriptivo de corte transversal,sobre todos los diagnósticos de cáncer entre los años 2010 a 2014, encontrados en los archivos de la Secretaria de Salud municipal. Se incluyeron unicamente quienes tuvieron residencia permanente en el municipio y fueron diagnosticados con cáncer entre los años de 2010 a 2104. Sobre cada caso se obtuvo género, edad, estrato socioeconómico, nivel académico, ocupación y estado civil. Para el análisis de tiempo se usó la fecha de diagnóstico y para el análisis de espacio, la dirección de residencia, tipo de cáncer y coordenada geográfica. Se generaron coordenadas geográficas con un equipo GPS Garmin y se crearon mapas con los puntos de la ubicación de las viviendas de los pacientes. Se proceso la información, con Epi Info 7 Resultados: Se encontraron 107 casos de cáncer registrados en la Secretaria de Salud de Sibaté, 66 mujeres, 41 hombres. Sin división de género, el 30.93% de la población presento cáncer del sistema reproductor, el 18,56% digestivo y el 17,53% tegumentario. Se presentaron 2 grandes casos de agrupaciones espaciales en el territorio estudiado, una en el Barrio Pablo Neruda con 12 (21,05%) casos y en el casco Urbano de Sibaté con 38 (66,67%) casos. Conclusión: Se corroboro que el análisis geográfico con variables espacio temporales y de exposición, puede ser la herramienta para generar hipótesis sobre asociaciones de casos de cáncer con factores ambientales.
European cave art is of tremendous importance to understand the cultural traditions of the Upper Palaeolithic (35 000 – 10 000 BP) populations. Indeed, Prehistoric communities performed numerous cave paintings all over Western Europe. Understanding these artworks should provide a better knowledge of these early cultural aspects. Although numerous studies have been carried out to analyse the materials used by those communities, nothing has been done on the techniques’ palette of Escoural Cave’s representations. The present work aims at providing the very first data about the techniques and materials used by the Prehistoric to perform the cave paintings of Escoural (Alentejo, Portugal), and the microorganisms possibly endangering this unique parietal art. In situ observations coupled with an extensive micro-sampling and micro-destructive analyses allowed to characterize the coloured material and the way they were applied on the walls of the cave. Both red and black pigments present major composition’s disparities among the different paintings and drawings, supporting a more complex occupations’ chronology than what was earlier thought. The Palaeolithic paintings have suffered deterioration from environmental conditions and include chemical, mechanical and aesthetic alterations, possibly as a result of fungal activity. The standard techniques for biological assessments used in these contexts provided important insights on the diversity of the microbial population, though they have accuracy limitations. To understand the extent and viability of the existing microbiota, DNA quantification and biomarkers analyses, such as desidrogenase activity were performed and correlated with ergosterol amounts; RESUMO: A Arte Rupestre Europeia é de grande importância para compreender as tradições culturais da população do Paleolítico Superior (35 000 - 10 000 BP). De fato, as comunidades Pré-históricas realizaram inúmeras pinturas rupestres em toda a Europa Ocidental, sendo crucial compreender estas obras de forma a proporcionar um melhor conhecimento destes ancestrais aspectos culturais. Embora vários estudos tenham sido realizados para analisar os materiais utilizados por estas comunidades, nada foi efetuado sobre a técnica de execução das representações presentes na Gruta do Escoural. O presente trabalho visa fornecer os primeiros dados sobre as técnicas e materiais utilizados na Pré-História para executar as pinturas rupestres de Escoural (Alentejo, Portugal) bem como caracterização dos microorganismos possivelmente associados aos danos deste bem único. Observações in situ, juntamente com uma extensa micro-amostragem e análises micro-destrutivas permitiu caracterizar os pigmentos utilizados e a forma como eles foram aplicados nas paredes da caverna. Tanto os pigmentos vermelhos como os pretos apresentam composição distinta nas diversas pinturas e desenhos aí representados, apoiando a presença de diferentes ocupações contrariamente ao que se pensava até então. As pinturas Paleolíticas têm sofrido deterioração, devido às condições ambientais, nomeadamente alterações químicas, mecânicas e, possivelmente como resultado da atividade fúngica. As técnicas usualmente utilizadas para a avaliação de contaminação biológica fornecem informação importante sobre a diversidade da população microbiana, embora apresentem algumas limitações. Para entender a extensão e a viabilidade da microbiota existente, a quantificação de DNA e análise de biomarcadores como actividade de desidrogenases foram realizadas e correlacionadas com o conteúdo em ergosterol.
Introduction: Brazil, is one of the main agricultural producers in the world ranking 1st in the production of sugarcane, coffee and oranges. It is also 2nd as world producer of soybeans and a leader in the harvested yields of many other crops. The annual consumption of mineral fertilizers exceeds 20 million mt, 30% of which corresponds to potash fertilizers (ANDA, 2006). From this statistic it may be supposed that fertilizer application in Brazil is rather high, compared with many other countries. However, even if it is assumed that only one fourth of this enormous 8.5 million km2 territory is used for agriculture, average levels of fertilizer application per hectare of arable land are not high enough for sustainable production. One of the major constraints is the relatively low natural fertility status of the soils which contain excessive Fe and Al oxides. Agriculture is also often practised on sandy soils so that the heavy rainfall causes large losses of nutrients through leaching. In general, nutrient removal by crops such as sugarcane and tropical fruits is much more than the average nutrient application via fertilization, especially in regions with a long history of agricultural production. In the recently developed areas, especially in the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) where agriculture has expanded since 1980, soils are even poorer than in the "old" agricultural regions, and high costs of mineral fertilizers have become a significant input factor in determining soybean, maize and cotton planting. The consumption of mineral fertilizers throughout Brazil is very uneven. According to the 1995/96 Agricultural Census, only in eight of the total of 26 Brazilian states, were 50 per cent or more of the farms treated "systematically" with mineral fertilizers; in many states it was less than 25 per cent, and in five states even less than 12 per cent (Brazilian Institute for Geography and Statistics; Censo Agropecuario1995/96, Instituto Brazileiro de Geografia e Estadistica; IBGE, www.ibge.gov.br). The geographical application distribution pattern of mineral fertilizers may be considered as an important field of research. Understanding geographical disparities in fertilization level requires a complex approach. This includes evaluation of the availability of nutrients in the soil (and related soil properties e.g. CEC and texture), the input of nutrients with fertilizer application, and the removal of nutrients by harvested yields. When all these data are compiled, it is possible to evaluate the balance of particular nutrients for certain areas, and make conclusions as to where agricultural practices should be optimized. This kind of research is somewhat complicated, because it relies on completely different sources of data, usually from incomparable data sources, e.g. soil characteristics attributed to soil type areas, in contrast to yields by administrative regions, or farms. A priority tool in this case is the Geographical Information System (GIS), which enables attribution of data from different fields to the same territorial units, and makes possible integration of these data in an "inputoutput" model, where "input" is the natural availability of a nutrient in the soil plus fertilization, and "output" export of the same nutrient with the removed harvested yield.
This work aims to develop a neurogeometric model of stereo vision, based on cortical architectures involved in the problem of 3D perception and neural mechanisms generated by retinal disparities. First, we provide a sub-Riemannian geometry for stereo vision, inspired by the work on the stereo problem by Zucker (2006), and using sub-Riemannian tools introduced by Citti-Sarti (2006) for monocular vision. We present a mathematical interpretation of the neural mechanisms underlying the behavior of binocular cells, that integrate monocular inputs. The natural compatibility between stereo geometry and neurophysiological models shows that these binocular cells are sensitive to position and orientation. Therefore, we model their action in the space R3xS2 equipped with a sub-Riemannian metric. Integral curves of the sub-Riemannian structure model neural connectivity and can be related to the 3D analog of the psychophysical association fields for the 3D process of regular contour formation. Then, we identify 3D perceptual units in the visual scene: they emerge as a consequence of the random cortico-cortical connection of binocular cells. Considering an opportune stochastic version of the integral curves, we generate a family of kernels. These kernels represent the probability of interaction between binocular cells, and they are implemented as facilitation patterns to define the evolution in time of neural population activity at a point. This activity is usually modeled through a mean field equation: steady stable solutions lead to consider the associated eigenvalue problem. We show that three-dimensional perceptual units naturally arise from the discrete version of the eigenvalue problem associated to the integro-differential equation of the population activity.
In order to estimate depth through supervised deep learning-based stereo methods, it is necessary to have access to precise ground truth depth data. While the gathering of precise labels is commonly tackled by deploying depth sensors, this is not always a viable solution. For instance, in many applications in the biomedical domain, the choice of sensors capable of sensing depth at small distances with high precision on difficult surfaces (that present non-Lambertian properties) is very limited. It is therefore necessary to find alternative techniques to gather ground truth data without having to rely on external sensors. In this thesis, two different approaches have been tested to produce supervision data for biomedical images. The first aims to obtain input stereo image pairs and disparities through simulation in a virtual environment, while the second relies on a non-learned disparity estimation algorithm in order to produce noisy disparities, which are then filtered by means of hand-crafted confidence measures to create noisy labels for a subset of pixels. Among the two, the second approach, which is referred in literature as proxy-labeling, has shown the best results and has even outperformed the non-learned disparity estimation algorithm used for supervision.