992 resultados para Crook, George, 1829-1890
This book explores Russian synthesis that occurred in Russian economic thought between 1890 and 1920. This includes all the attempts at synthesis between classical political economy and marginalism; the labour theory of value and marginal utility; and value and prices. The various ways in which Russian economists have approached these issues have generally been addressed in a piecemeal fashion in history of economic thought literature. This book returns to the primary sources in the Russian language, translating many into English for the first time, and offers the first comprehensive history of the Russian synthesis. The book first examines the origins of the Russian synthesis by determining the condition of reception in Russia of the various theories of value involved: the classical theories of value of Ricardo and Marx on one side; the marginalist theories of prices of Menger, Walras and Jevons on the other. It then reconstructs the three generations of the Russian synthesis: the first (Tugan-Baranovsky), the second, the mathematicians (Dmitriev, Bortkiewicz, Shaposhnikov, Slutsky, etc.) and the last (Yurovsky), with an emphasis on Tugan-Baranovsky's initial impetus. This volume is suitable for those studying economic theory and philosophy as well as those interested in the history of economic thought.
Wood mice of the genus Apodemus are widely distributed in Eurasia, with the Eastern Mediterranean being considered as a hotspot. Indeed, numerous species have been documented in Iran, including A. witherbyi, A. hyrcanicus, A. uralensis, A. avicennicus, A. hermonensis, and A. arianus. In this study, 129 specimens were collected from different Iranian localities and two specimens from Afghanistan. The animals were identified taxonomically and their phylogenetic relationships were investigated using cytochrome b mitochondrial DNA sequences. Five species of the genus Apodemus were identified in Iran, including A. hyrcanicus, A. witherbyi, A. cf. ponticus, A. uralensis, and A. mystacinus, beside, A. pallipes from Afghanistan. This study found no evidence of A. flavicollis or A. sylvaticus in Iran, despite their occurrence in Turkey, shedding doubt on the status of A. flavicollis in Iran, Asia Minor, and the Levant. Phylogenetic analyses imply that A. witherbyi has priority over A. avicennicus, A. hermonensis, and A. iconicus. Estimation of the divergence time for these taxa suggests a separation at around 7.2 Ma for the subgenera Karstomys (including A. mystacinus and A. epimelas) and Sylvaemus (including A. flavicollis, A. sylvaticus, A. uralensis, A. pallipes, A. hyrcanicus, A. witherbyi, and A. cf. ponticus). Within the subgenus Karstomys, the divergence times for A. mystacinus and A. epimelas were between 3.0 and 6.1 Ma, and divergence times within the subgenus Sylvaemus were between 5.2 and 6.9 Ma for A. witherbyi and other species in this subgenus. It is postulated that vicariance events including the uplifting of the Zagros Mountains and Anatolian Plateau in the middle Miocene and climate oscillations during the Messinian Salinity Crisis besides formation of the Hyrcanian tertiary forests during the Neogene probably played substantial roles in the radiation and distribution of the genus Apodemus in the Eastern Mediterranean.
Spermiogenesis in Molluscotaenia crassiscolex begins with the formation of a differentiation zone containing two centrioles. One of the centrioles develops a flagellum directly into the cytoplasmic extension. The nucleus elongates and later migrates along the spermatid body. During advanced stages of spermiogenesis, a periaxonemal sheath appears in the spermatid. Spermiogenesis finishes with the appearance of a single helicoidal crested body at the base of the spermatid and, finally, the narrowing of the ring of arched membranes causes the detachment of the fully formed spermatozoon. The mature spermatozoon of M. crassiscolex exhibits a partially detached crested body in the anterior region of the spermatozoon, one axoneme, twisted cortical microtubules, a periaxonemal sheath, and a spiralled nucleus. The anterior spermatozoon extremity is characterized by the presence of an electron-dense apical cone and a single spiralled crested body, which is attached to the sperm cell in the anterior and posterior areas of region I, whereas in the middle area it is partially detached from the cell. This crested body is described for the first time in cestodes. The posterior extremity of the male gamete exhibits only the disorganizing axoneme. Results are discussed and compared particularly with the available ultrastructural data on dilepidids sensu lato.
Around 1900, the notion of community art (gemeenschapskunst) served to crystallize Dutch social democratic thinking about the role of the arts in society. Drawing on the pragmatism of leading social democrats like Wibaut, and drawing on his formal education in economics and statistics, the self‐made social democrat Emanuel Boekman redressed the utopian meaning of community art to signify the dissemination of "good" culture over all layers of society in his influential 1939 dissertation on the relation of the state to the arts. Being about facts rather than opinions, Boekman set the boundaries of his work to exclude a substantial discussion of the meaning of "good" culture. On the one hand, this pragmatism helped Boekman to gain support for government intervention for the arts over most of the political spectrum. On the other hand, Boekman thus pre‐empted discussions about the tension between "quality" and "accessibility" of the arts that haunts cultural policy in the Netherlands to this day.
The word gas was coined by the "chemical philosopher" Joan Baptista Van Helmont (1579 -- 1644) to name a very broad concept in his chemico-medical system. Eventually, some physicians who followed Helmontian ideas adopted the concept. The present paper aims to analyze the reception of the original idea of gas by an English Helmontian physician, George Thomson (1619 -- 1677). Thomson wrote that the "material cause" of the plague was a gas, and compared it to the "Gas of sulphur". He also related the human archeus to a gas, and explained some observations in the laboratory in terms of production of gases. We observe, however, that Thomson was not as interested as Van Helmont in discussing details about the structure of the matter. Thus, gas did not have the same relevance in Thomson's work as it had in Van Helmont's.
Tutkielmani aiheena on dystooppisen kirjallisuuden tunnetuin teos, George Orwellin Nineteen Eighty-Four (1949), ja erityisesti sen tarkoitusperien vastaavuus nykymaailman kanssa. Avoimen poliittisen kirjailijan tavoite läpi uran oli mobilisoida kansalaisia haastamaan heitä hallitsevia voimia. Viimeisessä ja uransa huipentumaksi jääneessä romaanissaan Orwell maalaa lohduttoman ääriesimerkin lähitulevaisuuteen sijoitetusta totalitaristisesta maailmasta, jossa ihmisyydellä ei ole enää sijaa. Teoksesta on muodostunut käytetyin esimerkki puhuttaessa negatiivisista tulevaisuudenvisioista. Työni jakautuu kahteen päälukuun, joista ensimmäisessä tutkin romaanin käsitystä siitä, kuinka kieltä manipuloimalla (Newspeak) voidaan vaikuttaa myös ajatteluun (Doublethink), todellisuuden kokemiseen ja historian muistamiseen, sekä romaanista nykykieleen jääneitä sanoja ja termejä. Toisessa pääluvussa pohdin kirjailijan varsinaista kritiikin kohdetta totalitarismia, kuinka se on romaaniin rakennettu, millaista sen valta on, ja millaiset ihmiset siihen suostuvat. Lopuksi tarkastelen, kuinka romaani aikanaan otettiin vastaan ja miten sitä yhä (hyväksi)käytetään. Pääpainotus tutkielmassani on pääteemojen kytkeminen niiden konkreettisiin ja mentaalisiin vaikutuksiin reaalimaailmassa. Orwell oli huolissaan erityisesti poliittisen kielen turmelevasta vaikutuksesta, joten pohdin, mitä ovat nykyajan uuskieli ja kaksoisajattelu sekä millaisia seurauksia kielen manipuloinnilla on. Usein utopioita ja dystopioita arvostetaan virheellisesti niiden toteutuneiden yksityiskohtien kautta, ja siksi yritän selvittää, miltä osin ja millaisena dystopia ylipäänsä voi mielekkäästi toteutua. Missä suhteessa Orwell oli ”oikeassa” tai ”väärässä” laajassa, ei-triviaalissa mielessä? Mitä hänen teoksensa tarjoaa 2000-luvun lukijalle? Perusteesini on, että tavallisen varoitukseksi tai profetiaksi tulkitsemisen sijaan romaani on satiiri, jollaisena kirjailija itsekin sitä piti. Samalla todistan, että läpitunkeva valvontayhteiskunta, joka on samalla romaanin tunnetuin puoli ja jota termi orwellian nykyään kuvaa, on itse asiassa vain illuusio. Uutta näkökulmaa romaanin tulkintaperinteeseen tuon näyttämällä, kuinka ääripessimistisenä pidettyyn tekstiin on huolellisesti piilotettu toiveikkuutta, jolla kirjailija on halunnut herätellä kansalaisia, jotka ovat piittaamattomia tai tietämättömiä heidän elämäänsä kontrolloivista voimista. Yritän tutkielmassani osoittaa, kuinka vaikea on kuvitella sellaista yhteiskuntaa, jossa Nineteen Eighty-Four ei olisi jollain tavalla ajankohtainen.
Digitoitu 29. 5. 2008.
Variante(s) de titre : Le Cultivateur, journal des progrès agricoles
AbstractIn the beginning of the 19th century, Portugal received from Brazil several barks that were used as cure for fevers for the purpose of chemical analysis. These analyses were intended to determine the principle compositional components responsible for the febrifuge power of these barks. At the University of Coimbra, the samples were analyzed under the supervision of Thomé Rodrigues Sobral, the Director of the university's Chemical Laboratory. In the interpretation of the obtained results, Sobral put forward his own ideas about the febrifuge principles of the analyzed barks in relation to their chemical composition. Here, we refer to both Rodrigues Sobral's reported results and his ideas about the febrifuge principle.