872 resultados para Control of Chaos
We show numerically that direct delayed optoelectronic feedback can suppress hysteresis and bistability in a directly modulated semiconductor laser. The simulation of a laser with feedback is performed for a considerable range of feedback strengths and delays and the corresponding values for the areas of the hysteresis loops are calculated. It is shown that the hysteresis loop completely vanishes for certain combinations of these parameters. The regimes for the disappearance of bistability are classified globally. Different dynamical states of the laser are characterized using bifurcation diagrams and time series plots.
The effect of coupling on two high frequency modulated semiconductor lasers is numerically studied. The phase diagrams and bifurcatio.n diagrams are drawn. As the coupling constant is increased the system goes from chaotic to periodic behavior through a reverse period doubling sequence. The Lyapunov exponent is calculated to characterize chaotic and periodic regions.
The main goal of this thesis is to study the dynamics of Josephson junction system in the presence of an external rf-biasing.A system of two chaotically synchronized Josephson junction is studied.The change in the dynamics of the system in the presence of at phase difference between the applied fields is considered. Control of chaos is very important from an application point of view. The role Of phase difference in controlling chaos is discussed.An array of three Josephson junctions iS studied for the effect of phase difference on chaos and synchronization and the argument is extended for a system of N Josephson junctions. In the presence of a phase difference between the external fields, the system exhibits periodic behavior with a definite phase relationship between all the three junctions.Itdeals with an array of three Josephson junctions with a time delay in the coupling term. It is observed that only the outer systems synchronize while the middle system remain uncorrelated with t-he other two. The effect of phase difference between the applied fields and time-delay on system dynamics and synchronization is also studied. We study the influence of an applied ac biasing on a serniannular Josephson junction. It is found the magnetic field along with the biasing induces creation and annihilation of fluxons in the junction. The I-V characteristics of the junction is studied by considering the surface loss term also in the model equation. The system is found to exhibit chaotic behavior in the presence of ac biasing.
We investigate the effect of the phase difference of appliedfields on the dynamics of mutually coupledJosephsonjunctions. A phase difference between the appliedfields desynchronizes the system. It is found that though the amplitudes of the output voltage values are uncorrelated, a phase correlation is found to exist for small values of applied phase difference. The dynamics of the system is found to change from chaotic to periodic for certain values of phase difference. We report that by keeping the value of phase difference as π, the system continues to be in periodic motion for a wide range of values of system parameters. This result may find applications in devices like voltage standards, detectors, SQUIDS, etc., where chaos is least desired.
This work is a study on ‘Legal Control of Fishing Industry in Kerala.Fishery and Fishery-related legislations are sought to be examined in the light of scientific opinion and judicial decisionsThis work is divided into five Part.The thrust of time Study is on the success of legislative measures in attempting to achieve socio-economic justice for the fishermen community.Fishing is more an avocation than an industry. It is basically the avocation of the artisanal or traditional fishermen who depend on it for their livelihood. As an ‘industry’, it is a generator of employment, income and wealth.The modern tendency in national legislations is to integrate legal proivisions relating to EEZ fisheries into the general fisheries legislation.Chartered fishing was introduced by the Central Government during 1977-78 to establish the abundance and distribution of fishery resources in Indian EEZ, for transfer of technology and for related purposes.Going by the provisions of Articles 61 and 62 of the U.N. Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, foreign fishing need be permitted in our EEZ area only if there is any surplus left after meeting our national requirements.Conservation of the renewable fishery resources should start with identification of the species, their habitats, feeding and breeding patterns, their classification and characteristics. Fishing patterns and their impact on different species and areas require to be examined and investigated.the Central Government, that the Kerala Marine Fishing Regulation Act, 1980 was passed.our traditional fishermen that our Governments in power in Kerala resorted to the appointment of Commissions after Commissions to enquire into the problems of resource management and conservation of the resources. The implementation of the recommendations of these Commissions is the need of the times.General infrastructure has increased to a certain extent in the fishery villages; but it is more the result of the development efforts of the State rather than due to increase in earnings from fishing. Fisherwomen ar e still unable to enjoy the status and role expected of them in the society and the family.Around 120 million people around the tuorld are economically dependent on fisheries. In developing countries like India, small-scale fishers are also the primary suppliers of fish, particularly for local consumption. A most important role of the fisheries sector is as a source of domestically produced food. Fish, as a food item, is a nutrient and it has great medicinal value.Consumers in our country face a dramatic rise in fish prices as our ‘fishing industry’ is linked with lucrative markets in industrial countries. Autonomy of States should be attempted to be maintained to the extent possible with the help and co-operation of the Centre. Regional co-operation of the coastal states interse and with the Centre should be attempted to be achieved under the leadership of the Centre in matters of regional concern. At time national level, a ifisheries management policy and plan should be framed in conformity with the national economic policies and plans as also keeping pace with the local and regional needs and priorities. Any such policy, plan and legislation should strive to achieve sustainability of the resources as well as support to the subsistence sector.
Industries constitute the main spring of development. Without industrial development no country could reach a stage in which a decent living for its citizens would be achieved. Increasing production to meet the basic needs of society augmented scientific invention and machine oriented industrial order.Environmental pollution ls a burning global issue. It is more serious and dangerous than terrorism. Started with the discovery of fire and development of civilization. Pollution went unnoticed throughout the centuries of human growth until its adverse effects on human environment become explicit.National concern tor environment started in our country only atter the cause of protection of environment received global attention. At present legal control ot industrial pollution is in a scattered framework of piece meal processes with overlapping provisions and authorities.Environmental protection- should be an item not only in the concurrent list of schedule 7 to the Constitution but also in the list of matters entrusted to the panchayati institutions in the Schedule 11. It is heartening to note that so far as municipalities are concerned the Constitution of India lives up to the expectation. In the wake of New Industrial Policy based on liberalisation a long list of small scale industries fall outside the purview of environmental clearance. The Indian concept of environmental im»act assessment introduced under the Environment Act by notification excludes the entire gamut of small scale industries and r.elates only to scheduled industries covered by the notifica~ion. Most of them are subjected to ETA only it the investment goes above ~.50 crores. This provision dilutes the impact assessment considerably A mandatory impact assessment with public partiCipation and with provision for a review by specialized environmental courts will eliminate the possible evils of this judicial passiveness.
This thesis throws light on the influence of community in the social life of mankind. The study revolves round the fact that health care is by the people rather than health care is for the people. The thesis tries to analyze the role of community organizational social agencies in the control of Filariasis.The study examines the factors which influence community participation. and the effectiveness of health education in the control of Filariasis.the thesis emphasizes the effective tools and means of health education That helps to To evolve an appropriate method for the management of community Participation. The study shows that. A well informed community can participate successfully and meaningfully in disease control programmes.
The joint stock company is an institution wielding immense socio economic _power over the ultimate progress and well -being of the nation. It is subjected to corresponding definable responsibilities towards all who depend on than. the shareholders.the employees the suppliers of raw materials. the consumers of its product: and society at Large. The company law is changing and must change with time and take note of the dynamics of trade and industry. Obviously it cannot be static and permanent while the basic economic and social philosophies and the technique of production and investment in the industrial sector change.‘ It provides a legal framework for the corporate form of business in which the organization capital and labour are brought. together in a particular form of relationship. The activities carried on within this corporate form is subjected to a gradual but steadily increasing control by the Government. A study of this oontrol is undertaken to better understand the present law and to suggest the path for further change
It has become clear over the last few years that many deterministic dynamical systems described by simple but nonlinear equations with only a few variables can behave in an irregular or random fashion. This phenomenon, commonly called deterministic chaos, is essentially due to the fact that we cannot deal with infinitely precise numbers. In these systems trajectories emerging from nearby initial conditions diverge exponentially as time evolves)and therefore)any small error in the initial measurement spreads with time considerably, leading to unpredictable and chaotic behaviour The thesis work is mainly centered on the asymptotic behaviour of nonlinear and nonintegrable dissipative dynamical systems. It is found that completely deterministic nonlinear differential equations describing such systems can exhibit random or chaotic behaviour. Theoretical studies on this chaotic behaviour can enhance our understanding of various phenomena such as turbulence, nonlinear electronic circuits, erratic behaviour of heart and brain, fundamental molecular reactions involving DNA, meteorological phenomena, fluctuations in the cost of materials and so on. Chaos is studied mainly under two different approaches - the nature of the onset of chaos and the statistical description of the chaotic state.
In general the behavioural sciences have contributed very little to filariasis research.Man's actions in creating vector breeding sites have been noted and discussed frequently inthe frlariasis literature. but virtually no systematic studies of these fonns of behavior have been undertaken (Dunn. 1979). Human behavioural observations and inquires into values and attitudes atfecting behavior that inhibits or promotes vector breeding are essential if any progress is to be made in developing self help programmes of vector control. Therefore, a systematic study on the socio-economic aspect of the community is warranted before undertaking any control programme against filariasis. In view of this the present study has been carried out which reveals the knowledge, attitude and practice concerning the causation, transmission, treatment and control of the disease. Socio economic factors that influence the creation and maintenance of vector breeding habitats were identified. characterization and ranking of these sociological factors will be helpful in identifying the determinants of human behavioural changes towards the containment of the disease- Information on the existing indigenous perception of the disease and the factors that hinder the control will be useful in developing a sound strategy from the human angle, which can be put to practical use.
Nature is full of phenomena which we call "chaotic", the weather being a prime example. What we mean by this is that we cannot predict it to any significant accuracy, either because the system is inherently complex, or because some of the governing factors are not deterministic. However, during recent years it has become clear that random behaviour can occur even in very simple systems with very few number of degrees of freedom, without any need for complexity or indeterminacy. The discovery that chaos can be generated even with the help of systems having completely deterministic rules - often models of natural phenomena - has stimulated a lo; of research interest recently. Not that this chaos has no underlying order, but it is of a subtle kind, that has taken a great deal of ingenuity to unravel. In the present thesis, the author introduce a new nonlinear model, a ‘modulated’ logistic map, and analyse it from the view point of ‘deterministic chaos‘.
White Spot Syndrome Virus (WSSV) is the most devastating disease affecting shrimp culture around the world. Though, considerable progress has been made in the detection and molecular characterization of WSSV in recent years, information pertaining to immune gene expression in shrimps with respect to WSSV infection remains limited. In this context, the present study was undertaken to understand the differential expression of antimicrobial peptide (AMP) genes in the haemocytes of Penaeus monodon in response to WSSV infection on a time-course basis employing semi-quantitative RT-PCR. The present work analyzes the expression profile of six AMP genes (ALF, crustin-1, crustin-2, crustin-3, penaeidin-3 and penaeidin-5), eight WSSV genes (DNA polymerase, endonuclease, immediate early gene, latency related gene, protein kinase, ribonucleotide reductase, thymidine kinase and VP28) and three control genes (18S rRNA, β-actin and ELF) in P. monodon in response to WSSV challenge. Penaeidins were found to be up-regulated during early hours of infection and crustin-3 during late period of infection. However, ALF was found to be up-regulated early to late period of WSSV infection. The present study suggests that AMPs viz. ALF and crustin-3 play an important role in antiviral defense in shrimps. WSSV gene transcripts were detected post-challenge day 1 itself and increased considerably day 5 onwards. Evaluation of the control genes confirmed ELF as the most reliable control gene followed by 18S rRNA and β-actin for gene expression studies in shrimps. This study indicated the role of AMPs in the protection of shrimps against viral infection and their possible control through the up-regulation of AMPs
Maritime ports are inevitable for India’s economic development. The very existence and sustainable development of ports depend on clean port environment. There is a notion that shipping is an over regulated industry. But in India, it is being operated under sub- standard conditions, raising crucial issues of environmental pollution in the country’s ports. The negative impacts of vessel sourced pollution on the eco-fragile coastal peninsula can be detrimental to the living conditions, health and interests of the coastal population. It can disturb marine life and imbalance the aquatic ecosystem. The present study analyses control of vessel sourced pollution in Indian ports from an economic and ecological perspective. The study investigates legal reasons behind the weak control, regulation and monitoring over vessel sourced pollution in Indian ports. The loopholes in the legal system are identified and suggestion made to implement stronger enforcement. Unless, vessel operations are properly regulated in ports, the trade and economic prospects of India will be jeopardized.
The traditional control of Imperata brasiliensis grasslands used by farmers in the Peruvian Amazon is to burn the grass. The objective of this study was to compare different methods of short-term control. Biological, mechanical, chemical and traditional methods of control were compared. Herbicide spraying and manual weeding have shown to be very effective in reducing above- and below-ground biomass growth in the first 45 days after slashing the grass, with effects persisting in the longer term, but both are expensive methods. Shading seems to be less effective in the short-term, whereas it influences the Imperata growth in the longer term. After one year shading, glyphosate application and weeding significantly reduced aboveground biomass by 94, 67 and 53%; and belowground biomass by 76, 65 and 58%, respectively, compared to control. We also found a significant decrease of Imperata rhizomes in soil during time under shading. Burning has proved to have no significant effect on Imperata growth. The use of shade trees in a kind of agroforestry system could be a suitable method for small farmers to control Imperata grasslands.