996 resultados para Comparative Nutrition
Upland stream systems have been extensively investigated in Europe, North America and Australasia and many of the central ideas concerning their function are based on these systems. One central paradigm, the river continuum concept is ultimately derived from those North American streams whose catchments remain forested with native vegetation. Streams of the tropics may or may not fit the model. They have been little studied. The Amani Nature Reserve in the East Usambara Mountains of north-eastern Tanzania offers an opportunity to bring these naturally forested systems to the attention of the ecological community. This article describes a comparison made between two lengths of the River Dodwe in this area. The work was carried out by a group of postgraduate students from eighteen European and African countries with advice from five staff members, as part of a course organised by the Tropical Biology Association. Rigorous efforts were made to standardise techniques, in a situation where equipment and laboratory facilities were very basic, through a management structure and deliberate allocation of work to specialists in each area.The article offers a summary of invertebrate communities found in the stream and its biomass. Crabs seem to be the key organism in both sections of the streams.
The high density of meres and mosses in the Delamere area comes from numerous moraine-hollows formed after the melting of stranded ice-blocks following last glaciation. The main vegetation is of conifers along with some deciduous species and the area was designated as a National Forest Park in 1987. It has been managed since the beginning of the 19th century and is a popular tourist area with walking, orienteering, cycling and educational activities. In recent years this forest park has been attracting over half a million people per year. This paper studies the limnology of different aquatic habitats in the Delamere Forest area in order to give some insight into the waters of a coniferous, temperate forest area, which has so far been largely unexplored. The authors assume therefore, thought that despite apparent large variability in origin, age, surface area, morphometry, catchment size and hydraulic regime, the waters of Delamere Forest might share some revealing chemical and biological features. Seven water-bodies in the Delamere Forest Park area, namely, Black Lake, Blakemere Moss, Delamere Lake, Delamere Quarry, Hatchmere, Windyhowe Farm Spring and Fir Brook were sampled, their water chemistry and dissolved organic carbon and the occurrence of phytoplankton and zooplankton species examined. In a final chapter the authors analyse their findings for patterns.
Results of the investigation on certain problems of the nutrition of Leptodora and Bythotrephes in Rybinsk Reservoir (Russia) are reviewed. To clarify the composition of the food of Leptodora and Bythotrephes in this period, experiments were provided on their nutrition by cyclopids and rotifers.
Many sides of the biology of Polyphemus pediculus are adequately studied at the present time. Most complicated is the question of its feeding. Dissection does not give an idea of the composition of the food, since Polyphemus strongly grinds its food with its mandibles. For clarification of the composition of the food of Polyphemus pediculus, the authors carried out in July and August 1962 a series of experiments with the application of radio-carbon methods in order to judge the degree of utilization of one or other foods by the quantity of C14, accumulated in the body of the crustacean after feeding. Particular attention in these experiments was given to the question of the possibility of the utilization by polyphemus of plant food - bacteria, algae and detritus.
There is a constantly increasing collection of manufactured substances, whose effectiveness in the sustenance of ducks is under investigation. The author examines the effects of some substances already previously tested and also there were examined substances which had not hitherto been studied. The use of different supplements for late autumn fattening is studied through various experiments.
Members of the family Gammaridae are very closely interrelated. There arises the question as to how far they also differ amongst themselves through physiological characteristics. Comparative respiratory and physiological experiments were made on the five euryhaline species Gammarus locusta, G. oceanicus, G. salinus, G. zaddachi and G. duebeni. The respiratory measurements carried out within the framework of this experiment were occupied with the relationships between oxygen consumption and body size depending on salinity. They also had the object of determing the variations in metabolic intensity after an abrupt change in the salt content of the external medium, and to establish the period of time for the process of adaptation. As the experiments were carried out polarographically in a testing plant with continuous flow-through, and the method which was applied permitted continuous recording over prolonged intervals, there could also be carried out comparisons between metabolism at rest and under activity, and the alterations of oxygen consumption during the process of moulting could be measured.
Seasonal changes and flooding have an extraordinarily great influence on the drift of organisms. The free water space plays the main part in the provision of food for some fish (Salmo trutta - trout): drift and content of the stomach are balanced here (Simuliidae): whereas others (Thymallus vulgaris) only selectively chose certain animals living at the bottom (molluscs). The total drift, drift of organisms and drift of organic material and minerals, plays a main role in the rate of production in streams. Besides the biology of the organisms living on the river bed, also the geological and hydrographical situation of the area plays a very important role for the composition of the drift. During the years 1964-1966 three streams in the characteristical geological formations flysch, gneiss and chalk of lower Austria were studied in regard to their drift. The Tulln (above St. Christopen), the Krems (above Senftenberg) and the Schwarza (above Hirschwang) seemed to be ideal for this comparative study because they are easy to reach. After summarising the hydrography and chemistry of examined rivers, the author examines the relationship between water level and total drift and the stratification of the total drift before analysing the drift of living organisms. Also considered are seasonal changes of drift of organisms and drift of exuviae.
Este póster fue presentado en la Summer School on Evolution en Lisboa (15-19 julio de 2013)
Laboratory research was done in order to study the feeding of larval Cricotopus silvestris F. in relation to characters of structure of oral apparatus. Results of the experiments are summarised and the oral apparatus morhologically described.
Journalism on digital networks, and specifically on Internet, is a relatively recent phenomenon, whose spread began in approximately 1994, in parallel to that of the World Wide Web. Study of this new communicative phenomenon began simultaneously in several countries. This, in its turn, was helped by the new possibilities for communication amongst academics - electronic mail, predating the WWW, was, and is, one of the most widely used tools of the university community. The spread of these new forms of global communication helped to raise mutual awareness between research groups, making it possible to form increasingly broad and cohesive networks.