936 resultados para Compact Hermitian Component


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[ES] SPARQL Interpreter es uno de los cinco componentes de la Arquitectura Triskel, una arquitectura de software para una base de datos NoSQL que intenta aportar una solución al problema de Big Data en la web semántica. Este componente da solución al problema de la comunicación entre el lenguaje y el motor, interpretando las consultas que se realicen contra el almacenamiento en lenguaje SPARQL y generando una estructura de datos que los componentes inferiores puedan leer y ejecutar.


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Zusammenfassung:Die Quartärstruktur des respiratorischen Proteins Hämocyanin (Isoform HtH1) aus der marinen Schnecke Haliotis tuberculata wurde vermittels Kryoelektronen-mikroskopie und 3D-Rekonstruktion untersucht. Das Molekül ist zylinderförmig, hat einen Durchmesser von ca. 35 nm und besteht aus einer Zylinderwand und einem internen Kragenkomplex. Dieser wiederum besteht aus einem Collar und einem Arc.Die kryoelektronenmikroskopischen Aufnahmen von in glasartigem Eis fixierten HtH1-Molekülen brachte eine enorme Verbesserung der Anzahl der zur Verfügung stehenden Ansichtswinkel gegenüber den negativkontrastierten Molekülen, die auf Karbonfilm präpariert waren.Die 3D-Rekonstruktion des HtH1 mittels Aufnahmen bei drei verschiedenen Defo-kuswerten verbesserte die Auflösung noch einmal deutlich gegenüber den Rekon-struktionen, die aus Aufnahmen bei einem festen Defokuswert gemacht wurden, und zwar auf 12 Å. Das Molekül besitzt eine D5-Symmetrie.Aus dieser bisher genausten Rekonstruktion eines Molluskenhämocyanins aus EM-Bildern ließen sich folgende neue Strukturdetails ableiten:· Ein Untereinheitendimer konnte als Repeating Unit im Dekamer des HtH1 beschrieben werden.· Das Untereinheitendimer konnte aus der 3D-Dichtekarte isoliert werden. Es be-steht eindeutig aus 16 Massen, die funktionellen Domänen entsprechen. Zwei dieser Massen bilden den Collar, zwei den Arc und 12 das Wandsegment.· Die gegenläufige Anordnung der beiden Untereinheiten innerhalb dieses Unte-reinheitendimers konnten bestätigt und auf zwei Möglichkeiten eingeschränkt werden.· Die Zahl der alternativen Anordnungen der 16 funktionellen Domänen (HtH1-a bis HtH1-h) im Untereinheitendimer konnten von 80 auf 2 eingeengt werden.· Es konnte über molekulares Modellieren mithilfe einer publizierten Kristallstruk-tur eine 3D-Struktur fastatomarer Auflösung der funktionellen Domäne HtH1-g berechnet werden.· Die funktionelle Domäne HtH1-g konnte als Domänenpaar plausibel in die 3D?Dichtekarte des Untereinheitendimers eingepasst werden, und zwar in die beiden Massen des Arc.Aus der elektronenmikroskopisch gewonnenen Dichtekarte wurde mit Hilfe des


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The Italian radio telescopes currently undergo a major upgrade period in response to the growing demand for deep radio observations, such as surveys on large sky areas or observations of vast samples of compact radio sources. The optimised employment of the Italian antennas, at first constructed mainly for VLBI activities and provided with a control system (FS – Field System) not tailored to single-dish observations, required important modifications in particular of the guiding software and data acquisition system. The production of a completely new control system called ESCS (Enhanced Single-dish Control System) for the Medicina dish started in 2007, in synergy with the software development for the forthcoming Sardinia Radio Telescope (SRT). The aim is to produce a system optimised for single-dish observations in continuum, spectrometry and polarimetry. ESCS is also planned to be installed at the Noto site. A substantial part of this thesis work consisted in designing and developing subsystems within ESCS, in order to provide this software with tools to carry out large maps, spanning from the implementation of On-The-Fly fast scans (following both conventional and innovative observing strategies) to the production of single-dish standard output files and the realisation of tools for the quick-look of the acquired data. The test period coincided with the commissioning phase for two devices temporarily installed – while waiting for the SRT to be completed – on the Medicina antenna: a 18-26 GHz 7-feed receiver and the 14-channel analogue backend developed for its use. It is worth stressing that it is the only K-band multi-feed receiver at present available worldwide. The commissioning of the overall hardware/software system constituted a considerable section of the thesis work. Tests were led in order to verify the system stability and its capabilities, down to sensitivity levels which had never been reached in Medicina using the previous observing techniques and hardware devices. The aim was also to assess the scientific potential of the multi-feed receiver for the production of wide maps, exploiting its temporary availability on a mid-sized antenna. Dishes like the 32-m antennas at Medicina and Noto, in fact, offer the best conditions for large-area surveys, especially at high frequencies, as they provide a suited compromise between sufficiently large beam sizes to cover quickly large areas of the sky (typical of small-sized telescopes) and sensitivity (typical of large-sized telescopes). The KNoWS (K-band Northern Wide Survey) project is aimed at the realisation of a full-northern-sky survey at 21 GHz; its pilot observations, performed using the new ESCS tools and a peculiar observing strategy, constituted an ideal test-bed for ESCS itself and for the multi-feed/backend system. The KNoWS group, which I am part of, supported the commissioning activities also providing map-making and source-extraction tools, in order to complete the necessary data reduction pipeline and assess the general system scientific capabilities. The K-band observations, which were carried out in several sessions along the December 2008-March 2010 period, were accompanied by the realisation of a 5 GHz test survey during the summertime, which is not suitable for high-frequency observations. This activity was conceived in order to check the new analogue backend separately from the multi-feed receiver, and to simultaneously produce original scientific data (the 6-cm Medicina Survey, 6MS, a polar cap survey to complete PMN-GB6 and provide an all-sky coverage at 5 GHz).


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The surprising discovery of the X(3872) resonance by the Belle experiment in 2003, and subsequent confirmation by BaBar, CDF and D0, opened up a new chapter of QCD studies and puzzles. Since then, detailed experimental and theoretical studies have been performed in attempt to determine and explain the proprieties of this state. Since the end of 2009 the world’s largest and highest-energy particle accelerator, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), started its operations at the CERN laboratories in Geneva. One of the main experiments at LHC is CMS (Compact Muon Solenoid), a general purpose detector projected to address a wide range of physical phenomena, in particular the search of the Higgs boson, the only still unconfirmed element of the Standard Model (SM) of particle interactions and, new physics beyond the SM itself. Even if CMS has been designed to study high energy events, it’s high resolution central tracker and superior muon spectrometer made it an optimal tool to study the X(3872) state. In this thesis are presented the results of a series of study on the X(3872) state performed with the CMS experiment. Already with the first year worth of data, a clear peak for the X(3872) has been identified, and the measurement of the cross section ratio with respect to the Psi(2S) has been performed. With the increased statistic collected during 2011 it has been possible to study, in bins of transverse momentum, the cross section ratio between X(3872) and Psi(2S) and separate their prompt and non-prompt component.


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Im Rahmen der Arbeit wurde ein neuartiges Aerosol-Ionenfallen-Massenspektrometer (AIMS) aufgebaut und umfassend charakterisiert. Mit dem AIMS kann die chemische Zusammensetzung der verdampfbaren Komponente (bei etwa 600 °C) von Aerosolpartikeln quantitativ und on-line bestimmt werden. Die Durchmesser der Teilchen, die analysiert werden können, liegen zwischen etwa 30 und 500 nm. Der experimentelle Aufbau greift auf ein bereits gut charakterisiertes Einlasssystem des Aerodyne Aerosol-Massenspektrometers (AMS) zurück, das einen Partikeleinlass, bestehend aus einer kritischen Düse und einer aerodynamischen Linse, einen Verdampfer für die Aerosolteilchen und eine Elektronenstoß-Ionenquelle enthält. Das kommerzielle AMS verwendet entweder ein lineares Quadrupol-Massenfilter (Q-AMS) oder ein Flugzeit-Massenspektrometer (ToF-AMS). Im AIMS hingegen wird eine dreidimensionale Ionenfalle als Massenanalysator eingesetzt. Dadurch eröffnen sich unter anderem Möglichkeiten zur Durchführung von MSn-Studien und Ionen/Molekül-Reaktionsstudien. Das Massenspektrometer und wichtige Teile der Steuerungselektronik wurden am Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie in Mainz entworfen und hergestellt. Das AIMS wird von einem PC und einer Software, die in der Programmiersprache LabVIEW verfasst ist, gesteuert. Aufgrund seiner Kompaktheit ist das Instrument auch für den Feldeinsatz geeignet. Mit der Software Simion 7.0 wurden umfangreiche Simulationsstudien durchgeführt. Diese Studien beinhalten Simulationen zur Ermittlung der optimalen Spannungseinstellungen für den Ionentransfer von der Ionenquelle in die Ionenfalle und eine Abschätzung der Sammeleffizienz der Ionenfalle, die gut mit einem gemessenen Wert übereinstimmt. Charakterisierungsstudien zeigen einige instrumentelle Merkmale des AIMS auf. Es wurde beispielsweise ein Massenauflösungsvermögen von 807 für m/z 121 gefunden, wenn eine Analyserate von 1780 amu/s verwendet wird. Wird die Analyserate verringert, dann lässt sich das Massenauflösungsvermögen noch erheblich steigern. Bei m/z 43 kann dann ein Wert von > 1500 erzielt werden, wodurch sich Ionenfragmente wie C2H3O+ (m/z 43.0184) und C3H7+ (m/z 43.0548) voneinander trennen lassen. Der Massenbereich des AIMS lässt sich durch resonante Anregung erweitern; dies wurde bis zu einer Masse von 1000 amu getestet. Kalibrationsmessungen mit laborgenerierten Partikeln zeigen eine hervorragende Linearität zwischen gemessenen Signalstärken und erzeugten Aerosol-Massenkonzentrationen. Diese Studien belegen im Zusammenhang mit den gefundenen Nachweisgrenzen von Nitrat (0.16 μg/m³) und Sulfat (0.65 μg/m³) aus Aerosolpartikeln, dass das AIMS für quantitative Messungen von atmosphärischem Aerosol geeignet ist. Ein Vergleich zwischen dem AIMS und dem Q-AMS für Nitrat in städtischem Aerosol zeigt eine gute Übereinstimmung der gefundenen Messwerte. Für laborgenerierte Polystyren-Latexpartikel wurde eine MS/MS-Studie unter der Anwendung von collision induced dissociation (CID) durchgeführt. Das Verhältnis von Fragmentionen zu Analytionen wurde zu einem Wert von > 60% bestimmt. In der Zukunft können ähnliche MS/MS-Studien auch für atmosphärische Aerosolpartikel angewandt werden, wodurch sich neue Perspektiven für die Speziation von Aerosolbestandteilen eröffnen. Dann sollen vor allem Kondensationsprozesse, das heißt die Bildung von sekundärem Aerosol, detailliert untersucht werden.


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The present thesis is a contribution to the theory of algebras of pseudodifferential operators on singular settings. In particular, we focus on the $b$-calculus and the calculus on conformally compact spaces in the sense of Mazzeo and Melrose in connection with the notion of spectral invariant transmission operator algebras. We summarize results given by Gramsch et. al. on the construction of $Psi_0$-and $Psi*$-algebras and the corresponding scales of generalized Sobolev spaces using commutators of certain closed operators and derivations. In the case of a manifold with corners $Z$ we construct a $Psi*$-completion $A_b(Z,{}^bOmega^{1/2})$ of the algebra of zero order $b$-pseudodifferential operators $Psi_{b,cl}(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ in the corresponding $C*$-closure $B(Z,{}^bOmega^{12})hookrightarrow L(L^2(Z,{}^bOmega^{1/2}))$. The construction will also provide that localised to the (smooth) interior of Z the operators in the $A_b(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ can be represented as ordinary pseudodifferential operators. In connection with the notion of solvable $C*$-algebras - introduced by Dynin - we calculate the length of the $C*$-closure of $Psi_{b,cl}^0(F,{}^bOmega^{1/2},R^{E(F)})$ in $B(F,{}^bOmega^{1/2}),R^{E(F)})$ by localizing $B(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ along the boundary face $F$ using the (extended) indical familiy $I^B_{FZ}$. Moreover, we discuss how one can localise a certain solving ideal chain of $B(Z, {}^bOmega^{1/2})$ in neighbourhoods $U_p$ of arbitrary points $pin Z$. This localisation process will recover the singular structure of $U_p$; further, the induced length function $l_p$ is shown to be upper semi-continuous. We give construction methods for $Psi*$- and $C*$-algebras admitting only infinite long solving ideal chains. These algebras will first be realized as unconnected direct sums of (solvable) $C*$-algebras and then refined such that the resulting algebras have arcwise connected spaces of one dimensional representations. In addition, we recall the notion of transmission algebras on manifolds with corners $(Z_i)_{iin N}$ following an idea of Ali Mehmeti, Gramsch et. al. Thereby, we connect the underlying $C^infty$-function spaces using point evaluations in the smooth parts of the $Z_i$ and use generalized Laplacians to generate an appropriate scale of Sobolev spaces. Moreover, it is possible to associate generalized (solving) ideal chains to these algebras, such that to every $ninN$ there exists an ideal chain of length $n$ within the algebra. Finally, we discuss the $K$-theory for algebras of pseudodifferential operators on conformally compact manifolds $X$ and give an index theorem for these operators. In addition, we prove that the Dirac-operator associated to the metric of a conformally compact manifold $X$ is not a Fredholm operator.


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Group B Streptococcus (GBS), in its transition from commensal to pathogen, will encounter diverse host environments and thus require coordinately controlling its transcriptional responses to these changes. This work was aimed at better understanding the role of two component signal transduction systems (TCS) in GBS pathophysiology through a systematic screening procedure. We first performed a complete inventory and sensory mechanism classification of all putative GBS TCS by genomic analysis. Five TCS were further investigated by the generation of knock-out strains, and in vitro transcriptome analysis identified genes regulated by these systems, ranging from 0.1-3% of the genome. Interestingly, two sugar phosphotransferase systems appeared differently regulated in the knock-out mutant of TCS-16, suggesting an involvement in monitoring carbon source availability. High throughput analysis of bacterial growth on different carbon sources showed that TCS-16 was necessary for growth of GBS on fructose-6-phosphate. Additional transcriptional analysis provided further evidence for a stimulus-response circuit where extracellular fructose-6-phosphate leads to autoinduction of TCS-16 with concomitant dramatic up-regulation of the adjacent operon encoding a phosphotransferase system. The TCS-16-deficient strain exhibited decreased persistence in a model of vaginal colonization and impaired growth/survival in the presence of vaginal mucoid components. All mutant strains were also characterized in a murine model of systemic infection, and inactivation of TCS-17 (also known as RgfAC) resulted in hypervirulence. Our data suggest a role for the previously unknown TCS-16, here named FspSR, in bacterial fitness and carbon metabolism during host colonization, and also provide experimental evidence for TCS-17/RgfAC involvement in virulence.


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In the central nervous system (CNS), oligodendrocytes form the multilamellar and compacted myelin sheath by spirally wrapping around defined axons with their specialised plasma membrane. Myelin is crucial for the rapid saltatory conduction of nerve impulses and for the preservation of axonal integrity. The absence of the major myelin component Myelin Basic Protein (MBP) results in an almost complete failure to form compact myelin in the CNS. The mRNA of MBP is sorted to cytoplasmic RNA granules and transported to the distal processes of oligodendrocytes in a translationally silent state. A main mediator of MBP mRNA localisation is the trans-acting factor heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein (hnRNP) A2 which binds to the cis-acting A2 response element (A2RE) in the 3’UTR of MBP mRNA. A signalling cascade had been identified that triggers local translation of MBP at the axon-glial contact site, involving the neuronal cell adhesion molecule (CAM) L1, the oligodendroglial plasma membrane-tethered Fyn kinase and Fyn-dependent phosphorylation of hnRNP A2. This model was confirmed here, showing that L1 stimulates Fyn-dependent phosphorylation of hnRNP A2 and a remodelling of A2-dependent RNA granule structures. Furthermore, the RNA helicase DDX5 was confirmed here acting together with hnRNP A2 in cytoplasmic RNA granules and is possibly involved in MBP mRNA granule dynamics.rnLack of non-receptor tyrosine kinase Fyn activity leads to reduced levels of MBP and hypomyelination in the forebrain. The multiadaptor protein p130Cas and the RNA-binding protein hnRNP F were verified here as additional targets of Fyn in oligodendrocytes. The findings point at roles of p130Cas in the regulation of Fyn-dependent process outgrowth and signalling cascades ensuring cell survival. HnRNP F was identified here as a novel constituent of oligodendroglial cytoplasmic RNA granules containing hnRNP A2 and MBP mRNA. Moreover, it was found that hnRNP F plays a role in the post-transcriptional regulation of MBP mRNA and that defined levels of hnRNP F are required to facilitate efficient synthesis of MBP. HnRNP F appears to be directly phosphorylated by Fyn kinase what presumably contributes to the initiation of translation of MBP mRNA at the plasma membrane.rnFyn kinase signalling thus affects many aspects of oligodendroglial physiology contributing to myelination. Post-transcriptional control of the synthesis of the essential myelin protein MBP by Fyn targets is particularly important. Deregulation of these Fyn-dependent pathways could thus negatively influence disorders involving the white matter of the nervous system.rnrn


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Obbiettivo: Valutazione delle eventuali differenze nel trattamento ortodontico di un gruppo di bambini con particolari necessità sanitarie (SHCN) rispetto ad un gruppo di bambini non diagnosticati con SHCN. Materiali e Metodi: Il gruppo campione (SHCN) è costituito da 50 bambini con SHCN. Il gruppo di controllo (NO SHCN) è costituito da 50 bambini non diagnosticati con SHCN pienamente corrispondenti per età, genere e tipo di apparecchio ortodontico utilizzato con i pazienti del gruppo di studio. I dati riguardanti i gruppi SHCN e NO SHCN sono stati analizzati in modo retrospettivo, valutando: - il punteggio pre- e post-trattamento e la riduzione finale dei valori dell'indice PAR (Peer Assessment Rating), della componente DHC (Dental Health Component) e della componente AC (Aesthetic Component) dell'indice IOTN (Orthodontic Treatment Need Index), - il numero di appuntamenti, - il numero di sedute semplici e complesse, - la durata complessiva del trattamento, - l'età all’inizio ed alla fine della terapia. Risultati: Non sono state rilevate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi per quanto concerne il numero di appuntamenti, la durata complessiva del trattamento, l'età all’inizio ed alla fine della terapia ortodontica (valori del p-value:0.682, 0.458, 0.535, 0.675). Sono state rilevate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi per quanto riguarda i punteggi dell’indice PAR, delle componenti DHC e AC dello IOTN pre- e post-trattamento, il numero di sedute semplici e complesse (valori del p-value:0.030, 0.000, 0.020, 0.023, 0.000, 0.000, 0.043, 0.037). Per quanto concerne la riduzione finale del valore dell’indice PAR, della componente DHC e di quella AC dello IOTN non sono state riscontrate differenze statisticamente significative tra i due gruppi (valori del p-value:0.060, 0.765, 0.825). Conclusioni: Lo studio incoraggia gli ortodontisti a trattare i bambini con SHCN nell'obiettivo di migliorarne la qualità di vita, pur evidenziando la necessità di un maggior numero di sedute complesse.


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The Default Mode Network (DMN) is a higher order functional neural network that displays activation during passive rest and deactivation during many types of cognitive tasks. Accordingly, the DMN is viewed to represent the neural correlate of internally-generated self-referential cognition. This hypothesis implies that the DMN requires the involvement of cognitive processes, like declarative memory. The present study thus examines the spatial and functional convergence of the DMN and the semantic memory system. Using an active block-design functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) paradigm and Independent Component Analysis (ICA), we trace the DMN and fMRI signal changes evoked by semantic, phonological and perceptual decision tasks upon visually-presented words. Our findings show less deactivation during semantic compared to the two non-semantic tasks for the entire DMN unit and within left-hemispheric DMN regions, i.e., the dorsal medial prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulate cortex, the retrosplenial cortex, the angular gyrus, the middle temporal gyrus and the anterior temporal region, as well as the right cerebellum. These results demonstrate that well-known semantic regions are spatially and functionally involved in the DMN. The present study further supports the hypothesis of the DMN as an internal mentation system that involves declarative memory functions.


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A 23-year-old man with a typical trichilemmal cyst nevus is reported. This recently described disorder is sufficiently characteristic to differentiate it from sebaceous nevus, nevus comedonicus, porokeratotic eccrine nevus, nevus corniculatus, follicular basaloid hamartoma, Munro's nevus and Gardner's syndrome.


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We characterized lipid and lipoprotein changes associated with a lopinavir/ritonavir-containing regimen. We enrolled previously antiretroviral-naive patients participating in the Swiss HIV Cohort Study. Fasting blood samples (baseline) were retrieved retrospectively from stored frozen plasma and posttreatment (follow-up) samples were collected prospectively at two separate visits. Lipids and lipoproteins were analyzed at a single reference laboratory. Sixty-five patients had two posttreatment lipid profile measurements and nine had only one. Most of the measured lipids and lipoprotein plasma concentrations increased on lopinavir/ritonavir-based treatment. The percentage of patients with hypertriglyceridemia (TG >150?mg/dl) increased from 28/74 (38%) at baseline to 37/65 (57%) at the second follow-up. We did not find any correlation between lopinavir plasma levels and the concentration of triglycerides. There was weak evidence of an increase in small dense LDL-apoB during the first year of treatment but not beyond 1 year (odds ratio 4.5, 90% CI 0.7 to 29 and 0.9, 90% CI 0.5 to 1.5, respectively). However, 69% of our patients still had undetectable small dense LDL-apoB levels while on treatment. LDL-cholesterol increased by a mean of 17?mg/dl (90% CI -3 to 37) during the first year of treatment, but mean values remained below the cut-off for therapeutic intervention. Despite an increase in the majority of measured lipids and lipoproteins particularly in the first year after initiation, we could not detect an obvious increase of cardiovascular risk resulting from the observed lipid changes.