894 resultados para Code of Civil Procedure


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OBJECTIVE: Comparative analysis of the in-hospital results after primary implantation of stents or coronary balloon angioplasty in patients with acute myocardial infarction (MI). METHODS: CENIC (National Center of Cardiovascular Interventions) gathered data on 3,924 patients undergoing coronary angioplasty (in the primary form, without the previous use of thrombolytic agents) in the first 24 hours after a MI, during the period of 1996-1998. From these 3,924 patients, 1,337 (34%) underwent stent implantation. We analyzed the success of the procedure and the occurrence of adverse cardiac events. RESULTS: In patients undergoing stent implantation there were more males (77% vs 69%, p=0.001), previous by pass surgery (6.3% vs. 4.5%, p=0.01), anterior MI and stent implantation in left descending artery (55% vs. 48% vs. p=0.009), and saphenous vein bypass grafts (3.3% vs. 1.9%). the procedure was more succesful in the group of stents (97% vs. 84%, p=0.001) and reinfarction rate (2.5 vs. 4%, p=0.002). The need for emergency revascularization was similar (1% vs. 1.1%, NS). Total in-hospital mortality was lower in stent group (3.4% vs. 7. 2%, p=0.0001) and this effect was in patients Killip class III/V (19.5% vs. 32.5%, p= 0.002) because there was no difference in patients class I/II (1.7% vs. 2.8%, p=0.9). CONCLUSION: Primary stent implantation in acute myocardial infarction showed better early results than balloon angioplasty alome.


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OBJECTIVE: To report the role played by transesophageal echocardiography during implantation of self-expanding aortic endoprostheses (stent) at a hemodynamics laboratory. METHODS: Thirteen patients underwent stent implantation in the descending thoracic aorta with the aid of transesophageal echocardiography during the entire procedure. Indications for stenting were as follows: 8 aortic dissections, 2 true aneurysms, 2 penetrating atherosclerotic ulcers, and 1 traumatic pseudoaneurysm. RESULTS: No complications resulting from the use of transesophageal echocardiography were observed. In 12 patients, the initial result was considered appropriate, with total or partial resolution of the major lesion confirmed by a posterior examination. In 1 patient, the procedure was suspended after transesophageal echocardiography and angiography showed that the proximal aortic diameter was inappropriate. Transesophageal echocardiography contributed to clarifying relevant points, such as aortic diameter, anatomic detail of the intimal lesion, and location and size of the communicating orifice. In addition, it facilitated placing the stent in the target lesion, reduced the time of exposure to radiation and the use of contrast medium, and provided rapid identification of intercurrent events, possibly reducing the total duration of the procedure. CONCLUSION: The use of transesophageal echocardiography during placement of aortic stents seems appropriate. The actual advantages of the procedure will be defined in a comparative prospective study.


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OBJECTIVE: To demonstrate the feasibility and safety of simultaneous catheterization and mapping of the 4 pulmonary veins for ablation of atrial fibrillation. METHODS: Ten patients, 8 with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation and 2 with persistent atrial fibrillation, refractory to at least 2 antiarrhythmic drugs and without structural cardiopathy, were consecutively studied. Through the transseptal insertion of 2 long sheaths, 4 pulmonary veins were simultaneously catheterized with octapolar microcatheters. After identification of arrhythmogenic foci radiofrequency was applied under angiographic or ultrasonographic control. RESULTS: During 17 procedures, 40 pulmonary veins were mapped, 16 of which had local ectopic activity, related or not with the triggering of atrial fibrillation paroxysms. At the end of each procedure, suppression of arrhythmias was obtained in 8 patients, and elimination of pulmonary vein potentials was accomplished in 4. During the clinical follow-up of 9.6±3 months, 7 patients remained in sinus rhythm, 5 of whom were using antiarrhythmic drugs that had previously been ineffective. None of the patients had pulmonary hypertension or evidence of stenosis in the pulmonary veins. CONCLUSION: Selective and simultaneous catheterization of the 4 pulmonary veins with microcatheters for simultaneous recording of their electrical activity is a feasible and safe procedure that may help ablation of atrial fibrillation.


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OBJECTIVE - To report the results of percutaneous occlusion of persistent ductus arteriosus with the Amplatzer prosthesis in 2 Brazilian cardiological centers. METHODS - From May 1998 to July 2000, 33 patients with clinical and laboratory diagnosis of persistent ductus arteriosus underwent attempts at percutaneous implantation of the Amplatzer prosthesis. The median age was 36 months (from 6 months to 38 years), and the median weight was 14kg (from 6 to 92kg). Sixteen patients (48.5%) were under 2 years of age at the time of the procedure. All patients were followed up with periodical clinical and echocardiographic evaluations to assess the presence and degree of residual shunt and possible complications, such as pseudocoarctation of the aorta and left pulmonary artery stenosis. RESULTS - The minimum diameter of the arterial ducts ranged from 2.5 to 7.0mm (mean of 4.0±1.0, median of 3.9). The rate of success for implantation of the prosthesis was 100%. Femoral pulse was lost in 1 patient. The echocardiogram revealed total closure prior to hospital discharge in 30 patients, and in the follow-up visit 3 months later in the 3 remaining patients. The mean follow-up duration was 6.4±3.4 months. All patients were clinically well, asymptomatic, and did not need medication. No patient had narrowing of the left pulmonary artery or of the aorta. No early or late embolic events occurred, nor did infectious endarteritis. A new hospital admission was not required for any patient. CONCLUSION - The Amplatzer prosthesis for persistent ductus arteriosus is safe and highly effective for occlusion of ductus arteriosus of varied diameters, including large ones in small symptomatic infants.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess coronary stent placement in patients with multivessel coronary disease and involvement of the proximal portion of the anterior descending coronary artery. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed the in-hospital and late evolution of 189 patients with multivessel coronary disease, who underwent percutaneous coronary stent placement. These patients were divided into 2 groups as follows: group I (GI) - 59 patients with involvement of the proximal segment of the anterior descending coronary artery; and group II (GII) - 130 patients without involvement of the proximal segment of the anterior descending coronary artery. RESULTS: No significant difference was observed in the success rate of the procedure (91.5% versus 97.6%, p=0.86), nor in the occurrence of major adverse cardiac events (5.1% versus 1.5%, p=0.38), nor in the occurrence of major vascular complications (1.7% versus 0%, p=0.69) in the in-hospital phase. In the late follow-up, the incidence of major adverse cardiac events (15.4% versus 13.7%, p=0.73) and the need for new revascularization (13.5% versus 10.3%, p=0.71) were similar for both groups. CONCLUSION: The in-hospital and late evolution of patients with multivessel coronary disease with and without involvement of the proximal segment of the anterior descending coronary artery treated with coronary stent placement did not differ. This suggests that this revascularization method is an effective procedure and a valuable option for treating these types of patients.


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OBJECTIVE - To investigate the initial energy level required for electrical cardioversion of atrial fibrillation (AF). METHODS - We studied patients undergoing electrical cardioversion in the 1st Multicenter Trial of SOCESP. Patients were divided into 2 groups according to the initial energy level of electrical cardioversion: 100J and > or = 150J. We compared the efficacy of the initial and final shock of the procedure, the number of shocks administered, and the cumulative energy levels. RESULTS - Eight-six patients underwent electrical cardioversion. In 53 patients (62%), cardioversion was started with 100J, and in 33 patients (38%), cardioversion was started with > or = 150J. Groups did not differ regarding clinical features and therapeutical interventions. A tendency existed towards greater efficacy of the initial shock in patients who received > or = 150J (61% vs. 42% in the 100J group, p=0.08). The number of shocks was smaller in the > or = 150J group (1.5±0.7 vs. 2.1±1.3, p=0.04). No difference existed regarding the final efficacy of electrical cardioversion and total cumulative energy levels in both groups. In the subgroup of patients with recent-onset AF (<=48h), the cumulative energy level was lower in the 100J group (240±227J vs. 324±225J, p=0.03). CONCLUSION - Patients who were given initial energy of > or = 150J received fewer counter shocks with a tendency toward greater success than those patients who were given 100J; however, in patients with recent-onset AF, the average cumulative energy level was lower in the 100J group. These data suggest that electrical cardioversion should be initiated with energy levels > or = 150J in patients with chronic AF.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze hemodynamic and metabolic effects of saline solution infusion in the maintenance of blood volume in ischemia-reperfusion syndrome during temporary abdominal aortic occlusion in dogs. METHODS: We studied 20 dogs divided into 2 groups: the ischemia-reperfusion group (IRG, n=10) and the ischemia-reperfusion group with saline solution infusion aiming at maintaining mean pulmonary arterial wedge pressure between 10 and 20 mmHg (IRG-SS, n=10). All animals were anesthetized with sodium thiopental and maintained on spontaneous ventilation. Occlusion of the supraceliac aorta was obtained with inflation of a Fogarty catheter inserted through the femoral artery. After 60 minutes of ischemia, the balloon was deflated, and the animals were observed for another 60 minutes of reperfusion. RESULTS: IRG-SS dogs did not have hemodynamic instability after aortic unclamping, and the mean systemic blood pressure and heart rate were maintained. However, acidosis worsened, which was documented by a greater reduction of arterial pH that occurred especially due to the absence of a respiratory response to metabolic acidosis that was greater with the adoption of this procedure. CONCLUSION: Saline solution infusion to maintain blood volume avoided hemodynamic instability after aortic unclamping. This procedure, however, caused worsening in metabolic acidosis in this experimental model.


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OBJECTIVE: To determine whether recording of the activation potential may be used as an isolated criterion to guide catheter ablation of atriofascicular Mahaim fibers. METHODS: We studied 6 patients (5 females, mean age of 26±7.3 years) with paroxysmal tachycardias with a wide QRS complex, whose electrophysiological study diagnosed atriofascicular Mahaim fibers. Mapping and catheter ablation were performed in sinus rhythm, guided only by the recording of the activation potential of the fiber. RESULTS: Efficacy in ablation was achieved in all patients. The fibers were located in the right lateral region of the tricuspid ring in 3 patients, right posterolateral region in 2, and right anterolateral region in 1. A mean of 5.3±3 radiofrequency applications was performed. The mean fluoroscopy time was 46.6±25 minutes, and the mean duration of the procedure was 178.6±108 minutes. No complication occurred. In a mean 20-month follow-up, all patients were asymptomatic and receiving no antiarrhythmic drugs. CONCLUSION: Catheter ablation of Mahaim fibers may be performed with good safety and efficacy by mapping the activation potential of the tricuspid ring in sinus rhythm.


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OBJECTIVE: To assess the in-hospital evolution of patients undergoing percutaneous stent placement in the carotid arteries. METHODS: From August 1996 to April 2001, we studied 86 patients with carotid arterial obliterative lesions > 70% who were treated with percutaneous stent placement in the carotid arteries. We assessed the rate of success of the implantation and of the procedure, the types of stents used, mortality rate, and neurological complications. RESULTS: Successful implantation was obtained in 98.9% of the cases, and the procedure was successful in 91.8%. The Wallstent was the most frequently used stent (73 patients - 77%). Cerebral strokes occurred as follows: 3 (3.2%) transient ischemic attacks, 1 (1.1%) minor stroke, and 3 (3.1%) major strokes. One (1.1%) patient died during hospitalization. CONCLUSION: The high rate of success of stent implantation (98.9%) in addition to the low rate of cerebral stroke/death (4.2%) showed the efficiency and safety of percutaneous stent placement in carotid arteries.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze parameters of respiratory system mechanics and oxygenation and cardiovascular alterations involved in weaning tracheostomized patients from long-term mechanical ventilation after cardiac surgery. METHODS: We studied 45 patients in their postoperative period of cardiac surgery, who required long-term mechanical ventilation for more than 10 days and had to undergo tracheostomy due to unsuccessful weaning from mechanical ventilation. The parameters of respiratory system mechanics, oxigenation and the following factors were analyzed: type of surgical procedure, presence of cardiac dysfunction, time of extracorporeal circulation, and presence of neurologic lesions. RESULTS: Of the 45 patients studied, successful weaning from mechanical ventilation was achieved in 22 patients, while the procedure was unsuccessful in 23 patients. No statistically significant difference was observed between the groups in regard to static pulmonary compliance (p=0.23), airway resistance (p=0.21), and the dead space/tidal volume ratio (p=0.54). No difference was also observed in regard to the variables PaO2/FiO2 ratio (p=0.86), rapid and superficial respiration index (p=0.48), and carbon dioxide arterial pressure (p=0.86). Cardiac dysfunction and time of extracorporeal circulation showed a significant difference. CONCLUSION: Data on respiratory system mechanics and oxygenation were not parameters for assessing the success or failure. Cardiac dysfunction and time of cardiopulmonary bypass, however, significantly interfered with the success in weaning patients from mechanical ventilation.


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OBJECTIVE: To analyze the predictive factors of complications after implantation of coronary stents in a consecutive cohort study. METHODS: Clinical and angiographic characteristics related to the procedure were analyzed, and the incidence of major cardiovascular complications (myocardial infarction, urgent surgery, new angioplasty, death) in the in-hospital phase were recorded. Data were stored in an Access database and analyzed by using the SPSS 6.0 statistical program and a stepwise backwards multiple logistic regression model. RESULTS: One thousand eighteen (mean age of 61±11 years, 29% females) patients underwent 1,070 stent implantations. The rate of angiographic success was 96.8%, the rate of clinical success was 91%, and the incidence of major cardiovascular complications was 7.9%. The variables independently associated with major cardiovascular complications, with their respective odds ratio (OR) were: rescue stent, OR = 5.1 (2.7-9.6); filamentary stent, OR = 4.5 (2.2-9.1); first-generation tubular stent, OR = 2.4 (1.2-4.6); multiple stents, OR = 3 (1.6-5.6); complexity of the lesion, OR = 2.4 (1.1-5.1); thrombus, OR = 2 (1.1-3.5). CONCLUSION: The results stress the importance of angiographic variables and techniques in the risk of complications and draw attention to the influence of the stent's design on the result of the procedure.


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Background:Advantages and disadvantages of ad hoc percutaneous coronary intervention have been described. However little is known about the radiation exposure of that procedure as compared with the staged intervention.Objective:To compare the radiation dose of the ad hoc percutaneous coronary intervention with that of the staged procedureMethods:The dose-area product and total Kerma were measured, and the doses of the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures were added. In addition, total fluoroscopic time and number of acquisitions were evaluated.Results:A total of 568 consecutive patients were treated with ad hoc percutaneous coronary intervention (n = 320) or staged percutaneous coronary intervention (n = 248). On admission, the ad hoc group had less hypertension (74.1% vs 81.9%; p = 0.035), dyslipidemia (57.8% vs. 67.7%; p = 0.02) and three-vessel disease (38.8% vs. 50.4%; p = 0.015). The ad hoc group was exposed to significantly lower radiation doses, even after baseline characteristic adjustment between both groups. The ad hoc group was exposed to a total dose-area product of 119.7 ± 70.7 Gycm2, while the staged group, to 139.2 ± 75.3 Gycm2 (p < 0.001).Conclusion:Ad hoc percutaneous coronary intervention reduced radiation exposure as compared with diagnostic and therapeutic procedures performed at two separate times.


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Setting: There exists very little supportive valuation literature for the valuation of industrial properties and the present state of research is capable of improvement. Objective: A critical examination of the procedure for the determination of the market value of industrial properties in accordance with § 194 Building Code will be made on the basis of the relevant valuation literature. Based on using standard valuation practices there should be a ground value derived for an industrial estate. Conclusion: When valuing industrial properties economic use is crucial, therefore the income approach is applied in order to attain the market value of the property. Difficulties which may arise include customary approaches for rent, property management costs and interest rates. Based on a Germany-wide cross-comparison with other automobile-producing properties a plausible range for the derivation of the groundvalue was determined. At the time of submission, the determination of the ground value by the expert Committee was unfinished.


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Phlebotomus oliverioi Barretto & Coutinho, 1941 was originally described based only on the male holotype and has since been considered junior-synonym of Psathyromyia brasiliensis (Costa Lima, 1932). The study of the holotype of Ph. oliverioi allowed us to conclude that the head of this specimen belongs to the genus Psychodopygus and the wings, thorax and abdomen belong to a different species of Psathyromyia. Thus, Ph. oliverioi is a not valid species, and must be removed from the synonym and excluded from the provisions of the International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (Articles 17.2 and 23.8). The specimen was measured, drawn, photographed and the morphological characters are discussed. Lectotype and paralectotypes to Pa. brasiliensis are designated.


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We study firms' corporate governance in environments where possibly heterogeneous shareholders compete for possibly heterogeneous managers. A firm, formed by a shareholder and a manager, can sign either an incentive contract or a contract including a Code of Best Practice. A Code allows for a better manager's control but makes manager's decisions hard to react when market conditions change. It tends to be adopted in markets with low volatility and in low-competitive environments. The firms with the best projects tend to adopt the Code when managers are not too heterogeneous while the best managers tend to be hired through incentive contracts when the projects are similar. Although the matching between shareholders and managers is often positively assortative, the shareholders with the best projects might be willing to renounce to hire the best managers, signing contracts including Codes with lower-ability managers.