987 resultados para Chromosome rearrangement
Tumor-specific loss of constitutional heterozygosity by deletion, mitotic recombination or nondisjunction is a common mechanism for tumor suppressor allele inactivation. When loss of heterozygosity is the result of mitotic recombination, or a segmental deletion event, only a portion of the chromosome is lost. This information can be used to map the location of new tumor suppressor genes. In osteosarcoma, the highest frequencies of loss of heterozygosity have been reported for chromosomes 3q, 13q, 17p. On chromosomes 13q and 17p, allelic losses are associated with loss of function at the retinoblastoma susceptibility locus (RB1) and the p53 locus, respectively. Chromosome 3q is also of particular interest because the high percent of loss of heterozygosity (62%-75%) suggests the presence of another tumor suppressor important for osteosarcoma tumorigenesis. To localize this putative tumor suppressor gene, we used polymorphic markers on chromosome 3q to find the smallest common region of allele loss. This putative tumor suppressor was localized to a 700 kb region on chromosome 3q26.2 between the polymorphic loci D3S1282 and D3S1246. ^
Alterations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (TSGs) are considered to be critical steps in oncogenesis. Consistent deletions and loss of heterozygosity (LOH) of polymorphic markers in a determinate chromosomal fragment are known to be indicative of a closely mapping TSG. Deletion of the long arm of chromosome 7 (hchr 7) is a frequent trait in many kinds of human primary tumors. LOH was studied with an extensive set of markers on chromosome 7q in several types of human neoplasias (primary breast, prostate, colon, ovarian and head and neck carcinomas) to determine the location of a putative TSG. The extent of LOH varied depending the type of tumor studied but all the LOH curves we obtained had a peak at (C-A)$\sb{\rm n}$ microsatellite repeat D7S522 at 7q31.1 and showed a Gaussian distribution. The high incidence of LOH in all tumor types studied suggests that a TSG relevant to the development of epithelial cancers is present on the 7q31.1. To investigate whether the putative TSG is conserved in the syntenic mouse locus, we studied LOH of 30 markers along mouse chromosome 6 (mchr 6) in chemically induced squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs). Tumors were obtained from SENCAR and C57BL/6 x DBA/2 F1 females by a two-stage carcinogenesis protocol. The high incidence of LOH in the tumor types studied suggests that a TSG relevant to the development of epithelial cancers is present on mchr 6 A1. Since this segment is syntenic with the hchr 7q31, these data indicate that the putative TSG is conserved in both species. Functional evidence for the existence of a TSG in hchr 7 was obtained by microcell fusion transfer of a single hchr 7 into a murine SCC-derived cell line. Five out of seven hybrids had two to three-fold longer latency periods for in vivo tumorigenicity assays than parental cells. One of the unrepressed hybrids had a deletion in the introduced chromosome 7 involving q31.1-q31.3, confirming the LOH data. ^
It is well established that the chimeric Bcr-Abl oncoprotein resulting from fusing 3$\sp\prime$ ABL sequences on chromosome 9 to 5$\sp\prime$ BCR sequences on chromosome 22 is the primary cause of Philadelphia chromosome-positive (Ph$\sp1$) leukemias. Although it is clear that the cis-Bcr sequence present within Bcr-Abl is able to activate the tyrosine kinase activity and F-actin binding capacity of Bcr-Abl which is critical for the transforming ability of BCR-ABL, the biological role of normal BCR gene product (P160 BCR) remains largely unknown. The previous finding by our lab that P160 BCR forms stable complexes with Bcr-Abl oncoprotein in Ph$\sp1$-positive leukemic cells implicated P160 BCR in the pathogenesis of Ph$\sp1$-positive leukemias. Here, we demonstrated that P160 BCR physically interacts with P210 BCR-ABL and become tyrosine phosphorylated when co-expressed with P210 BCR-ABL in COS1 cells while no tyrosine phosphorylation of P160 BCR can be detected when it is expressed alone. The results suggest that P160 BCR is a target for the Bcr-Abl tyrosine kinase. Although we were unable to detect stable physical interaction between P160 BCR and P145 c-ABL (Ib) in COS1 cells overexpressing both proteins, P160 BCR was phosphorylated on tyrosine residues when co-expressed with activated tyrosine kinase of P145 c-ABL (Ib). In addition, studies of tyrosine phosphorylation of BCR deletion mutants and 2-dimensional tryptic mapping of in vitro phosphorylated wild type and mutant (tyrosine to phenylalanine) Bcr-Abl indicated that tyrosine 177, 283 and 360 of Bcr represent some of the phosphorylation sites. Even though the significance of tyrosine phosphorylation of residues 283 and 360 of Bcr has not been determined, tyrosine phosphorylation of residue 177 within Bcr-Abl has been reported to be critical for its interaction with Grb2 molecule and subsequent activation of Ras signaling pathway. Here, we further demonstrated that tyrosine 177 phosphorylated P160 BCR is also able to bind to Grb2 molecule suggesting the role of P160 BCR in the Ras signaling pathway.^ Surprisingly, using 3$\sp\prime$ BCR antisense oligonucleotide to reduce the expression of P160 BCR without interfering with the expression of BCR-ABL resulted in increased growth or survival of B15 cells and M3.16 cells expressing either P185 BCR-ABL or P210 BCR-ABL respectively. The results provided strong arguments that P160 BCR may function as a negative regulator for cell growth.^ Considering all these results, we hypothesize that P160 BCR negatively regulate cell growth and tyrosine phosphorylation of P160 BCR turns off its growth suppressor function and turns on its growth stimulatory function. We further speculate that Bcr-Abl oncoprotein in leukemia cells stably interacts with and constitutively phosphorylates portions of P160 BCR converting it into a growth stimulatory state. In normal cells, the growth suppressor effects of P160 BCR could only be transiently and conditionally switched to growth stimulatory action by a strictly regulated cellular tyrosine kinase such as c-ABL. The model will be further discussed in the text. ^
In this study, the evolutionary relationship between human chromosome 16p12-p13 and mouse chromosomes was investigated by determining the order of marker loci in the region and then identifying the chromosomal locations of the homologous loci in mice. Eighteen genes from human 16 were mapped to fifteen subchromosomal regions by a variety of mapping approaches.^ Thirteen of the genes were mapped in the mouse. Linkage analysis with backcross mice and segregation analysis in a mouse - Chinese Hamster Ovary (CHO) somatic cell hybrid panel informative for different regions of mouse genome were used. The results assigned the thirteen genes to three different mouse chromosomes.^ A group of six genes on mouse 16 was found to be closely linked to Scid. The order of Myh11 and Mrp remains ambiguous since no recombination was detected in backcross analysis. Their relative position in human is also uncertain since they were shown to be very close to each other. For the other mouse loci, an unambiguous gene order could be determined and was found to be identical to that in human. Therefore, they comprise a new conserved linkage group between the two species. The orientation of the group was inverted relative to the centromeres, i.e. the proximal loci in one species become distal in another. The size of the group was estimated to be from 4.4 to 8 Mb and 10 to 32 cM in human. In mouse, it was about 21 cM in the backcross analysis. The two boundaries of the conserved linkage were defined within a 1 Mb range. It is now possible to predict the locations of mouse homologs for some human disease genes based on their locations on human 16p.^ The six human 16p genes that map to MMU7 showed a different gene order in mouse than in human. No recombination was found between Crym and Umod while Crym was distal to D16S79A and proximal to D16S92. The location of Stp and Cdr2 with respect to the above four loci was not determined since they were not mapped in the same set of backcross mice. These genes greatly expanded an existing conserved synteny group between the human 16p12-p13 region and the MMU7. It now consists of eleven loci that span a region of probably more than 10 Mb in human. The gene order derived from this study provided further evidence for chromosomal rearrangements within the conserved synteny. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
Fusion of nonmetastatic murine melanoma K1735 C19H cells with metastatic human melanoma A375 C15N cells resulted in a hybrid (termed H7) which was highly metastatic in a nude mouse model. The H7 hybrid retained chromosome 17 as the sole intact human chromosome in the cell. A lung bioassay showed that the K1735 C19H cells were present in the lungs of nude mice with s.c. tumors, yet at 6-weeks after tumor resection, no cells remained in the lung and therefore did not form lung metastases. Examination of various phenotypic properties such as in vivo and in vitro growth demonstrated that phenotypically the H7 hybrid was most like the K1735 C19H cell line except for its metastatic ability. In contrast the H7 hybrid cells containing single or multiple copies of human chromosome 17 with a point mutation at codon 249 (arg-gly) of the p53 gene, readily formed lung metastases. A plasmid containing the human p53 from the H7 hybrid and four other contructs with mutations at codon 143 (val-arg), 175 (arg-his), 249 (arg-ser) and 273 (arg-his) were transfected into K1735 C19H cells. K1735 C19H cells expressing human p53 genes with mutations at codons 249, both the arg-ser mutation and the mutation from the H7 hybrid and 273 produced significantly more lung metastases.^ In vitro assays demonstrated that responses to various cytotoxic and DNA damaging agents varied with the presence of mutant p53 and with the type of agent used. When cultured in mouse lung-conditioned medium, the K1735 C19H cell line was growth-inhibited, while cells containing a mutant human p53 (either on the whole chromosome 17, as in the H7 hybrid cells or from a stably transfected construct) were growth stimulated. Western blot analysis of lung-conditioned media derived from either 6-month or 15-month old mice has detected high levels of soluble Fas ligand in the medium from older animals. Comparison of the levels of Fas receptor on the K1735 C19H cell line and the H7 hybrid were almost identical, but 50% of the K1735 C19H cells were killed in the presence of anti-Fas antibody as opposed to 7% of the H7 hybrid cells. The growth-inhibitory effects of the lung-conditioned medium on the K1735 C19H cells were abrogated by coculture with Fas-Fc, which competes with the Fas ligand for receptor binding. Growth-inhibition of the K1735 C19H was 54% when cultured in 60 $\mu$g/0.2 ml lung-conditioned medium and a control Fc, with only 9% inhibition in 60 $\mu$g/0.2 ml lung-conditioned medium and Fas-Fc. Growth of the H7 cells and K1735 C19H cells transfected with various mutant human p53 genes were unchanged by the presence of either the control Fc or the Fas-Fc. This indicates that the presence of human chromosome 17, and mutant p53 in part protects the cells from Fas:Fas ligand induced apoptosis, and allows the growth of lung metastases. ^
Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by the development of retinal and central nervous system hemangioblastoma, renal cell carcinoma (RCC), pheochromocytoma and pancreatic islet cell tumors (PICT). The VHL gene maps to chromosome 3p25 and has been shown to be mutated in 57% of sporadic cases of RCC, implicating VHL in the genesis of RCC. We report a multigeneration VHL kindred in which four affected female siblings developed PICT at early ages. Analysis of the three coding exons of the VHL gene in this family revealed a single, missense mutation in codon 238. Inheritance of the 238 mutation has been reported to correlate with a 62% risk of pheochromocytoma development. In this kindred, all affected individuals carried the mutation as well as one additional sibling who showed no evidence of disease. Clinical screening of this individual indicated small ($<$1 cm) pancreatic and kidney tumors. Results suggest that inheritance of the codon 238 mutation does not correlate with early onset pheochromocytoma. Rather, the only individual in the pedigree with pheochromocytoma was the proband's mother who developed bilateral pheochromocytoma at the age of 62. Thus, the VHL codon 238 mutation may predispose to late onset pheochromocytoma in this family; however, it does not explain the preponderance of PICT in the third generation since this mutation has not been reported to increase the risk of developing pancreatic lesions. This suggests that inheritance of the codon 238 mutation and subsequent somatic inactivation of the wild type allele of the VHL gene may not be sufficient to explain the initiation and subsequent progression to malignancy in VHL-associated neoplasms. Since the two tumor types that most frequently progress to malignancy are RCC and PICT, we asked whether loss of heterozygosity (LOH) could be detected proximal to the VHL gene on chromosome 3 in distinct regions of 3p previously implicated by LOH and cytogenetic studies to contain tumor suppressor loci for RCC. LOH was performed on high molecular weight DNA isolated from peripheral blood and frozen tumor tissue of family members using microsatellite markers spanning 3p. Results indicated LOH for all informative 3p loci in tumor tissue from affected individuals with PICT. LOH was detected along the entire length of the chromosome arm and included the proximal region of 3p13-14.2 implicated in the hereditary form of renal cell carcinoma.^ If 3p LOH were a critical event in pancreatic islet cell tumorigenesis, then it should be expected that LOH in sporadic islet cell tumors would also be observed. We expanded LOH studies to include sporadic cases of PICT. Consistent LOH was observed on 3p with a highest frequency LOH in the region 3p21.2. This is the first evidence for an association between chromosome 3 loci and pancreatic islet cell tumorigenesis. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^
Placental formation and genomic imprinting are two important features of embryonic development in placental mammals. Genetic studies have demonstrated that imprinted genes play a prominent role in regulating placental formation. In marsupials, mice and humans, the paternally derived X chromosome is preferentially inactivated in the placental tissues of female embryos. This special form of genomic imprinting may have evolved under the same selective forces as autosomal imprinted genes. This chromosomal imprinting phenomenon predicts the existence of maternally expressed X-linked genes that regulate placental development.^ In this study, an X-linked homeobox gene, designated Esx1 has been isolated. During embryogenesis, Esx1 was expressed in a subset of placental tissues and regulates formation of the chorioallantoic placenta. Esx1 acted as an imprinted gene. Heterozygous female mice that inherit an Esx1-null allele from their father developed normally. However, heterozygous females that inherit the Esx1 mutation from their mother were born 20% smaller than normal and had an identical phenotype to hemizygous mutant males and homozygous mutant females. Surprisingly, although Esx1 mutant embryos were initially comparable in size to wild-type controls at 13.5 days post coitum (E13.5) their placentas were significantly larger (51% heavier than controls). Defects in the morphogenesis of the labyrinthine layer were observed as early as E11.5. Subsequently, vascularization abnormalities developed at the maternal-fetal interface, causing fetal growth retardation. These results identify Esx1 as the first essential X-chromosome-imprinted regulator of placental development that influences fetal growth and may have important implications in understanding human placental insufficiency syndromes such as intrauterine growth retardation (IUGR). ^
Extensive experience with the analysis of human prophase chromosomes and studies into the complexity of prophase GTG-banding patterns have suggested that at least some prophase chromosomal segments can be accurately identified and characterized independently of the morphology of the chromosome as a whole. In this dissertation the feasibility of identifying and analyzing specified prophase chromosome segments was thus investigated as an alternative approach to prophase chromosome analysis based on whole chromosome recognition. Through the use of prophase idiograms at the 850-band-stage (FRANCKE, 1981) and a comparison system based on the calculation of cross-correlation coefficients between idiogram profiles, we have demonstrated that it is possible to divide the 24 human prophase idiograms into a set of 94 unique band sequences. Each unique band sequence has a banding pattern that is recognizable and distinct from any other non-homologous chromosome portion.^ Using chromosomes 11p and 16 thru 22 to demonstrate unique band sequence integrity at the chromosome level, we found that prophase chromosome banding pattern variation can be compensated for and that a set of unique band sequences very similar to those at the idiogram level can be identified on actual chromosomes.^ The use of a unique band sequence approach in prophase chromosome analysis is expected to increase efficiency and sensitivity through more effective use of available banding information. The use of a unique band sequence approach to prophase chromosome analysis is discussed both at the routine level by cytogeneticists and at an image processing level with a semi-automated approach to prophase chromosome analysis. ^
DNA mediated gene transfection is an important tool for moving and isolating genes from one cell type and putting them into a foreign genetic background. DNA transfection studies have been done routinely in many laboratories to identify and isolate transforming sequences in human tumors and tumor cell lines. A second technique, microcell-mediated chromosome transfer, allows the transfer of small numbers of intact human chromosome from one cell to another. This work was done to compare the efficiency of these two techniques in the transformation of NIH 3T3 mouse fibroblast cells.^ My intent in comparing these two techniques was to see if there was a difference in the transforming capability of DNA which has been purified of all associated protein and RNAs, and that of DNA which is introduced into a cell in its native form, the chromosome. If chromosomal sequences were capable of transforming the 3T3 cells in culture, the method could then be used as a way to isolate the relevant tumorigenic chromosomes from human tumors.^ The study shows, however, that even for those cell lines that contain transforming sequences identified by DNA-mediated gene transfer, those same sequences were unable to transform 3T3 cells when introduced to the cells by somatic fusion of human tumor microcells. I believe that the human transforming sequences in their original genetic conformation are not recognized by the mouse cell as genes which should be expressed; therefore, no noticeable transformation event was selected by this technique. ^
Fluoroquinolone- and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates harbor two new staphylococcal cassette chromosome mec (SCCmec) elements that belong to class A, allotype 3 (SCCmec II-III), and to the new allotype 5 (SCCmec VII). Analysis of the complete nucleotide sequences of the topoisomerase loci gyrB/gyrA and grlB/grlA revealed mutations involved in fluoroquinolone resistance.
Crosslinking of immunoglobulin E antibodies (IgE) bound at the surface of mast cells and subsequent mediator release is considered the most important trigger for allergic reactions. Therefore, the genetic control of IgE levels is studied in the context of allergic diseases, such as asthma, atopic rhinitis, or atopic dermatitis (AD). We performed genome-wide association studies in 161 Labrador Retrievers with regard to total and allergen-specific immunoglobulin E (IgE) levels. We identified a genome-wide significant association on CFA 5 with the antigen-specific IgE responsiveness to Acarus siro. We detected a second genome-wide significant association with respect to the antigen-specific IgE responsiveness to Tyrophagus putrescentiae at a different locus on chromosome 5. A. siro and T. putrescentiae both belong to the family Acaridae and represent so-called storage or forage mites. These forage mites are discussed as major allergen sources in canine AD. No obvious candidate gene for the regulation of IgE levels is located under the two association signals. Therefore our studies offer a chance of identifying a novel mechanism controlling the host's IgE response.
The recent development of a goat SNP genotyping microarray enables genome-wide association studies in this important livestock species. We investigated the genetic basis of the black and brown coat colour in Valais Blacknecked and Coppernecked goats. A genome-wide association analysis using goat SNP50 BeadChip genotypes of 22 cases and 23 controls allowed us to map the locus for the brown coat colour to goat chromosome 8. The TYRP1 gene is located within the associated chromosomal region, and TYRP1 variants cause similar coat colour phenotypes in different species. We thus considered TYRP1 as a strong positional and functional candidate. We resequenced the caprine TYRP1 gene by Sanger and Illumina sequencing and identified two non-synonymous variants, p.Ile478Thr and p.Gly496Asp, that might have a functional impact on the TYRP1 protein. However, based on the obtained pedigree and genotype data, the brown coat colour in these goats is not due to a single recessive loss-of-function allele. Surprisingly, the genotype distribution and the pedigree data suggest that the (496) Asp allele might possibly act in a dominant manner. The (496) Asp allele was present in 77 of 81 investigated Coppernecked goats and did not occur in black goats. This strongly suggests heterogeneity underlying the brown coat colour in Coppernecked goats. Functional experiments or targeted matings will be required to verify the unexpected preliminary findings.
The loci of the porcine tumour necrosis factor genes, alpha (TNFA) and beta (TNFB), have been chromosomally assigned by radioactive in situ hybridization. The genomic probes for TNFA and TNFB yielded signals above 7p11-q11, a region that has been shown earlier to carry the porcine major histocompatibility locus (SLA). These mapping data along with preliminary molecular studies suggest a genomic organization of the SLA that is similar to that of human and murine major histocompatibility complexes.
The presence of congenital appendages (wattles) on the throat of goats is supposed to be under genetic control with a dominant mode of inheritance. Wattles contain a cartilaginous core covered with normal skin resembling early stages of extremities. To map the dominant caprine wattles (W) locus, we collected samples of 174 goats with wattles and 167 goats without wattles from nine different Swiss goat breeds. The samples were genotyped with the 53k goat SNP chip for a subsequent genome-wide association study. We obtained a single strong association signal on chromosome 10 in a region containing functional candidate genes for limb development and outgrowth. We sequenced the whole genomes of an informative family trio containing an offspring without wattles and its heterozygous parents with wattles. In the associated goat chromosome 10 region, a total of 1055 SNPs and short indels perfectly co-segregate with the W allele. None of the variants were perfectly associated with the phenotype after analyzing the genome sequences of eight additional goats. We speculate that the causative mutation is located in one of the numerous gaps in the current version of the goat reference sequence and/or represents a larger structural variant which influences the expression of the FMN1 and/or GREM1 genes. Also, we cannot rule out possible genetic or allelic heterogeneity. Our genetic findings support earlier assumptions that wattles are rudimentary developed extremities.