996 resultados para Christine Whittington
A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de mostrar a arte Origami sob um contexto matemático, apresentando um pequeno resumo dos aspectos história e o desenvolvimento do Origami ao longo do tempo e dando maior destaque às suas aplicações na matemática, com o emprego dos axiomas de Huzita e a proposta de ampliação deste conjunto de axiomas com a inclusão da circunferência no papel Origami. Com o uso das técnicas de dobraduras, este trabalho mostra várias aplicações do Origami na matemática, tais como: a solução de alguns problemas clássicos, a construção de polígonos, a demonstração da soma dos ângulos internos de um triângulo, cálculo de algumas áreas, a solução de alguns problemas de máximos e mínimos, seguidos dos conceitos matemático envolvidos em cada um deles. E a inclusão da circunferência no plano Origami permitiu ainda, o estudo das construções das cônicas por dobraduras
A presente dissertação tem o objetivo de mostrar a arte Origami sob um contexto matemático, apresentando um pequeno resumo dos aspectos história e o desenvolvimento do Origami ao longo do tempo e dando maior destaque às suas aplicações na matemática, com o emprego dos axiomas de Huzita e a proposta de ampliação deste conjunto de axiomas com a inclusão da circunferência no papel Origami. Com o uso das técnicas de dobraduras, este trabalho mostra várias aplicações do Origami na matemática, tais como: a solução de alguns problemas clássicos, a construção de polígonos, a demonstração da soma dos ângulos internos de um triângulo, cálculo de algumas áreas, a solução de alguns problemas de máximos e mínimos, seguidos dos conceitos matemático envolvidos em cada um deles. E a inclusão da circunferência no plano Origami permitiu ainda, o estudo das construções das cônicas por dobraduras.
Este trabalho teve como objetivo geral avaliar o potencial das imagens do sensor ASTER, utilizando a região do infravermelho de ondas curtas (SWIR), para discriminação espectral de rochas carbonáticas aflorantes na região Noroeste do Estado do Rio de Janeiro, complementando produtos existentes de mapeamento geológico. As rochas carbonáticas servem de matéria-prima para produção de cimento, que atualmente apresenta forte demanda dado o crescimento de obras civis devido à expansão da infraestrutura do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Este crescimento no consumo oferece desafios às companhias produtoras, tornando-se de vital importância a identificação de novas áreas para exploração de insumos para a indústria civil. Neste sentido, o carbonato tem sofrido grande pressão com relação a sua produção pois é a principal matéria-prima utilizada na fabricação do cimento. Imagens do sensor Aster vem sendo utilizadas na área da geologia com êxito, discriminando litologias e minerais como quartzo, óxido de ferro e calcita. Na região do intervalo de ondas entre 2,235-2,285 μm e 2,295-2,365 μm , as bandas 7 e 8 do sensor ASTER na região do SWIR, mostram-se adequadas para a identificação de minerais de calcita e dolomita. Como metodologia, foram aplicadas as técnicas de razões de bandas para separação de calcários e dolomitos e para a classificação espectral, foi utilizada a técnica SAM. Tornou-se como referência para a classificação espectral amostras de áreas de rochas carbonáticas aflorantes e espectros da biblioteca espectral da USGS. As classificações espectrais obtiveram resultados significativos na discriminação espectral das áreas carbonáticas, no entanto as técnicas de razões de bandas não obtiveram resultados suficientes para a discriminação de calcários e dolomitos. Para trabalhos futuros sugere-se a realização de trabalho de campo para a coleta de espectros, através da espectrorradiometria dos afloramentos dos carbonatos.
This project characterized and assessed the condition of coastal water resources in the Dry Tortugas National Park (DRTO) located in the Florida Keys. The goal of the assessment was to: (1) identify the state of knowledge of natural resources that exist within the DRTO, (2) summarize the state of knowledge about natural and anthropogenic stressors and threats that affected these resources, and (3) describe strategies being implemented by DRTO managers to meet their resource management goals. The park, located in the Straits of Florida 113 km (70 miles) west of Key West, is relatively small (269 square kilometers) with seven small islands and extensive shallow water coral reefs. Significant natural resources within DRTO include coastal and oceanic waters, coral reefs, reef fisheries, seagrass beds, and sea turtle and bird nesting habitats. This report focuses on marine natural resources identified by DRTO resource managers and researchers as being vitally important to the Tortugas region and the wider South Florida ecosystem. Selected marine resources included physical resources (geology, oceanography, and water quality) and biological resources (coral reef and hardbottom benthic assemblages, seagrass and algal communities, reef fishes and macro invertebrates, and wildlife [sea turtles and sea-birds]). In the past few decades, some of these resources have deteriorated because of natural and anthropogenic factors that are local and global in scale. To meet mandated goals (Chapter 1), resource managers need information on: (1) the types and condition of natural and cultural resources that occur within the park and (2) the stressors and threats that can affect those resources. This report synthesizes and summarizes information on: (1) the status of marine natural resources occurring at DRTO; and (2) types of stressors and threats currently affecting those resources at the DRTO. Based on published information, the assessment suggests that marine resources at DRTO and its surrounding region are affected by several stressors, many of which act synergistically. Of the nine resource components assessed, one resource category – water quality – received an ecological condition ranking of "Good"; two components – the nonliving portion of coral reef and hardbottom and reef fishes – received a rating of "Caution"; and two components – the biotic components of coral reef and hardbottom substrates and sea turtles – received a rating of "Significant concern" (Table E-1). Seagrass and algal communities and seabirds were unrated for ecological condition because the available information was inadequate. The stressor category of tropical storms was the dominant and most prevalent stressor in the Tortugas region; it affected all of the resource components assessed in this report. Commercial and recreational fishing were also dominant stressors and affected 78% of the resource components assessed. The most stressed resource was the biotic component of coral reef and hardbottom resources, which was affected by 76% of the stressors. Water quality was the least affected; it was negatively affected by 12% of stressors. The systematic assessment of marine natural resources and stressors in the Tortugas region pointed to several gaps in the information. For example, of the nine marine resource components reviewed in this report, the living component of coral reefs and hardbottom resources had the best rated information with 25% of stressor categories rated "Good" for information richness. In contrast, the there was a paucity of information for seagrass and algal communities and sea birds resource components.
In the Florida Panhandle region, bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) have been highly susceptible to large-scale unusual mortality events (UMEs) that may have been the result of exposure to blooms of the dinoflagellate Karenia brevis and its neurotoxin, brevetoxin (PbTx). Between 1999 and 2006, three bottlenose dolphin UMEs occurred in the Florida Panhandle region. The primary objective of this study was to determine if these mortality events were due to brevetoxicosis. Analysis of over 850 samples from 105 bottlenose dolphins and associated prey items were analyzed for algal toxins and have provided details on tissue distribution, pathways of trophic transfer, and spatial-temporal trends for each mortality event. In 1999/2000, 152 dolphins died following extensive K. brevis blooms and brevetoxin was detected in 52% of animals tested at concentrations up to 500 ng/g. In 2004, 105 bottlenose dolphins died in the absence of an identifiable K. brevis bloom; however, 100% of the tested animals were positive for brevetoxin at concentrations up to 29,126 ng/mL. Dolphin stomach contents frequently consisted of brevetoxin-contaminated menhaden. In addition, another potentially toxigenic algal species, Pseudo-nitzschia, was present and low levels of the neurotoxin domoic acid (DA) were detected in nearly all tested animals (89%). In 2005/2006, 90 bottlenose dolphins died that were initially coincident with high densities of K. brevis. Most (93%) of the tested animals were positive for brevetoxin at concentrations up to 2,724 ng/mL. No DA was detected in these animals despite the presence of an intense DA-producing Pseudo-nitzschia bloom. In contrast to the absence or very low levels of brevetoxins measured in live dolphins, and those stranding in the absence of a K. brevis bloom, these data, taken together with the absence of any other obvious pathology, provide strong evidence that brevetoxin was the causative agent involved in these bottlenose dolphin mortality events.
The Monitor National Marine Sanctuary (MNMS) was the nation’s first sanctuary, originally established in 1975 to protect the famous civil war ironclad shipwreck, the USS Monitor. Since 2008, sanctuary sponsored archeological research has branched out to include historically significant U-boats and World War II shipwrecks within the larger Graveyard of the Atlantic off the coast of North Carolina. These shipwrecks are not only important for their cultural value, but also as habitat for a wide diversity of fishes, invertebrates and algal species. Additionally, due to their unique location within an important area for biological productivity, the sanctuary and other culturally valuable shipwrecks within the Graveyard of the Atlantic are potential sites for examining community change. For this reason, from June 8-30, 2010, biological and ecological investigations were conducted at four World War II shipwrecks (Keshena, City of Atlanta, Dixie Arrow, EM Clark), as part of the MNMS 2010 Battle of the Atlantic (BOTA) research project. At each shipwreck site, fish community surveys were conducted and benthic photo-quadrats were collected to characterize the mobile conspicuous fish, smaller prey fish, and sessile invertebrate and algal communities. In addition, temperature sensors were placed at all four shipwrecks previously mentioned, as well as an additional shipwreck, the Manuela. The data, which establishes a baseline condition to use in future assessments, suggest strong differences in both the fish and benthic communities among the surveyed shipwrecks based on the oceanographic zone (depth). In order to establish these shipwrecks as sites for detecting community change it is suggested that a subset of locations across the shelf be selected and repeatedly sampled over time. In order to reduce variability within sites for both the benthic and fish communities, a significant number of surveys should be conducted at each location. This sampling strategy will account for the natural differences in community structure that exist across the shelf due to the oceanographic regime, and allow robust statistical analyses of community differences over time.
We report on a study of how people look for information within email, files, and the Web. When locating a document or searching for a specific answer, people relied on their contextual knowledge of their information target to help them find it, often associating the target with a specific document. They appeared to prefer to use this contextual information as a guide in navigating locally in small steps to the desired document rather than directly jumping to their target. We found this behavior was especially true for people with unstructured information organization. We discuss the implications of our findings for the design of personal information management tools.
Exame dos solos e amostragens; Roteiro da excursão; Sequencia e discussão sucinta dos estudos realizados: percurso: Cuiabá-Jangada-Barra do Bugres-Nova Olimpia-Tangará da Serra-Fazenda Itamarati-Campo Novo do Parecis; percurso: Juina-Castanheira-Juruena-Aripuanã; percurso: Aripuanã-Juina-Vilhena; Percurso: Vilhena-Cuiabá.
Este documento apresenta os resultados da pesquisa de impactos sociais do Sistema Brasileiro de Classificação de Solos - SiBCS. Observou-se que a contribuição do SiBCS para a sociedade brasileira se mostra de forma muito abrangente, não apenas no ensino das ciências do solo, como nos múltiplos usos do conhecimento gerado, os quais se enquadram no componente da metodologia de avaliação denominado Compromisso Social do Desenvolvimento Agrícola, contribuindo assim para o desenvolvimento sustentável nos múltiplos desdobramentos das suas possibilidades de aplicação.