969 resultados para Choruses, Secular (Mixed voices, 8 parts) with piano.


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The development of products from marine bioresources is gaining importance in the biotechnology sector. The global market for Marine Biotechnology products and processes was, in 2010, estimated at 2.8 billion with a cumulative annual growth rate of 510% (Børresen et al., Marine biotechnology: a new vision and strategy for Europe. Marine Board Position Paper 15. Beernem: Marine Board-ESF, 2010). Marine Biotechnology has the potential to make significant contributions towards the sustainable supply of food and energy, the solution of climate change and environmental degradation issues, and the human health. Besides the creation of jobs and wealth, it will contribute to the development of a greener economy. Thus, huge expectations anticipate the global development of marine biotechnology. The marine environment represents more than 70% of the Earths surface and includes the largest ranges of temperature, light and pressure encountered by life. These diverse marine environments still remain largely unexplored, in comparison with terrestrial habitats. Notwithstanding, efforts are being done by the scientific community to widespread the knowledge on oceans microbial life. For example, the J. Craig Venter Institute, in collaboration with the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), and Scripps Institution of Oceanography have built a state-of-the-art computational resource along with software tools to catalogue and interpret microbial life in the worlds oceans. The potential application of the marine biotechnology in the bioenergy sector is wide and, certainly, will evolve far beyond the current interest in marine algae. This chapter revises the current knowledge on marine anaerobic bacteria and archaea with a role in bio-hydrogen production, syngas fermentation and bio-electrochemical processes, three examples of bioenergy production routes.


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OBJECTIVE: We analyzed the frequency of peripheral embolisms, the underlying heart disease,triggering factors, the sites of the emboli, and evolution of the patients. METHODS: We analyzed 29 cases of peripheral arterial embolism out of a total of 20,211 hospitalizations in a cardiology center in the city of São Paulo. The age was 51.89±18.66 years, and 15 were males. RESULTS: Embolism in the right lower limb occurred in 18 patients (62.0%),in the left lower 11(37.9%) and right upper 3 (10.3%) limbs, and in the left arm (1). Four patients had embolism in two limbs. The heart disease, mitral valvar heart disease (9 patients - 31.0%); infective endocarditis (7- 24.1%); dilated cardiomyopathy (6 - 20.6%); ischemic coronary heart disease (6 patients - 20.6%); and one patient with cor pulmonale. Atrial fibrillation was observed in 20 patients (68.9%), chronic in 12 patients (41.3% ) and acute in 8 (27.5%). All patients with mitral valvar heart disease had atrial fibrillation, chronic in 8 patients (88.8%); patients with cardiomyopathy and coronary heart disease, 4 in each group had atrial fibrillation, acute in 60% of the patients.Patients with infective endocarditis, 3 had staphylococcus and 2 Gram-negative bacteria. In the follow-up, 2 patients (6.8%) required limbs amputation, and 5 (17.2%) died due to embolism. CONCLUSION: Most of the time, embolism does not cause permanent complications. Our data highlight the importance of anticoagulation for patients acute atrial fibrillation in myocardial dysfunction and for patients with chronic atrial fibrillation in cases of mitral valvar heart disease to prevent peripheral embolism.


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Background: Conventional surgical repair of thoracic aortic dissections is a challenge due to mortality and morbidity risks. Objectives: We analyzed our experience in hybrid aortic arch repair for complex dissections of the aortic arch. Methods: Between 2009 and 2013, 18 patients (the mean age of 67 ± 8 years-old) underwent hybrid aortic arch repair. The procedural strategy was determined on the individual patient. Results: Thirteen patients had type I repair using trifurcation and another patient with bifurcation graft. Two patients had type II repair with replacement of the ascending aorta. Two patients received extra-anatomic bypass grafting to left carotid artery allowing covering of zone 1. Stent graft deployment rate was 100%. No patients experienced stroke. One patient with total debranching of the aortic arch following an acute dissection of the proximal arch expired 3 months after TEVAR due to heart failure. There were no early to midterm endoleaks. The median follow-up was 20 ± 8 months with patency rate of 100%. Conclusion: Various debranching solutions for different complex scenarios of the aortic arch serve as less invasive procedures than conventional open surgery enabling safe and effective treatment of this highly selected subgroup of patients with complex aortic pathologies.


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For the determination of exchangeable hydrogen ion in soils, the authors of the presente work made the extraction with normal calcium acetate solution that may have an initial pH between 7 and 8 without altering the amount of hydrogen ion extracted. The extraction was made by shaking 5,0 grams of air dry soil with 100 ml of normal calcium acetate solution, the pH of wich was ascertained to 7,0, 7,5 and 8,0 with acetic acid, in 250 mil conical flasks for 30 minutes in a Wagner shaker (30-40 rpm). The contents of the flasks were then, filtered. A 50 ml aliquot of each of the leachate was titrated with a 0,020 N NaOH solution and the volumes consumed sodium hydroxide were ploted against pH. The titration curves thus obtained showed to be straight lines between pH 8 and 9 and parallel to the curve obtained by the titration of the blank. Two ways of locating the end point of the titration showed to be possible: the use of a pHmeter or titrimeter or the use of phenolphtalein as indicator. When using a pH meter or a titrimeter, the end point may rest in any point between pH 8 and 9, and the volume of sodium hydroxide consumed is found by comparison with a similar curve obtained by the titration of the blank. When using phenolphtalein the calcium acetate solution must have a pH below 8.


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We document the expansion of the breeding distribution of the Little Blue Heron Egretta caerulea (Linnaeus, 1758) to 850 km beyond its previous southern limit in South America. In addition we present data on abundance, breeding biology and food of the species in the Patos Lagoon estuary, the area which the species recently colonized. The maximum abundance recorded in the breeding colony and in a nocturnal roosting site was 53 and 49 individuals respectively. Nesting occurred from September to March. Birds nested in a mixed breeding colony together with about 3,000 breeding pairs of seven other species of Pelecaniformes, in a swampy forest near the margin of the estuary. Five nests were between 1.5 and 4.3 m from the ground, on the shrub Daphnopsis racemosa (Thymelaeaceae), on the trees Sebastiana brasiliensis (Euphorbiaceae) and Mimosa bimucronata (Leguminosae), or on the bamboo Bambusa sp. (Poaceae). Four nests produced two fledglings each, while one nest was abandoned. Of 13 grouped samples of food regurgitated by five nestlings, Pink Shrimp Farfantepenaeus paulensis (Perez-Farfante, 1967) constituted 70% in mass, while total length of ingested fishes and shrimps varied mostly between 20 and 50 mm. Estuarine prey items represented 99% of the total food mass. The recent southward expansion of the breeding range of the Little Blue Heron in South America may be a response to climate warming of the Patos Lagoon estuary. Degradation of estuaries in the southwestern Atlantic may also be forcing the birds to breed in areas outside previous geographical range.


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La douleur est fréquente en milieu de soins intensifs et sa gestion est l'une des missions des infirmières. Son évaluation est une prémisse indispensable à son soulagement. Cependant lorsque le patient est incapable de signaler sa douleur, les infirmières doivent se baser sur des signes externes pour l'évaluer. Les guides de bonne pratique recommandent chez les personnes non communicantes l'usage d'un instrument validé pour la population donnée et basé sur l'observation des comportements. A l'heure actuelle, les instruments d'évaluation de la douleur disponibles ne sont que partiellement adaptés aux personnes cérébrolésées dans la mesure où ces personnes présentent des comportements qui leur sont spécifiques. C'est pourquoi, cette étude vise à identifier, décrire et valider des indicateurs, et des descripteurs, de la douleur chez les personnes cérébrolésées. Un devis d'étude mixte multiphase avec une dominante quantitative a été choisi pour cette étude. Une première phase consistait à identifier des indicateurs et des descripteurs de la douleur chez les personnes cérébrolésées non communicantes aux soins intensifs en combinant trois sources de données : une revue intégrative des écrits, une démarche consultative utilisant la technique du groupe nominal auprès de 18 cliniciens expérimentés (6 médecins et 12 infirmières) et les résultats d'une étude pilote observationnelle réalisée auprès de 10 traumatisés crâniens. Les résultats ont permis d'identifier 6 indicateurs et 47 descripteurs comportementaux, vocaux et physiologiques susceptibles d'être inclus dans un instrument d'évaluation de la douleur destiné aux personnes cérébrolésées non- communicantes aux soins intensifs. Une deuxième phase séquentielle vérifiait les propriétés psychométriques des indicateurs et des descripteurs préalablement identifiés. La validation de contenu a été testée auprès de 10 experts cliniques et 4 experts scientifiques à l'aide d'un questionnaire structuré qui cherchait à évaluer la pertinence et la clarté/compréhensibilité de chaque descripteur. Cette démarche a permis de sélectionner 33 des 47 descripteurs et valider 6 indicateurs. Dans un deuxième temps, les propriétés psychométriques de ces indicateurs et descripteurs ont été étudiés au repos, lors de stimulation non nociceptive et lors d'une stimulation nociceptive (la latéralisation du patient) auprès de 116 personnes cérébrolésées aux soins intensifs hospitalisées dans deux centres hospitaliers universitaires. Les résultats montrent d'importantes variations dans les descripteurs observés lors de stimulation nociceptive probablement dues à l'hétérogénéité des patients au niveau de leur état de conscience. Dix descripteurs ont été éliminés, car leur fréquence lors de la stimulation nociceptive était inférieure à 5% ou leur fiabilité insuffisante. Les descripteurs physiologiques ont tous été supprimés en raison de leur faible variabilité et d'une fiabilité inter juge problématique. Les résultats montrent que la validité concomitante, c'est-à-dire la corrélation entre l'auto- évaluation du patient et les mesures réalisées avec les descripteurs, est satisfaisante lors de stimulation nociceptive {rs=0,527, p=0,003, n=30). Par contre la validité convergente, qui vérifiait l'association entre l'évaluation de la douleur par l'infirmière en charge du patient et les mesures réalisés avec les descripteurs, ainsi que la validité divergente, qui vérifiait si les indicateurs discriminent entre la stimulation nociceptive et le repos, mettent en évidence des résultats variables en fonction de l'état de conscience des patients. Ces résultats soulignent la nécessité d'étudier les descripteurs de la douleur chez des patients cérébrolésés en fonction du niveau de conscience et de considérer l'hétérogénéité de cette population dans la conception d'un instrument d'évaluation de la douleur pour les personnes cérébrolésées non communicantes aux soins intensifs. - Pain is frequent in the intensive care unit (ICU) and its management is a major issue for nurses. The assessment of pain is a prerequisite for appropriate pain management. However, pain assessment is difficult when patients are unable to communicate about their experience and nurses have to base their evaluation on external signs. Clinical practice guidelines highlight the need to use behavioral scales that have been validated for nonverbal patients. Current behavioral pain tools for ICU patients unable to communicate may not be appropriate for nonverbal brain-injured ICU patients, as they demonstrate specific responses to pain. This study aimed to identify, describe and validate pain indicators and descriptors in brain-injured ICU patients. A mixed multiphase method design with a quantitative dominant was chosen for this study. The first phase aimed to identify indicators and descriptors of pain for nonverbal brain- injured ICU patients using data from three sources: an integrative literature review, a consultation using the nominal group technique with 18 experienced clinicians (12 nurses and 6 physicians) and the results of an observational pilot study with 10 traumatic brain injured patients. The results of this first phase identified 6 indicators and 47 behavioral, vocal and physiological descriptors of pain that could be included in a pain assessment tool for this population. The sequential phase two tested the psychometric properties of the list of previously identified indicators and descriptors. Content validity was tested with 10 clinical and 4 scientific experts for pertinence and comprehensibility using a structured questionnaire. This process resulted in 33 descriptors to be selected out of 47 previously identified, and six validated indicators. Then, the psychometric properties of the descriptors and indicators were tested at rest, during non nociceptive stimulation and nociceptive stimulation (turning) in a sample of 116 brain-injured ICLI patients who were hospitalized in two university centers. Results showed important variations in the descriptors observed during the nociceptive stimulation, probably due to the heterogeneity of patients' level of consciousness. Ten descriptors were excluded, as they were observed less than 5% of the time or their reliability was insufficient. All physiologic descriptors were deleted as they showed little variability and inter observer reliability was lacking. Concomitant validity, testing the association between patients' self report of pain and measures performed using the descriptors, was acceptable during nociceptive stimulation (rs=0,527, p=0,003, n=30). However, convergent validity ( testing for an association between the nurses' pain assessment and measures done with descriptors) and divergent validity (testing for the ability of the indicators to discriminate between rest and a nociceptive stimulation) varied according to the level of consciousness These results highlight the need to study pain descriptors in brain-injured patients with different level of consciousness and to take into account the heterogeneity of this population forthe conception of a pain assessment tool for nonverbal brain-injured ICU patients.


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Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) bacteria have emerged in the early 1980's in numerous health care institutions around the world. The main transmission mechanism within hospitals and healthcare facilities is through the hands of health care workers. Resistant to several antibiotics, the MRSA is one of the most feared pathogens in the hospital setting since it is very difficult to eradicate with the standard treatments. There are still a limited number of anti-MRSA antibiotics but the first cases of resistance to these compounds have already been reported and their frequency is likely to increase in the coming years. Every year, the MRSA infections result in major human and financial costs, due to the high associated mortality and expenses related to the required care. Measures towards a faster detection of resistant bacteria and establishment of appropriate antibiotic treatment parameters are fundamental. Also as part as infection prevention, diminution of bacteria present on the commonly touched surfaces could also limit the spread and selection of antibiotic resistant bacteria. During my thesis, projects were developed around MRSA and antibiotic resistance investigation using innovative technologies. The thesis was subdivided in three main parts with the use of atomic force microscopy AFM for antibiotic resistance detection in part 1, the importance of the bacterial inoculum size in the selection of antibiotic resistance in part 2 and the testing of antimicrobial surfaces creating by sputtering copper onto polyester in part 3. In part 1 the AFM was used two different ways, first for the measurement of stiffness (elasticity) of bacteria and second as a nanosensor for antibiotic susceptibility testing. The stiffness of MRSA with different susceptibility profiles to vancomycin was investigated using the stiffness tomography mode of the AFM and results have demonstrated and increased stiffness in the vancomycin resistant strains that also paralleled with increased thickness of the bacterial cell wall. Parts of the AFM were also used to build a new antibiotic susceptibility-testing device. This nano sensor was able to measure vibrations emitted from living bacteria that ceased definitively upon antibiotic exposure to which they were susceptible but restarted after antibiotic removal to which they were resistant, allowing in a matter of minute the assessment of antibiotic susceptibility determination. In part 2 the inoculum effect (IE) of vancomycin, daptomycin and linezolid and its importance in antibiotic resistance selection was investigated with MRSA during a 15 days of cycling experiment. Results indicated that a high bacterial inoculum and a prolonged antibiotic exposure were two key factors in the in vitro antibiotic resistance selection in MRSA and should be taken into consideration when choosing the drug treatment. Finally in part 3 bactericidal textile surfaces were investigated against MRSA. Polyesters coated after 160 seconds of copper sputtering have demonstrated a high bactericidal activity reducing the bacterial load of at least 3 logio after one hour of contact. -- Au cours des dernières décennies, des bactéries multirésistantes aux antibiotiques (BMR) ont émergé dans les hôpitaux du monde entier. Depuis lors, le nombre de BMR et la prévalence des infections liées aux soins (IAS) continuent de croître et sont associés à une augmentation des taux de morbidité et de mortalité ainsi qu'à des coûts élevés. De plus, le nombre de résistance à différentes classes d'antibiotiques a également augmenté parmi les BMR, limitant ainsi les options thérapeutiques disponibles lorsqu'elles ont liées a des infections. Des mesures visant une détection plus rapide des bactéries résistantes ainsi que l'établissement des paramètres de traitement antibiotiques adéquats sont primordiales lors d'infections déjà présentes. Dans une optique de prévention, la diminution des bactéries présentes sur les surfaces communément touchées pourrait aussi freiner la dissémination et l'évolution des bactéries résistantes. Durant ma thèse, différents projets incluant des nouvelles technologies et évoluant autour de la résistance antibiotique ont été traités. Des nouvelles technologies telles que le microscope à force atomique (AFM) et la pulvérisation cathodique de cuivre (PCC) ont été utilisées, et le Staphylococcus aureus résistant à la méticilline (SARM) a été la principale BMR étudiée. Deux grandes lignes de recherche ont été développées; la première visant à détecter la résistance antibiotique plus rapidement avec l'AFM et la seconde visant à prévenir la dissémination des BMR avec des surfaces crées grâce à la PCC. L'AFM a tout d'abord été utilisé en tant que microscope à sonde locale afin d'investiguer la résistance à la vancomycine chez les SARMs. Les résultats ont démontré que la rigidité de la paroi augmentait avec la résistance à la vancomycine et que celle-ci corrélait aussi avec une augmentation de l'épaisseur des parois, vérifiée grâce à la microscopie électronique. Des parties d'un AFM ont été ensuite utilisées afin de créer un nouveau dispositif de test de sensibilité aux antibiotiques, un nanocapteur. Ce nanocapteur mesure des vibrations produites par les bactéries vivantes. Après l'ajout d'antibiotique, les vibrations cessent définitivement chez les bactéries sensibles à l'antibiotique. En revanche pour les bactéries résistantes, les vibrations reprennent après le retrait de l'antibiotique dans le milieu permettant ainsi, en l'espace de minutes de détecter la sensibilité de la bactérie à un antibiotique. La PCC a été utilisée afin de créer des surfaces bactéricides pour la prévention de la viabilité des BMR sur des surfaces inertes. Des polyesters finement recouverts de cuivre (Cu), connu pour ses propriétés bactéricides, ont été produits et testés contre des SARMs. Une méthode de détection de viabilité des bactéries sur ces surfaces a été mise au point, et les polyesters obtenus après 160 secondes de pulvérisation au Cu ont démontré une excellente activité bactéricide, diminuant la charge bactérienne d'au moins 3 logio après une heure de contact. En conclusion, l'utilisation de nouvelles technologies nous a permis d'évoluer vers de méthodes de détection de la résistance antibiotique plus rapides ainsi que vers le développement d'un nouveau type de surface bactéricide, dans le but d'améliorer le diagnostic et la gestion des BMR.


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OBJECTIVE: Study of the uptake of new medical technologies provides useful information on the transfer of published evidence into usual practice. We conducted an audit of selected hospitals in three countries (Canada, France, and Switzerland) to identify clinical predictors of low-molecular-weight (LMW) heparin use and outpatient treatment, and to compare the pace of uptake of these new therapeutic approaches across hospitals. DESIGN: Historical review of medical records. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We reviewed the medical records of 3043 patients diagnosed with deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in five Canadian, two French, and two Swiss teaching hospitals from 1994 to 1998. Measures. We explored independent clinical variables associated with LMW heparin use and outpatient treatment, and determined crude and adjusted rates of LMW heparin use and outpatient treatment across hospitals. RESULTS: For the years studied, the overall rates of LMW heparin use and outpatient treatment in the study sample were 34.1 and 15.8%, respectively, with higher rates of use in later years. Many comorbidities were negatively associated with outpatient treatment, and risk-adjusted rates of use of these new approaches varied significantly across hospitals. CONCLUSION: There has been a relatively rapid uptake of LMW heparins and outpatient treatment for DVT in their early years of availability, but the pace of uptake has varied considerably across hospitals and countries.


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The partial suppression of the cell-mediated immune response by Trypanosoma cruzi antigens in patients with Chagas' disease is demonstrated in a costimulation assay with T. cruzi antigens and Mycobacterium tuberculosis purified protein derivative (PPD) or Tetanus toxoid (TT). ononuclear cells from 13 patients with chagasic infection without evidence of heart disease, 10 patients with chagasic cardiomyopathy and 7 healthy blood donors were stimulated with antigen A (autoclaved epimastigotes), PPD, TT, PPD + A, PPD + TT and TT + A. The average percentage of suppression induced by costimulation of mononuclear cells with PPD and antigen A was 47.1% in patients with chagasic infection without heart disease (INF), 38.8% in patients with chagasic cardiomyopathy (CDM) and 23.3% in healthy controls. Similar values were observed when living trypomastigotes were used. A costimulatory study with PPD and TT, PPD and A and TT and A was carried out in 8 patients with chagasic infection, in order to evaluate the possibility that this difference could be due to a nonspecific inhibitory effect. The mean suppression induced by TT + PPD was -8.9, with TT + A was 52.7 and with PPD + A was 50.1. The data reported show that T. cruzi antigens induce a specific suppression of the proliferative responseof mononuclear cells, that might be relevant to the persistence of the parasite in the host.


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Coleus barbatus (Labiatae) Benth is popularly used in Brazil "for the healing of liver and stomach diseases". The water extract (WE 1 to 10 g/Kg, p.o.) of stem and leaves given to rats and mice did not induce signs of intoxication. Preveious treatment of mice with WE (1 g/kg, p.o.) shortened the sleeping time induced by pentobarbital (50 mg/Kg, i.p.) by 37 por cento, althoyugh the extract alone did not increase the spontaneous activity nor did it induce hyperexcitability. In mice WE (2 g/Kg, p.o.) increased the intestinal transit of charcoal by 30 por cento, while reduced gastric secretions ion rats treated with WE (2g/Kg intraduodenal) 3,9 ± 1.0 to 0.5 ± 0.2 ml/4h, respectively). The treatment also reduced the total acid secretion from 34.4 ± 11.0 to 2.7 ± 0.5 mEq/l and raisedgastric pH from 2.2 ± 0.3 to 6.5 ± 0.8. Treatment with WE (2g/Kg, p.o.) protected against gastric ulcers induced by stress (5.3 ± 1.6 and 1.5 ± 0.5 ulcers/cm²), but did nor protect against indonethacin induced ulcers. The results show that the water extract of C barbatus Benth produces mild stimulation of thecentral nervous system and increases intestinal movements. The extract also reduces gastric secretion indicating an antidyspeptic activity, and protects against gastric ulcers induced by stress.


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Background: Bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) remains the leading cause of chronic pulmonary morbidity among preterm neonates. However, the exact pathophysiology is still unknown. Here we present the first results from a new model inteAbstracts, 25th International Workshop on Surfactant Replacement 400 Neonatology 2010;97:395-400 grating the most common risk factors for BPD (lung immaturity, inflammation, mechanical ventilation (MV), oxygen), which allows long-term outcome evaluation due to a non-traumatic intubation procedure. Objectives: To test the feasibility of a new rat model by investigating effects of MV, inflammation and oxygen applied to immature lungs after a ventilation-free interval. Methods: On day 4, 5, or 6 newborn rats were given an intraperitoneal injection of lipopolysaccharides to induce a systemic inflammation. 24 h later they were anesthetized, endotracheally intubated and ventilated for 8 h with 60% oxygen. After weaning of anesthesia and MV the newborn rats were extubated and returned to their mothers. Two days later they were killed and outcome measurements were performed (histology, quantitative RT-PCR) and compared to animals investigated directly after MV. Results: Directly after MV, histological signs of ventilator-induced lung injury were found. After 48 h, the first signs of early BPD were seen with delayed alveolar formation. Expression of inflammatory genes was only transiently increased. After 48 h genes involved in alveolarization, such as matrix metalloproteinase-9 and tropoelastin, showed a significant change of their expression. Conclusion: For the first time we can evaluate in a newborn rat model the effects of MV after a ventilation-free interval. This allows discrimination between immediate response genes and delayed changes of expression of more structural genes involved in alveolarization.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the prognostic accuracy of perfusion computed tomography (CT), performed at the time of emergency room admission, in acute stroke patients. Accuracy was determined by comparison of perfusion CT with delayed magnetic resonance (MR) and by monitoring the evolution of each patient's clinical condition. Twenty-two acute stroke patients underwent perfusion CT covering four contiguous 10mm slices on admission, as well as delayed MR, performed after a median interval of 3 days after emergency room admission. Eight were treated with thrombolytic agents. Infarct size on the admission perfusion CT was compared with that on the delayed diffusion-weighted (DWI)-MR, chosen as the gold standard. Delayed magnetic resonance angiography and perfusion-weighted MR were used to detect recanalization. A potential recuperation ratio, defined as PRR = penumbra size/(penumbra size + infarct size) on the admission perfusion CT, was compared with the evolution in each patient's clinical condition, defined by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS). In the 8 cases with arterial recanalization, the size of the cerebral infarct on the delayed DWI-MR was larger than or equal to that of the infarct on the admission perfusion CT, but smaller than or equal to that of the ischemic lesion on the admission perfusion CT; and the observed improvement in the NIHSS correlated with the PRR (correlation coefficient = 0.833). In the 14 cases with persistent arterial occlusion, infarct size on the delayed DWI-MR correlated with ischemic lesion size on the admission perfusion CT (r = 0.958). In all 22 patients, the admission NIHSS correlated with the size of the ischemic area on the admission perfusion CT (r = 0.627). Based on these findings, we conclude that perfusion CT allows the accurate prediction of the final infarct size and the evaluation of clinical prognosis for acute stroke patients at the time of emergency evaluation. It may also provide information about the extent of the penumbra. Perfusion CT could therefore be a valuable tool in the early management of acute stroke patients.


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Background: The objective of this study was to determine if mental health and substance use diagnoses were equally detected in frequent users (FUs) compared to infrequent users (IUs) of emergency departments (EDs). Methods: In a sample of 399 adult patients (>= 18 years old) admitted to a teaching hospital ED, we compared the mental health and substance use disorders diagnoses established clinically and consigned in the medical files by the ED physicians to data obtained in face-to-face research interviews using the Primary Care Evaluation of Mental Disorders (PRIME-MD) and the Alcohol, Smoking and Involvement Screening Test (ASSIST). Between November 2009 and June 2010, 226 FUs (>4 visits within a year) who attended the ED were included, and 173 IUs (<= 4 visits within a year) were randomly selected from a pool of identified patients to comprise the comparison group. Results: For mental health disorders identified by the PRIME-MD, FUs were more likely than IUs to have an anxiety (34 vs. 16%, Chi2(1) = 16.74, p <0.001), depressive (47 vs. 25%, Chi2(1) = 19.11, p <0.001) or posttraumatic stress (PTSD) disorder (11 vs. 5%, Chi2(1) = 4.87, p = 0.027). Only 3/76 FUs (4%) with an anxiety disorder, 16/104 FUs (15%) with a depressive disorder and none of the 24 FUs with PTSD were detected by the ED medical staff. None of the 27 IUs with an anxiety disorder, 6/43 IUs (14%) with a depressive disorder and none of the 8 IUs with PTSD were detected. For substance use disorders identified by the ASSIST, FUs were more at risk than IUs for alcohol (24 vs. 7%, Chi2(1) = 21.12, p <0.001) and drug abuse/dependence (36 vs. 25%, Chi2(1) = 5.52, p = 0.019). Of the FUs, 14/54 (26%) using alcohol and 8/81 (10%) using drugs were detected by the ED physicians. Of the IUs, 5/12 (41%) using alcohol and none of the 43 using drugs were detected. Overall, there was no significant difference in the rate of detection of mental health and substance use disorders between FUs and IUs (Fisher's Exact Test: anxiety, p = 0.567; depression, p = 1.000; PTSD, p = 1.000; alcohol, p = 0.517; and drugs, p = 0.053). Conclusions: While the prevalence of mental health and substance use disorders was higher among FUs, the rates of detection were not significantly different for FUs vs. IUs. However, it may be that drug disorders among FUs were more likely to be detected.


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Coccidian oocysts containing 16 sporocysts with 4 sporozoites in each were observed in a faecal sample from Sclerurus scansor collected in the Itatiaia National Park, southeastern region of Brazil. The oocysts are characterized by ellipsoidal shape measuring 42.5 x 32.8 mm, with smooth, thick double-layered wall of a greenish-orange colour. An oocyst residuum of numerous scattered granules among the sporocysts in sporulated ones; 16 round sporocysts, averaging 10.5 x 10 mm each containing four elongated sporozoites; presence of residuum; absence of Stieda body. The presently described coccidian, recorded for the first time in birds, is a new species named P. scleruri.


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En aquest projecte discutirem i aprovarem la viabilitat d'implementar una automatització integral d'un habitatge utilitzant les tecnologies domòtiques existents a l'actualitat. La idea inicial és substituir tots els elements que integren la construcció (il·luminació, climatització, parts mòbils,...) per dispositius domòtics i implementar un software de visualització sobre aparells mòbils (smartphones, tablets) que ens permeti un control total sobre l'habitacle. S’avaluarà quina és la solució de mercat que millor s’adapta al projecte i s’implementarà integrant-la posteriorment als sistemes de visualització i control.