988 resultados para Chaco (Argentina)


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Phalaris angusta is a South American natural grass that produces poisoning in sheep and cattle in Argentina and Brazil. Phalaris spp. can produce unrelated forms of poisoning in ruminants, acute and chronic syndromes. The objective of this paper was to describe an outbreak of acute and chronic Phalaris nervous syndrome in 53 of 980 fattening steers and heifers in a farm of Buenos Aires province. On September of 2006 the animals developed nervous signs and died after 3-5 days. The herd was removed to a phalarisfree pasture. Three months later (on December) 15 new clinical cases developed in the herd. Necropsy performed in one affected calf showed neither grossly nor microscopic changes. Microscopically, there were no major alterations in tissues. Nervous signs had been described in some field cases where neither pigment deposition nor axonal degeneration could be detected. Clinical findings displayed by affected cattle after consumption of Phalaris angusta pastures resemble those observed by other authors in Phalaris staggers. This is the first report in Argentina where both syndromes were seen in the same herd.


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A study was conducted to evaluate the predictive diagnostic value of different copper (Cu) parameters as indicators of average daily gain (ADG) in growing calves. The effects in calves of cow Cu supplementation in the last one-third gestation period were also evaluated. Five supplementation trials, with a total of 300 calves, were carried out. Two groups of 30 calves were randomly assigned to each trial, one group was parenterally supplemented (SG) and the other was not supplemented (NSG). Trials began when calves were three-month-old and ended at weaning time. At each sampling calves were weighed and blood was taken to determine Cu concentrations in plasma, Whole Blood (WB), Red Cells (RC) and Packed Cell Volume (PCV). Liver samples from six animals of each group were taken both at the beginning and at the end of the trial. In two trials the mothers of the SG received Cu supplementation at the last one- third gestation period. Four of the five trials exhibited low ADG in the NSGs. In these groups, plasma Cu concentration decreased rapidly before low ADG was detected, which occurred with values remaining below 25µg/dl. The decrease of RC Cu concentration was considerably slow. WB showed an intermediate position. PCV in the SGs was higher than in the NSGs in all trials. Cow supplementation was insufficient to generate a liver storage able to last after calves reached the 3 months of age. These data could be useful to predict the risk of low ADG in grazing calves.


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In August 2007 an outbreak of neurological disease and sudden death in Arabian horses occurred in a farm located in Coronel Rosales County, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina. The animals were on a pasture of native grasses and supplemented ad libitum with corn kernels and wheat bran. Three horses were observed having acute neurologic signs including blindness, four leg ataxia, hyperexcitability, aimless walking and circling, followed by death in two of them. Four other horses were found dead overnight without a history of neurologic signs. The morbidity, mortality and lethality rates were 11.6%, 10% and 85.7%, respectively. Grossly, the brain showed focal areas of hemorrhage, brown-yellow discoloration and softening of the sub-cortical white matter. The microscopic brain lesions consisted of extensive areas of malacia within the white matter of the cerebral hemispheres, brainstem and cerebellum, characterized by rarefaction of the white matter with cavitations filled with proteinaceous edema, multifocal hemorrhages and mild infiltration by neutrophils, and rare eosinophils. Swollen glial cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm, distinct cell borders, intracytoplasmic deeply eosinophilic globules and eccentric, hyperchromatic, occasionally pyknotic nucleus were present throughout the areas of rarefaction hemorrhage, edema and necrosis. The feed supplements contained 12,490µg/kg of fumonisin B1 and 5,251µg/ kg of fumonisin B2. This is the first reported outbreak of ELEM associated with consumption of feed supplements containing high concentrations of fumonisins in Argentina.


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Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa, aguapei or mandiyura, is responsible for lysosomal storage in goats. The shrub contains several alkaloids, mainly swansonine which inhibits lysosomal α-mannosidase and Golgi mannosidase II. Poisoning occurs by inhibition of these hydrolases. There is neuronal vacuolation, endocrine dysfunction, cardiovascular and gastrointestinal injury, and immune disorders. Clinical signs and pathology of the experimental poisoning of goats by Ipomoea carnea in Argentina are here described. Five goats received fresh leaves and stems of Ipomoea. At the beginning, the goats did not consume the plant, but later, it was preferred over any other forage. High dose induced rapid intoxication, whereas with low doses, the course of the toxicosis was more protracted. The goats were euthanized when they were recumbent. Cerebrum, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, pons and colliculi, were routinely processed for histology. In nine days, the following clinical signs developed: abnormal fascies, dilated nostrils and abnormal postures of the head, cephalic tremors and nystagmus, difficulty in standing. Subsequently, the goats had a tendency to fall, always to the left, with spastic convulsions. There was lack in coordination of voluntary movements due to Purkinje and deep nuclei neurons damage. The cochlear reflex originated hyperreflexia, abnormal posture, head movements and tremors. The withdrawal reflex produced flexor muscles hypersensitivity at the four legs, later depression and stupor. Abnormal responses to sounds were related to collicular lesions. Thalamic damage altered the withdrawal reflex, showing incomplete reaction. The observed cervical hair bristling was attributed to a thalamic regulated nociceptive response. Depression may be associated with agonists of lysergic acid contained in Ipomoea. These clinical signs were correlated with lesions in different parts of the CNS.


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The aim was to evaluate for 75 days the impact on production of the remaining burden of ivermectin (IVM)-resistant parasites in naturally infected feedlot calves. The herds came from tick-infested areas of cattle breeding where the systematic use of IVM to control tick increases the gastrointestinal parasites resistant to this drug. This investigation was carried out in two commercial feedlots in Buenos Aires province. In feedlot A, two groups of 35 animal each received IVM 1% and the other received ricobendazole (RBZ) 10% respectively. The same was done in feedlot B. On day 0, two groups of 35 animals were made in feedlots A and B. Fecal samples were taken on days 0, 22, 54 and 75 pos-treatment (PT), and body weight was registered, from each animal. Fecal samples were processed for individual count of eggs per gram (EPG) and pooled fecal culture was carried out for identification of the parasite genus in each sampling. Fecal egg count reduction test (FECR) was calculated on day 22 PT. The study design used was a totally randomized block, with commercial feedlot and sex as block variables. For data analysis, a mixed model of the SAS statistical program was used. The FECR average on day 22 was 28.4% in the IVM group, and 94,2 % in the RBZ group . From this date on, significant differences in EPG were kept until day 54. EPG counts were only equal near the end of the trial, on day 75 (p=0.16). In both commercial feedlots, especially in the IVM group, Cooperia spp. was the most prevalent parasite in the fecal cultures. Significant differences in weight (P<0.01) on post-treatment day 75 was found between the average weight in the RBZ and the IVM group (246 vs. 238 kg respectively), what means a difference of 8.3% in gains. The importance for production in the antiparasite failure treatment in commercial feedlots was demonstrated, and the need of pos-treatment controls to evaluate the efficacy of the antiparasitic administered is emphasized.


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Actinobacillosis is a common cause of sporadic infection in cattle. It was mostly characterized as a pyogranulomatous inflammation of the tongue, but also soft tissues as lymph nodes, other digestive tract localization and skin. The aim of this study was to describe an episode of granulomatous dermatitis and lymphadenitis affecting a bull herd in Argentina during 2010. Actinobacillus lignieresii was isolated from samples collected from one of the affected bulls, and characteristic lesions were observed. Lesions other than 'wooden tongue' are usually uncommon; however, actinobacillosis should be included as a differential diagnosis for cutaneous diseases.


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Neorickettsia risticii is the causative agent of Potomac Horse Fever, a severe febrile disease affecting horses, transmitted by trematodes species with a complex life cycle. A total of 30 insectivorous bats (Brazilian free-tailed bat Tadarida brasiliensis) were analyzed by PCR for presence of genus Anaplasma, Ehrlichia, Neorickettsia and Rickettsia. Three samples showed positive reactions for genus Anaplasma, Ehrlichia and Neorickettsia, and the sequences were 99.67% identical to Neorickettsia risticii. The role of bats in the life cycle of N. risticii has yet to be elucidated; however bats may be reservoirs for this bacterium. To our knowledge, this is the first evidence of N. risticii in Argentina.


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A designação científica das espécies vegetais consideradas plantas daninhas é a mesma em qualquer parte do mundo, o que facilita o seu estudo e intercâmbio de informações entre os pesquisadores que se dedicam a ciência das plantas daninhas. O lavrador, o produtor, o extensionista e as vezes também o pesquisador necessitam referir-se a planta daninha, com fins práticos, por seus nomes vulgares ou populares mais conhecidos. Esta lista inclue o nome científico e os nomes vulgares mais comuns em castelhano, português e inglês de plantas daninhas pertencentes a famílias botânicas amplamente difundidas em diferentes regiões da Argentina e Brasil. Para a eleboração da presente listagem agrupou-se plantas daninhas por famílias e ordenou-se alfabeticamente.


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No Distrito Azul, zona central da província de Buenos Aires (Argentina), encontram-se ambientes de planície na parte norte e ambientes serranos na parte sul. Esta última, constituí-se numa área predominantemente agrícola, onde a cultura de trigo, principal atividade agrícola, se alterna com culturas de verão como milho, girassol e soja. Com o objetivo de caracterizar globalmente o banco de sementes da área agrícola, foram analisados o conteúdo de sementes, a composição de espécies, a distribuição e variabilidade espacial das espécies que o compõem. A informação básica foi obtida aplicando-se a técnica da emergência em amostras de solo correspondentes a 20 locais alinhados numa faixa de 14 km. A densidade de sementes nos locais de amostragem variou entre 1.173 e 44.000 sem/m2. Na totalidade, foram detectadas 33 espécies. Digitaria sanguinalis foi claramente a espécie dominante, aportando com quase 43 % do banco, seguida de Polygonum aviculare com um aporte de 15 %. As duas espécies, juntamente com Anagallis arvensis e Setaria viridis completam70 % do banco de sementes. A composição específica completa-se com um grupo de 29 espécies, os quais contribuem, cada um delas, com menos de 5%. A distribuição espacial das espécies ao longo da faixa estudada mostrou um grau de agregação variável, sendo encontrada uma correlação positiva significativa entre o tamanho do banco e a relação variância/média. Demonstrou-se, assim, que as espécies mais abundantes em média, apresentaram grande variabilidade espacial. Nelas, foram observados diferentes padrões de distribuição espacial.


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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue relevar y diferenciar especies del género Ipomoea presentes en diferentes fases de desarrollo, en el área de riego del Río Dulce, Santiago del Estero, Argentina. Para ello fueron herborizados y fotografiados diversos ejemplares encontrados en la región. En el laboratorio, después del trabajo de identificación, fueron descritas las diversas fases de desarrollo de la planta: semilla, plántula y estado adulto, creándose códigos de identificación para cada fase. Se registraron ocho especies del género Ipomoea, I. alba; I. amnicola; I. cairica; I. carnea; I. grandifolia; I. nil; I. purpurea e I. quamoclit, algunas de las cuales se cultivan como ornamentales, otras aparecen como ruderales y algunas son malezas en cultivos de la región.


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El Índice de Agresividad Espacial (IAE) es un parámetro bioecológico que indica las características de la distribución de malezas. No existen antecedentes sobre el tema en el cultivo de algodón. El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el IAE para Chenopodium album (CHEAL) y relacionarlo con las pérdidas de rendimiento. Se trabajó durante la campaña 2007-2008 en el Campo Experimental de la EEA INTA Santiago del Estero, con el cultivar Guazuncho-INTA. Para el cálculo del IAE, se utilizó un modelo que emplea: altura de planta sobresaliente, su biomasa seca y superficie infestada; número de descendientes, biomasa seca y altura media de los mismos. Dentro del cultivo, en 200 m², fueron marcadas 10 áreas de 1 m². Se realizaron análisis estadísticos paramétricos, ANOVA y Tukey (0,05). Los resultados fueron: a) Algodón: peso de parcela medio: 105.000 g; peso por planta: 597 g; el total de plantas: 79,30; altura media: 0,5951 m; rendimiento medio: 2592 kg ha-1 y, b) CHEAL: peso por parcela: 4920 g; nº de plantas por parcela media: 18,7; altura media: 2,72 m; altura de planta madre de maleza: 3,45 m; 187 plantas hijas, medias con 2,40 m de altura y 58 g de biomasa seca, en la parcela de la planta sobresaliente. El rendimiento de algodón fue de 2.329,50 kg ha-1 en el testigo y las pérdidas medias fueron de 89,76%. El IAE obtenido fue de 3,76 (bajo-intermedio) e indica que, en la distribución, actúan numerosas plantas que se desarrollan en torno a una maleza principal. Con un menor IAE, son mayores las pérdidas producidas en el cultivo de algodón.


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Radish has developed feral and weedy biotypes, which is a concern for agriculture around the world. In Argentina, it is one of the most widespread and troublesome crop weeds. In Brazil, this species has developed herbicide-resistance to acetohydroxyacid synthase (AHAS) inhibiting herbicides. The objective of this study was to record the presence of herbicide-resistant weedy radish plants in Argentina. In spring 2008, we found a small population of radish at the end of the flowering stage in an imidazolinone-tolerant canola field treated with imazethapyr. Screening and dose-response tests were conducted to two successive generations. They proved the biotype resistant status, and showed extensive survival (between 50 and 80% of control) to the application of a double dose of four AHAS‑inhibiting herbicides from two different chemical families (imidazolinones and sulfonylureas). Dose-response assays exhibited very high resistance for imazethapyr (LD50 = 2452.5 g a.i. ha-1, GR50 = 2926.9 g a.i. ha-1) and intermediate for metsulfuron (LD50 = 3.0 g a.i. ha-1, GR50 = 43.2 g a.i. ha-1). The acquisition of cross-resistance to different herbicide families would confer an adaptive and invasive advantage in agricultural environments to this biotype. Due to the herbicide rotation conducted in the field, the dispersion of this biotype was restricted. This is the first report of resistance in weedy radish in Argentina.


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Euphorbia davidii Subils, es una maleza anual que está presente en la zona centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Se realizaron estudios para determinar el banco de semillas de esta especie y su distribución vertical en lotes agrícolas de Azul y Olavarría. Se extrajeron 240 muestras de suelo, provenientes de 60 puntos distribuidos al azar, a cuatro niveles de profundidad: 0-5 cm, 5-10 cm, 10-15 cm y 15-20 cm. Las extracciones se realizaron dos veces al año, en mayo y en septiembre. Las muestras fueron procesadas y las semillas separadas por tamizado en húmedo. Se evaluó germinación y viabilidad mediante la prueba de trifeniltetrazolio. Se cuantificaron 30.000 y 15.000 semillas m-2, para los lotes de Azul y Olavarría, respectivamente. En Olavarría, el 79% de las semillas se encontraron de 0-5 cm, de profundidad, el 14%, de 5-10 cm y el 7% restante de 10-20 cm. En Azul se observó una distribución vertical más homogénea. El 55 % de las semillas se encontraron de 0-5 cm de profundidad, un 24% de 5-10 cm, el 16% de 10-15 cm y el 5% en el muestreo más profundo. Las diferencias en la distribución se asociaron al manejo de los lotes. En ambas localidades la viabilidad de semillas, provenientes del estrato superficial, superó el 70%. Las semillas de estratos superficiales recolectadas en el lote de Olavarría, inmediatamente después de la dehiscencia, presentaron dormición, en cambio en las semillas provenientes del lote de Azul para el mismo momento de muestreo, no se observó dormición.


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Thirty-six specimens of Schizodon nasutus (Anostomidae-Characiformes) from the middle Paraná River (Posadas, Argentina) were analyzed cytogenetically. The karyotype of this species was similar to those described for this species in the literature. C-banding technique showed a rich heterochromatic pattern relative to other Anostomidae species. The NORs were located on one chromosome pair in terminal position and showed a very marked size heteromorphism. A microchromosome was observed with a frequency of about 20% in the sample studied. This additional element was punctiform, negative C-band, and constant in all metaphase plates of the seven carriers. The present study is the first karyotypic approach to Schizodon nasutus from Argentina and the first description of microchromosome in Anostomidae


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O objetivo deste artigo é mostrar como pessoas auto-identificadas como fãs de Gilda, colaboram, por meio de diversas práticas, no processo de consagração da cantora falecida. Respeitando a diferenciação nativa entre fã e devoto, veremos como Gilda é inscrita em uma textura diferencial do mundo-habitado que denominaremos de sagrado, a partir de performances que nao poderiam facilmente se circunscrever à esfera da religião. Ao invés de serm consideradas uma metáfora religiosa, as práticas dos fãs configuram modos diferentes de consagrar Gilda.