923 resultados para Centres of Excellence
Opening Doors: Contemporary African American Academic Surgeons is an exhibition celebrating the contributions of African American academic surgeons to medicine and medical education. It tells the stories of four pioneering African American surgeons and educators who exemplify excellence in their fields and believe in continuing the journey of excellence through the education and mentoring younger physicians and surgeons. Through contemporary and historical images, the exhibition takes the visitor on a journey through the lives and achievements of these academic surgeons, and provides a glimpse into the stories of those that came before them and those that continue the tradition today. The exhibition will open at Inman E. Page Library, January 21st, 2016 and close on February 27, 2016.
Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a ética e a constituição dos valores que fundamentam os campos religioso e empresarial e suas similaridades levando em consideração os aspectos socio-antropológicos. A ética dentro do campo das organizações empresariais vem se tornando tema de fundamental importância não apenas na visão dos empresários, mas, principalmente, na visão dos investidores e consumidores, e, muitas vezes, tem definido o sucesso ou o fracasso dessas organizações. A religião é aqui estudada como um fato social e cultural que influencia e é influenciada por outros fenômenos sócio-culturais. A pergunta principal que norteia este trabalho é se há influência de valores religiosos na formulação da conduta ética empresarial, tendo como universo de pesquisa os ciclos de premiação do Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade (PNQ). Buscando respostas para esta questão são abordados os aspectos simbólicos dos rituais de premiação; os valores culturais que permeiam os campos religioso e empresarial; e, uma análise da conduta ética empresarial tendo como referência a implementação da Cultura da Excelência do PNQ, com destaque aos seus critérios de excelência que têm incorporado as demandas de mercado, tais como responsabilidade social, ambiental e ética.(AU)
Este trabalho tem como objeto de estudo a ética e a constituição dos valores que fundamentam os campos religioso e empresarial e suas similaridades levando em consideração os aspectos socio-antropológicos. A ética dentro do campo das organizações empresariais vem se tornando tema de fundamental importância não apenas na visão dos empresários, mas, principalmente, na visão dos investidores e consumidores, e, muitas vezes, tem definido o sucesso ou o fracasso dessas organizações. A religião é aqui estudada como um fato social e cultural que influencia e é influenciada por outros fenômenos sócio-culturais. A pergunta principal que norteia este trabalho é se há influência de valores religiosos na formulação da conduta ética empresarial, tendo como universo de pesquisa os ciclos de premiação do Prêmio Nacional da Qualidade (PNQ). Buscando respostas para esta questão são abordados os aspectos simbólicos dos rituais de premiação; os valores culturais que permeiam os campos religioso e empresarial; e, uma análise da conduta ética empresarial tendo como referência a implementação da Cultura da Excelência do PNQ, com destaque aos seus critérios de excelência que têm incorporado as demandas de mercado, tais como responsabilidade social, ambiental e ética.(AU)
As empresas que almejam garantir e melhorar sua posição dentro de em um mercado cada vez mais competitivo precisam estar sempre atualizadas e em constante evolução. Na busca contínua por essa evolução, investem em projetos de Pesquisa & Desenvolvimento (P&D) e em seu capital humano para promover a criatividade e a inovação organizacional. As pessoas têm papel fundamental no desenvolvimento da inovação, mas para que isso possa florescer de forma constante é preciso comprometimento e criatividade para a geração de ideias. Criatividade é pensar o novo; inovação é fazer acontecer. Porém, encontrar pessoas com essas qualidades nem sempre é tarefa fácil e muitas vezes é preciso estimular essas habilidades e características para que se tornem efetivamente criativas. Os cursos de graduação podem ser uma importante ferramenta para trabalhar esses aspectos, características e habilidades, usando métodos e práticas de ensino que auxiliem no desenvolvimento da criatividade, pois o ambiente ensino-aprendizagem pesa significativamente na formação das pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo é de identificar quais fatores têm maior influência sobre o desenvolvimento da criatividade em um curso de graduação em administração, analisando a influência das práticas pedagógicas dos docentes e as barreiras internas dos discentes. O referencial teórico se baseia principalmente nos trabalhos de Alencar, Fleith, Torrance e Wechsler. A pesquisa transversal de abordagem quantitativa teve como público-alvo os alunos do curso de Administração de uma universidade confessional da Grande São Paulo, que responderam 465 questionários compostos de três escalas. Para as práticas docentes foi adaptada a escala de Práticas Docentes em relação à Criatividade. Para as barreiras internas foi adaptada a escala de Barreiras da Criatividade Pessoal. Para a análise da percepção do desenvolvimento da criatividade foi construída e validada uma escala baseada no referencial de características de uma pessoa criativa. As análises estatísticas descritivas e fatoriais exploratórias foram realizadas no software Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS), enquanto as análises fatoriais confirmatórias e a mensuração da influência das práticas pedagógicas e das barreiras internas sobre a percepção do desenvolvimento da criatividade foram realizadas por modelagem de equação estrutural utilizando o algoritmo Partial Least Squares (PLS), no software Smart PLS 2.0. Os resultados apontaram que as práticas pedagógicas e as barreiras internas dos discentes explicam 40% da percepção de desenvolvimento da criatividade, sendo as práticas pedagógicas que exercem maior influencia. A pesquisa também apontou que o tipo de temática e o período em que o aluno está cursando não têm influência sobre nenhum dos três construtos, somente o professor influencia as práticas pedagógicas.
A Administração Financeira surge no início do século XIX juntamente com o movimento de consolidação das grandes empresas e a formação dos mercados nacionais americano enquanto que no Brasil os primeiros estudos ocorrem a partir da segunda metade do século XX. Desde entãoo país conseguiu consolidar alguns centros de excelência em pesquisa, formar grupo significativo de pesquisadores seniores e expandir as áreas de pesquisa no campo, contudo, ainda são poucos os trabalhos que buscam retratar as características da produtividade científica em Finanças. Buscando contribuir para a melhor compreensão do comportamento produtivo dessa área a presente pesquisa estuda sua produção científica, materializada na forma de artigos digitais, publicados em 24 conceituados periódicos nacionais classificados nos estratos Qualis/CAPES A2, B1 e B2 da Área de Administração, Ciências Contábeis e Turismo. Para tanto são aplicadas a Lei de Bradford, Lei do Elitismo de Price e Lei de Lotka. Pela Lei de Bradford são identificadas três zonas de produtividade sendo o núcleo formado por três revistas, estando uma delas classificada no estrato Qualis/CAPES B2, o que evidencia a limitação de um recorte tendo como único critério a classificação Qualis/CAPES. Para a Lei do Elitismo de Price, seja pela contagem direta ou completa, não identificamos comportamento de uma elite semelhante ao apontado pela teoria e que conta com grande número de autores com apenas uma publicação.Aplicando-se o modelo do Poder Inverso Generalizado, calculado por Mínimos Quadrados Ordinários (MQO), verificamos que produtividade dos pesquisadores, quando feita pela contagem direta, se adequa àquela definida pela Lei de Lotka ao nível de α = 0,01 de significância, contudo, pela contagem completa não podemos confirmar a hipótese de homogeneidade das distribuições, além do fato de que nas duas contagens a produtividade analisada pelo parâmetro n é maior que 2 e, portanto, a produtividade do pesquisadores de finanças é menor que a defendida pela teoria.
Funded by Kone Foundation ERC-StG. Grant Number: 260393 Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence Programme 2012–2017
Chandra data in the COSMOS, AEGIS-XD and 4 Ms Chandra Deep Field South are combined with multiwavelength photometry available in those fields to determine the rest-frame U − V versus V − J colours of X-ray AGN hosts in the redshift intervals 0.1 < z < 0.6 (mean z¯=0.40) and 0.6 < z < 1.2 (mean z¯=0.85). This combination of colours provides an effective and least model-dependent means of separating quiescent from star-forming, including dust reddened, galaxies. Morphological information emphasizes differences between AGN populations split by their U − V versus V − J colours. AGN in quiescent galaxies consist almost exclusively of bulges, while star-forming hosts are equally split between early- and late-type hosts. The position of AGN hosts on the U − V versusV − J diagram is then used to set limits on the accretion density of the Universe associated with evolved and star-forming systems independent of dust induced biases. It is found that most of the black hole growth at z≈ 0.40 and 0.85 is associated with star-forming hosts. Nevertheless, a non-negligible fraction of the X-ray luminosity density, about 15–20 per cent, at both z¯=0.40 and 0.85, is taking place in galaxies in the quiescent region of the U − V versus V − J diagram. For the low-redshift sub-sample, 0.1 < z < 0.6, we also find tentative evidence, significant at the 2σ level, that AGN split by their U − V and V − J colours have different Eddington ratio distributions. AGN in blue star-forming hosts dominate at relatively high Eddington ratios. In contrast, AGN in red quiescent hosts become increasingly important as a fraction of the total population towards low Eddington ratios. At higher redshift, z > 0.6, such differences are significant at the 2σ level only for sources with Eddington ratios ≳ 10^− 3. These findings are consistent with scenarios in which diverse accretion modes are responsible for the build-up of supermassive black holes at the centres of galaxies. We compare these results with the predictions of theGALFORM semi-analytic model for the cosmological evolution of AGN and galaxies. This model postulates two black hole fuelling modes, the first is linked to star formation events and the second takes place in passive galaxies. GALFORM predicts that a substantial fraction of the black hole growth at z < 1 is associated with quiescent galaxies, in apparent conflict with the observations. Relaxing the strong assumption of the model that passive AGN hosts have zero star formation rate could bring those predictions in better agreement with the data.
This paper outlines the approach adopted by the PLSI research group at University of Alicante in the PASCAL-2006 second Recognising Textual Entailment challenge. Our system is composed of several components. On the one hand, the first component performs the derivation of the logic forms of the text/hypothesis pairs and, on the other hand, the second component provides us with a similarity score given by the semantic relations between the derived logic forms. In order to obtain this score we apply several measures of similitude and relatedness based on the structure and content of WordNet.
Central compact objects (CCOs) are X-ray sources lying close to the centre of supernova remnants, with inferred values of the surface magnetic fields significantly lower (≲1011 G) than those of standard pulsars. In this paper, we revise the hidden magnetic field scenario, presenting the first 2D simulations of the submergence and re-emergence of the magnetic field in the crust of a neutron star. A post-supernova accretion stage of about 10−4–10−3 M⊙ over a vast region of the surface is required to bury the magnetic field into the inner crust. When accretion stops, the field re-emerges on a typical time-scale of 1–100 kyr, depending on the submergence conditions. After this stage, the surface magnetic field is restored close to its birth values. A possible observable consequence of the hidden magnetic field is the anisotropy of the surface temperature distribution, in agreement with observations of several of these sources. We conclude that the hidden magnetic field model is viable as an alternative to the antimagnetar scenario, and it could provide the missing link between CCOs and the other classes of isolated neutron stars.
Feature vectors can be anything from simple surface normals to more complex feature descriptors. Feature extraction is important to solve various computer vision problems: e.g. registration, object recognition and scene understanding. Most of these techniques cannot be computed online due to their complexity and the context where they are applied. Therefore, computing these features in real-time for many points in the scene is impossible. In this work, a hardware-based implementation of 3D feature extraction and 3D object recognition is proposed to accelerate these methods and therefore the entire pipeline of RGBD based computer vision systems where such features are typically used. The use of a GPU as a general purpose processor can achieve considerable speed-ups compared with a CPU implementation. In this work, advantageous results are obtained using the GPU to accelerate the computation of a 3D descriptor based on the calculation of 3D semi-local surface patches of partial views. This allows descriptor computation at several points of a scene in real-time. Benefits of the accelerated descriptor have been demonstrated in object recognition tasks. Source code will be made publicly available as contribution to the Open Source Point Cloud Library.
During the 16th century an ambitious political programme for building towers and forts bordering the Spanish Empire’s littoral, to protect it, is materialised. This sighting network over the sea horizon had the essential mission of detecting the presence of vessels that supposed a threat. The network was organised through the strategic arrangement of watchtowers taking profit of the geographical features in the topography so that they could communicate among them with a system of visual signs. The virtual union of the stated settlements defined the fortified maritime borderline. At the same time, this network of sentinels was reinforced (in certain settlements) by the construction of fortifications that acted like centres of data reception and supplied the necessary personnel for detection and transmission. So, this mesh was established by observation points (watchtowers) and information and defense centres (fortifications) to make the news arrive to the decision centres. The present communication aims to demonstrate this military strategy providing the inventory of all defensive architectures that marked this limit between the Segura river mouth until the Huertas cape and that these are spotted from the ‘Flat’ island (later Nueva Tabarca). A riverside geography of approxi-mately 30 km long where 3 fortifications and 7 towers of diverse typologies successively took place. Among the most relevant documents of this research, we could mention the plans of the fortifycations in Guardamar and Santa Pola from the 16th century (drawn in the 18th). For this research, drawings of towers made by the Ministry of Public Works at the end of the 19th century are also important; these documents show the new military tactics, neither for attack neither for defense. At most, they replaced for maritime lighthouses for signage and help for navigation while the others towers were abandoned.
Contexte : La petite enfance constitue une période importante dans l’acquisition de saines habitudes alimentaires. Par leurs connaissances, attitudes, croyances, pratiques et perceptions en alimentation et nutrition, plusieurs intervenants influencent les jeunes enfants : parents, responsables de l’alimentation et éducatrices en services de garde. Objectifs : Cette étude décrit et analyse les perceptions du « bien manger » de 113 responsables de l’alimentation, de 302 éducatrices et de 709 parents d’enfants âgés de 2 à 5 ans en services de garde au Québec. Méthodologie : Ce mémoire porte sur une question ouverte, répétée dans trois questionnaires autoadministrés de la recherche Offres et pratiques alimentaires revues dans les services de garde au Québec. Les réponses ont été recueillies de 2009 à 2010 et analysées au moyen d’une grille de codification construite de manières déductive et inductive. Résultats : L’analyse des données recueillies montre la récurrence des thèmes de la variété, l’équilibre, la modération, des légumes et fruits, mais aussi l’émergence du plaisir, de la santé, du GAC, des qualités organoleptiques, des pratiques coercitives et de la commensalité. Cette recherche dévoile que la variété, la santé et l’équilibre sont communs aux trois catégories d’intervenants, alors que le GAC, le plaisir, la saine alimentation et les qualités organoleptiques figurent plutôt dans les perceptions d’intervenants spécifiques. Conclusion : Ce portrait illustre la compréhension du « bien manger » qu’ont des intervenants jouant un rôle important dans le développement d’enfants âgés de 2 à 5 ans. En outre, il permet d’éclairer les acteurs développant messages, interventions et politiques de santé publique faisant la promotion de la saine alimentation et favorisant la mise en place d’environnements appuyant l’adoption de saines habitudes alimentaires dans les services de garde du Québec ainsi que dans les ménages.
Australia is unique in terms of its geography, population distribution, and energy sources. It has an abundance of fossil fuel in the form of coal, natural gas, coal seam methane (CSM), oil, and a variety renewable energy sources that are under development. Unfortunately, most of the natural gas is located so far away from the main centres of population that it is more economic to ship the energy as LNG to neighboring countries. Electricity generation is the largest consumer of energy in Australia and accounts for around 50% of greenhouse gas emissions as 84% of electricity is produced from coal. Unless these emissions are curbed, there is a risk of increasing temperatures throughout the country and associated climatic instability. To address this, research is underway to develop coal gasification and processes for the capture and sequestration Of CO2. Alternative transport fuels such as biodiesel are being introduced to help reduce emissions from vehicles. The future role of hydrogen is being addressed in a national study commissioned this year by the federal government. Work at the University of Queensland is also addressing full-cycle analysis of hydrogen production, transport, storage, and utilization for both stationary and transport applications. There is a modest but growing amount of university research in fuel cells in Australia, and an increasing interest from industry. Ceramic Fuel Cells Ltd. (CFCL) has a leading position in planar solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) technology, which is being developed for a variety of applications, and next year Perth in Western Australia is hosting a trial of buses powered by proton-exchange fuel cells. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The international circulation of commercial theatre in the early twentieth century was driven not only from the centres of Great Britain and the USA, but by the specific enterprise and habitus of managers in ‘complementary’ production sites such as Australia, South Africa, and New Zealand. The activity of this period suggests a de-centred competitive trade in theatrical commodities – whether performers, scripts, or productions – wherein the perceived entertainment preferences and geographies of non-metropolitan centres were formative of international enterprise. The major producers were linked in complex bonds of partnerships, family, or common experience which crossed the globe. The fractures and commonalities displayed in the partnerships of James Cassius Williamson and George Musgrove, which came to dominate and shape the fortunes of the Australian industry for much of the century, indicate the contradictory commercial and artistic pressures bearing upon entrepreneurs seeking to provide high-quality entertainment and form advantageous combinations in competition with other local and international managements. Clarke, Meynell and Gunn mounted just such spirited competition from 1906 to 1911, and their story demonstrates both the opportunities and the centralizing logic bearing upon local managements shopping and dealing in a global market. The author, Veronica Kelly, works at the University of Queensland. She is presently undertaking a study of commercial stars and managements in late nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Australia, with a focus on the star performer as model of history, gender, and nation.