984 resultados para Catholic Church. Province of Cambrai (France)
In Fraktur.
The table of contents is bound before the last leaf.
Reprint of the edition published in Osnabrück by the society, 1892-1902; v. 4 is original (1902) ed.
Issues for 1900-41 called also n.F., 1.-41. Bd.; 1949- called also 3. F., 1.- Bd.
Este trabalho, situado entre os estudos de religião, sociologia e gênero analisa três documentos da Igreja Católica: Catecismo da Igreja Católica, Mulieris Dignitatem e Ordinatio Sacerdotalis, cujo foco principal é a sexualidade e a questão de gênero. Buscamos, com esta análise, compreender questões relacionadas ao discurso da Igreja Católica, bem como as práticas cotidianas das mulheres da Região Episcopal Brasilândia, bairro pesquisado da capital paulista. As análises foram fundamentais para fazer um contraponto entre o discurso católico sobre a sexualidade e as práticas dessas mulheres, que vivem em constante tensão entre prática da sexualidade e o discurso da Igreja Católica. Inicialmente, a análise faz um percurso histórico do discurso oficial dessa instituição católica sobre a sexualidade, articulado pelas teóricas Ivone Gebara, Priore, Schott, Ranke-Heinemann, entre outros. Tratamos, enfim, do conflito entre o discurso católico, conservador, e a prática dessas mulheres, numa visão progressista. Os autores pesquisados constatam um distanciamento dos fiéis em relação aos dogmas católicos, seja devido à secularização ou pelo fato de a Igreja Católica ter perdido parte da hegemonia como reguladora da vida dos fiéis.
Title proper from t.p. v. 2-4: Der richtigen Mittel-Strasse.
Mode of access: Internet.
On cover: Catholic imputation.
The "Preface" contains the author's answer to Dr. Conyers Middleton's A letter from Rome.
"Books sold by Paul Vaillant ...": p. [1]-[3] at end.
This thesis examines the involvement of the French Freemason movement in the Resistance during the Occupation of France by the Germans 1939-1945, its relationship with the Vichy government and the effect the 'Nouvelle Révolution' had on the lives of individual Masons. To set the scene and to put the role of Freemasonry into perspective in the life of France and the French political system, the origins of French Freemasonry are examined and explained. The main French Masonic obediences are discussed and the differences between them emphasised. The particular attributes of a Freemason are described and the ideals and ethos of the Order is discussed. From its earliest days, Freemasonry has often been persecuted by the Roman Catholic Church or by extreme Right-wing movements. The history of this persecution is reviewed and the reasons for its persistence noted, with especial emphasis on the treatment of Freemasons under the fascist regimes of Italy and Germany. The fate of Freemasonry in countries under German control is also briefly examined. With the occupation of France by the Germans, the differences and similarities of the treatment of French and German Freemasons are discussed. The processes and legislation of this ban are closely examined and the part played by the Vichy government in the persecution of French Freemasonry is discussed. The effects of this persecution and the consequences for individuals are examined and the Freemason's role in the emerging Resistance movement is reviewed. The contribution of many lodges to the Resistance movement is examined and the sacrifice of many Freemasons for their ideals is emphasised.
Three of the four commentators endorse our concerns about intervention by the Roman Catholic church as an omicus curiae in civil litigation, with few reservations. One commentary rejects our arguments in We deal first with the three commentaries that support our arguments; secondly, with the reservations and qualifications in those commentaries, and thirdly, with the commentary that totally rejects our arguments.
Certains symptômes sont les indicateurs incontestés des très graves problèmes que connaît l’Église. S’ils existent aussi dans des confessions et des religions diverses, seuls seront examinés ici ceux qui concernent l’Église catholique. Parmi les plus significatifs figurent un fort déclin dans la participation à des activités religieuses comme les célébrations eucharistiques dominicales, surtout chez les jeunes, une pénurie presque catastrophique de prêtres ordonnés, une perte de prestige et d’influence de l’enseignement dispensé par l’Église. Ces symptômes varient en intensité selon les pays, mais les statistiques indiquent qu’ils se multiplient. Nombre de ces problèmes sont attribuables à l’extrême vélocité de changements qui surviennent partout et à l’apparente inaptitude de l’Église à s’adapter, en raison notamment de son attachement à la pensée néo-scolastique et à la tradition tridentine. Cette fidélité absolue à une tradition vieille de quatre cents ans l’empêche de se faire à un environnement en évolution rapide et radicale. Des changements appropriés s’imposent pratiquement partout dans l’Église. Or, pour que ceux-ci soient efficaces et respectueux de la nature propre de l’Église, la tradition est un guide qui ne suffit pas. S’appuyant sur les termes de l’encyclique Ecclesia de Eucharistia, « le moment décisif où elle (l’Église) a pris forme est certainement celui où a eu lieu l’institution de l’Eucharistie, dans la chambre à l’étage », la thèse présentée suit le plus près possible l’interprétation donnée aux paroles de Jésus, ceci est mon corps, telles qu’elles ont été prononcées la première fois. Selon cette évidence, il est permis d’affirmer que les caractéristiques définitoires de l’Église provenant de ces mots sont agape, unité, service. Tel doit être le principe directeur des changements. C’est sur une telle base que sont décrits les secteurs où les changements s’imposent ainsi que les aspects visés. Ces changements comprennent les points suivants : liturgie, sacrements, catéchèse, mystagogie, théologie, structure, gouvernance de l’Église et ses enseignements, évangélisation. Ces secteurs exigent des efforts sérieux dans la préparation des personnes touchées par ces changements et dans l’attention portée à l’exigence primordiale voulant qu’agape, unité et service soient les principes actifs et évidents régissant l’Église.
It is important to assert that this study is not a work to inflict guilt on the Catholics or Catholicism for their silence and indifference during the Holocaust. Instead, this study is about the process of moving on from the Catholic Church's past to where the Jewish community's theological existence was finally recognized and the Jewish people were no longer seen as the Others who killed Christ. This was, achieved through a church declaration titled Nostra Aetate (In Our Time). This study records the journey traversed by this declaration, the insurmountable odds it faced in its creation until its promulgation and the impact it has on the Jewish-Christian relationship.
The purpose of this thesis is to offer both an exposition and defense for the Catholic Church's traditional understanding of eucharistic transubstantiation. I hope to show how a belief in such a doctrine is in no way irrational nor is it indefensible; butinstead, the doctrine of transubstantiation makes sense when it is viewed in light of what Catholic Christians believe about who the human being is, what the human desires, and the special way in which God personally works in human history. The method I am following investigates how the doctrine of transubstantiation coheres with and follows the other beliefs that Catholics hold; that is, beginning with certain presuppositions, there is a certain rational progression to the Catholic understanding of real presence.