1000 resultados para Castro de Gutiérrez, Luz, 1908-1991
Each year several prestressed concrete girder bridges in Iowa and other states are struck and damaged by vehicles with loads too high to pass under the bridge. Whether or not intermediate diaphragms play a significant role in reducing the effect of these unusual loading conditions has often been a topic of discussion. A study of the effects of the type and location of intermediate diaphragms in prestressed concrete girder bridges when the bridge girder flanges were subjected to various levels of vertical and horizontal loading was undertaken. The purpose of the research was to determine whether steel diaphragms of any conventional configuration can provide adequate protection to minimize the damage to prestressed concrete girders caused by lateral loads, similar to the protection provided by the reinforced concrete intermediate diaphragms presently being used by the Iowa Department of Transportation. The research program conducted and described in this report included the following: A comprehensive literature search and survey questionnaire were undertaken to define the state-of-the-art in the use of intermediate diaphragms in prestressed concrete girder bridges. A full scale, simple span, restressed concrete girder bridge model, containing three beams was constructed and tested with several types of intermediate diaphragms located at the one-third points of the span or at the mid-span. Analytical studies involving a three-dimensional finite element analysis model were used to provide additional information on the behavior of the experimental bridge. The performance of the bridge with no intermediate diaphragms was quite different than that with intermediate diaphragms in place. All intermediate diaphragms tested had some effect in distributing the loads to the slab and other girders, although some diaphragm types performed better than others. The research conducted has indicated that the replacement of the reinforced concrete intermediate diaphragms currently being used in Iowa with structural steel diaphragms may be possible.
This report describes a project begun in January 1989 and completed December 1990, with the primary objective of obtaining sufficiently accurate horizontal and vertical control by using Global Positioning System (GPS) for highway applications. The ISU research group studied the operations of the Ashtech GPS receiver in static, pseudo-static, kinematic, and pseudo-kinematic modes. By using the Electronic Distance Measuring Instrument (EDMI) Calibration Baseline at ISU, the GPS receiver was tested for distance measurement accuracy. It was found that GPS measurements differed from the baseline distance by about 5.3 mm. Four projects were undertaken to further evaluate and improve the horizontal as well as the vertical accuracies of the GPS receiver -- (1) The Campus Project: with all points concentrated within a one-mile radius; (2) The Des Moines Project: a typical DOT project with all the points within a five-mile radius; (3) The Iowa Project: with all points within a 100-mile radius in the state of Iowa; and (4) The Mustang Project: an extension of the Iowa project, including a typical DOT project of about 10 miles within the inner 30 mile radius of the Iowa project.
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar o rendimento de grãos, o peso hectolítrico e o peso de mil sementes de dez genótipos de triticale e dois genótipos de trigo, em três épocas de semeadura. O experimento foi instalado na Estação Experimental de Capão Bonito, região sudoeste do Estado de São Paulo, no qüinqüênio 1991-95. Estudou-se a disponibilidade hídrica do solo, mediante balanços hídricos decendiais, considerando 100 mm como capacidade de retenção de água no solo. Os resultados indicaram a primeira época como a melhor para os parâmetros estudados, e a terceira época não deve ser recomendada. Com relação ao rendimento de grãos, destacaram-se, nas três épocas, os genótipos IAC 2 e BGL"S"/CIN"S"//MUS"S". Os genótipos IAC 3, Hare 212, Ardilla"S" e ICT 8803 apresentaram-se produtivos na segunda e terceira épocas, e o genótipo MERINOS"S"/JLO"S"/3/BGL"S"/CIN"S"//MUS"S", somente na terceira época. O melhor genótipo, independentemente de época, foi o IAC 2. O rendimento de grãos está associado positivamente com o peso de mil sementes. A ocorrência dos agentes causais de manchas foliares foi mais intensa no genótipo de trigo IAC 24 do que nos genótipos de triticales, excetuando-se o CEP 15.
Since 1978 the concept of longitudinal edge drains along Iowa primary and Interstate highways has been accepted as a cost-effective way of prolonging pavement life. Edge-drain installations have increased over the years, reaching a total of nearly 3,000 mi by 1989. With so many miles of edge drain installed, the development of a system for inspection and evaluation of the drains became essential. Equipment was purchased to evaluate 4-in.-diameter and geocomposite edge drains. Initial evaluations at various sites supported the need for a postconstruction inspection program to ensure that edge-drain installations were in accord with plans and specifications. Information disclosed by video inspections in edge drains and in culverts was compiled on videotape to be used as an informative tool for personnel in the design, construction, and maintenance departments. Video evaluations have influenced changes in maintenance, design, and construction inspection for highway drainage systems in Iowa.
During 1986, the City of Des Moines placed an experimental asphaltic concrete overlay containing an ice-retardant additive (Verglimit) on Euclid Avenue (U.S. Highway 6). Verglimit is a chemical multi-component deicer which is added to the surface course of an asphalt overlay. The additive was uniformly distributed through the mix at the asphalt plant, which allows exposure of the particles as the finished surface wears under traffic. During a snowfall, the exposed particles attract and absorb moisture creating a deicing solution which dampens the pavement. The Verglimit additive used on this project cost $1,180 per metric ton. The Verglimit was added at a rate of 6.3% by weight, which was 126 pounds per ton, or $66.38 per ton of hot mix asphalt. The purchase of Verglimit additive was funded by the Iowa Department of Transportation through a research project recommended by the Highway Research Advisory Board. The pavement surface experienced severe wetting due to the additive's affinity for water immediately after the project was completed and during periods of high humidity. This wetting created slippery conditions both on the project itself and where vehicles tracked the additive. The only way to remove the slipperiness was by flushing the street with water. The ice-retardant overlay appears to perform as expected in reducing the adherence of ice and snow, especially at temperatures just below freezing. It performs better in light snowfalls than in heavy ones. The ice retardant overlay is effective in eliminating thin coatings of ice due to freezing drizzle or widespread frost. The accident data showed a reduction in the number of snow and ice related accidents but due to the low number of this type of accident the results are inconclusive.
Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/23669
Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/23672
Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/23675
Podeu consultar l'Informe complet a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/23677
The objectives of this research were to develop a low cost fly ash-sand stabilized roadway and to correlate field performance with pavement design assumptions on a county road heavily trafficked by trucks hauling grain. The road was constructed during the summer of 1984. Three test sections comprised of different base thicknesses were incorporated in the roadway and were tested for compressive stength, structural rating, and rut depth. Annual crack surveys showed no appreciable difference in transverse cracking between the test sections and little to no rutting. The sandbase drainage characteristics beneath the roadway may have contributed to the satisfactory performance of the test sections. This project indicates that in spite of the inflated cost of construction due to the research nature of the work, a fly ash-sand base can be a viable alternative for roadway stabilization.
Ten miles of U.S. Highway 20 in Webster County began to show deterioration in 1990. Any deterioration was unexpected, since the road was just constructed in 1986 and 1987. The deterioration looked much like the staining and cracking of D-cracking. Cracking was found on 391 joints throughout the 10 mile four lane divided highway. Evaluation of cores from the project reveal low air contents at those locations where cracking is occurring. The cause of the low air contents can only be speculated on. A possible cause may be the vibration from the paver coupled with the additional vibration at the joints. Other projects constructed in 1986 and 1987 with the same equipment show no signs of distress.
Fundamento: Este estudio evidencia las dificultades de planificar recursos humanos en odontología analizando las variables que actúan en la demanda-oferta de servicios en un escenario de: baja utilización de servicios, baja patología y provisión de servicios principalmente privada. Material y Método: Los datos de utilización de servicios (visitas;año) se obtuvieron a partir de la Encuesta de Salud de Cataluña (1994-2006) y la Encuesta Nacional de Salud (1987-2006). La demografía profesional se obtuvo de censos colegiales. Resultados: Cataluña aumentaba 76 colegiados/año en los ochenta, 123 colegiados/año en los noventa y 287 colegiados/año en el período 2005-2008 asociándose a la aperturade facultades de odontología y la inmigración de profesionales con diplomas extranjeros (34,5% dedentistas en 2004). La demanda de ingreso a odontología es elevada y la inserción laboral excelente. La epidemiología de caries muestra una disminución continua (CAOD 12 años=0,73 en 2006) aunque los niveles de visita al dentista se encuentran entre los más bajos de la UE. Según la Encuesta de Salud de Cataluña un 31,5% de los hombres y un 38,1% de las mujeres había visitado un dentista el último año. Conclusiones: Es necesario aplicar nuevas políticas de planificación de recursos humanos y estrategiaspara minimizar las barreras de acceso a los servicios odontológicos en una situación de desequilibrio oferta-demanda.
A figura auroral de Rosalía de Castro autorizou a aparición de novas poetas a finais do século XX mais, paradoxalmente, a partir da publicación dos seus libros fundacionais non xurdiu unha lexión de autoras que desde Cantares gallegos (1863) e Follas novas (1880) escribisen incesantemente a nación, ou simplemente, escribisen incesantemente en galego e tivesen por iso un recoñecemento canónico. Sen dúbida a intervención do patriarcadogaleguista provocou esa interrupción, que se entende mellor cando se teñenen conta os condicionantes socioliterarios que coutaban as mulleres escritoras (González Fernández, 2005: 15-19). Porque a finais do século XIX, e malia excepcións rechamantes, o pensamento hexemónicoconsideraba que as literatas eran unhas sabias ridículas, tal como sesancionara desde o coñecido capítulo V do Émile, ou l’Education (1762) deJean Jacques Rousseau en diante, aínda que houbese, por suposto, vocesdisidentes entre os seus contemporáneos, como Benito Jerónimo Feijoo noseu moi lido discurso XVI, Defensa de las mujeres, do seu Teatro crítico universal(1726). Nese sentido depreciativo do termo debe lerse o coñecido artigo deRosalía de Castro, Las literatas. Carta a Eduarda (1865). Por outra banda, noemerxente discurso nacionalista que vai do XIX ao primeiro terzo do XXopérase unha corrección misóxina que afecta á concepción sexuada danación. Se Murguía seguira a Renan na súa defensa do carácter esencialmente feminino dos pobos celtas, unha idea moi espallada naquela...
Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.
Technology News is a newsletter produced by the Iowa Department of Transportation to provide information to the transportation specialist in Iowa's cities and counties. Technology News is one of CTRE's primary avenues for exchanging transportation-related information with local agencies. The bimonthly newsletter gives an up-to-date look to the up-to-date information our 2,500+ readers have grown to expect.