923 resultados para Canis lupus
FUNDAMENTOS: Tinea capitis é importante infecção fúngica de interesse dermatológico e pediátrico. No Brasil sua prevalência é desconhecida, e os agentes causais principais são o Trichophyton tonsurans nas regiões Norte-Nordeste e o Microsporum canis no Sul-Sudeste do país. Conhecimento sobre gênero e espécies mais prevalentes tem importância sanitária e terapêutica. OBJETIVOS: Identificar espécies de dermatófitos, causa de Tinea capitis, em serviço universitário que atende clientela do Sistema Único de Saúde, de procedência urbana e rural, no interior do Estado de São Paulo. MÉTODOS: Amostras de casos clínicos suspeitos de Tinea capitis, procedentes da área de abrangência da Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu-Unesp, foram investigadas por exame direto e cultivo visando ao diagnóstico e isolamento do agente causal. RESULTADOS: de 1.055 suspeitas, 594 foram confirmadas por exame direto, em 364 (61,1%) isolou-se o agente: M. canis em 88,2%, seguindo-se T. tonsurans (4,7%), T. rubrum (3,3%), M. gypseum (1,9%), T. mentagrophytes (1,6%). O sexo masculino correspondeu a 55,7% dos casos, e a faixa etária entre 0-5 anos predominou com 62,6% (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÕES: A prevalência detectada do M. canis superou o esperado para a Região Sudeste do Brasil. A freqüência de 88,2% pode estar influenciada por pacientes procedentes da zona rural. Esse dado deve ser considerado quando de decisão terapêutica.
We report the occurrence of aggressive vulvar carcinoma associated with condyloma acuminata in three patients: under 33 years old. Discussion of the role of the human papilloma virus (HPV) in the development of vulvar cancer is also presented. Three patients with condyloma associated with aggressive vulvar squamous cell carcinoma, in situ (1 case) and invasive (2 cases), documented by biopsy and/or vulvectomy are presented. In situ hybridization (ISH) was used to characterize the subtypes of HPV. One patient with erythematous systemic lupus developed in situ carcinoma after 5 years. The other two cases also developed aggressive multicentric, invasive squamous cell carcinoma after 10 years of diagnosis of condyloma. In all cases HPV cytological abnormalities were seen throughout the pathological examination. HPV 16 and 18 were present in cells of invasive squamous cell carcinoma in cases 2 and 3. HPV 6 and 11 were detected only in the condyloma area in case 2. HPV 30 was seen only in the condyloma area in case 3. This report emphasizes the need for biopsies of all unusually persistent or treatment-resistant condylomas, particularly in young and/or immunoisuppressed patients.
A hemofagocitose reativa ou síndrome de ativação macrofágica (SAM) é uma complicação das doenças inflamatórias sistêmicas, causada por expansão de células T e macrófagos, com produção maciça de citocinas pró-inflamatórias, ocorrendo mais freqüentemente na artrite idiopática juvenil sistêmica e raramente no lúpus eritematoso sistêmico juvenil (LESJ). OBJETIVO: Relatar um caso de LESJ que evoluiu com SAM precipitada por infecção e infarto esplênico, com desfecho fatal. RELATO DE CASO: Uma menina de 7 anos, com diagnóstico de LESJ desde os 5 anos, evoluiu com artrite em atividade, alopecia intensa, citopenias, cefaléia, infecções respiratórias recorrentes e elevação intermitente de transaminases. Os anticorpos anti-DNA e anticardiolipina IgG e IgM foram identificados e a biópsia renal evidenciou glomerulonefrite lúpica de classe III. A paciente foi tratada com pulso de metilprednisolona, prednisona, azatioprina e hidroxicloroquina. Após dois anos, na vigência de pneumonia apresentou abdome agudo e convulsões, evoluindo para o choque hemorrágico fatal após esplenectomia, que evidenciou infarto esplênico e infiltração maciça por macrófagos hemofagocíticos CD163+. CONCLUSÃO: A revisão do desfecho sugere a SAM precipitada por infecção e sobreposta a atividade inflamatória do lúpus com febre persistente, citopenias, disfunção hepática, hepatomegalia e esplenomegalia, como efeitos do excesso de produção de citocinas. Os anticorpos anticardiolipina podem ter tido papel precipitante na coagulopatia, que resultou infarto esplênico e choque hemorrágico.
OBJECTIVES. The purpose of this study was to obtain data on the association of antiphospholipid antibodies with clinical manifestations in childhood and to enable future studies to determine the impact of treatment and long-term outcome of pediatric antiphospholipid syndrome.PATIENTS and METHODS. A European registry extended internationally of pediatric patients with antiphospholipid syndrome was established as a collaborative project of the European Antiphospholipid Antibodies Forum and Lupus Working Group of the Pediatric Rheumatology European Society. To be eligible for enrollment the patient must meet the preliminary criteria for the classification of pediatric antiphospholipid syndrome and the onset of antiphospholipid syndrome must have occurred before the patient's 18th birthday.RESULTS. As of December 1, 2007, there were 121 confirmed antiphospholipid syndrome cases registered from 14 countries. Fifty-six patients were male, and 65 were female, with a mean age at the onset of antiphospholipid syndrome of 10.7 years. Sixty (49.5%) patients had underlying autoimmune disease. Venous thrombosis occurred in 72 (60%), arterial thrombosis in 39 (32%), small-vessel thrombosis in 7 (6%), and mixed arterial and venous thrombosis in 3 (2%). Associated nonthrombotic clinical manifestations included hematologic manifestations (38%), skin disorders (18%), and nonthrombotic neurologic manifestations (16%). Laboratory investigations revealed positive anticardiolipin antibodies in 81% of the patients, anti-beta(2)-glycoprotein I antibodies in 67%, and lupus anticoagulant in 72%. Comparisons between different subgroups revealed that patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome were younger and had a higher frequency of arterial thrombotic events, whereas patients with antiphospholipid syndrome associated with underlying autoimmune disease were older and had a higher frequency of venous thrombotic events associated with hematologic and skin manifestations.CONCLUSIONS. Clinical and laboratory characterization of patients with pediatric antiphospholipid syndrome implies some important differences between antiphospholipid syndrome in pediatric and adult populations. Comparisons between children with primary antiphospholipid syndrome and antiphospholipid syndrome associated with autoimmune disease have revealed certain differences that suggest 2 distinct subgroups. Pediatrics 2008; 122: e1100-e1107
The objective of this study was to assess the medical records of the patients whose mycological culture of the hair in Sabouraud Dextrose Agar supplemented with chloramphenicol and cycloheximide was positive for dermathophytes, and review the cases of dermatophytosis. One hundred and thirty six medical records of patients (114 dogs and 22 cats) with dermatophytosis attended in a period of 54 months in the Veterinary Hospital of the UNESP - Botucatu were evaluated. Results obtained in this analysis have shown that the majority of the cultures were positive for Mycrosporum canis. There was no statistical difference between genders, but the number of defined breed dogs presenting dermatophytosis was higher than mongrel dogs. Among feline cases, however, there were a higher number of mongrel cats. The majority of the people and animals in contact with the patients did not report skin lesions. 32,5% of the dogs presented middle intensity itchiness, while in cats itchiness was absent in 77,3% of cases. 69,3% of the animals did not present clinical signs other than dermatological. Mean ages were 4 years in dogs and 3 years in cats. There was no statistical effect of season in the occurrence of dermatophytosis. Among animals submitted to Wood lamp evaluation, 40,9% of the dogs and 33,3% of the cats were positive for dermatophytes. Most dogs had generalized lesions, while the majority of cats presented focal lesions. The most common lesions observed were: alopecia, crusts and erythema.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
The Ehrlichiosis is a worldwide diseases of great importance in a veterinary medicine is an important infectious diseases whose prevalence has increased significant in the last year in the Brazilian states. Due to the fact that this study was designed to correlate the findings hematological clinical signs and PCR, being the most sensitive. This study evaluated twenty dogs seen at veterinary hospital UNESP - Botucatu campus during the 03 from august to September 28 2009. Animal cited 65% were positive in the PCR test. Among the most prominent clinical findings 76.92% (10/13) with anorexia, 53.84% (7/13) with hepatoesplenomegaly, 46.15% (6/13) with apathy and 38.46% (5/13) epistaxis. The thirteen animals positive PCR 92.30% (12/13) showed thrombocytopenia (<150.000 platelets) e 61.53 (8/13) anemic (<5.50 x10). Thus, we conclude that the PCR was a good method for detection differential canine ehrlichiosis may be adopted together with the clinical and hematological findings for the accurate diagnosis of the disease.
A areia das áreas de lazer de escolas podem constituir vias de transmissão para várias zoonoses parasitárias, representando risco potencial para as crianças que brincam nesses locais. Foi avaliada a ocorrência de agentes de larva migrans em 28 escolas municipais de ensino infantil de Araçatuba, SP. Foram colhidas 535 amostras de areia das áreas de lazer dessas escolas nos meses de janeiro (verão) e julho (inverno) de 1997 para estabelecimento da freqüência de isolamento de larvas e/ou ovos de Ancylostoma spp. e de ovos de Toxocara spp., pelos métodos de centrífugo-flutuação e de Baermann, respectivamente. A presença de larvas de Ancylostoma spp. foi observada, em pelo menos uma das amostras, em 35,7% (10/28) das amostras da primeira colheita (verão) e em 46,4% (13/28) quando da segunda colheita (inverno). Ovos de Toxocara spp. não foram encontrados e a presença de ovos de Ancylostoma spp. foi observada em 0,56% (3/535) das amostras.
The objective of this study was to obtain information of epidemiological nature through genotypic characterization of Cryptosporidium isolates from dogs, cats and bovines from the state of São Paulo, Brazil. The extraction of DNA from oocysts was carried out and polymerase chain reaction was accomplished using specific primers to 18S rRNA gene. The amplicons were directed sequenced. Seven cat samples, nine dog samples and nine bovine samples were analysed. From the seven cat samples the genotypic analyses revealed Cryptosporidium felis in all. These were the first genotypic characterization of Cryptosporidium from domestic felines in Brazil. In nine sequenced samples from dogs, genotypic identities compatible with Cryptosporidium canis were revealed in all samples. The genotypic analyses in bovines revealed Cryptosporidium parvum in eight samples and Cryptosporidium bovis in another sample, the last one being a non-zoonotic species, not related to clinical symptoms and described for the first time in Brazil. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi relatar, por meio de revisão de literatura, os resultados de pesquisas sobre a criptosporidiose no Brasil, com ênfase em sua ocorrência em animais e suas implicações em medicina veterinária e em saúde pública. Um número crescente de trabalhos sobre a infecção por Cryptosporidium spp. no Brasil está disponível na literatura nacional e internacional. Nestes trabalhos, são abordados principalmente aspectos relacionados à ocorrência de Cryptosporidium spp. em alimentos, amostras ambientais, no homem e em diversas espécies animais, particularmente em aves, bovinos, cães e gatos. Por meio de técnicas de biologia molecular, a maioria das espécies e alguns genótipos identificados em outros países foram descritos no Brasil. em mamíferos, houve identificação de C. bovis, C. canis, C. felis, C. meleagridis, C. parvum e o genótipo cervídeo; em diversas espécies de aves, foi descrita infecção por C. baileyi, C. galli, C. meleagridis, C. parvum e pelos genótipos I, II e III de aves. Várias espécies foram descritas no homem, como C. parvum e C. hominis, além de algumas espécies adaptadas a hospedeiros animais, como C. canis, C. felis e C. meleagridis.
Canine Hepatozoon species from Brazil was molecular identified and characterized for the first time. From 31 dogs, 7 were positive for blood smear examination and 21 positive for PCR. Partial sequences of the 18S rRNA gene from eight naturally infected dogs were analyzed. Sequences revealed that Brazilian Hepatozoon is closely related with the Japanese Hepatozoon, that has 99% nucleotide identity with Hepatozoon canis from Israel, and different from Hepatozoon americanum. These results indicate that the canine Hepatozoon species from Brazil is H. canis.
Hepatozoon canis was molecularly identified in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Twelve dogs from urban areas were studied by blood smear examination and the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assay. From these dogs, only 1 was positive in both blood smears and PCR.
The prevalence of gastrointestinal parasites in stray dogs, and dogs with owners was investigated by fecal examinations from 271 dogs employing sedimentation, simple flotation and centrifugation-flotation methods. The centrifugation-flotation method, when compared to simple flotation or sedimentation methods was generally more accurate in the diagnosis of all intestinal parasites, but statistical differences were detected only in relation to Giardia spp. and Cystoisospora spp. (synonym Isospora spp.). The following parasites, with their respective prevalence, were diagnosed in the fecal samples: Ancylostoma spp. (23.6%); Toxocara canis (5.5%); Trichuris vulpis (4.8%); Spirocerca lupi (1.9%); Dipylidium caninum (0.7%); Giardia spp. (12.2%); Hammondia heydorni (2.6%); Cystoisospora spp. (8.5%); and Sarcocystis spp. (2.2%). The prevalence of most parasites was similar for dogs of mixed-breed and for dogs of a defined-breed, except for Cystoisospora spp. and T canis which showed a significantly higher prevalence in mixed-breed dogs. The prevalence of Ancylostoma spp. (17.1%) was significantly lower in stray dogs than in those with an owner (31.9%) and the prevalence of Giardia spp. and Cystoisospora spp. was higher in stray dogs (P < 0.05). No effect of season on the occurrence of the different parasite genera could be observed, except for Ancylostoma spp., for which an increase in the percentage of dogs shedding eggs was observed at the beginning of Summer with a peak occurrence during April and May (Autumn). The prevalence of Ancylostoma spp., T canis, T vulpis, Giardia spp. and Cystoisospora spp. was higher in adult males than in adult females, but significant differences between the two groups occurred only with Giardia spp. Young animals were found to more frequently shed Nematode eggs in feces than adult animals. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)