976 resultados para CHA-252
Here we prepare carbon nanotubes modified with ammonium persulfate, very short carbon nanotubes with 50-100 nanometer length was obtained, and the higher P potential of 52 mV was detected, these supporting the successful modification. HeLa cells were irradiated with P rays via adding or absent above functionalized carbon nanotubes (f- WCNTs) into cell culture medium with different concentration and radiation dosage. Confocal microscopy images and fluorescence-labeled DNA detection verified the successfully pure multi-walled carbon nanotubes (p-WCNTs) and f-WCNTs penetrated into cells. Compared with pure radiation, by MTT test, f-WCNTs induced cell death markedly with about 8.7 times higher than former one under little dose of radiation; meanwhile, no obvious toxicity was observed both in p-WCNTs and f-WCNTs without of radiation exposure. We hypothesized that large amount of hydroxyl and carbonyl organs on the surface of very short f-WCNTs changed into free radicals result from radiations led cell damage. These implied that f-WCNTs could be regarded as a new radiosensitizer.
Branching ratios and half-lives of alpha-decay to the ground-state rotational bands as well as the high-lying excited states of even-even nuclei have been calculated in the framework of the generalized liquid drop model (GLDM) and Royer's formula that we improved very recently. The calculation covers the isotopic chains from Ra to No in the mass regions 222 <= A <= 252 and 88 <= Z <= 102. The agreement between the calculated results and the experimental data indicates the reliability of investigating the properties of the unfavored alpha-decay with our method, especially the improved Royer's formula, which is very valuable for the analysis of experimental data. In addition, the dependence of half-lives on excitation energies of daughter nuclei has been investigated. It is shown that the influence on half-lives becomes stronger and stronger with the increase of the excitation energies.
The high spin levels of a very neutron-rich Zr-104 nucleus have been reinvestigated by measuring the prompt. rays in the spontaneous fission of Cf-252. The ground-state band has been confirmed. A new sideband has been identified with a band-head energy at 1928.7 keV. The projected shell model is employed to investigate the band structure of Zr-104. The results of calculated levels are in good agreement with the experimental data, and suggest that the new band in Zr-104 may be based on the neutron nu 5/2(-)[532] circle times nu 3/2(+)[411] configuration.
In order to study the gas-phase chemical behavior of transactinides, an on-line isothermal chromatography apparatus has been developed and applied to separate short-lived technetium isotopes in the form of TcO3 from fission products. The fission products from a Cf-252 source were continuously and rapidly transported through the capillary to the isothermal chromatography apparatus using the N-2/KBr gas-jet techniques. Volatile oxide molecules were formed at the reaction zone kept at 900 degrees C since a trace amount of oxygen existed in the N-2 carrier gas. With the new developed isothermal chromatography apparatus, a selective separation of Tc from fission products was achieved. After isothermal chromatographic separation, Tc-101,Tc-103,Tc-104,Tc-105,Tc-106,Tc-107,Tc-108 were dominantly observed together with their Ru daughters in the gamma-spectrum, The chemical yields of Tc-101, and Tc-104 and Tc-105 isotopes with longer half-lives are about 55-57%, and those of Tc-103, Tc-106 and Tc-108 isotopes with shorter half-lives dropped down to 25-28%. The adsorption enthalpy of the investigated compounds on quartz surfaces was determined to be -150 +/- 5 kJ/mol by fitting the measured retention curves with a Monte Carlo model. The observed species of technetium oxide is attributed to TcO3, which is in good agreement with previous experimental results. That means our system worked properly and it can be used to investigate the gas-phase chemical behavior of transactinides.
本硕士沦文籍助兰州重离子加速器国家实验室分离扇聚焦回旋加速器(SFC)提供的重离子束通过全融合蒸发反应产生远离口稳定线的缺中子核素,并用本课题组发展和建立的氦喷嘴快速带传输系统以及多重符合测量装置分离、测量核素来研究其衰变性质。在实验准备期间,曾采用~(252)Cf源进行了氦喷嘴(I-I eje咧央速带传输系统效率的测定。给出了PbI_2,PbCl_2,NaCl三种无机欲添加剂的传输效率,以及传输效率随目标核质量变化的初步结果。而后完成了以下两项物理实验:~(113)Sm的(EC+β~+)衰变纲图和133Pr的同核异能态的研究:用SFC引出的~(40)Ca~(12+)束流轰击96%Ru的浓缩同位素靶,采用氦喷嘴带传输系统和x-γ与γ-γ符合测量方法,首次建议了~(133)Sm的简单的(EC+β~+)衰变纲图并测得了其β衰变半衰期。~(133)Sm是目前发表过(EC+β~+)衰变纲图的最轻的钐(Sm的缺中子核。由于Ru靶中含有~(98-102)Ru的成分,同时产生了~(133)Pr,并首次测定了~(133)Pr 11/2~-同核异能态的寿命为(l.1±0.2)s。为Pr奇A核11/2~-同核异能态的数据作了重要的补充,汇编成Pr奇A核的11/2一同核异能态和与之相关的3/2~+,5/2~+和7/2~+能级的系统性数据。用单粒子模型理论拟合从中提取了~(131,133,135,137)Pr的11/2~-同核异能态的约化跃迁概率的实验值,并与Weisskopf近似估计进行了比较。2.~(93)Pd的β缓发质子衰变:通过~(58)Ni(~(40)Ca,3n2p)反应合成β缓发质了先驱核~(93)Pd,采用氦喷嘴带传输系统加p-γ符合观测到了它的β缓发质子衰李,测得其半衰期为1.3±0.2s。采用统计模型计算拟合了实验测得的口缓发质子能谱和布居到质子发射体子核不同终态的分支比,首次由实验数据出发初步指认了93Pd的基态自旋-宇称为9/2~±。同时与采用Woods-Saxon Strutinsky方法计算~(93)Pd的核位能面得到的结果进行了比较。计算结果支持对~(93)Pd基态自旋一宇称为9/2~+的实验指认。
随着国家大科学工程兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)建成,CSRm实验探测系统也正在建设当中。CSRm实验探测系统由外靶系统和内靶系统构成。外靶系统主要有γ探测器、多丝漂移室(MWDC)、ToF墙(ToF Wall)、中子墙(Neutron Wall)等探测器组成,主要用于核物理研究。其中,用于探测中子的中子墙探测器是外靶系统中的一个重要组成部分,它有252个探测单元,每一个探测器单元都要求既有很好的能量分辨,也要有很好的时间分辨,同时还要求数据获取率达到每秒几千个事件。对于这样先进的探测器和大型实验探测系统采用传统的电子学仪器和方法已经无法构成读出电子学系统,建造与之相配的读出电子学系统是极为重要的和亟待解决的工作。为此,我们设计研发适合于中子墙探测器这样的大型闪烁体探测器的前端电子学读出系统。包括三大部分:16道电荷幅度转换电路(QAC),16道时间幅度转换电路(TAC)和有效信号判断电路。本论文的主要内容如下:在第一章绪论中,介绍了论文课题的出发点以及课题的意义,并对课题的背景进行了介绍。第二章介绍我们所自行设计的中子墙探测器的特点、结构。分析了中子墙探测器的输出信号的特点以及对后续前端电子学读出系统的要求。第三章是本论文两大核心部分之一,是本论文的创新点所在。主要介绍了我们电荷幅度转换的新方法,结合通常的QAC电路方法和具体的实际情况,我们自行提出了一种新的QAC电路,包括以下几个部分:差分输入电路、电流分割、上下恒流源、门控电流积分器。我们的创新点在于,我们用上下恒流源分别代替了通常QAC中作为电流分配的电流镜像和作为电流基准的电阻,这样一来更容易得到比较稳定的偏置电流,从而能够得到更高的转换精度。第四章是本论文的另外一个核心部分,首先我们论述了核电子学时间测量的几种方法,在对它们进行对比后,结合中子墙的实际特点,我们确定了采用起停型的TAC方法。然后介绍了TAC的原理,以及具体的电路结构。第五章主要的内容是对我们整个电路的逻辑电路进行了详细的介绍,它包括16道QAC和16道TAC的积分控制信号和泄放控制信号的产生电路以及有效信号判断电路。详细论述了这些逻辑关系以及如何在CPLD实现,并且给出了仿真结果。第六章详细讨论了我们在设计PCB板时遇到的问题及其解决方法。第七章介绍了多路QAC和多路TAC主要指标及其测试方法、步骤、结果并给出了误差分析。在总结部分我们回顾了我们整个工作的过程,介绍了论文的主要成果和创新点以及对于整个CSR工程的意义。本论文的创新点: 1、提出了一种新型的QAC电路。 2、将16道QAC和16道TAC以及有效信号判断电路集成在一个插件中提高了电路的集成度,并为最终集成在一片ASIC芯片中打下坚实的基础。 3、用可编程逻辑器件代替ECL器件来构建逻辑电路,降低了功耗和成本并提高了系统的可靠性
随着国家大科学工程兰州重离子加速器冷却储存环(HIRFL-CSR)建成,HIRFL-CSR实验探测系统也正在建设当中。实验探测系统由外靶系统和内靶系统构成。用于探测中子的中子墙探测器是外靶系统中的一个重要组成部分,它有252个探测单元,每一个探测器单元都要求很好的能量分辨和时间分辨,还要求有很高数据获取率。为此,我们设计研发适合于中子墙探测器这样的大型闪烁体探测器的前端电子学读出系统。论文从发展髙性能多路小型化前端电路和研究QAC、TAC的方法和电路两个方面进行研究,讨论了我们采用的新思路和新方法。 我们设计的新型的多道高精度的电荷-电压、时间转换电路.该电路主要用于在相关控制信号的配合下,将光电倍增管输出的快电流脉冲信号转化为电压信号,并在控制信号作用下,将电压信号通过数据采集系统直接送入计算机进行处理。电路采用新型的QAC方法,用于处理快速的电流信号,突出特点是转换速度快,电路结构简单,输入信号范围大,精度高,功耗低, 电路采用改进的TAC方法,用于处理快速的时间信号,利用高速DMOS开关,并优化控制逻辑时序,极大提高了测试精度。 实验室调试结果说明系统已能够适应物理实验的要求,并为最终建立一个完整的满足性能要求的前端电子学系统打下了坚实的基础
随着HIRFL-CSR工程的顺利完工,更高能量和更多种类的束流可以用于实验,大大拓展了可开展的核物理实验研究的内容。为了更好的利用束流,促进核物理实验研究的深入,设计和建造新的大规模探测设备成为必然。本论文工作针对CSR主环外靶实验终端建设,完成了利用飞行时间方法探测中子和带电粒子的两种快塑料闪烁体探测器阵列的研制。其中中子探测器有效体积为1.5 1.5 1 m3,包含252个,两种不同结构的探测单元;每组带电粒子探测器(TOFW)由60个探测单元构成,有效探测面积为1.21.2m2。论文工作通过解决材料加工、抛光、粘接、单元包装、测试等一系列工艺难题,完成了中子探测器和三组TOFW探测器的安装和测试。利用宇宙射线测试得到两种类型中子探测单元和TOFW探测单元的平均时间分辨分别为278 ± 59、272 ± 44和258 ± 51 ps,扣除各种因素后,探测单元的本证时间分辨可以达到80、100和150 ps;对后者利用12C重离子束流在线测试,得到本证时间分辨好于70 ps,完全满足设计的要求。论文工作中还设计完成了探测单元中光电倍增管高压系统的控制和监测系统,并建立了以LED为光源的光刻度系统,用于探测单元的刻度和工作状态的在线监测。在终端现场对探测器进行的初步在束测试表明,两种探测器工作稳定,运行良好,其性能均满足实验需求
位置灵敏Bragg探测器的研制,是为实现戴光曦老师提出的设想:在Bragg探测器的内部实现对位置测量而进行的一项研究工作。这项工作的实现对中、低能重离子核反应完成对裂片的测量是很有意义的。本工作采用电阻串进行电荷分除来定位,这在近物所为第一次。试验中,同时测量位置,能量及电荷对~(252)C+源的α粒子可以达到:ΔE/E = 1.9%, ΔZ/Z = 1.6% ΔX好于9mm
我们研制了一个用于测量重离子核反应中轻带电粒子的位置灵敏塑料闪烁探测器阵列,该阵列由六块100 * 10 * 1 cm~3和两块100 * 5 * 1 cm~3的Pilot U型塑料闪烁体组成,所用光电管为XP2020Q型。本文详细地讨论了影响探测器的分辨做了测量,~(252)cf源位于探测器中心时,得到两种宽度探测器的时间分辨为740ps和610ps,相应的位置分辨为5.7cm和4.6cm,探测器中心位置能量分辨为60%和40%。还使用JUHU数据获取系统对探测器进行了测试。给出了由能量确定的位置分辨。最后还讨论了探测器阵列的适用能区和粒子鉴别能力以及今后改进的设想
本论文研制了一个二维位置灵敏塑料闪烁探测器阵列,该阵列由六块100 * 10 * 1 cm~3和两块100 * 5 * 1 cm~3的Pilot U型塑料闪烁体组成,所用光电管为xp2020Q型。本探测器阵列将用于重离子反应中的轻粒子角分布和飞行时间测量。本文对该种闪烁体及对应的光导中的荧光传输进行了理论计算,并用~(90)Sr-~(90)Y β源和~(252)Cf α源进行了性能测试。用~(252)Cf源的α粒子测得10cm宽的探测器的时间分辨、位置分辨和能量分辨分别为740ps、6cm和60%;测得5cm宽的探测器的分辨分别为600ps、5cm和40%。本文还介绍了用本所的MODAS-1数据获取系统对阵列进行联合测试的方法和结果,对粒子鉴别和多重性测量也进行了讨论
本论文阐明了He-喷嘴反冲传输系统设计及其机制,并将它用于β-反冲飞行时间测量中构成-名在线He-喷嘴β-反冲飞行时间质谱仪装置。该装置对于探索高温难熔金属元素,鉴别其质量具有潜在的能力,预计在对远离β稳定线核素的探索及其质量数的鉴别中发挥作用。通过离线实验测定了0.189μg ~(252)Cf源的自发型裂变碎片的传输特征,得到了各种情况下装置运行的最佳参数,同时利用该装置在线测定了0.135 + 0.189 μg ~(252)Cf的裂变碎片的飞行时间谱。质量数为100左右的核素很好地分开,并给出了实验结果及其讨论。最后在附录中提出了提高谱仪性能的改进建议
In the experiment of nuclear reaction, it is important to measure the mass, charge, energy and emitted direction of particles. For multiparameter measurement, we must use a detector or a group of detectors which can give the time, energy, and position information. The Large Area position sensitive Ionization Chamber(LAIC) is one of the eight experiment terminals of HIRFL. It is built for researching nuclear reactions from low energy to intermediate energy. It is an excellent equipment for energy measurements and atomic number identification of emitted fragments in this energy region. It is also designed to give the time and position information of the emitted fragments by itself. Obviously, an IC can not supply a good timing signal. Moreover, the mechanical installation is different from the original design by some other reasons. In this case, it is not enough to obtain the correct direction information of the emitted fragments. To obtain good timing signals and the correct direction information, some modifications must be made. It is well known that a PPAC can give us excellent timing signals. It also can be easily built as a position sensitive detector. For this reason, a specially designed PPAC is installed in the entrance of the LAIC. For the different purposes, two types of PPACs were designed and tested. Both are OCTPSACs (OCTunit one dimension Position Sensitive Avalanche Counter). In this paper, both OCTPSACs will be introduced. Based on the requirements of the LAIC, the OCTPSACs consist of eight position sensitive PPACs. Each PPAC has an anode and a cathode. In both cases, the sizes are same. But different type of cathodes are used. In one type of OCTPSAC, its cathode is made of wire plane. It consists of gold-plated tungsten wires with the diameter of 20μm, spaced 0.5 mm apart from each other. The anode is a mylar foil which was evaporated by gold layer with the thickness of 50μg/cm~2 mounted on a printed plate in the shape of rectangle. the thickness of mylar foil is 1.5μm. The gap between anode and cathode is 3mm. The performance of the OCTPSAC has been tested by using a ~(252)Cf source in flowing isobutylene gas at the pressure of 3.4mb. The intrinsic time resolution of 289ps and position resolution of 2 mm have been obtained. In another type of OCTPSAC, the cathode is made of mylar foil, which is composed of gold strip by vacuume evaporation method with a special mask on the mylar foil. The thickness and the width of the gold strip is 50μg/cm~2 and 1.7mm. The strips are spaced 0.3 mm apart from each other. The anode is the same as the former type. We have obtained the time resolution of 296ps and position resolution of 2mm by using ~(241)Am-a source when the gas pressure is 6 mb and high voltage is 600V. The working gas is heptane