824 resultados para Branding and Brand Building


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Le tecniche dell'informazione e i metodi della comunicazione hanno modificato il modo di redigere documenti destinati a trasmettere la conoscenza, in un processo che è a tutt'oggi in corso di evoluzione. Anche l'attività progettuale in ingegneria ed architettura, pure in un settore caratterizzato da una notevole inerzia metodologica e restio all'innovazione quale è quello dell'industria edilizia, ha conosciuto profonde trasformazioni in ragione delle nuove espressioni tecnologiche. Da tempo l'informazione necessaria per realizzare un edificio, dai disegni che lo rappresentano sino ai documenti che ne indicano le modalità costruttive, può essere gestita in maniera centralizzata mediante un unico archivio di progetto denominato IPDB (Integrated Project DataBase) pur essendone stata recentemente introdotta sul mercato una variante più operativa chiamata BIM (Building Information Modelling). Tuttavia l'industrializzazione del progetto che questi strumenti esplicano non rende conto appieno di tutti gli aspetti che vedono la realizzazione dell'opera architettonica come collettore di conoscenze proprie di una cultura progettuale che, particolarmente in Italia, è radicata nel tempo. La semantica della rappresentazione digitale è volta alla perequazione degli elementi costitutivi del progetto con l'obiettivo di catalogarne le sole caratteristiche fabbricative. L'analisi della letteratura scientifica pertinente alla materia mostra come non sia possibile attribuire ai metodi ed ai software presenti sul mercato la valenza di raccoglitori omnicomprensivi di informazione: questo approccio olistico costituisce invece il fondamento della modellazione integrata intesa come originale processo di rappresentazione della conoscenza, ordinata secondo il paradigma delle "scatole cinesi", modello evolvente che unifica linguaggi appartenenti ai differenti attori compartecipanti nei settori impiantistici, strutturali e della visualizzazione avanzata. Evidenziando criticamente i pregi e i limiti operativi derivanti dalla modellazione integrata, la componente sperimentale della ricerca è stata articolata con l'approfondimento di esperienze condotte in contesti accademici e professionali. Il risultato conseguito ha coniugato le tecniche di rilevamento alle potenzialità di "modelli tridimensionali intelligenti", dotati cioè di criteri discriminanti per la valutazione del relazionamento topologico dei componenti con l'insieme globale.


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Ferrara è tra le città con le quali Piero Bottoni (1903-1973) ha istaurato un rapporto proficuo e duraturo che gli permise di elaborare molti progetti e che fu costante lungo quasi tutta la parabola professionale dell’autore milanese. Giunto nella città estense nei primi anni Trenta, vi lavorò nei tre decenni successivi elaborando progetti che spaziavano dalla scala dell’arredamento d’interni fino a quella urbana; i diciannove progetti studiati, tutti situati all’interno del centro storico della città, hanno come tema comune la relazione tra nuova architettura e città esistente. Osservando un ampio spettro di interventi che abbracciava la progettazione sull'esistente come quella del nuovo, Bottoni propone una visione dell'architettura senza suddivisioni disciplinari intendendo il restauro e la costruzione del nuovo come parti di un processo progettuale unitario. Sullo sfondo di questa vicenda, la cultura ferrarese tra le due guerre e nel Dopoguerra si caratterizza per il continuo tentativo di rendere attuale la propria storia rinascimentale effettuando operazioni di riscoperta che con continuità, a discapito dei cambiamenti politici, contraddistinguono le esperienze culturali condotte nel corso del Novecento. Con la contemporanea presenza durante gli anni Cinquanta e Sessanta di Bottoni, Zevi, Pane, Michelucci, Piccinato, Samonà, Bassani e Ragghianti, tutti impegnati nella costruzione dell’immagine storiografica della Ferrara rinascimentale, i caratteri di questa stagione culturale si fondono con i temi centrali del dibattito architettonico italiano e con quello per la salvaguardia dei centri storici. L’analisi dell’opera ferrarese di Piero Bottoni è così l’occasione per mostrare da un lato un carattere peculiare della sua architettura e, dall’altro, di studiare un contesto cultuale provinciale al fine di mostrare i punti di contatto tra le personalità presenti a Ferrara in quegli anni, di osservarne le reciproche influenze e di distinguere gli scambi avvenuti tra i principali centri della cultura architettonica italiana e un ambito geografico solo apparentemente secondario.


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Gli ultimi anni hanno visto importanti cambiamenti positivi nella cooperazione interstatale in Asia centrale. Crescenti minacce come il terrorismo internazionale, l'estremismo religioso e politico, il traffico di droga, ecc, causati dagli interessi geopolitici e geo-economici delle potenze mondiali, hanno contribuito alla formazione di una politica estera più coordinata e coerente degli Stati della regione. Questo processo si manifesta nella partecipazione attiva dell’istituzionalizzazione della Shanghai Organizzazione del Commonwealth (SOC), Conferenza sulle misure di costruzione d’interazione e fiducia in Asia (CICA) e Organizzazione del Trattato di Sicurezza Collettiva (CSTO). Problemi moderni di sicurezza in Asia centrale dovrebbero essere risolti in dei nuovi modi, non convenzionali. Le nuove minacce alla sicurezza richiedono modi non standard per risolvere il problema. Considerate le differenze fondamentali dell'Unione europea e degli Stati dell'Asia centrale nei valori e dal punto di vista in materia di sicurezza. I paesi dell'Asia centrale non sono pronti per l'integrazione politica. Nonostante questo, nell’Asia centrale sono state adottate misure per contrastare le minacce non convenzionali. L’esperienza europea di unire gli sforzi della regione per garantire la sicurezza interna, può essere utilizzata dai paesi dell'Asia centrale, soprattutto, in primo luogo sulla formazione del quadro istituzionale e giuridico per la cooperazione operativa delle forze dell'ordine per le seguenti aree: • prevenzione del traffico di droga attraverso gli Stati dell'Asia centrale; • lotta contro nuove forme di terrorismo ed estremismo; • limitare la dimensione della migrazione clandestina; • migliorare la protezione giuridica dei cittadini. Fino a poco tempo fa, questi temi hanno ricevuto poca attenzione, sia nella teoria sia nella pratica, poiché i problemi di sicurezza della società erano principalmente ridotti per evitare il pericolo di guerra.


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Canavan disease (CD) is a rare leukodystrophy caused by loss-of-function mutations in the gene encoding aspartoacylase (ASPA), an oligodendrocyte-enriched enzyme. It is characterised by the accumulation of the ASPA substrate N-acetylaspartate (NAA) in brain, blood and urine, leading to a spongiform vacuolisation of the brain, severe motoric and cognitive impairments and premature death. To date, no therapy is available due to the lack of a gene-transfer system allowing transgene expression in oligodendrocytes (OLs) and the restoration of the missing enzyme. Hence, the aim of this study was to establish a novel gene-transfer system and its preclinical evaluation in a CD animal model.rnIn the first part of this thesis, a novel ASPA mouse mutant was generated. A βgeo cassette (including the genes encoding β-galactosidase and neomycin) flanked by frt sites was inserted into intron 1 of the intact aspa gene. Additionally, exon 2 was flanked by loxP sites for optional conditional deletion of the targeted locus. The resulting ASPA-deficient aspalacZ/lacZ-mouse was found to be an accurate model of CD and an important tool to identify novel aspects of its complex pathology. Homozygous mutants showed a CD-like histopathology, neurological impairment, behavioural deficits as well as a reduced body weight. Additionally, MRI data revealed changes in brain metabolite composition. rnRecombinant adeno-associated viral (rAAV) vectors have become a versatile tool for gene transfer to the central nervous system because they are efficient, non-toxic and replication-deficient. Based on the natural neurotropism of AAV vectors, AAV-based gene delivery has entered the clinics for the treatment of neurodegenerative diseases. However, the lack of AAV vectors with oligodendroglial tropism has precluded gene therapy for leukodystrophies. In the second part of this work, it was shown that the transduction profile of established AAV serotypes can be targeted towards OLs in a transcriptional approach, using the oligodendrocyte-specific myelin basic protein (MBP) promoter to drive transgene expression in OLs.rnIn the last part of this work, the therapeutic efficacy of AAV-mediated aspa gene transfer to OLs of juvenile aspalacZ/lacZ mice was evaluated. AAV-aspa injections into multiple sites of the brain parenchyma resulted in transduction of OLs in the grey and white matter throughout the brain. Histological abnormalities in the brain of ASPA-deficient mice were ameliorated and accompanied by a reduction of NAA levels. Furthermore, the treatment resulted in normalisation of body weight, motor function and nest-building behaviour. These data provide a proof-of-concept for a successful gene therapy of Canavan disease. This might pave the way towards translation into clinical application and serve as the basis for the genetic treatment of other leukodystrophies.


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The present dissertation aims at simulating the construction of lexicographic layouts for an Italian combinatory dictionary based on real linguistic data, extracted from corpora by using computational methods. This work is based on the assumption that the intuition of the native speaker, or the lexicographer, who manually extracts and classifies all the relevant data, are not adequate to provide sufficient information on the meaning and use of words. Therefore, a study of the real use of language is required and this is particularly true for dictionaries that collect the combinatory behaviour of words, where the task of the lexicographer is to identify typical combinations where a word occurs. This study is conducted in the framework of the CombiNet project aimed at studying Italian Word Combinationsand and at building an online, corpus-based combinatory lexicographic resource for the Italian language. This work is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 describes the criteria considered for the classification of word combinations according to the work of Ježek (2011). Chapter 1 also contains a brief comparison between the most important Italian combinatory dictionaries and the BBI Dictionary of Word Combinations in order to describe how word combinations are considered in these lexicographic resources. Chapter 2 describes the main computational methods used for the extraction of word combinations from corpora, taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of the two methods. Chapter 3 mainly focuses on the practical word carried out in the framework of the CombiNet project, with reference to the tools and resources used (EXTra, LexIt and "La Repubblica" corpus). Finally, the data extracted and the lexicographic layout of the lemmas to be included in the combinatory dictionary are commented, namely the words "acqua" (water), "braccio" (arm) and "colpo" (blow, shot, stroke).


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Cranioplasty is a commonly performed procedure. Outcomes can be improved by the use of patient specific implants, however, high costs limit their accessibility. This paper presents a low cost alternative technique to create patient specific polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) implants using rapid prototyped mold template. We used available patient's CT-scans, one dataset without craniotomy and one with craniotomy, for computer-assisted design of a 3D mold template, which itself can be brought into the operating room and be used for fast and easy building of a PMMA implant. We applied our solution to three patients with positive outcomes and no complications.


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Load flow visualization, which is an important step in structural and machine assembly design may aid in the analysis and eventual synthesis of compliant mechanisms. In this paper, we present a kineto-static formulation to visualize load flow in compliant mechanisms. This formulation uses the concept of transferred forces to quantify load flow from input to the output of a compliant mechanism. The magnitude and direction of load flow in the constituent members enables functional decomposition of the compliant mechanism into (i) Constraints (C): members that are constrained to deform in a particular direction and (ii) Transmitters (T): members that transmit load to the output. Furthermore, it is shown that a constraint member and an adjacent transmitter member can be grouped together to constitute a fundamental building block known as an CT set whose load flow behavior is maximally decoupled from the rest of the mechanism. We can thereby explain the deformation behavior of a number of compliant mechanisms from literature by visualizing load flow, and identifying building blocks.


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Next to the extensive use of social networking platforms (SNPs) for communication and relationship building with friends and relatives, SNPs are also increasingly used for enhancing collaboration at work. SNP usage at the workplace is fundamentally different and it is unclear how SNPs can improve collaboration as well as in what way their designs should be modified and adapted to collaboration settings. This research identifies specific SNP functions that enhance social presence as particularly beneficial for collaboration. Consequently, two designs of SNPs, one with high social presence and one with low social presence, are outlined and its impacts on collaboration are discussed. A framework is constructed that illustrates how social presence in SNPs can improve team performance through enhancing transactive memory within teams (intra-group collaboration) and relational capital across teams (inter-group collaboration). In addition, it is outlined how this framework could be evaluated in an experimental setting of teams working on a complex group task.


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Despite the improvements in cancer therapy during the past years, high-grade gliomas and many other types of cancer are still extremely resistant to current forms of therapy. Boron neutron capture therapy (BNCT) provides a promising way to destroy cancer cells without damaging healthy tissue. However, BNCT in practice is still limited due to the lack of boron-containing compounds that selectively deliver boron to cancer cells. Since many neuroendocrine tumors show an overexpression of the somatostatin receptor, it was our aim to synthesize compounds that contain a large number of boron atoms and still show high affinity toward this transmembrane receptor. The synthetic peptide Tyr (3)-octreotate (TATE) was chosen as a high-affinity and internalizing tumor targeting vector (TTV). Novel boron cluster compounds, containing 10 or 20 boron atoms, were coupled to the N-terminus of TATE. The obtained affinity data demonstrate that the use of a spacer between TATE and the closo-borane moiety is the option to avoid a loss of biological affinity of closo-borane conjugated TATE. For the first time, it was shown that closo-borane conjugated regulatory peptides retain high biological affinity and selectivity toward their transmembrane tumor receptors. The results obtained and the improvement of spacer and boron building block chemistry may stimulate new directions for BNCT.


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Social work has been a player in the international arena since 1928 when the International Association of Schools of Social Work (IASSW) was founded alongside its sister organisations, the International Federation of Social Workers (IFSW) and the International Council for Social Welfare (ICSW). These divided their remit into education, practice and policy respectively. Their development has been an interesting one, but the details of it need not detain us here. I only want to lay aside the argument that having an interest in the international domain is a new phenomenon in social work. At the same time, I want to emphasise how impressive it is that a profession that has been so tied into modernity, linked to the modern nation-state (Lorenz, 1994) and rooted in local legislation and traditions has such a long-standing history of involvements that have crossed borders to promote understanding and knowledge-building. In these encounters, social work educators and practitioners have engaged with others who were different from them while struggling to make their interactions egalitarian and respectful ones.


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Emphasizing the global and regional importance of mountain ecosystem services and referring to the anticipated future environmental changes affecting the provision of these services, this chapter takes a closer look at the Carpathian Mountains. In addition to climate change and general effects of globalization, rapid socioeconomic transformations after the fall of the Iron Curtain pose an extra challenge to the sustainable development of the region. Describing the early efforts of organizing mountain science through programs such as UNESCO MAB and UNEP at the global scale, this chapter focuses on the recent history of research coordination for the European mountains, in particular on the activities of the Carpathian Convention and the European Program of the Mountain Research Initiative, which were among main driving factors for the initiation of the Science for the Carpathians (S4C) network. This regional mountain research network was established in 2008 to foster scientific collaboration and communication and to promote applied research and capacity building, which in turn would support sustainable development in the Carpathian Mountains. Forum Carpaticum, a biennial open science conference, has become a central activity of the S4C network counting more than 400 members today.


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Gender-stereotypical portrayals of communal women and agentic men are highly common in advertising. But past research indicates that advertising effectiveness is higher when endorsers are portrayed as communal – irrespective of their gender. The aim of the current research is to explore this communion-over-agency effect on advertising effectiveness and its underlying mechanism. Two studies provide evidence for a communion-over-agency effect on advertising effectiveness (i.e., attitude toward the ad and brand). These studies show that the communion-over-agency effect on attitude toward the ad is mediated by endorser likeability (simple mediation). The effect on attitude toward the brand is mediated by endorser likeability and attitude toward the ad (serial multiple mediation). In concert, this research underscores the significance of communion (and agency) on endorser evaluation and advertising effectiveness.


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The deeply eroded West Gondwana Orogen is a major continental collision zone that exposes numerous occurrences of deeply subducted rocks, such as eclogites. The position of these eclogites marks the suture zone between colliding cratons, and the age of metamorphism constrains the transition from subduction-dominated tectonics to continental collision and mountain building. Here we investigate the metamorphic conditions and age of high-pressure and ultrahigh-pressure eclogites from Mali, Togo and NE-Brazil and demonstrate that continental subduction occurred within 20 million years over at least a 2,500-km-long section of the orogen during the Ediacaran. We consider this to be the earliest evidence of large-scale deep-continental subduction and consequent appearance of Himalayan-scale mountains in the geological record. The rise and subsequent erosion of such mountains in the Late Ediacaran is perfectly timed to deliver sediments and nutrients that are thought to have been necessary for the subsequent evolution of sustainable life on Earth.


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In its search for pathways towards a more sustainable management of natural resources, development oriented research increasingly faces the challenge to develop new concepts and tools based on transdisciplinarity. Transdisciplinarity can, in terms of an idealized goal, be defined as a research approach that identifies and solves problems not only independently of disciplinary boundaries, but also including the knowledge and perceptions of non-scientific actors in a participatory process. In Mozambique, the Centre for Development and Environment (Berne, Switzerland), in partnership with Impacto and Helvetas (Maputo, Mozambique), has elaborated a new transdisciplinary tool to identify indigenous plants with a potential for commercialization. The tool combines methods from applied ethnobotany with participatory research in a social learning process. This approach was devised to support a development project aimed at creating alternative sources of income for rural communities of Matutuíne district, Southern Mozambique, while reducing the pressure on the natural environment. The methodology, which has been applied and tested, is innovative in that it combines important data collection through participatory research with a social learning process involving both local and external actors. This mutual learning process provides a space for complementary forms of knowledge to meet, eventually leading to the adoption of an integrated approach to natural resource management with an understanding of its ecological, socio-economic and cultural aspects; local stakeholders are included in the identification of potentials for sustainable development. Sustainable development itself, as a normative concept, can only be defined through social learning and consensus building between the local and external stakeholders.


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Basilar artery occlusion (BAO) is one of the most devastating forms of stroke and few patients have good outcomes without recanalization. Most centers apply recanalization therapies for BAO up to 12-24 hours after symptom onset, which is a substantially longer time window than the 4.5 hours used in anterior circulation stroke. In this speculative synthesis, we discuss recent advances in BAO treatment in order to understand why and under which circumstances longer symptom duration might not necrotize the brainstem and turn therapeutic attempts futile. We raise the possibility that distinct features of the posterior circulation, e.g., highly developed, persistent collateral arterial network, reverse filling of the distal basilar artery, and delicate plasma flow siding the clot, might sustain brittle patency of brainstem perforators in the face of stepwise growth of the thrombus. Meanwhile, the tissue clock characterizing the rapid necrosis of a typical anterior circulation penumbra will not start. During this perilous time period, recanalization at any point would salvage the brainstem from eventual necrosis caused by imminent reinforcement and further building up of the clot.