834 resultados para Biologie marine


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Les centrosomes sont de petits organites qui régulent divers processus cellulaires comme la polarité ou la mitose dans les cellules de mammifères. Ils sont composés de deux centrioles entourés par une matrice péricentriolaire. Ces centrosomes sont les principaux centres organisateurs de microtubules. De plus, ils favorisent la formation de cils, des protubérances sur la surface des cellules quiescentes qui sont critiques pour la transduction du signal. Une grande variété de maladies humaines telles que les cancers ou les ciliopathies sont liées à un mauvais fonctionnement des centrosomes et des cils. C’est pourquoi le but de mes projets de recherche est de comprendre les mécanismes nécessaires à la biogénèse et au fonctionnement des centrosomes et des cils. Tout d'abord, j’ai caractérisé une nouvelle protéine centrosomale nommée nephrocystine - 5 (NPHP5). Cette protéine est localisée dans les cellules en interphase au niveau de la région distale des centrioles. Sa déplétion inhibe la migration des centrosomes à la surface cellulaire lors de l’étape précoce de la formation des cils. NPHP5 interagit avec la protéine CEP290 via sa région C-terminale qui est essentielle pour la ciliogenèse. Elle interagit également avec la calmoduline ce qui empêche son auto-agrégation. J’ai démontré que les domaines de liaison de NHPH5 à CEP290 et à la calmoduline, ainsi que son domaine de localisation centrosomale sont séparables. De plus, j’ai démontré que les protéines NPHP5 présentant des mutations pathogènes ne peuvent plus interagir avec CEP290 et ne sont plus localisées aux centrosomes, rendant ainsi ces protéines non fonctionnelles. Enfin, en utilisant une approche pharmacologique pour moduler les événements en aval dans la voie ciliogénique, j’ai montré que la formation des cils peut être restaurée même en absence de NPHP5. D’autre part, j’ai étudié le rôle de NPHP5 dans l'assemblage et le trafic du complexe BBSome dans le cil. Le BBSome est composé de huit sous-unités différentes qui s’assemblent en un complexe fonctionnel dont on sait peu de chose sur la régulation spatiotemporelle de son processus d'assemblage. J’ai précédemment montré que NPHP5 favorisait la formation des cils et que son dysfonctionnement contribuait au développement de néphronophtise (NPHP). Bien que la NPHP et le syndrome de Bardet-Biedl (BBS) soient des ciliopathies qui partagent des caractéristiques cliniques communes, la base moléculaire de ces ressemblances phénotypiques n’est pas comprise. J’ai constaté que NPHP5, localisé à la base du cil, contient deux sites de liaison distincts pour le BBSome. De plus, j’ai démontré que NPHP5 et son partenaire CEP290 interagissent de façon dynamique avec le BBSome pendant la transition de la prolifération à la quiescence. La déplétion de NPHP5 ou CEP290 conduit à la dissociation d’au moins deux sous-unités du BBSome formant alors un sous-complexe dont la capacité de migration dans le cil n’est pas compromise. J’ai montré que le transport des cargos vers le compartiment ciliaire par ce sous-complexe n’est que partiellement altéré. Enfin, j’ai également concentré mes recherches sur une autre protéine centrosomale peu caractérisée. La protéine centrosomale de 76 kDa (Cep76) a été précédemment impliquée dans le maintien d’une duplication unique des centrioles par cycle cellulaire, et dans une interaction avec la kinase cycline-dépendante 2 (CDK2). Cep76 est préférentiellement phosphorylée par le complexe cycline A/CDK2 sur le site unique S83. Cet événement est essentiel pour supprimer l'amplification des centrioles en phase S. J’ai démontré que Cep76 inhibe cette amplification en bloquant la phosphorylation de Plk1 au niveau des centrosomes. D’autre part, Cep76 peut être acétylée au site K279 en phase G2, ce qui régule négativement son activité et sa phosphorylation sur le site S83. Ces études permettent d'améliorer notre compréhension de la biologie des centrosomes et des cils et pourraient conduire au développement de nouvelles applications diagnostiques et thérapeutiques.


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Phosphate (Pi) is one among the most important essential residues in maintenance and inheritance of life, with far diverse physiological role as structural, functional and energy transduction. Phosphate accumulation in wastewaters containing run off of fertilizers and industrial discharges is a global problem that results in algal blooms in bays, lakes and waterways. Currently available methods for removing phosphates from wastewater are based primarily on polyP accumulation by the activated sludge bacteria. PolyP plays a critical role in several environmental and biotechnological problems. Possible relation of interaction between polyP accumulation phenomenon, the low biomass, low Pi uptake, and varying results obtained in response to the impact of sodium chloride, pH, temperature, various inorganic salts and additional carbon sources studied, are all intriguing observations in the present investigation. The results of the present study have evidenced very clearly the scope for potential strains of bacteria from both sea water and marine sediments which could be exploited both for Pi removal in wastewater released by industries and intensive aquaculture practices in to the aquatic environment as well as to harness the potential strains for industrial production of polyP which was wide range of applications.


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The present study is about the Pseudomonas sp. BTMS-51 isolated from the marine sediments of Cochin Coast. In the present study, it is concluded that marine bacteria are ideal candidates for immobilization using either Ca-alginate entrapment or physical adsorption on to synthetic inert supports and the process of immobilization does not negatively influence them. Thus, Ca-alginate entrapment of the bacteria was found to be well suited for reuse of the biomass and extended operational stability during continuous operation. Adherence of the bacterium to inertsupports was observed to be strong and it imparted minimal stress on the immobilized bacterium and allowed detachment and relocation on the supports which enabled the formation of a dynamic equilibrium maintaining a stable cell loading. This is particularly desirable in the industry for extended operational stability and maintenance of consistently higher outputs. Marine Pseudomonas sp. BTMS-51 is ideal for industrial production of extra cellular L-glutaminase and immobilization on to synthetic inert support such as polyurethane foam could be an efficient technique, employing packed bed reactor for continuous production of the enzyme. Temperature and glutamine concentration had significant effects on enzyme production by cells immobilized on polyurethane foam (PUF).


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The thesis contains the results of an investigation on the " Population Genetic Structure of the Penaeus indicus " from southeast and southwest coasts of India. The P.indicus, popularly known as the Indian white prawn, is distributed widely in the Indo-Pacific, starting from New South wales in Australia in the east to the east coast of Africa in the west. Its heavy demand in the export market, the species has been exploited intensively from all along its areas of distribution in Indian waters. The population genetic characteristics of the species were examined by three independent but complementary techniques, namely, morphometrics (truss network), biochemical genetics (isozyme electrophoresis ) and molecular genetics (RFLP and RAPD). The east and west coast populations of the species may be genetically different. Due to certain constraints, the results obtained from the studies of restriction fragment length 70 polymorphism (RFLP) were limited. The significant difference in the number of bands in the sample populations strongly suggests that these two populations have considerably different population genetic structures


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The thesis deals with the results of the study of the population characteristics of the marine penaeid prawn, Penaeus monodon from South India. The present findings on the morphometric and biochemical genetic structure support the hypothesis that the populations of P.monodon of South India have homogeneous stock structure. To the contrary, the significantly different random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles in samples of Kochi and Chennai support the hypothesis that east and west cost populations of P.monodon are separate stocks.


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This study presents the L-Glutaminase Production by Marine Fungi. Enzymes are involved in all aspects of biochemical conversion from the simple enzyme or fermentation conversion to the complex techniques in genetic engineering. Enzyme industry is one among the major industries of the world and there exists a great market for enzymes in general. Food industry is recognized as the largest consumer for commercial enzymes (Lon sane and Ramakrishna, 1989). In industry, enzymes are frequently used for process improvement, for instance to enable the utilization of new types of raw materials or for improving the physical properties of a material so that it can be more easily processed. They are the focal point of biotechnological processe. The marine biosphere is one of the richest of the earth's innumerable habitats, yet is one of the least well characterized. The marine biosphere covers more than two third of the world's surface, our knowledge of marine microorganisms, in particular fungi, is still very limited (Molitoris and Schumann, 1986). The results obtained in the present study the following conclusions are drawn. Beauveria bassiana isolated form marine sediment has immense potential as an Industrial organism for production of L-glutaminase as an extracellular enzyme employing either submerged fermentnation or solid state fermentation


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The thesis entitled “Alkaline Protease Production by Marine Fungus Engyodontium BTMFS 10”.Proteases are the single class of enzymes, which occupy a pivotal position with respect to their application in both physiological and commercial filed. Protease in the industrial market is expected to increase further in the coming year. The current trend is to use microbial enzymes since they provide a greater diversity of catalytic activities and can be produced more economically. Main objective of theses studies are the optimization of various physicochemical factors in the solid state fermentation for the production of alkaline protease enzyme, characterization of the enzyme, evaluation of the enzyme for various industrial application. The result obtained the during the course of theses study indicate the scope for the utilization of this study Marine Fungus E. Album for extra cellular protease production employing solid state fermentation