984 resultados para Bahro, Rudolf
Il presente elaborato finale ha l’obiettivo di effettuare una ricerca, un’analisi e una catalogazione in glossari dei germanismi all’interno della lingua slovacca, la quale presenta all’incirca tremila termini provenienti dalle lingue germano-tedesche. Sulla base del lavoro svolto precedentemente da numerosi linguisti slovacchi (tra cui Petrovič, Žilová, Adamcová, Dolník, Decsy, Habovštiak, Habovštiaková, Žigo, Múcsková, Blanár, Doruľa, Palkovič, Papsonová, Kozmová) e altri linguisti germanofoni e ungheresi (tra cui Ziegler, Greule, Meier, Toth, Rudolf, Muhr) è stato raccolto il materiale fondamentale per la stesura della presente tesi di laurea. Tuttavia l’opera che getta le basi per l’analisi è Sprachontakte Deutsch - Tschechisch - Slowakisch dello slavista e professore presso l’Università di Vienna Stephan Michael Newerkla, il quale ha stilato un vero e proprio dizionario dei germanismi presenti nello slovacco e nel ceco suddividendoli in categorie temporali, a cominciare dal gotico per finire con il nuovo tedesco standard. All’interno della sua opera l’autore austriaco ha inserito anche le parole che solo presumibilmente o secondo alcuni precedenti linguisti avrebbero origine germanica e i termini la cui presunta provenienza dal tedesco è stata riconosciuta come erronea; nel presente elaborato sono state prese in considerazione invece solo le parole di certa origine tedesca. Le parole sono state selezionate e suddivise in quattordici categorie semantico-lessicali: 1. Industria mineraria, utensili, numismatica e minerali, 2. Edifici, locali e arredamento, 3. Tessuti e stoffe, 4. Strumenti musicali, 5. Vestiti, 6. Alimentari e consumo, 7. Termini bellici, 8. Persone e funzioni, 9. Piante ed elementi chimici, 10. Religione e costumi, 11. Animali e le loro parti del corpo, 12. Verbi, 13. Aggettivi, 14. Parole rimanenti In ogni singolo glossario vi sono tre colonne: nella prima si trova il termine slovacco accompagnato dalla sua definizione, nella seconda vi è la traduzione della parola in italiano e nella terza il significato e la spiegazione dell’origine in tedesco. Al presente elaborato viene allegato un appendice finale in cui sono riportati in ordine alfabetico tutti i germanismi analizzati assieme a quelli non più in uso.
Famille de pasteurs, politiciens et entrepreneurs de Zofingue, attestée pour la première fois en 1527, lorsque leur aïeul Jean, tonnelier originaire de Nîmes, obtint la bourgeoisie de Zofingue. Michael (1521-1605), avoyer, l'un de ses cinq fils, est l'ancêtre de la branche des imprimeurs et éditeurs. Après lui, de nombreux R. consolidèrent durablement l'influence de la famille. A partir du XVIIIe s., divers membres firent des carrières politiques, tels Samuel (1706-1786), avoyer, et Rudolf Friedrich (1805-1886), président de la ville. Les R. furent aussi très liés à l'Eglise. Le fils de Michael, Moritz (1557-1615), fut pasteur et doyen à Zofingue. Jusqu'au XIXe s., la famille compta une trentaine d'ecclésiastiques, essentiellement des pasteurs officiant sur le territoire bernois, tels Johann Heinrich ( -> 3) et Michael ( -> 8). Les conseillers Beat (1712-1778) et Niklaus (1734-1766) furent les premiers R. actifs dans la production protoindustrielle de drap. D'autres négociants suivirent jusqu'au milieu du XIXe s. L'architecte Niklaus Emanuel (1744-1815) construisit l'hôtel de ville de Zofingue (1792-1795) de style baroque tardif. Johann Rudolf ( -> 4) se distingua sous la République helvétique (1798-1803). Samuel (1767-1826), conseiller municipal de Zofingue, créa les armoiries du canton d'Argovie en 1803. Les R. s'affirmèrent sur le plan cantonal avec Karl Ludwig ( -> 6), chancelier, et Arnold ( -> 1), conseiller d'Etat et plusieurs fois landamman, et sur le plan fédéral avec Johann Rudolf ( -> 5), conseiller national, et Gottlieb ( -> 2), conseiller aux Etats et chancelier de la Confédération. Johann Rudolf (1803-1874) fonda, en 1833, l'imprimerie Ringier à Zofingue, reprise par son fils Franz Emil (1837-1898). A partir de 1898, Paul August ( -> 9), représentant de la troisième génération d'imprimeurs, agrandit l'entreprise dont il fit la principale imprimerie et maison d'édition de Suisse. Cette expansion se poursuivit après 1960 sous son fils Hans (1906-2003). Avec les fils de celui-ci, Christoph (naissance1941, dans la firme jusqu'en 1991) et Michael (naissance1949), Ringier devint, à partir de 1985, une entreprise multinationale et multimédia. Bibliographie – F. Schoder, Ortsbürger von Zofingen, 1962 – P. Meier, T. Häussler, Zwischen Masse, Markt und Macht, 2009
Gruppo mediatico di proprietà della fam. omonima, le cui origini risalgono alla tipografia fondata nel 1833 a Zofingen da Johann Rudolf (1803-1874). Nel 1898 Paul August Ringier, esponente della terza generazione, rilevò l'azienda, che ampliò fino a farne un'impresa tipografica industriale e una delle principali case editrici della Svizzera. Nel 1932 la Ringier fu trasformata in un gruppo, divenne una soc. anonima e fu fondata la holding. Fino al 1938 pubblicò nove riviste illustrate per fam., di intrattenimento e dedicate ai programmi radiofonici, con una tiratura complessiva di 680'000 copie; nel 1959 diede vita al Blick. Dal 1960 con Hans (1906-2003), figlio di Paul August, e dal 1985 con i suoi figli Christoph (nascita 1941; in azienda fino al 1991) e Michael (nascita 1949), l'impresa divenne il più grande gruppo mediatico della Svizzera. Dal 1980 si è espansa in Germania, Asia e negli Stati Uniti e dal 1992 nell'Europa orientale. Nel 2008 impiegava in tutto il mondo 8129 persone e la cifra d'affari ammontava a oltre 1,535 miliardi di frs. Bibliografia – P. Meier, T. Häussler, Zwischen Masse, Markt und Macht, 2009
The round window placement of a floating mass transducer (FMT) is a new approach for coupling an implantable hearing system to the cochlea. We evaluated the vibration transfer to the cochlear fluids of an FMT placed at the round window (rwFMT) with special attention to the role of bone conduction. A posterior tympanotomy was performed on eleven ears of seven human whole head specimens. Several rwFMT setups were examined using laser Doppler vibrometry measurements at the stapes and the promontory. In three ears, the vibrations of a bone anchored hearing aid (BAHA) and an FMT fixed to the promontory (pFMT) were compared to explore the role of bone conduction. Vibration transmission to the measuring point at the stapes was best when the rwFMT was perpendicularly placed in the round window and underlayed with connective tissue. Fixation of the rwFMT to the round window exhibited significantly lower vibration transmission. Although measurable, bone conduction from the pFMT was much lower than that of the BAHA. Our results suggest that the rwFMT does not act as a small bone anchored hearing aid, but instead, acts as a direct vibratory stimulator of the round window membrane.
To test the hypothesis that the lectin-like domain of tumor necrosis factor, mimicked by the TIP peptide, can improve lung function after unilateral orthotopic lung isotransplantation. Because of a lack of a specific treatment for ischemia reperfusion-mediated lung injury, accompanied by a disrupted barrier integrity and a dysfunctional alveolar liquid clearance, alternative therapies restoring these parameters after lung transplantation are required.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in ventilator-associated pneumonia is a serious and often life-threatening complication in intensive care unit patients, and new treatment options are needed. We used B-cell-enriched peripheral blood lymphocytes from a volunteer immunized with a P. aeruginosa O-polysaccharide-toxin A conjugate vaccine to generate human hybridoma cell lines producing monoclonal antibodies specific for individual P. aeruginosa lipopolysaccharide serotypes. The fully human monoclonal antibody secreted by one of these lines, KBPA101, is an IgM/kappa antibody that binds P. aeruginosa of International Antigenic Typing System (IATS) serotype O11 with high avidity (5.81 x 10(7) M(-1) +/- 2.8 x 10(7) M(-1)) without cross-reacting with other serotypes. KBPA101 specifically opsonized the P. aeruginosa of IATS O11 serotype and mediated complement-dependent phagocytosis in vitro by the human monocyte-like cell line HL-60 at a very low concentration (half-maximal phagocytosis at 0.16 ng/ml). In vivo evaluation of KBPA101 demonstrated a dose-response relationship for protection against systemic infections in a murine burn wound sepsis model, where 70 to 100% of animals were protected against lethal challenges with P. aeruginosa at doses as low as 5 microg/animal. Furthermore, a high efficacy of KBPA101 in protection from local respiratory infections in an acute lung infection model in mice was demonstrated. Preclinical toxicology evaluation on human tissue, in rabbits, and in mice did not indicate any toxicity of KBPA101. Based on these preclinical findings, the first human clinical trials have been initiated.
It is not known whether drugs that block the renin-angiotensin system reduce the risk of diabetes and cardiovascular events in patients with impaired glucose tolerance.
The ability of short-acting insulin secretagogues to reduce the risk of diabetes or cardiovascular events in people with impaired glucose tolerance is unknown.
The primary objective was to determine the efficacy of a newly designed preoperative chemotherapy regimen in an attempt to improve the cure rate of children with high-risk hepatoblastoma.
Purpose To compare changes in the largest cross-sectional area (CSA) of the median nerve in wrists undergoing surgical decompression with changes in wrists undergoing non-surgical treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Methods This study was a prospective cohort study in 55 consecutive patients with 78 wrists with established CTS, including 60 wrists treated with surgical decompression and 18 wrists with non-surgical treatment. A sonographic examination was scheduled before and 4 months after initiation of treatment. We compared changes in CSA of the median nerve between wrists with surgical treatment and wrists with non-surgical treatment using linear regression models. Results Decreases in CSA of the median nerve were more pronounced in wrists with CTS release than in wrists undergoing nonsurgical treatment (difference in means, 1.0 mm2; 95% confidence interval, 0.3–1.8 mm2). Results were robust to the adjustment for age, gender, and neurological severity at baseline. Among wrists with CTS release, those with postoperative CSA of 10 mm2 or less tended to have better clinical outcomes than those with postoperative CSA of greater than 10 mm2 (p=.055). Postoperative sonographic workup in the 3 patients with unfavorable outcome or recurrence identified likely causes for treatment failure in 2 patients. Conclusions In this observational study, surgical decompression was associated with a greater decrease in median nerve CSA than was nonsurgical treatment. Smaller postoperative CSAs may be associated with better clinical outcomes. Additional randomized trials are necessary to determine the optimal treatment strategy in different subgroups of patients with CTS. Type of study/level of evidence Therapeutic III.
Background Action observation leads to neural activation of the human premotor cortex. This study examined how the level of motor expertise (expert vs. novice) in ballroom dancing and the visual viewpoint (internal vs. external viewpoint) influence this activation within different parts of this area of the brain. Results Sixteen dance experts and 16 novices observed ballroom dance videos from internal or external viewpoints while lying in a functional magnetic resonance imaging scanner. A conjunction analysis of all observation conditions showed that action observation activated distinct networks of premotor, parietal, and cerebellar structures. Experts revealed increased activation in the ventral premotor cortex compared to novices. An internal viewpoint led to higher activation of the dorsal premotor cortex. Conclusions The present results suggest that the ventral and dorsal premotor cortex adopt differential roles during action observation depending on the level of motor expertise and the viewpoint.
Menière disease usually begins in adults from 20 to 60 years old, and occurs in more than 10% of patients older than 65. The treatment of Menière disease in the elderly represents a challenge because of polymedication. Antivertiginous drugs such as betahistine and cinnarizin give good results with minor secondary effects. In contrast, major vestibular suppressor drugs such as thiethylperazin must be avoided as long-term treatment because of their side effects. Definitive vestibular surgical deafferentations such as labyrinthectomy and selective vestibular neurectomy represent optional procedures but must be carefully evaluated from case to case. Ablative procedures remain the efficient treatment of drop attacks, which represent a high potential risk of severe injuries by older patients sometimes with important social consequences.
To test whether in-the-canal (ITC) microphones have an impact on spatial discrimination and speech perception by taking advantage of auricular cues.