1000 resultados para BRS 404
The objective of this work was to develop new irrigated rice lines tolerant to imidazolinone herbicides. The backcross breeding procedure was used to transfer the imidazolinone tolerance allele from mutant 93AS3510 to the recurrent parents 'BRS 7 Taim' and 'BRS Pelota'. Individual herbicide-tolerant plants were selected in each generation, for three backcrossings (RC1 to RC3), followed by three selfing generations (RC3F1 to RC3F3). The best four RC3F3 lines for agronomic traits were genotyped with 44 microsatellite markers. The observed conversion index of the new imidazolinone-tolerant lines varied from 91.86 to 97.67%. Pairwise genetic distance analysis between these lines and 22 accessions from the Embrapa's Rice Germplasm Bank clustered the new lines with their respective recurrent parents, but not with 'IRGA 417', which was originally used as recurrent parent to derive IRGA 422 CL, the only imidazolinone-tolerant irrigated rice cultivar recommended for cultivation in Brazil. Therefore, these lines represent new options of genetically diverse imidazolinone-tolerant rice accessions. Lines CNA10756 ('BRS Sinuelo CL') and CNA10757 will be released for cultivation in the Clearfield irrigated rice production system in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os parâmetros genéticos de caracteres agronômicos, em populações fixas e segregantes de mamoneira (Ricinus communis). Os experimentos foram conduzidos entre 2006 e 2009, com populações fixas e segregantes obtidas de cruzamentos entre as cultivares BRS 149 Nordestina, BRS 188 Paraguaçu, EBDA MPA 17, Mirante 10 e Sipeal 28. Os caracteres avaliados foram: estatura de planta (EST), número de dias do plantio ao florescimento (FLO), número de frutos de três racemos (NFR), número de sementes de três racemos (NSR) e peso de sementes de três racemos (PSR). No cruzamento 'BRS 149 Nordestina' x 'Sipeal 28', as variâncias mostraram maior participação dos efeitos de ambiente e os coeficientes de herdabilidade apresentaram valores abaixo de 50%. No cruzamento 'BRS 149 Nordestina' x 'Mirante 10', os valores de herdabilidade variaram de 24,6 (NFR) a 86% (FLO). No cruzamento 'BRS 188 Paraguaçu' x 'EBDA MPA 17', os valores de herdabilidade foram baixos para a todos os caracteres, exceto para o florescimento. Progressos genéticos podem ser alcançados por seleção quanto à precocidade de florescimento na maioria dos cruzamentos analisados. A seleção artificial deve ser aplicada a gerações avançadas, pois o ambiente exerce forte influência nos caracteres fenotípicos. Devem ser adotados métodos de melhoramento mais rigorosos para a condução da população segregante, a fim de se obter maior ganho genético.
Résumé Métropolisation, morphologie urbaine et développement durable. Transformations urbaines et régulation de l'étalement : le cas de l'agglomération lausannoise. Cette thèse s'inscrit clans la perspective d'une analyse stratégique visant à un définir et à expliciter les liens entre connaissance, expertise et décision politique. L'hypothèse fondamentale qui oriente l'ensemble de ce travail est la suivante : le régime d'urbanisation qui s'est imposé au cours des trente dernières années correspond à une transformation du principe morphogénétique de développement spatial des agglomérations qui tend à alourdir leurs bilans écologiques et à péjorer la qualité du cadre de vie des citadins. Ces enjeux environnementaux liés aux changements urbains et singulièrement ceux de la forme urbaine constituent un thème de plus en plus important dans la recherche de solutions d'aménagement urbain dans une perspective de développement durable. Dans ce contexte, l'aménagement urbain devient un mode d'action et une composante de tout premier ordre des politiques publiques visant un développement durable à l'échelle locale et globale. Ces modalités de développement spatial des agglomérations émergent indiscutablement au coeur de la problématique environnementale. Or si le concept de développement durable nous livre une nouvelle de de lecture des territoires et de ses transformations, en prônant le modèle de la ville compacte et son corollaire la densification, la traduction à donner à ce principe stratégique reste controversée, notamment sous l'angle de l'aménagement du territoire et des stratégies de développement urbain permettant une mise en oeuvre adéquate des solutions proposées. Nous avons ainsi tenté dans ce travail de répondre à un certain nombre de questions : quelle validité accorder au modèle de la ville compacte ? La densification est-elle une réponse adéquate ? Si oui, sous quelles modalités ? Quelles sont, en termes de stratégies d'aménagement, les alternatives durables au modèle de la ville étalée ? Faut-il vraiment densifier ou simplement maîtriser la dispersion ? Notre objectif principal étant in fine de déterminer les orientations et contenus urbanistiques de politiques publiques visant à réguler l'étalement urbain, de valider la faisabilité de ces principes et à définir les conditions de leur mise en place dans le cas d'une agglomération. Pour cela, et après avoir choisi l'agglomération lausannoise comme terrain d'expérimentation, trois approches complémentaires se sont révélées indispensables dans ce travail 1. une approche théorique visant à définir un cadre conceptuel interdisciplinaire d'analyse du phénomène urbain dans ses rapports à la problématique du développement durable liant régime d'urbanisation - forme urbaine - développement durable ; 2. une approche méthodologique proposant des outils d'analyse simples et efficaces de description des nouvelles morphologies urbaines pour une meilleure gestion de l'environnement urbain et de la pratique de l'aménagement urbain ; 3. une approche pragmatique visant à approfondir la réflexion sur la ville étalée en passant d'une approche descriptive des conséquences du nouveau régime d'urbanisation à une approche opérationnelle, visant à identifier les lignes d'actions possibles dans une perspective de développement durable. Cette démarche d'analyse nous a conduits à trois résultats majeurs, nous permettant de définir une stratégie de lutte contre l'étalement. Premièrement, si la densification est acceptée comme un objectif stratégique de l'aménagement urbain, le modèle de la ville dense ne peut être appliqué saris la prise en considération d'autres objectifs d'aménagement. Il ne suffit pas de densifier pour réduire l'empreinte écologique de la ville et améliorer la qualité de vie des citadins. La recherche d'une forme urbaine plus durable est tributaire d'une multiplicité de facteurs et d'effets de synergie et la maîtrise des effets négatifs de l'étalement urbain passe par la mise en oeuvre de politiques urbaines intégrées et concertées, comme par exemple prôner la densification qualifiée comme résultante d'un processus finalisé, intégrer et valoriser les transports collectifs et encore plus la métrique pédestre avec l'aménagement urbain, intégrer systématiquement la diversité à travers les dimensions physique et sociale du territoire. Deuxièmement, l'avenir de ces territoires étalés n'est pas figé. Notre enquête de terrain a montré une évolution des modes d'habitat liée aux modes de vie, à l'organisation du travail, à la mobilité, qui font que l'on peut penser à un retour d'une partie de la population dans les villes centres (fin de la toute puissance du modèle de la maison individuelle). Ainsi, le diagnostic et la recherche de solutions d'aménagement efficaces et viables ne peuvent être dissociés des demandes des habitants et des comportements des acteurs de la production du cadre bâti. Dans cette perspective, tout programme d'urbanisme doit nécessairement s'appuyer sur la connaissance des aspirations de la population. Troisièmement, la réussite de la mise en oeuvre d'une politique globale de maîtrise des effets négatifs de l'étalement urbain est fortement conditionnée par l'adaptation de l'offre immobilière à la demande de nouveaux modèles d'habitat répondant à la fois à la nécessité d'une maîtrise des coûts de l'urbanisation (économiques, sociaux, environnementaux), ainsi qu'aux aspirations émergentes des ménages. Ces résultats nous ont permis de définir les orientations d'une stratégie de lutte contre l'étalement, dont nous avons testé la faisabilité ainsi que les conditions de mise en oeuvre sur le territoire de l'agglomération lausannoise. Abstract This dissertation participates in the perspective of a strategic analysis aiming at specifying the links between knowledge, expertise and political decision, The fundamental hypothesis directing this study assumes that the urban dynamics that has characterized the past thirty years signifies a trans-formation of the morphogenetic principle of agglomerations' spatial development that results in a worsening of their ecological balance and of city dwellers' quality of life. The environmental implications linked to urban changes and particularly to changes in urban form constitute an ever greater share of research into sustainable urban planning solutions. In this context, urban planning becomes a mode of action and an essential component of public policies aiming at local and global sustainable development. These patterns of spatial development indisputably emerge at the heart of environmental issues. If the concept of sustainable development provides us with new understanding into territories and their transformations, by arguing in favor of densification, its concretization remains at issue, especially in terms of urban planning and of urban development strategies allowing the appropriate implementations of the solutions offered. Thus, this study tries to answer a certain number of questions: what validity should be granted to the model of the dense city? Is densification an adequate answer? If so, under what terms? What are the sustainable alternatives to urban sprawl in terms of planning strategies? Should densification really be pursued or should we simply try to master urban sprawl? Our main objective being in fine to determine the directions and urban con-tents of public policies aiming at regulating urban sprawl, to validate the feasibility of these principles and to define the conditions of their implementation in the case of one agglomeration. Once the Lausanne agglomeration had been chosen as experimentation field, three complementary approaches proved to be essential to this study: 1. a theoretical approach aiming at definying an interdisciplinary conceptual framework of the ur-ban phenomenon in its relation to sustainable development linking urban dynamics - urban form - sustainable development ; 2. a methodological approach proposing simple and effective tools for analyzing and describing new urban morphologies for a better management of the urban environment and of urban planning practices 3. a pragmatic approach aiming at deepening reflection on urban sprawl by switching from a descriptive approach of the consequences of the new urban dynamics to an operational approach, aiming at identifying possible avenues of action respecting the principles of sustainable development. This analysis approach provided us with three major results, allowing us to define a strategy to cur-tail urban sprawl. First, if densification is accepted as a strategic objective of urban planning, the model of the dense city can not be applied without taking into consideration other urban planning objectives. Densification does not suffice to reduce the ecological impact of the city and improve the quality of life of its dwellers. The search for a more sustainable urban form depends on a multitude of factors and effects of synergy. Reducing the negative effects of urban sprawl requires the implementation of integrated and concerted urban policies, like for example encouraging densification qualified as resulting from a finalized process, integrating and developing collective forms of transportation and even more so the pedestrian metric with urban planning, integrating diversity on a systematic basis through the physical and social dimensions of the territory. Second, the future of such sprawling territories is not fixed. Our research on the ground revea-led an evolution in the modes of habitat related to ways of life, work organization and mobility that suggest the possibility of the return of a part of the population to the center of cities (end of the rule of the model of the individual home). Thus, the diagnosis and the search for effective and sustainable solutions can not be conceived of independently of the needs of the inhabitants and of the behavior of the actors behind the production of the built territory. In this perspective, any urban program must necessarily be based upon the knowledge of the population's wishes. Third, the successful implementation of a global policy of control of urban sprawl's negative effects is highly influenced by the adaptation of property offer to the demand of new habitat models satisfying both the necessity of urbanization cost controls (economical, social, environ-mental) and people's emerging aspirations. These results allowed us to define a strategy to cur-tail urban sprawl. Its feasibility and conditions of implementation were tested on the territory of the Lausanne agglomeration.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a influência do teor de umidade, da temperatura de armazenamento e do momento da hidratação de grãos de amaranto (Amaranthus cruentus L. ) sobre sua capacidade de expansão térmica, bem como comparar as composições químicas de grãos crus e pipocados. Os atributos diâmetro médio ponderado, volume de expansão, densidade, rendimento, quantidade descartada e tempo de residência de grãos da variedade BRS Alegria foram avaliados de acordo com três teores de umidade (9,5, 11,5 e 13,5%), duas formas de armazenamento, temperatura ambiente de ±28ºC e congelado a -18ºC, e dois momentos de hidratação, antes e após congelamento. Utilizou-se chapa metálica aquecida a 215ºC para pipocar os grãos. Grãos congelados com umidade de 13,5% tiveram maior diâmetro médio ponderado e volume de expansão, e menor densidade e tempo de residência. A umidade de 13,5% proporcionou os maiores rendimentos e expansão dos grãos. O armazenamento a -18ºC produziu pipocas maiores e mais leves do que em condições ambientais. As pipocas apresentaram redução nos teores de proteínas e fibras insolúveis e aumento nos de lipídeos e fibras solúveis, em relação ao grão cru. O congelamento dos grãos a -18ºC e sua hidratação a 13,5% de umidade favorecem o pipocamento de grãos de amaranto, com produção de pipocas de melhor qualidade.
The objective of this work was to simulate maize leaf development in climate change scenarios at Santa Maria, RS, Brazil, considering symmetric and asymmetric increases in air temperature. The model of Wang & Engel for leaf appearance rate (LAR), with genotype-specific coefficients for the maize variety BRS Missões, was used to simulate tip and expanded leaf accumulated number from emergence to flag leaf appearance and expansion, for nine emergence dates from August 15 to April 15. LAR model was run for each emergence date in 100-year climate scenarios: current climate, and +1, +2, +3, +4 and +5°C increase in mean air temperature, with symmetric and asymmetric increase in daily minimum and maximum air temperature. Maize crop failure due to frost decreased in elevated temperature scenarios, in the very early and very late emergence dates, indicating a lengthening in the maize growing season in warmer climates. The leaf development period in maize was shorter in elevated temperature scenarios, with greater shortening in asymmetric temperature increases, indicating that warmer nights accelerate vegetative development in maize.
The objective of this work was to analyze the epicuticular n-alkane profile of domesticated and wild peanut genotypes. Foliar epicuticular n-alkanes of four Arachis hypogaea genotypes and two wild species - A. monticola and A. stenosperma - were analyzed by gas chromatography. Chemical relationships between them were evaluated using the Dice coefficient and UPGMA method. Two clusters were formed: one with four A. hypogaea genotypes and the other with the two wild species. There is more similarity between the BR1 and LIGO-PE06 genotypes and between the BRS 151 L-7 and BRS Havana genotypes.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi determinar a época apropriada para a realização da poda apical em algodoeiro. O trabalho foi realizado durante as safras de 2008 e 2009 (maio a novembro) em delineamento de blocos ao acaso, em dois ambientes, com as variedades: BRS 201, de fibra branca, e BRS Rubi, BRS Safira e BRS Verde, de fibra colorida, em Paudalho, PE; e BRS 201 e BRS Rubi, em Surubim, PE. A poda apical consistiu na retirada dos ápices das plantas com estruturas vegetativas e reprodutivas, em duas idades fenológicas: com 50% das maçãs maduras (poda I) e no surgimento dos primeiros capulhos (poda II). A poda I resultou em maior retirada de botões florais do que a poda II. Em ambas as podas, houve a retirada de cinco nós dos ponteiros. A produção e a qualidade de fibra não diferiram entre plantas podadas ou não. Um número significativo de estruturas atacadas foi eliminado pela poda. A poda apical é recomendada para reduzir o número de estruturas não produtivas, ao final da safra, que são utilizadas como hospedeiras de pragas
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o crescimento e a produção de fitomassa de três variedades de milho submetidas a diferentes manejos da capoeira, em sistema de corte e trituração, em Marapanim, nordeste do Pará, no período da seca. Utilizou-se o delineamento experimental de blocos ao acaso, com 18 tratamentos e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por três manejos da capoeira: natural, enriquecida com ingá (Inga edulis) e tachi-branco (Sclerolobium paniculatum) e enriquecida com ingá e tachi-branco com adubação fosfatada. Foram introduzidas três variedades de milho (BRS Sol da Manhã, BRS 4154 Saracura e BR 106), distribuídas em subparcelas com ou sem adubação complementar (NPK). Foram avaliadas as variáveis: altura da planta, diâmetro do caule, número de folhas, massa de matéria úmida e seca e estande. Os manejos com capoeira enriquecida e capoeira enriquecida com adubação fosfatada influenciaram positivamente a altura das plantas, o diâmetro do colmo e a produção de fitomassa; a adubação complementar potencializou o efeito dos manejos para estas variáveis.
BACKGROUND: Liver remnant volumes after major hepatic resection and graft volumes for liver transplantation correlate with surgical outcome. The relative contributions of the hepatic segments to total liver volume (TLV) are not well established. METHODS: TLV and hepatic segment volumes were measured with computed tomography (CT) in 102 patients without liver disease who underwent CT for conditions unrelated to the liver or biliary tree. RESULTS: TLV ranged from 911 to 2729 cm(3). On average, the right liver (segments V, VI, VII, and VIII) contributed approximately two thirds of TLV (997+/-279 cm(3)), and the left liver (segments II, III and IV) contributed approximately one third of TLV (493+/-127 cm(3)). Bisegment II+III (left lateral section) contributed about half the volume of the left liver (242+/-79 cm(3)), or 16% of TLV. Liver volumes varied significantly between patients--the right liver varied from 49% to 82% of TLV, the left liver, 17% to 49% of TLV, and bisegment II+III (left lateral section) 5% to 27% of TLV. Bisegment II+III contributed less than 20% of TLV in more than 75% of patients and the left liver contributed 25% or less of TLV in more than 10% of patients. DISCUSSION: There is clinically significant interpatient variation in hepatic volumes. Therefore, in the absence of appreciable hypertrophy, we recommend routine measurement of the future liver remnant before extended right hepatectomy (right trisectionectomy) and in selected patients before right hepatectomy if a small left liver is anticipated.
The objective of this work was to evaluate ricin concentration in castor bean seeds (Ricinus communis) of 20 accessions from the Banco de Germoplasma de Mamoneira of the Embrapa Algodão, Campina Grande, PB, Brazil, using the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay. Significant differences were observed among accessions. BRA 3271 had the highest ricin concentration in seeds (32.18 ng µg-1), and BRS Paraguaçu had the lowest (3.53 ng µg-1). There is the possibility of selecting genotypes with different ricin concentrations, which can be used according on the interest of the breeding programs.
The objective of this work was to perform the screening of soybean genotypes as to their ability to respond to the induction of hairy roots by Agrobacterium rhizogenes‑mediated transformation. Four Brazilian soybean cultivars (BRSMG 68 Vencedora, BRS 137, Embrapa 48, and MG/BR 46 Conquista) and two North American ones adapted to Brazilian cropping conditions (Bragg and IAS‑5) were screened for their capacity to respond to A. rhizogenes in protocols for in vitro hairy root culture and ex vitro composite plant production. Four‑day‑old seedlings with uniform size were injected with A. rhizogenes harboring the plasmid p35S‑GFP. Seedlings expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) in at least one hairy root were used to determine the transformation frequency. Using an axenic in vitro protocol, excised cotyledons from four‑day‑old seedlings were infected with A. rhizogenes harboring the pCAMBIA1301 plasmid, containing the gusA reporter gene. The transformation frequency and the number of days for hairy root emergence after bacterial infection (DAI) were evaluated. The transformation frequency and DAI varied according to the genotype. Cultivars MG/BR 46 Conquista and BRSMG 68 Vencedora are more susceptible to A. rhizogenes and can be recommended for transformation experiments.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a viabilidade do consórcio de milho (Zea mays) cv. BRS 1035 com braquiária (Urochloa brizantha) e guandu-anão (Cajanus cajan), no sistema de dessecação parcial. Os experimentos foram realizados na safra de verão de 2008/2009, em Santo Antônio de Goiás, GO e Ipameri, GO, em blocos completos ao acaso, com cinco repetições. Os tratamentos constituíram-se de cultivos de milho, em consórcio com braquiária e guandu-anão, com a aplicação de nitrogênio mineral em cobertura, à emergência da cultura ou aos 20 dias após esse evento, com ou sem aplicação de subdose de herbicida à braquiária não dessecada. A viabilidade do sistema de dessecação parcial é dependente do manejo da adubação nitrogenada do milho ou do controle do crescimento da braquiária nas faixas não dessecadas.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a produtividade de grãos da cultivar de trigo de duplo propósito BRS 176 e o ganho de peso de bovinos, em função de períodos de pastejo, tendo-se considerado a intensidade de pastejo. O experimento foi realizado em Castro, PR, em Cambissolo Háplico, de maio a novembro de 2004. Utilizou-se o delineamento em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Os tratamentos foram constituídos de quatro períodos de pastejo: T-0, zero dia; T-15, 15 dias; T-30, 30 dias; e T-45, 45 dias. Foram utilizados novilhos com 260 kg de peso vivo, em pastoreio contínuo, com lotação variável e oferta diária de forragem de 8% do peso vivo animal. A produtividade de grãos foi de 3.999, 4.154, 3.210 e 1.588 kg ha-1 para T-0, T-15, T-30 e T-45, respectivamente, e o ganho em peso vivo de 0, 181, 351 e 459 kg ha-1. A cultivar BRS 176 apresenta alto potencial de produção de grãos sob pastejo e suporta bem a desfolha. O pastejo da cultivar BRS 176 proporciona elevado ganho de peso vivo médio diário de bovinos, e o ganho de peso por hectare aumenta linearmente com o aumento no período de pastejo.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the influence of different grazing periods on beef animal production and on wheat forage and grain yield. The experiment was carried out in Pato Branco, PR, Brazil. Six grazing periods were evaluated (0, 21, 42, 63, 84, and 105 days) on dual-purpose wheat cultivar BRS Tarumã. Purunã steers, with average live weight of 162 kg and ten months of age, were kept under continuous grazing using a variable stocking rate, in order to maintain the established sward height of 25 cm. Greater increases in total animal gain (TAG) occurred with longer grazing periods. However, there was little increase after 63 days (490 kg ha-1), and TAG decreased from 552 to 448 kg ha-1 between 84 and 105 days. Grain yield decreased from 2,830 to 610 kg ha-1 when the grazing period increased from 0 to 105 days, but there was little change after 63 days (750 kg ha-1). Cultivar BRS Tarumã shows excellent animal production potential, and the decision on how long wheat pastures should be grazed must be based on relative prices of grain and livestock.
O objetivo deste trabalho foi desenvolver uma barra de cereais com pipoca de sorgo e avaliá-la quanto à aceitação do produto por consumidores, assim como identificar genótipos de sorgo e distintos modos de processamento para a produção de pipoca visando maior rendimento. Foram avaliados os processamentos sem (STH) e com tratamento hidrotérmico (CTH) dos grãos antes do pipoqueamento. O tratamento CTH reduziu o percentual de piruás em cerca de 36% e aumentou o rendimento da produção de pipoca em cerca de 80%. No STH, os genótipos BRS 310, BR 501, BR 506 e CMSXS 283 produziram menor percentual de piruás e maior capacidade de expansão. No CTH, 'BRS 310' e 'CMSXS 283' apresentaram melhor desempenho. Uma pesquisa sobre a aceitação e a intenção de compra das barras de cereais foi realizada em Londrina, PR e no Rio de Janeiro, RJ. Verificou-se que o produto foi aceito por 98, 4 e 76, 5% dos consumidores, e a média de aceitação, em uma escala de 1 a 9, foi de 7, 7 em Londrina e de 7, 1 no Rio de Janeiro. Quanto à intenção de compra, verificou-se que 88, 8% dos londrinenses e 80, 6% dos cariocas atribuíram notas acima de 4 ("talvez não comprasse, talvez comprasse") na escala de 7 pontos utilizada.