999 resultados para BLACK-SEA RED


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Mnemiopsis leidyi one species of phylum Ctenophora, is a native species in America. It has most likely moved across the Atlantic in the ballast water of cargo ships to the Black sea in 1982, and then to the Caspian Sea thought the Volga-Don Channel, in Nov 1999. The population of M. leidyi rows rapidly and by end of 2000, the entire sea was teeming with them. This survey was arranged In order to study the relationship between the invasion of M. leidyi and sharp decline in main stocks pelagic fish such as Kilka. Dietary analysis was conducted on Anchovy Killka (Clupeonella engrauliformis) and M. leidyi from August 2001 to October 2002 in two stations, located at the costal water near Babolsar (52.38° E ,36.42° N ) and Noshahar (51.33° E,36.39° N) in the Caspian Sea province of Mazandaran, Iran. M. leidyi was caught by plankton net, at three vertical strata of both station at surface 5 in, 10m, and 15 m the Kilka was caught by fisheries boat at Babolasar fishery harbour. Samples of M. leidyi were not fixed in its common fixative, we used 96% Ethanol In order to study of M. leidyi digestion system some alive samples, directly, were studied by the fluorescence microscope which was connected to a computer prepared specially for this process. In many cases, the light was directly reflected on the sample and microscopic image was prepared in dark background. We found that there were some common organisms in diet of both species. The Schoener index analysis reflected these similarities, as values more than critical level of overlap (>89 in Babolsar samples and >84 in Noshahar samples) were found. Results from this study suggests that M. leidyi and Anchovy have a similar feeding niche and computation between them is one of the reasons to decline in anchovy stocks. Economical effects of M. leidyi s invasion in research area were studied by data on kilka caught before and after introducing M. leidyi.


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This paper provides new data on the evolution of the Caspian Sea and Black Sea from the Last Glacial Maximum until ca. 12 cal kyr BP. We present new analyses (clay mineralogy, grain-size, Nd isotopes and pollen) applied to sediments from the river terraces in the lower Volga, from the middle Caspian Sea and from the western part of the Black Sea. The results show that during the last deglaciation, the Ponto-Caspian basin collected meltwater and fine-grained sediment from the southern margin of the Scandinavian Ice Sheet (SIS) via the Dniepr and Volga Rivers. It induced the deposition of characteristic red-brownish/chocolate-coloured illite-rich sediments (Red Layers in the Black Sea and Chocolate Clays in the Caspian Sea) that originated from the Baltic Shield area according to Nd data. This general evolution, common to both seas was nevertheless differentiated over time due to the specificities of their catchment areas and due to the movement of the southern margin of the SIS. Our results indicate that in the eastern part of the East European Plain, the meltwater from the SIS margin supplied the Caspian Sea during the deglaciation until ∼13.8 cal kyr BP, and possibly from the LGM. That led to the Early Khvalynian transgressive stage(s) and Chocolate Clays deposition in the now-emerged northern flat part of the Caspian Sea (river terraces in the modern lower Volga) and in its middle basin. In the western part of the East European Plain, our results confirm the release of meltwater from the SIS margin into the Black Sea that occurred between 17.2 and 15.7 cal kyr BP, as previously proposed. Indeed, recent findings concerning the evolution of the southern margin of the SIS and the Black Sea, show that during the last deglaciation, occurred a westward release of meltwater into the North Atlantic (between ca. 20 and 16.7 cal kyr BP), and a southward one into the Black Sea (between 17.2 and 15.7 cal kyr BP). After the Red Layers/Chocolate Clays deposition in both seas and until 12 cal kyr BP, smectite became the dominant clay mineral. The East European Plain is clearly identified as the source for smectite in the Caspian Sea sediments. In the Black Sea, smectite originated either from the East European Plain or from the Danube River catchment. Previous studies consider smectite as being only of Anatolian origin. However, our results highlight both, the European source for smectite and the impact of this source on the depositional environment of the Black Sea during considered period.


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Recently, two fresh water species, 'Candidatus Brocadia anammoxidans' and 'Candidatus Kuenenia stuttgartiensis', and one marine species, 'Candidatus Scalindua sorokinii', of planctomycete anammox bacteria have been identified. 'Candidatus Scalindua sorokinii' was discovered in the Black Sea, and contributed substantially to the loss of fixed nitrogen. All three species contain a unique organelle-the anammoxosome-in their cytoplasm. The anammoxosome contains the hydrazine/hydroxylamine oxidoreductase enzyme, and is thus the site of anammox catabolism. The anammoxosome is surrounded by a very dense membrane composed almost exclusively of linearly concatenated cyclobutane-containing lipids. These so-called 'ladderanes' are connected to the glycerol moiety via both ester and ether bonds. In natural and man-made ecosystems, anammox bacteria can cooperate with aerobic ammonium-oxidising bacteria, which protect them from harmful oxygen, and provide the necessary nitrite. The cooperation of these two groups of ammonium-oxidising bacteria is the microbial basis for a sustainable one reactor system, CANON (completely autotrophic nitrogen-removal over nitrite) to remove ammonia from high strength wastewater.


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Anaerobic ammonium oxidation (anammox) is both a promising process in wastewater treatment and a long overlooked microbial physiology that can contribute significantly to biological nitrogen cycling in the world's oceans. Anammox is mediated by a monophyletic group of bacteria that branches deeply in the Planctomycetales. Here we describe a new genus and species of anaerobic ammonium oxidizing planctomycetes, discovered in a wastewater treatment plant (wwtp) treating landfill leachate in Pitsea, UK. The biomass from this wwtp showed high anammox activity (5.0 +/- 0.5 nmol/mg protein/min) and produced hydrazine from hydroxylamine, one of the unique features of anammox bacteria. Eight new planctomycete 16S rRNA gene sequences were present in the 16S rRNA gene clone library generated from the biomass. Four of these were affiliated to known anammox 16S rRNA gene sequences, but branched much closer to the root of the planctomycete line of descent. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with oligonucleotide probes specific for these new sequences showed that two species (belonging to the same genus) together made up > 99% of the planctomycete population which constituted 20% of the total microbial community. The identification of these organisms as typical anammox bacteria was confirmed with electron microscopy and lipid analysis. The new species, provisionally named Candidatus Scalindua brodae and Scalindua wagneri considerably extend the biodiversity of the anammox lineage on the 16S rRNA gene level, but otherwise resemble known anammox bacteria. Simultaneously, another new species of the same genus, Candidatus Scalindua sorokinii, was detected in the water column of the Black Sea, making this genus the most widespread of all anammox bacteria described so far.


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განხილულია მთელ შავ ზღვასა და ზღვის აუზის საქართველოს სექტორში მიმდინარე დინამიკური პროცესების მოდელირების ზოგიერთი შედეგები შავი ზღვის ზოგადი (4,9 კმ სივრცითი გარჩევისუნარიანობით) და რეგიონალური (1 კმ სივრცითი გარჩევისუნარიანობით) ცირკულაციის ბაროკლინური პროგნოსტიკული მოდელების საფუძველზე, რომლებიც განვითარებულია მ. ნოდიას გეოფიზიკის ინსტიტუტში.


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განიხილება ამოცანების ორი ტიპი, რომლებიც დაკავშირებულია ზღვის აუზში მინარევების გავრცელებასთან: (ა) მინარევის კონცენტრაციის ველის გათვლა წყაროს ცნობილი ადგილმდებარეობისა და სიმძლავრის მიხედვით და (ბ) წყაროს ადგილმდებარეობის დადგენა ზღვის აუზის ზოგიერთ წერტილებში მინარევის ცნობილი კონცენტრაციების მიხედვით.


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ნაშრომში მოყვანილია სითბური ნაკადის და ტემპერეტურის განაწილება შავი ზღვის აკვატორიის აღმოსავლეთ ნაწილის და მიმდებარე ტერიტორიის ქერქისთვის. მიღებული შედეგები წარმოდგენილია სითბური ნაკადების და სიღრმული ტემპერატურების რუკების სახით.


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წარმოდგენილია შავი ზღვის რეგიონალური ცირკულაციის, ტემპერატურისა და მარილიანობის ველების ზოგიერთი პროგნოზის შედეგი შავი ზღვის საქართველოს სექტორისათვის. პროგნოზის გათვლისათვის საჭირო მონაცემები – საწყისი სამგანზომილებიანი ველები და პროგნოზული ველები თხევად საზღვარსა და ზღვის ზედაპირზე მიიღება ოპერატიულად ინტერნეტის საშუალებით ზღვის ჰიდროფიზიკის ინსტიტუტიდან. გათვლილი პროგნოზების შედეგების ანალიზმა აჩვენა რომ მოდელის გარჩევისუნარიანობის მაღალი ხარისხი მნიშვნელოვანი ფაქტორია ზღვის სანაპირო ზოლში ფორმირებული მცირე ზომის გრიგალების იდენტიფიკაციისათვის.


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ატმოსფეროს ჰიდროდინამიკის არადიაბატური არასტაციონარული განტოლებათა სისტემის რიცხვით ინტეგრირების საშუალებით შესწავლილია კავკასიის რეგიონის რელიეფის გავლენა ქარის განაწილებაზე შავი ზღვის აღმოსავლეთ და კასპიის ზღვის დასავლეთ სანაპიროების მიდამოებში. ნაჩვენებია, რომ რელიეფის ზემოქმედებამ ოთხი ძირითადი ტიპის ფონურ დინებაზე შეიძლება გამოიწვიოს ქარის სიჩქარის მნიშვნელოვანი ცვლილება ატმოსფეროს სასაზღვრო ფენაში და წარმოშვას სანაპირო ზოლის მიდამოებში ქარის მეზომასშტაბური სტრუქტურები.


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Résumé Le « terrane » d'Anarak-Jandak occupe une position géologique clé au nord-ouest du Microcontinent Centre-East Iranien (CE1M), connecté avec le Bloc du Grand Kavir et la ceinture métamorphique de Sanandaj-Sirjan. Nous discutons ici l'origine de ces différentes unités, reliées jusqu'à présent à des épisodes orogéniques d'âge Précambrien à Paléozoïque inférieur, pour conclure finalement de leur affinité paléotéthysienne. Leur histoire commence par un épisode de rifting d'âge Ordovicien supérieur-Dévonien inférieur, pour se terminer au Trias par la collision des blocs Cimmériens dérivé du Gondwana avec le Bloc du Turan d'affinité asiatique (événement Eocimmérien). La plus importante unité métamorphique affleurant au sud-ouest de la région de Jandak-Anarak-Kaboudan est une épaisse séquence silicoclastique à grains fins contenant des blocs ophiolitiques (marginal-sea-type), et des associations basalte-gabbro à signatures géochimiques de type supra-subduction. Dans la région de Nakhlak, nous avons daté ces gabbros par la méthode U-Pb à 387f0.11 Ma ; les roches métamorphiques pélitiques ont donné des âges de refroidissement Ar-Ar pour la muscovite de 320 à 333 Ma. Ce complexe d'accrétion "varisque" a été métamorphisé dans le faciès schiste vert-amphibolite au cours de l'accrétion de la ceinture granitique d'Airekan, d'âge Cambrien inférieur (549±15 Ma par la méthode U/Pb), qui affleure aujourd'hui à l'extrémité nord-ouest du terrane d'Anarak-Jandak . La subduction vers le nord de l'océan Paléotéthys depuis le Paléazoïque supérieur jusqu'au Trias, a permis l'accumulation de grandes quantités de matériel océanique dans la zone de subduction. Par exemple, une succession de guyots (Anarak, Kaboudan, et Meraji Seamounts) et de hauts sous-marins, entrés en collision oblique avec le prisme d'accrétion, est à l'origine d'un léger métamorphisme de type HP qui affecte ces séries {âges Ar-Ar de 280 à 230 Ma). De plus, le magmatisme bimodal de Chah Gorbeh est caractérisé d'une part par des roches de type trondjémite-gabbros (262 Ma), d'autre part par des laves en coussin de type basaltes alcalins-rhyolites; ces roches magmatiques ont recoupé l'ophiolite d'Anarak lors de la mise en place de cette dernière dans la fosse interne de subduction. Quant au prisme d'accrétion de Doshakh, d'âge essentiellement Permien supérieur, i1 a été accrété le long de la marge continentale et métamorphisé dans le faciès schiste vert. La fermeture de la Paléotéthys s'enregistre finalement par la sédimentation dans le bassin d'avant pays du flysch de Bayazeh, d'âge probable Triasique. Le matériel issu de l'arc magmatique de la Paléotéthys est très bien préservé dans les dépôts infra-arc Dévonien supérieur-Carbonifère de Godar-e-Siah, ainsi que dans la succession d'avant-arc de Nakhlak. Pendant l'intervalle Paléozoïque supérieur-Trias, la région de Jandak a été soumise à un régime extensif de type bassin d'arrière-arc, dont un témoin pourrait être la ceinture ophiolitique d'Arusan, elle-même comparable aux écailles ophiolitiques d'Aghdarband au nord-est de l'Iran. Cet ensemble métamorphique est recoupé par des granites d'arc à collisionnel datés à 215±15 Ma. Dans la région de Yazd, témoin de la marge passive Cimmérienne, la sédimentation syn-rift Silurienne à Dévonienne inférieure a été interrompue pendant l'intervalle Trias moyen-Trias supérieur; il en a été de même pour les dépôts de plate-forme Paléozoïque supérieur. L'érosion, qui dans ce dernier cas a atteint le Permien, pourrait être liée au bombement flexural de la marge passive. La collision finale n'a pas induit de déformations trop importantes, et se caractérise par la mise en place de nappes sur la marge passive. Cet événement est scellé par des dépôts molassique du Lias. D'un point de vue régional, la zone s'étendant actuellement de la Mer Noire au Pamir a été soumise à six épisodes d'extension-compression du Jurassique inférieur (début du l'ouverture en position arrière-arc de la Néotéthys) à l'Eocène moyen. Par exemple, le terrane d'AnarakJandak, probablement situé entre le Kopeh Dagh et la plate-forme nord Afghane, s'est complètement détaché de sa patrie d'origine au début du Crétacé supérieur. Des preuves de cet événement se retrouvent dans les séries de plate-forme de Khur (préservation de séries syn-rift puis de marge passive). Les ophiolites de Nain et de Sabzevar sont de plus interprétée comme un témoin de l'existence de ce bassin d'arrière-arc. Dans l'intervalle Eocène-Oligocène, l'indentation par la plaque indienne de l'Eurasie a été contemporaine de la rotation horaire de fragments de l'ancien microcontinent Iranien et de la formation du CEIM. Cette rotation est responsable du transport du terrane d'Anarak-Jandak vers sa position actuelle en Iran Central, et de la dislocation de Terranes de moindre importance, comme le bloc de Posht-e Badam. Depuis le Miocène supérieur, et à la suite de la collision entre l'Arabie et l'Iran, le ternane d'Anarak-Jandak a subi des déformations liées à l'activité d'une zone de cisaillement dextre parallèle à la suture du Zagros, à l'arrière de l'arc magmatique d'Uromieh-Dokhtar. Résumé large public Le Microcontinent Centre-Est Iranien occupe une position géologique clé au centre de l'Iran. Les différentes unités qui le composent, reliées jusqu'à présent à des épisodes orogéniques d'âge Précambrien à Paléozoïque inférieur, sont maintenant rajeunies et liés à la fermeture de l'océean Paléotéthys. Leur histoire commence par un épisode de rifting d'âge Ordovicien supérieur à Dévonien inférieur, pour se terminer au Trias par la collision des- blocs Cimmériens, dérivés du Gondwana, avec le Bloc du Turan d'affinité asiatique. Dans la marge active asiatique de la Paléotéthys, nous avons daté les restes d'un océan marginal à 387±0.11 Ma. Ce complexe d'accrétion a été métamorphisé au cours de la réaccrétion de la ceinture granitique d'Airekan, d'âge Cambrien inférieur (549±15 Ma), qui affleure aujourd'hui à l'extrémité nord-ouest du « terrane » d'Anarak-Jandak correspondant à la plus grande partie de la région étudiée. Le matériel issu de l'arc magmatique de la Paléotéthys est très bien préservé et daté du Dévonien supérieur-Carbonifère. Pendant l'intervalle Paléozoïque supérieur-Trias, la région a été soumise à un régime extensif de type bassin d'arrière-arc, dont un témoin pourrait être la ceinture ophiolitique d'Arusan, comparable aux écailles ophiolitiques d'Aghdarband au nord-est de l'Iran. Cet ensemble métamorphique est recoupé par des granites datés à 215±15 Ma. La subduction vers le nord de l'océan Paléotéthys depuis le Paléozoïque supérieur jusqu'au Trias, a permis l'accumulation de grandes quantités de matériel océanique dans la zone de subduction. Par exemple, une succession de volcans sous-marins, entrés en collision avec le prisme d'accrétion, est à l'origine d'un léger métamorphisme de type HP qui affecte ces séries (280 à 230 Ma). Quant au prisme d'accrétion de Doshakh, d'âge essentiellement Permien supérieur, il a été mis en place le long de la marge continentale et métamorphisé dans le faciès schiste vert. La fermeture de la Paléotéthys s'enregistre finalement par la sédimentation dans le bassin d'avant pays du flysch de Bayazeh, d'âge Triasique. Dans la région de Yazd, on trouve les témoins de la marge passive Cimmérienne, la sédimentation syn-rift Silurienne à Dévonienne inférieure a été interrompue pendant l'intervalle Trias moyen-Trias supérieur, marqué par la flexuration de la marge passive lorsqu'elle rentra en collision avec la marge active asiatique. Cet événement est scellé par des dépôts molassique à charbon du Lias. Le «terrane» d'Anarak-Jandak, probablement situé à l'origine entre le Kopeh Dagh et la plate-forme nord Afghane, s'est complètement détaché de cette région au début du Crétacé supérieur lors de l'ouverture d'un bassin d'arrière-arc, engendré, cette fois, par la subduction de l'océan Néotéthys situé au sud des blocs cimmériens. Des preuves de cet événement se retrouvent dans les séries syn-rift, puis de marge passive de Khour. Les ophiolites de Nain et de Sabzevar sont interprétées comme un témoin de l'existence de ce bassin d'arrière-arc. Dans l'intervalle Eocène-Oligocène, l'indentation de l'Eurasie par la plaque indienne a été contemporaine de la rotation horaire de fragments de l'ancien microcontinent centre-Iranien. Cette rotation de près de 90° est responsable du transport du « terrane » d'Anarak-Jandak vers sa position actuelle. Abstract The Anarak-Jandaq terrane occupies a strategic geological situation at the north-western part of the Central-East Iranian Microcontinent (CEIM) and in connection with the Great Kavir Block and Sanandaj-Sirjan metamorphic belt. Our recent findings redefine the origin of these mentioned areas so far attributed to the Precambrian-Early Palaeozoic orogenic episodes, to be now directly related to the tectonic evolution of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean, commenced by Late Ordovician-Early Devonian rifting events and terminated in the Triassic by the Eocimmerian tectonic event due to the collision of the Cimmerian blocks with the Asiatic Turan block. The most distributed metamorphic unit that is exposed from the south-west of Jandaq to the Anarak and Kaboudan areas is a thick and fine grain siliciclastic sequence accompanied by marginal-sea-basin ophiolitic blocks including basalt-gabbro association with supra-subduction-geochemical signature. These gabbros in the Nakhlak area were dated by U/Pb method at 387.6 ± 0.11 Ma and the metamorphic pelitic rocks yielded a range of 320 to 333 Ma muscovite-cooling ages based on 40Ar/39 Ar method. This "Variscan" accretionary complex was metamorphosed in greenschist-amphibolite facies during accretion to the Lower Cambrian Airekan granitic belt (549 ± 15 Ma by U/Pb method) that crops out at the northwestern edge of the Anarak-Jandaq terrane. Continued northward subduction of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean during the entire Late Palaeozoic-Middle Triassic brought huge amount of oceanic material to the subduction zone. One chain of Carboniferous-Triassic oceanic rises and seamounts (the Anarak, Kaboudan, and Meraji Seamounts) obliquely collided with the accretionary wedge and created a mild HP metamorphic event (280-230 Ma based on 40Ar/39Ar results). Bimodal magmatism of the Chah Gorbeh area is characterized by a 262 Ma trondjemite-gabbro as well as pillow alkalibasalts-rhyolites which intruded the Anarak ophiolite when it was being emplaced within the inner-wall trench. The mainly Late Permian-Triassic Doshakh wedge was accreted along the continent and metamorphosed under lower greenschist facies and the probable Triassic Bayazeh flysch filled the foreland basin during the final closure. The Palaeo-Tethys magmatic arc products have been well preserved in the Late Devonian-Carboniferous Godar-e-Siah intra-arc deposits and the Triassic Nakhlak fore-arc succession. During the Late Palaeozoic-Triassic times, the Jandaq area has been affected by back-arc extension and probably the Arusan ophiolitic belt is the remnant of this narrow basin comparable to the Aqdarband ophiolitic remnant in north-east Iran. This metamorphic belt was intruded by 215 ± 15 Ma arc to collisional granites. In the passive margin of the Cimmerian block, on the Yazd region, the Silurian-Early Devonian syn-rift succession as well as the nearly continuous Upper Palaeozoic platform-type deposition was interrupted during the Middle to Late Triassic time, local erosion down to Devonian levels may be related to flexural bulge erosion. The collision event was not so strong to generate intensive deformation but was accompanied by some nappe thrusting onto the passive margin. It is finally unconformably covered by Liassic continental molassic deposits. Related to the onset of Neo-Tethyan back-arc opening in Early Jurassic to Mid-Eocene times, six periods of extensional-compressional events have differently influenced an elongated area, extending from the West Black Sea to Pamir. The Anarak-Jandaq terrane which was situated somewhere in this affected area, probably between the Kopeh Dagh and North Afghan platform, was completely detached from its source at the beginning of the Late Cretaceous


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RESUME La méthode de la spectroscopie Raman est une technique d'analyse chimique basée sur l'exploitation du phénomène de diffusion de la lumière (light scattering). Ce phénomène fut observé pour la première fois en 1928 par Raman et Krishnan. Ces observations permirent à Raman d'obtenir le Prix Nobel en physique en 1930. L'application de la spectroscopie Raman a été entreprise pour l'analyse du colorant de fibres textiles en acrylique, en coton et en laine de couleurs bleue, rouge et noire. Nous avons ainsi pu confirmer que la technique est adaptée pour l'analyse in situ de traces de taille microscopique. De plus, elle peut être qualifiée de rapide, non destructive et ne nécessite aucune préparation particulière des échantillons. Cependant, le phénomène de la fluorescence s'est révélé être l'inconvénient le plus important. Lors de l'analyse des fibres, différentes conditions analytiques ont été testées et il est apparu qu'elles dépendaient surtout du laser choisi. Son potentiel pour la détection et l'identification des colorants imprégnés dans les fibres a été confirmé dans cette étude. Une banque de données spectrale comprenant soixante colorants de référence a été réalisée dans le but d'identifier le colorant principal imprégné dans les fibres collectées. De plus, l'analyse de différents blocs de couleur, caractérisés par des échantillons d'origine inconnue demandés à diverses personnes, a permis de diviser ces derniers en plusieurs groupes et d'évaluer la rareté des configurations des spectres Raman obtenus. La capacité de la technique Raman à différencier ces échantillons a été évaluée et comparée à celle des méthodes conventionnelles pour l'analyse des fibres textiles, à savoir la micro spectrophotométrie UV-Vis (MSP) et la chromatographie sur couche mince (CCM). La technique Raman s'est révélée être moins discriminatoire que la MSP pour tous les blocs de couleurs considérés. C'est pourquoi dans le cadre d'une séquence analytique nous recommandons l'utilisation du Raman après celle de la méthode d'analyse de la couleur, à partir d'un nombre de sources lasers le plus élevé possible. Finalement, la possibilité de disposer d'instruments équipés avec plusieurs longueurs d'onde d'excitation, outre leur pouvoir de réduire la fluorescence, permet l'exploitation d'un plus grand nombre d'échantillons. ABSTRACT Raman spectroscopy allows for the measurement of the inelastic scattering of light due to the vibrational modes of a molecule when irradiated by an intense monochromatic source such as a laser. Such a phenomenon was observed for the first time by Raman and Krishnan in 1928. For this observation, Raman was awarded with the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1930. The application of Raman spectroscopy has been undertaken for the dye analysis of textile fibers. Blue, black and red acrylics, cottons and wools were examined. The Raman technique presents advantages such as non-destructive nature, fast analysis time, and the possibility of performing microscopic in situ analyses. However, the problem of fluorescence was often encountered. Several aspects were investigated according to the best analytical conditions for every type/color fiber combination. The potential of the technique for the detection and identification of dyes was confirmed. A spectral database of 60 reference dyes was built to detect the main dyes used for the coloration of fiber samples. Particular attention was placed on the discriminating power of the technique. Based on the results from the Raman analysis for the different blocs of color submitted to analyses, it was possible to obtain different classes of fibers according to the general shape of spectra. The ability of Raman spectroscopy to differentiate samples was compared to the one of the conventional techniques used for the analysis of textile fibers, like UV-Vis Microspectrophotometry (UV-Vis MSP) and thin layer chromatography (TLC). The Raman technique resulted to be less discriminative than MSP for every bloc of color considered in this study. Thus, it is recommended to use Raman spectroscopy after MSP and light microscopy to be considered for an analytical sequence. It was shown that using several laser wavelengths allowed for the reduction of fluorescence and for the exploitation of a higher number of samples.


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We sequenced 1077 bp of the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and 511 bp of the nuclear Apolipoprotein B gene in bicoloured shrew (Crocidura leucodon, Soricidae) populations ranging from France to Georgia. The aims of the study were to identify the main genetic clades within this species and the influence of Pleistocene climatic variations on the respective clades. The mitochondrial analyses revealed a European clade distributed from France eastwards to north-western Turkey and a Near East clade distributed from Georgia to Romania; the two clades separated during the Middle Pleistocene. We clearly identified a population expansion after a bottleneck for the European clade based on mitochondrial and nuclear sequencing data; this expansion was not observed for the eastern clade. We hypothesize that the western population was confined to a small Italo-Balkanic refugium, whereas the eastern population subsisted in several refugia along the southern coast of the Black Sea.


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The large Cerro de Pasco Cordilleran base metal deposit in central Peru is located on the eastern margin of a middle Miocene diatreme-dome complex and comprises two mineralization stages. The first stage consists of a large pyrite-quartz body replacing Lower Mesozoic Pucara carbonate rocks and, to a lesser extent, diatreme breccia. This body is composed of pyrite with pyrrhotite inclusions, quartz, and black and red chalcedony (containing hypogene hematite). At the contact with the pyrite-quartz body, the diatreme breccia is altered to pyrite-quartz-sericite-pyrite. This body was, in part, replaced by pipelike pyrrhotite bodies zoned outward to carbonate-replacement Zn-Pb ores hearing Fe-rich sphalerite (up to 24 mol % Fes). The second mineralization stage is partly superimposed on the first and consists of zoned east-west-trending Cu-Ag-(Au-Zn-Pb) enargite-pyrite veins hosted in the diatreme breccia in the western part of the deposit and well-zoned Zn-Pb-(Bi-Ag-Cu) carbonate-replacement orebodies; in both cases, sphalerite is Fe poor and the inner parts of the orebodies show typically advanced argillic alteration assemblages, including aluminum phosphate Sulfate (APS) minerals. The zoned enargite-pyrite veins display mineral zoning, from a core of enargite-pyrite +/- alunite with traces of Au, through an intermediate zone of tennantite, chalcopyrite, and Bi minerals to a poorly developed Outer zone hearing sphalerite-galena +/- kaolinite. The carbonate-hosted replacement ores are controlled along N 35 degrees E, N 90 degrees E, N 120 degrees E, and N 170 degrees E faults. They form well-zoned upward-flaring pipelike orebodies with a core of famatinite-pyrite and alunite, an intermediate zone with tetrahedrite-pyrite, chalcopyrite, matildite, cuprobismutite, emplectite, and other Bi minerals accompanied by APS minerals, kaolinite, and dickite, and an outer zone composed of Fe-poor sphalerite (in the range of 0.05-3.5 mol % Fes) and galena. The outermost zone consists of hematite, magnetite, and Fe-Mn-Zn-Ca-Mg carbonates. Most of the second-stage carbonate-replacement orebodies plunge between 25 degrees and 60 degrees to the west, suggesting that the hydrothermal fluids ascended from deeper levels and that no lateral feeding from the veins to the carbonate-replacement orebodies took place. In the Venencocha and Santa Rosa areas, located 2.5 km northwest of the Cerro de Pasco open pit and in the southern part of the deposit, respectively, advanced argillic altered dacitic domes and oxidized veins with advanced argillic alteration halos occur. The latter veins are possibly the oxidized equivalent of the second-stage enargite-pyrite veins located in the western part of the deposit. The alteration assemblage quartz-muscovite-pyrite associated with the pyrite-quartz body suggests that the first stage precipitated at slightly, acidic fin. The sulfide mineral assemblages define an evolutionary path close to the pyrite-pyrrhotite boundary and are characteristic of low-sulfidation states; they suggest that the oxidizing slightly acidic hydrothermal fluid was buffered by phyllite, shale, and carbonate host rock. However, the presence in the pyrite-quartz body of hematite within quartz suggests that, locally, the fluids were less buffered by the host rock. The mineral assemblages of the second mineralization stage are characteristic of high- to intermediate-sulfidation states. High-sulfidation states and oxidizing conditions were achieved and maintained in the cores of the second-stage orebodies, even in those replacing carbonate rocks. The observation that, in places, second-stage mineral assemblages are found in the inner and outer zones is explained in terms of the hydrothermal fluid advancing and waning. Microthermometric data from fluid inclusions in quartz indicate that the different ores of the first mineralization stage formed at similar temperatures and moderate salinities (200 degrees-275 degrees C and 0.2-6.8 wt % NaCl equiv in the pyrite-quartz body; 192 degrees-250 degrees C and 1.1-4.3 wt % NaCl equiv in the pyrrhotite bodies; and 183 degrees-212 degrees C and 3.2-4.0 wt % NaCl equiv in the Zn-Pb ores). These values are similar to those obtained for fluid inclusions in quartz and sphalerite from the second-stage ores (187 degrees-293 degrees C and 0.2-5.2 wt % NaCl equiv in the enargite-pyrite veins: 178 degrees-265 degrees C and 0.2-7.5 wt % NaCl equiv in quartz of carbonate-replacement orebodies; 168 degrees-999 degrees C and 3-11.8 wt % NaCl equiv in sphalerite of carbonate-replacement orebodies; and 245 degrees-261 degrees C and 3.2-7.7 wt % NaCl equiv in quartz from Venencocha). Oxygen and hydrogen isotope compositions oil kaolinite from carbonate-replacement orebodies (delta(18)O = 5.3-11.5%o, delta D = -82 to -114%o) and on alunite from the Venencocha and Santa Rosa areas (delta(18)O = 1.9-6.9%o, delta D = -56 to -73%o). Oxygen isotope compositions of quartz from the first and second stages have 6180 values from 9.1 to 1.7.8 per mil. Calculated fluids in equilibrium with kaolinite have delta(18)O values of 2.0 to 8.2 and delta D values of -69 to -97 per mil; values in equilibrium with alunite are -1.4 to -6.4 and -62 to -79 per mil. Sulfur isotope compositions of sulfides from both stages have a narrow range of delta(34)S values, between -3.7 and +4.2 per mil; values for sulfates from the second stage are between 4.2 and 31.2 per mil. These results define two mixing trends for the ore-forming fluids. The first trend reflects mixing between a moderately saline (similar to 10 wt % NaCl equiv) magmatic end member that had degassed (as indicated by the low delta D values) and meteoric water. The second mixing indicates condensation of magmatic vapor with HCl and SO(2) into meteoric water, which formed alunite. The hydrothermal system at Cerro de Pasco was emplaced at a shallow depth (similar to 500 m) in the epithermal and upper part of a porphyry environment. The similar temperatures and salinities obtained for the first stage and second stages, together with the stable isotope data, indicate that both stages are linked and represent successive stages of epithermal polymetallic mineralization in the upper part of a porphyry system.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the biochemical composition of six berry types belonging to Fragaria, Rubus, Vaccinium and Ribes genus. Fruit samples were collected in triplicate (50 fruit each) from 18 different species or cultivars of the mentioned genera, during three years (2008 to 2010). Content of individual sugars, organic acids, flavonols, and phenolic acids were determined by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis, while total phenolics (TPC) and total antioxidant capacity (TAC), by using spectrophotometry. Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical cluster analysis (CA) were performed to evaluate the differences in fruit biochemical profile. The highest contents of bioactive components were found in Ribes nigrum and in Fragaria vesca, Rubus plicatus, and Vaccinium myrtillus. PCA and CA were able to partially discriminate between berries on the basis of their biochemical composition. Individual and total sugars, myricetin, ellagic acid, TPC and TAC showed the highest impact on biochemical composition of the berry fruits. CA separated blackberry, raspberry, and blueberry as isolate groups, while classification of strawberry, black and red currant in a specific group has not occurred. There is a large variability both between and within the different types of berries. Metabolite fingerprinting of the evaluated berries showed unique biochemical profiles and specific combination of bioactive compound contents.


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Venäjän voimakas talouskasvu on lisännyt merkittävästi myös logistiikkapalveluiden kysyntää maassa. Suuren pinta-alan, markkinapotentiaalin ja Euroopan ja Aasian välisen maantieteellisen sijainnin tarjoaman merkittävän kauttakulkupotentiaalin ansiosta Venäjä on erityisen kiinnostava investointikohde logistiikkayrityksille. Talouskasvu ei ole kuitenkaan jakautunut tasaisesti ja tämän vuoksi investoijan onkin syytä tarkoin selvittää minne Venäjän sisällä sijoittua. Tässä työssä on kartoitettu Venäjän logistiikkasektoria ja liikenneinfrastruktuuria sekä tarkasteltu kilpailutilannetta tavoitteena löytää logistiikkayrityksellekeskeisimmät sijaintikohteet Venäjällä. Moskova ja Pietari on rajattu tutkimuksen ulkopuolelle. Alan kirjallisuuteen ja aiheesta aiemmin laadittuihin tutkimuksiin perehtymällä on selvitetty yritysten sijaintipaikanvalinnalle asettamat tärkeimmät kriteerit. Logistiikkayrityksille toimivalla infrastruktuurilla on luonnollisesti oleellinen merkitys sijaintipaikkaa valittaessa, riittävän suuren markkinapotentiaalin ollessa toinen erittäin merkittävä kriteeri. Kirjallisuustarkastelun pohjalta potentiaalisiksi kohteiksi logistiikkayritykselle valikoitui 22 kaupunkia eri puolilta Venäjää. Monikriteerianalyysiin perustuvan pisteytysmenetelmän avulla toteutetussa potentiaalisten kohteiden luokittelussa kiinnostavimmiksi sijoittumiskohteiksi kohosivat Etelä-Venäjällä, Mustanmeren rannikolla sijaitsevat merkittävät satamakaupungit. Kehittyneen infrastruktuurin, merkittävän markkinapotentiaalin sekä suotuisten taloudellisten toimintaedellytysten ansiosta tarjoavat nämä erityisen merkittävän investointipotentiaalin logistiikkayrityksille.