Calendar date of the beginning of the growing season at high altitude in the Colorado Rocky Mountains is variable but has not changed significantly over the past 25 years. This result differs from growing evidence from low altitudes that climate change is resulting in a longer growing season, earlier migrations, and earlier reproduction in a variety of taxa. At our study site, the beginning of the growing season is controlled by melting of the previous winter's snowpack. Despite a trend for warmer spring temperatures the average date of snowmelt has not changed, perhaps because of the trend for increased winter precipitation. This disjunction between phenology at low and high altitudes may create problems for species, such as many birds, that migrate over altitudinal gradients. We present data indicating that this already may be true for American robins, which are arriving 14 days earlier than they did in 1981; the interval between arrival date and the first date of bare ground has grown by 18 days. We also report evidence for an effect of climate change on hibernation behavior; yellow-bellied marmots are emerging 38 days earlier than 23 years ago, apparently in response to warmer spring air temperatures. Migrants and hibernators may experience problems as a consequence of these changes in phenology, which may be exacerbated if climate models are correct in their predictions of increased winter snowfall in our study area. The trends we report for earlier formation of permanent snowpack and for a longer period of snow cover also have implications for hibernating species.
Desert locusts in the solitarious phase were repeatedly touched on various body regions to identify the site of mechanosensory input that elicits the transition to gregarious phase behavior. The phase state of individual insects was measured after a 4-h period of localized mechanical stimulation, by using a behavioral assay based on multiple logistic regression analysis. A significant switch from solitarious to gregarious behavior occurred when the outer face of a hind femur had been stimulated, but mechanical stimulation of 10 other body regions did not result in significant behavioral change. We conclude that a primary cause of the switch in behavior that seeds the formation of locust swarms is individuals regularly touching others on the hind legs within populations that have become concentrated by the environment.
Organisms producing resting stages provide unique opportunities for reconstructing the genetic history of natural populations. Diapausing seeds and eggs often are preserved in large numbers, representing entire populations captured in an evolutionary inert state for decades and even centuries. Starting from a natural resting egg bank of the waterflea Daphnia, we compare the evolutionary rates of change in an adaptive quantitative trait with those in selectively neutral DNA markers, thus effectively testing whether the observed genetic changes in the quantitative trait are driven by natural selection. The population studied experienced variable and well documented levels of fish predation over the past 30 years and shows correlated genetic changes in phototactic behavior, a predator-avoidance trait that is related to diel vertical migration. The changes mainly involve an increased plasticity response upon exposure to predator kairomone, the direction of the changes being in agreement with the hypothesis of adaptive evolution. Genetic differentiation through time was an order of magnitude higher for the studied behavioral trait than for neutral markers (DNA microsatellites), providing strong evidence that natural selection was the driving force behind the observed, rapid, evolutionary changes.
Relying on a quantitative analysis of the patenting and assignment behavior of inventors, we highlight the evolution of institutions that encouraged trade in technology and a growing division of labor between those who invented new technologies and those who exploited them commercially over the nineteenth and early-twentieth centuries. At the heart of this change in the organization of inventive activity was a set of familiar developments which had significant consequences for the supply and demand of inventions. On the supply side, the growing complexity and capital intensity of technology raised the amount of human and physical capital required for effective invention, making it increasingly desirable for individuals involved in this activity to specialize. On the demand side, the growing competitiveness of product markets induced firms to purchase or otherwise obtain the rights to technologies developed by others. These increasing incentives to differentiate the task of invention from that of commercializing new technologies depended for their realization upon the development of markets and other types of organizational supports for trade in technology. The evidence suggests that the necessary institutions evolved first in those regions of the country where early patenting activity had already been concentrated. A self-reinforcing process whereby high rates of inventive activity encouraged the evolution of a market for technology, which in turn encouraged greater specialization and productivity at invention as individuals found it increasingly feasible to sell and license their discoveries, appears to have been operating. This market trade in technological information was an important contributor to the achievement of a high level of specialization at invention well before the rise of large-scale research laboratories in the twentieth century.
O ingresso no Ensino Fundamental - EF tem sido visto como um momento de transição devido às novas demandas que apresenta para a criança. Neste contexto, parece haver um aumento da vulnerabilidade das crianças ao estresse, principalmente daquelas com maior dificuldade de adaptação a estas demandas. Esse estudo teve como objetivo amplo investigar o estresse da transição no contexto do EF de nove anos, partindo de uma visão desenvolvimentista aliada a uma perspectiva de exposição a estressores cotidianos. Especificamente, o estudo investigou a relação entre competências e sintomas de estresse no 1º ano do EF, o curso desenvolvimental dos sintomas e das percepções de estresse nos dois anos inicias do EF, suas associações com as tarefas adaptativas da transição e a influência da escola nos indicadores de estresse. Finalmente, exploraram-se modelos explicativos para indicadores de estresse apresentados no 2º ano. Seguindo metodologia prospectiva, avaliaram-se indicadores de ajustamento e competências relacionadas ao desempenho acadêmico, social e comportamental das crianças no 1º ano, estresse nos dois primeiros anos e características da escola (localização e IDEB). Participaram da pesquisa 157 alunos do 1º ano do EF, sendo 85 meninos e 72 meninas, com idade média de 6 anos e 10 meses no início da pesquisa. Todos tinham experiência de dois anos na Educação Infantil e estavam matriculados em escolas municipais de diferentes regiões de uma cidade do interior de São Paulo. Também participaram do estudo, como informantes, seus respectivos professores do 1º ano, num total de 25. As crianças responderam à Escala de Stress Infantil, ao Inventário de Estressores Escolares e a uma avaliação objetiva de desempenho acadêmico (Provinha Brasil). Os professores avaliaram as habilidades sociais, os problemas de comportamento externalizantes e internalizantes e a competência acadêmica dos seus alunos por meio do Social Skills Rating System Professores. A análise dos dados compreendeu estatísticas descritivas, comparações, correlações e regressões. Nos resultados, 57% dos alunos no 1º ano e 72% no 2º ano relataram sintomas de estresse pelo menos na fase de alerta. Crianças com estresse no 1º ano apresentaram menores índices de ajustamento e competência e perceberam suas escolas como mais estressantes em relação ao seu papel de estudante e nas relações interpessoais. Correlações moderadas entre medidas de indicadores de estresse tomadas no 1º e no 2º ano sugerem estabilidade. A presença de sintomas de estresse aumentou do 1º para o 2º ano, enquanto a percepção de estressores escolares não variou. Crianças com maiores médias de estresse são provenientes de escolas situadas em regiões periféricas e com classificação mais baixa no IDEB. As análises de predição evidenciaram a habilidade social de responsabilidade e cooperação avaliada no 1º ano como importante fator de proteção contra sintomas de estresse no 2º ano, ao passo que a percepção da criança de tensões nas relações interpessoais no 1º ano foi o principal fator de risco para futura sintomatologia de estresse. Nesse sentido, intervenções com ênfase na promoção de habilidades sociais das crianças podem ser profícuas na prevenção do estresse.
O presente trabalho teve por foco prover uma revisão de conceitos relacionados às resinas dentais fotopolimeráveis e, também, analisar como diferentes concentrações de fotoiniciadores de uso comum em odontologia podem influenciar no desempenho mecânico e na cor de resinas dentais. Concentrações de 0,01%, 0,10%, 0,25% 0,50%, 0,75%, 1,00% e 10% em massa de fotoiniciador foram adicionadas em uma matriz polimérica composta por TEGDMA/BisGMA 50%/50% em massa de forma que, fixando variáveis externas referentes à fonte de luz e à preparação das amostras, foi possível avaliar o efeito da concentração de fotoiniciador nas propriedades mecânicas de resistência à fratura por compressão, resistência à fratura pela aplicação de tensão diametral e dureza Barcol. Por fim, o efeito da concentração na cor aferida através do método CIELab foi investigada. Os fotoiniciadores utilizados foram o Irgacure® 819, a 1-fenil-1,2-propanodiona (PPD) e a Canforoquinona a qual foi utilizada juntamente com ocoiniciador Etil-4 dimetilaminobenzoato (EDB) na concentração constante de 1% em massa. Os resultados mecânicos e de cor foram comparados entre as diferentes amostras através de análises estatísticas (ANOVA) e, especificamente para cor, o parâmetro de diferença de cor (ΔE) foi interpretado verificar se as alterações observadas são perceptíveis ao olho humano. Para fundamentar os estudos, análises do espectro de absorção das amostras, do espectro de irradiação da fonte de luz e do grau de conversão das amostras foram realizadas. Os resultados revelaram que, independentemente do fotoiniciador, graus de conversão da mesma ordem de grandeza de um adesivo comercial foram obtidos, porém as velocidades de reação foram diferentes (maior velocidade para as amostras de CQ e menor para PPD). Curvas características foram obtidas para os espectros de absorção e de irradiação confirmando, pela sobreposição das curvas, que a fonte de luz é efetiva para iniciação da polimerização das amostras. As análises de resistência à fratura revelaram que a quebra catastrófica do material ocorrerá preferencialmente quando a força é aplicada ao longo do diâmetro para os corpos de prova preparados. Quanto à dureza, verificou-se que que para a CQ houve um máximo, para Irgacure um comportamento assintótico com aumento da concentração e, para a PPD, não foi possível a obtenção de amostras (verificado que a PPD necessita de tempo de irradiação superior ao convencionalmente utilizado na prática odontológica). Os testes de ANOVA permitiram verificar que o Irgacure é capaz de fornecer resultados mecânicos semelhante em relação à CQ ocasionando, em contrapartida, um menor escurecimento e amarelamento. Analisando o parâmetro ΔE, confirmou-se que a alteração na cor se torna evidente à medida que ocorre o aumento da concentração de fotoiniciador independentemente do fotoiniciador utilizado, porém a alteração é maior para a CQ.
Malingering and the production of false symptoms seen in such disorders as Factitious Disorder are an ongoing mystery to medical and mental health professionals. Historically, these presentations have been difficult to identify and treat. As might be expected, individuals with such symptomology rarely agree to participate in research, possibly because of a reluctance to admit to the feigning or exaggerating behaviors and a fear of reprisals. Many different etiologies have been proposed, including the assumption of roles in order to manage impressions, taking control of symptoms in order to gain attention or other rewards or avoid aversive events, and even the production of symptoms that is largely out of awareness such as is seen in conversion or somatoform presentations. By examining historical and present-day beliefs about etiology and treatment interventions, professionals can explore what new types of effective treatment might look like. The behaviorist philosophy that underlies Acceptance and Commitment Therapy proposes a perspective emphasizing effective working in context. This philosophy also suggests individuals sometimes engage in behavior in order to escape from or avoid aversive experiences. Utilizing case examples and fresh behavioral perspectives provides insight and ideas for conceptualization of these behaviors of interest. Using the above conceptualizations, an ACT based treatment of those who produce false symptoms is introduced.
Widely held clinical assumptions about self-harming eating disorder patients were tested in this project. Specifically, the present study had two aims: (1) to confirm research that suggests patients with self-injurious behavior exhibit greater severity in eating disorder symptomology; and (2) to document the treatment course for these patients (e.g. reported change in eating disorder attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors) from admission to discharge. Data from 43 participants who received treatment at a Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) for Eating Disorders were used in the current study. The length of treatment required for study inclusion reflected mean lengths of stay (Williamson, Thaw, & Varnardo-Sullivan, 2001) and meaningful treatment lengths in prior research (McFarlane et al., 2013; McFarlane, Olmsted, & Trottier, 2008): five to eight weeks. Scores on the Eating Disorder Inventory-III (Garner, 2004) at the time of admission and discharge were compared. These results suggest that there are no significant differences between eating disordered patients who engage in self-injury and those who do not in terms of symptom severity or pathology at admission. The results further suggest that patients in both groups see equivalent reductions in symptoms from admission to discharge across domains and also share non-significant changes in emotional dysregulation over the course of treatment. Importantly, these results also suggest that general psychological maladjustment is higher at discharge for eating disordered patients who engage in self-injury.
Anorexia nervosa is a disorder characterized by ego-syntonic self-starvation and is associated with impairment in functioning, emotional distress, psychiatric comorbidity, and an elevated mortality risk. Evidence-based data on treatment interventions for anorexia nervosa are scarce despite the need for more targeted and effective treatments. This paper offers an integrative model using humor as a therapeutic intervention for the treatment of anorexia nervosa. It proposes that the integration and application of humor in psychotherapy can be a powerful adjunct in treatment because it has the potential to activate change in the physiological, cognitive, emotional, and interpersonal realms negatively affected by this disorder.
Over the past decade, mindfulness practices have been used with increasing frequency as therapeutic components within cognitive behavioral treatment regimens. As is standard practice, prescriptive uses of mindfulness intervention are incorporated to improve end-state functioning by ameliorating problematic symptoms and conditions. Common change-targets include the control of cognitive and emotional content for purposes of enhancing psychological self-regulation and physical well-being. The term mindfulness applies to a heterogeneous range of practices, methods, and techniques. While there is no singular agreed upon definition for mindfulness, as a process concept, the term connotes an immediate, non-thetic access to events, wherein each occasioning event is experienced in toto within the broader contextual event-field, and distinct from intervening conceptual themes being noticed. Training in mindfulness practices may be conducted using individual, group, or small class formats. The current paper provides a meta-analytic review of 44 treatment outcome studies (extracted 1982 through 2006), which examines the clinical utility of mindfulness as the primary therapeutic approach. Results indicated that average effect sizes for mindfulness based interventions fell within the medium range for construct category variables examined (d = .56). These findings suggest that mindfulness training is a cost-effective treatment for a wide array of contemporary psychological problems and diagnoses, in addition to fostering positive psychology attributes such as quality and satisfaction with life. A critique of the research and recommendations for future research, including a need to examine the role of mindfulness as a tool for cultivating increased psychological acceptance and life satisfaction, is presented.
Homophobia continues to exist in society. Homonegative attitudes are often implicit and can be acquired without direct training, which makes them particularly resistant to change. Relational Frame Theory (RFT) is a behavior analytic account of learning processes and can explain these processes of indirect learning. RFT also suggests therapeutic processes for dismantling stigma using a therapy model named Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). This paper reviews previous research on traditional multicultural training, and addresses its shortcomings. Specifically, this paper makes the argument that traditional models encourage experiential avoidance and thus further perpetuate the processes that maintain stigma. While a handful of studies have examined stigma interventions using ACT, no ACT studies have been completed specifically on the stigma towards gay and lesbian individuals. This paper concludes with a research proposal for such a study.
In the first wave, behaviorists questioned the conventional wisdom that inner experience was relevant to understanding human behavior. In the 1970s, cognitive-behavioral theories emphasized the importance of the cognitive element, not just the environment, in explaining and modifying behavior. The third wave is drawn from advances in basic and applied behavior analysis of language, Eastern mystical traditions, and less empirically oriented therapeutic approaches. Examples include Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), Functional Analytic Psychotherapy (FAP), and Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (IBCT). This study reports a survey of clinicians and non-clinicians who self-identify with second or third wave approaches, and a group of undergraduate psychology students intended to represent a layperson or folk psychological approach. Their preferences, in the context of 10 clinical vignettes, among 5 different therapeutic responses or interventions that included "ACT-like," "cognitive," and commonsense or "neutral" options were measured. Third wave-oriented respondents exhibited more consistency than others in their preference for interventions that match their self-identified theoretical orientation, however the author suggests that construction of the vignettes may have influenced this result.
here are currently hundreds of thousands of children in the US foster care system who are all in need of a stable and predictable home with parents on whom they can depend. Recently, there has been an increased interest in adoption from gay couples who want to start a family. Because the majority of children in the foster care system have some sort of abuse or neglect history, a large number of them present with difficulties such as oppositional behavior, mood dysregulation, and other kinds of mental health problems. This paper addresses the unique situation of gay couples who adopt children who have been abused. Kohut's self psychology theory is utilized to help identify strengths and potential problems that could arise from this type of situation. Particular attention is given to the three selfobject needs that are central in self psychology: mirroring, idealization, and twinship. Additionally, ideas for interventions are posed for potential adoptive parents and mental health professionals to use to help the adoption process progress more smoothly and to hopefully lead to long-term, healthy placements.
This paper summarizes the experience gained in dealing with resistance to change appeared in the companies when they develop innovative processes related to the adoption of new technologies, tools, equipment, infrastructure and methodologies. Technological innovation is rapidly absorbed by society on a personal level. But at the enterprise level, resistance to innovation can occur at any hierarchical level of the company and may appear with different intensity. Depending on the type of enterprise, the hierarchical level of the employee, the intensity of resistance and other factors, the measures taken are different. In this paper we summarize our experience in the cataloging of the resistance to innovation in terms of impact on workers and showing how technology education and business training can help overcome these resistance forces. This paper describes the experience acquired over 22 projects deployed in the period 2005 to 2011 and that has affected a total of 264 workers of different cultural, technological, business and hierarchical levels.
In the current study, the relationship between current and biomass and bio-adhesion mechanism of electrogenic biofilm on electrode were investigated using EQCM and ATR-SEIRAS linking electrochemistry. The results indicated that cellular biomass of biofilm on QCM-crystal surface showed maximum value of 6.0 μg/cm2 in initial batch and 11.5 μg/cm2 in the second batch on mature biofilm, producing a similar maximum current density of 110 μA/μg. Especially, the optimum cell biomass linking high electricity production ratio (110 μA/μg) occurred before maximum biomass coming, implying that over-growth mature biofilm is not an optimum state for enhancing power output of MFCs. On the other hand, the spectra using ATR-SEIRAS technique linking electrochemistry obviously exhibited water structure adsorption change at early biofilm formation and meanwhile the water adsorption accompanied the adsorbed bacteria and the bound cells population on the electrode increased with time. Meanwhile, the direct contact of bacteria and electrode via outer-membrane protein can be confirmed via a series spectra shift at amide I and amide II modes and water movement from negative bands displacing by adsorbed bacteria. Our study provided supplementary information about the interaction between the microbes and electrode beyond traditional electrochemistry.