900 resultados para B-to-B service business


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After years of deliberation, the EU commission sped up the reform process of a common EU digital policy considerably in 2015 by launching the EU digital single market strategy. In particular, two core initiatives of the strategy were agreed upon: General Data Protection Regulation and the Network and Information Security (NIS) Directive law texts. A new initiative was additionally launched addressing the role of online platforms. This paper focuses on the platform privacy rationale behind the data protection legislation, primarily based on the proposal for a new EU wide General Data Protection Regulation. We analyse the legislation rationale from an Information System perspective to understand the role user data plays in creating platforms that we identify as “processing silos”. Generative digital infrastructure theories are used to explain the innovative mechanisms that are thought to govern the notion of digitalization and successful business models that are affected by digitalization. We foresee continued judicial data protection challenges with the now proposed Regulation as the adoption of the “Internet of Things” continues. The findings of this paper illustrate that many of the existing issues can be addressed through legislation from a platform perspective. We conclude by proposing three modifications to the governing rationale, which would not only improve platform privacy for the data subject, but also entrepreneurial efforts in developing intelligent service platforms. The first modification is aimed at improving service differentiation on platforms by lessening the ability of incumbent global actors to lock-in the user base to their service/platform. The second modification posits limiting the current unwanted tracking ability of syndicates, by separation of authentication and data store services from any processing entity. Thirdly, we propose a change in terms of how security and data protection policies are reviewed, suggesting a third party auditing procedure.


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This paper examines the influence of customer-facing technology in full-service restaurants. As a new addition to the service experience, tabletop devices offer the customer more control over the dining experience, and also increase customer participation in the service process, which has the potential to upset the traditional exchange between service providers and customers in restaurants. To examine how customers react to the use of tabletop devices, this study examines 1,343 point-of-sales transactions from 20 units of a full-service casual dining restaurant chain and matches customer in-restaurant transactions to their reactions to tabletop devices used during their meals. Results show that over 70% of the customers who used tabletop devices reported positive affect toward the device, with approximately 79% of customers reporting that the device improved their experience, citing convenience, ease of use, and credit card security as some benefits of using the technology. Approximately 80% of the customers who used the device reported that they would return to the restaurant because of the positive affect. The results also indicate that likeability of the device and tip percentage were positively and significantly connected to customer reports of the devices having a positive effect on experience and on desire to return. In addition, when customers reported increased return intentions, likeability of the device was higher regardless of reports of the device improving restaurant experience, showing that the introduction of tabletop devices had a positive effect for most—but not all—customers.


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The level of demand for healthcare services can fluctuate quite strongly. Indeed, some parts of the healthcare service are renowned for having peaks of demand which challenge capacity. Dealing with fluctuations in demand is a common problem in many service industries. This article examines some of the strategies available for influencing the level of demand, including the use of price, communications and demand analysis. The article also outlines a wide variety of ways in which patients can be encouraged to be more tolerant of waiting to receive service from healthcare professionals. In particular, eight principles of waiting are discussed and illustrated in the context of healthcare services.


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Most hospitality firms do not consider managing stock portfolios to be a main part of their operations. They are in the service business, using their real assets and the services provided by employees to create valuable experiences for guests. However, the need to focus on stock investments arises through those employees. Employees consistently rank benefits, including retirement benefits, among the top five contributors to job satisfaction and as a key consideration in accepting a job.1 It is not surprising, then, that more than 90 percent of companies with 500 or more employees offer retirement plans. The five largest hotel companies in the U.S. have over $10 billion in assets under management in their retirement plans, making these plans a key component in retirement investment decisions.


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The electrical outage in the summer of 2003 that interrupted power to thousands of hotels wrought a variety of facilities failures and service-process problems. Fortunately, strong service-recovery efforts from hotel employees mitigated the worst of the blackout’s effects. Using survey data from hotel managers who experienced the blackout, this study highlights those employee actions that most contributed to immediate service recovery; however, the study also reveals limited organizational learning or efforts to failsafe hospitality service from the eventuality of future power failures.


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The second theme of this book concerns L&D’s ‘Contributions’, specifically how L&D professionals articulate, communicate and demonstrate value that it brings to the organization. Specifically, Chapter 3, titled ‘Using information, metrics and developing business cases for L&D’, discusses how L&D professionals can do this using the business case as a vehicle. The business case is a tool that L&D professionals can use to show how new L&D initiatives can benefit the organization and its stakeholders. The value of such benefit can be ‘articulated’ quantitatively and qualitatively. Chapter 3 adopts a holistic approach in developing a business case. L&D professionals must be competently knowledgeable about accounting and finance but without the need to be experts – as their expertise lies in L&D. Therefore to successfully complete a business case, L&D professionals need to form teams comprising the right members (depending on what the business case is about). The political realities that are associated with the development of a business case can be important considerations. How well L&D is able to ‘sell’ a business case depends on how well it is framed, usually either as a problem or opportunity. We then discuss the information, data and metrics required to build a typical business case, specifically in terms of identifying the benefits and costs. The chapter concludes with some suggestions on how the findings from the business case can be presented in infographics-inspired form.


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Abstract Background: Paediatric oncology palliative care in the community is rare and nationally there is a lack of standardisation of out of hours nursing service provision. Objectives: This paper seeks to explore influences on the experiences of paediatric nurses providing out of hours palliative care within the family home to children with cancer. The study used social worlds theory to aid identification and demonstration of the findings. Methods: Twelve community-based palliative cases were purposively selected from children with cancer treated at one regional centre. Tape-recorded interviews were undertaken with 54 health professionals (general practitioners, community nurses and allied health professionals) involved in providing their palliative care and five facilitated case discussions completed. Data analysis followed a grounded theory approach; chronological comparative data analysis identifying generated themes. Social worlds theory was used as a framework to examine the data. Results: Nurses’ experiences are shaped by their social world and those of the nursing team,child and family and the inter-professional team providing the care. The lack of a formalised service, sub-optimal inter-professional working and impact of social worlds influence the experience of the nurse. Conclusions: Social worlds theory provided a new perspective in understanding these experiences based within a paediatric palliative care setting, knowledge that can be used to inform service provision.


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It is now generally accepted that cyber crime represents a big threat to organisations, and that they need to take appropriate action to protect their valuable information assets. However, current research shows that, although small businesses understand that they are potentially vulnerable, many are still not taking sufficient action to counteract the threat. Last year, the authors sought, through a more generalised but categorised attitudinal study, to explore the reasons why smaller SMEs in particular were reluctant to engage with accepted principles for protecting their data. The results showed that SMEs understood many of the issues. They were prepared to spend more but were particularly suspicious about spending on information assurance. The authors’ current research again focuses on SME attitudes but this time the survey asks only questions directly relating to information assurance and the standards available, in an attempt to try to understand exactly what is causing them to shy away from getting the badge or certificate that would demonstrate to customers and business partners that they take cyber security seriously. As with last year’s study, the results and analysis provide useful pointers towards the broader business environment changes that might cause SMEs to be more interested in working towards an appropriate cyber security standard.


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O projeto desenvolvido tem como objetivo principal a melhoria da eficiência na prestação de serviços de reparação de chapa e pintura na Caetano Auto Colisão, através da aplicação de ferramentas associadas à filosofia Lean. Apesar das ferramentas e técnicas lean estarem bem exploradas nas empresas de produção e manufatura, o mesmo não se verifica em relação às empresas da área dos serviços. O Value Stream Mapping é uma ferramenta lean que consiste no mapeamento do fluxo de materiais e informação necessários para a realização das atividades (que acrescentam e não acrescentam valor), desempenhadas pelos colaboradores, fornecedores e distribuidores, desde a obtenção do pedido do cliente até à entrega final do serviço. Através desta ferramenta é possível identificar as atividades que não acrescentam valor para o processo e propor medidas de melhoria que resultem na eliminação ou redução das mesmas. Com base neste conceito, foi realizado o mapeamento do processo de prestação de serviços de chapa e pintura e identificados os focos de ineficiência. A partir desta análise foram sugeridas melhorias que têm como objetivo atingir o estado futuro proposto assim como tornar o processo mais eficiente. Duas destas melhorias passaram pela implementação dos 5S na sala das tintas e pela elaboração de um relatório A3 para o centro de lavagens. O projeto realizado permitiu o estudo de um problema real numa empresa de serviços, bem como a proposta de um conjunto de melhorias que a médio prazo se espera virem a contribuir para a melhoria da eficiência na prestação de serviços de chapa e pintura.


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La evaluación del desempeño se ha convertido en un factor crítico para el éxito de las organizaciones, ya que realizarla de forma consciente y adecuada permite tomar decisiones y acciones que llevan a la obtención de mejores resultados. El presente trabajo muestra el impacto que tiene la evaluación del desempeño en los demás procesos de Gestión Humana: Incorporación, Desarrollo Humano (Formación y Capacitación, Plan Carrera y Bienestar) y Compensación. Se realizó una encuesta a los colaboradores de una empresa de servicio de tercerización de procesos de negocio (o BPO por sus siglas en inglés) de la ciudad de Medellín para conocer la percepción que tienen acerca de la importancia y utilidad de la evaluación de desempeño dentro de la organización, realizando una comparación con la teoría y encontrando que existen algunos procesos que las personas sienten que no son tan impactados por la evaluación del desempeño, por ejemplo, selección. Se plantea un modelo capaz de demostrar la forma como afecta la evaluación del desempeño los demás procesos de Gestión Humana y los resultados de la organización desde el momento en que la persona se incorpora a la misma, siendo fundamental el rol de los líderes, el análisis de las competencias de las personas y la alineación con la estrategia organizacional.


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Atualmente o sector industrial está inserido num mercado cada vez mais competitivo, onde é exigida uma estratégia empresarial que possa garantir a sua permanência e destaque no atual mercado. Por esta razão, um planeamento e controlo da produção adequado torna-se essencial para o bom funcionamento de uma empresa. Através destes sistemas é possível atuar de forma positiva na produção, rentabilizando-se o sector produtivo da empresa que contribui para o aumento da qualidade de serviço e também para o crescimento económico da empresa. Com um planeamento da produção adequado, uma organização dispondo das mesmas capacidades, é capaz de produzir quantidades iguais num menor intervalo de tempo. Por outro lado, um controlo da produção preciso é imprescindível para o fornecimento da informação correta quando necessária. No sentido de otimização, uma empresa apresentou algumas sugestões de melhoria a nível do planeamento e controlo da produção. Este trabalho surge assim com o intuito de dar resposta às propostas apresentadas. Para tal, no desenvolvimento desta dissertação, criou-se uma ferramenta dotada de dois algoritmos e um sistema de controlo para aquisição de informação de forma automatizada. Em suma, o sistema proposto apresenta a capacidade de construção de boas soluções para o planeamento, conciliada com um sistema de aquisição de dados bastante prático e e caz. Mantendo sempre a exibilidade necessária para um sistema deste género.


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With the proliferation of Internet, online shopping has become an increasingly essential part of global economy and thus, increasingly important field of research. While the internationalization process of a company has for long been in the focus of academic research, internationalization of e-commerce is a much newer field of study. The earlier empirical research has amply pointed out the difficulties of traditional internationalization models to explain the internationalization process of e-commerce companies. Conversely, business networks have been argued to play a major role in the e-commerce internationalization. The purpose of this study is to study how business networks influence the internationalization process of e-commerce companies. Conducted as a case study, this research studies the internationalization process of two Finnish e-commerce companies, Hong Kong and Hifi Studio, into possibly one of the most booming online markets - Russia. The empirical findings of the study concur with the earlier literature. The observed internationalization process differs from the assumptions of traditional international business models, and business networks are found influential for the process. However, the behavior of the two studied organizations is observed more independent than the network view to internationalization presumes. The trigger to internationalize rises from within the organizations and market potential is the primary explanation for selection of target markets. No network relationships were found to have an effect on foreign market selection, nor selection of mode of operations. This study indicates that exploring foreign markets is actually about investing in specific relationships within a business network, rather than overcoming economic, institutional, and cultural barriers. Companies utilize a wide array of relationships in their internationalization process and may effectively overcome disadvantages of operating in a foreign market by adopting partnerships with correct partners. However, building and maintaining operational business relationships is a demanding process, and organizations should prefer quality over quantity in their partner selection. Moreover, relationships where the focal party possess significant influence and leverage over other actor should be favored. Lastly, relationships need to be continuously evaluated and assessed in comparison with strategic business goals. Ultimately, e-commerce can be considered a new, low-risk, cost-effective, and relationship-oriented internationalization method, suitable especially in volatile market conditions as Russia today. This revolutionary new mode of international business activity calls for more profound focus of business managers and academia alike, as its weight on global trade continues to grow.


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Obviously, it is important for the mini-enterprise to acknowledgement that how to win the customers and markets, because the products must be continuously evolved so as to satisfy the customer, otherwise it will be disused by the market, that is a major problems for nowadays mini-enterprise business process management. In fact, in order to satisfy the customers, the overall business processes for mini-enterprises are mostly based on integrated business process, optimization on the integrated business process is vital for a successful min-enterprise. this paper explores how to optimize the business process of mini-enterprises based on the general principle of enterprise business process management and the main feature of the mini-enterprise, so as to instruct the mini-enterprise to control, enhance and optimize the business process in order to meet the inner requirements from the development of the enterprise and adapt itself with the continuous changes of the outside environment, most vitally it can enhance the process or re-design the process so as to meet business demands from customers.


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Este artículo plantea una reflexión en torno a la aplicación de las teorías y métodos de la antropología en algunos aspectos prácticos de la administra­ción que interesan a los negocios internacionales, tales como como la cultura organizacional, la investigación de mercados y la dimensión intercultural que caracteriza a esta actividad en el ámbito global. Se exploran algunas fuentes bibliográficas y aportes de investigadores representativos que ilustran sobre el desarrollo profesional y académico y los debates que se generan en el interior de esta sub-especialidad de la antropología en la Contemporaneidad. Se con­cluye que instrumentalizar el conocimiento científico sobre el comportamiento cultural al servicio del poder corporativo plantea problemas de orden ético. 


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Call Level Interfaces (CLI) are low level API that play a key role in database applications whenever a fine tune control between application tiers and the host databases is a key requirement. Unfortunately, in spite of this significant advantage, CLI were not designed to address organizational requirements and contextual runtime requirements. Among the examples we emphasize the need to decouple or not to decouple the development process of business tiers from the development process of application tiers and also the need to automatically adapt to new business and/or security needs at runtime. To tackle these CLI drawbacks, and simultaneously keep their advantages, this paper proposes an architecture relying on CLI from which multi-purpose business tiers components are built, herein referred to as Adaptable Business Tier Components (ABTC). This paper presents the reference architecture for those components and a proof of concept based on Java and Java Database Connectivity (an example of CLI).