961 resultados para Aversive situation and serotonin receptors


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Les cortices sensoriels sont des régions cérébrales essentielles pour la perception. En particulier, le cortex visuel traite l’information visuelle en provenance de la rétine qui transite par le thalamus. Les neurones sont les unités fonctionnelles qui transforment l'information sensorielle en signaux électriques, la transfèrent vers le cortex et l'intègrent. Les neurones du cortex visuel sont spécialisés et analysent différents aspects des stimuli visuels. La force des connections entre les neurones peut être modulée par la persistance de l'activité pré-synaptique et induit une augmentation ou une diminution du signal post-synaptique à long terme. Ces modifications de la connectivité synaptique peuvent induire la réorganisation de la carte corticale, c’est à dire la représentation de ce stimulus et la puissance de son traitement cortical. Cette réorganisation est connue sous le nom de plasticité corticale. Elle est particulièrement active durant la période de développement, mais elle s’observe aussi chez l’adulte, par exemple durant l’apprentissage. Le neurotransmetteur acétylcholine (ACh) est impliqué dans de nombreuses fonctions cognitives telles que l’apprentissage ou l’attention et il est important pour la plasticité corticale. En particulier, les récepteurs nicotiniques et muscariniques du sous-type M1 et M2 sont les récepteurs cholinergiques impliqués dans l’induction de la plasticité corticale. L’objectif principal de la présente thèse est de déterminer les mécanismes de plasticité corticale induits par la stimulation du système cholinergique au niveau du télencéphale basal et de définir les effets sur l’amélioration de la perception sensorielle. Afin d’induire la plasticité corticale, j’ai jumelé des stimulations visuelles à des injections intracorticales d’agoniste cholinergique (carbachol) ou à une stimulation du télencéphale basal (neurones cholinergiques qui innervent le cortex visuel primaire). J'ai analysé les potentiels évoqués visuels (PEVs) dans le cortex visuel primaire des rats pendant 4 à 8 heures après le couplage. Afin de préciser l’action de l’ACh sur l’activité des PEVs dans V1, j’ai injecté individuellement l’antagoniste des récepteurs muscariniques, nicotiniques, α7 ou NMDA avant l’infusion de carbachol. La stimulation du système cholinergique jumelée avec une stimulation visuelle augmente l’amplitude des PEVs durant plus de 8h. Le blocage des récepteurs muscarinique, nicotinique et NMDA abolit complètement cette amélioration, tandis que l’inhibition des récepteurs α7 a induit une augmentation instantanée des PEVs. Ces résultats suggèrent que l'ACh facilite à long terme la réponse aux stimuli visuels et que cette facilitation implique les récepteurs nicotiniques, muscariniques et une interaction avec les récepteur NMDA dans le cortex visuel. Ces mécanismes sont semblables à la potentiation à long-terme, évènement physiologique lié à l’apprentissage. L’étape suivante était d’évaluer si l’effet de l’amplification cholinergique de l’entrée de l’information visuelle résultait non seulement en une modification de l’activité corticale mais aussi de la perception visuelle. J’ai donc mesuré l’amélioration de l’acuité visuelle de rats adultes éveillés exposés durant 10 minutes par jour pendant deux semaines à un stimulus visuel de type «réseau sinusoïdal» couplé à une stimulation électrique du télencéphale basal. L’acuité visuelle a été mesurée avant et après le couplage des stimulations visuelle et cholinergique à l’aide d’une tâche de discrimination visuelle. L’acuité visuelle du rat pour le stimulus d’entrainement a été augmentée après la période d’entrainement. L’augmentation de l’acuité visuelle n’a pas été observée lorsque la stimulation visuelle seule ou celle du télencéphale basal seul, ni lorsque les fibres cholinergiques ont été lésées avant la stimulation visuelle. Une augmentation à long terme de la réactivité corticale du cortex visuel primaire des neurones pyramidaux et des interneurones GABAergiques a été montrée par l’immunoréactivité au c-Fos. Ainsi, lorsque couplé à un entrainement visuel, le système cholinergique améliore les performances visuelles pour l’orientation et ce probablement par l’optimisation du processus d’attention et de plasticité corticale dans l’aire V1. Afin d’étudier les mécanismes pharmacologiques impliqués dans l’amélioration de la perception visuelle, j’ai comparé les PEVs avant et après le couplage de la stimulation visuelle/cholinergique en présence d’agonistes/antagonistes sélectifs. Les injections intracorticales des différents agents pharmacologiques pendant le couplage ont montré que les récepteurs nicotiniques et M1 muscariniques amplifient la réponse corticale tandis que les récepteurs M2 muscariniques inhibent les neurones GABAergiques induisant un effet excitateur. L’infusion d’antagoniste du GABA corrobore l’hypothèse que le système inhibiteur est essentiel pour induire la plasticité corticale. Ces résultats démontrent que l’entrainement visuel jumelé avec la stimulation cholinergique améliore la plasticité corticale et qu’elle est contrôlée par les récepteurs nicotinique et muscariniques M1 et M2. Mes résultats suggèrent que le système cholinergique est un système neuromodulateur qui peut améliorer la perception sensorielle lors d’un apprentissage perceptuel. Les mécanismes d’amélioration perceptuelle induits par l’acétylcholine sont liés aux processus d’attention, de potentialisation à long-terme et de modulation de la balance d’influx excitateur/inhibiteur. En particulier, le couplage de l’activité cholinergique avec une stimulation visuelle augmente le ratio de signal / bruit et ainsi la détection de cibles. L’augmentation de la concentration cholinergique corticale potentialise l’afférence thalamocorticale, ce qui facilite le traitement d’un nouveau stimulus et diminue la signalisation cortico-corticale minimisant ainsi la modulation latérale. Ceci est contrôlé par différents sous-types de récepteurs cholinergiques situés sur les neurones GABAergiques ou glutamatergiques des différentes couches corticales. La présente thèse montre qu’une stimulation électrique dans le télencéphale basal a un effet similaire à l’infusion d’agoniste cholinergique et qu’un couplage de stimulations visuelle et cholinergique induit la plasticité corticale. Ce jumelage répété de stimulations visuelle/cholinergique augmente la capacité de discrimination visuelle et améliore la perception. Cette amélioration est corrélée à une amplification de l’activité neuronale démontrée par immunocytochimie du c-Fos. L’immunocytochimie montre aussi une différence entre l’activité des neurones glutamatergiques et GABAergiques dans les différentes couches corticales. L’injection pharmacologique pendant la stimulation visuelle/cholinergique suggère que les récepteurs nicotiniques, muscariniques M1 peuvent amplifier la réponse excitatrice tandis que les récepteurs M2 contrôlent l’activation GABAergique. Ainsi, le système cholinergique activé au cours du processus visuel induit des mécanismes de plasticité corticale et peut ainsi améliorer la capacité perceptive. De meilleures connaissances sur ces actions ouvrent la possibilité d’accélérer la restauration des fonctions visuelles lors d’un déficit ou d’amplifier la fonction cognitive.


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Le système endocannabinoïde (eCB) est présent dans le système nerveux central (SNC) de mammifères, incluant la rétine, et est responsable de la régulation de nombreux processus physiologiques. Bien que la présence du récepteur cannabinoïde de type 1 (CB1R) a bien été documenté dans la rétine de rongeurs et primates, il y a encore une controverse quant à la présence du récepteur cannabinoïde de type 2 (CB2R) au niveau du SNC. En utilisant la microscopie confocale, nous sommes les premiers à signaler les patrons d’expression du CB2R dans la rétine de singe. Nos résultats démontrent que le CB2R est exprimé exclusivement dans les cellules de Müller de la rétine du singe. En outre, nous avons comparé les différents patrons d’expression du système eCB dans la rétine de la souris, du toupaye, ainsi que du singe vervet et macaque. Nous rapportons que les distributions de CB1R, FAAH (fatty acid amid hydrolase), MAGL (monoacylglycerol lipase) et DAGLα (diacylglycerol lipase alpha) sont hautement conservées parmi ces espèces alors que CB2R et NAPE-PLD (N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine phospholipase D) présentent différents profils d'expression. CB2R n'a pas été détecté dans les cellules neuronales de la rétine des primates. L’immunoréactivité de NAPE-PLD est présente dans les couches de la rétine de souris et toupayes, mais a été limitée à la couche des photorécepteurs des singes vervet et macaque. Pour étudier les corrélats neuronaux et le rôle de la signalisation du système eCB dans la rétine, nous avons établi un protocole standard pour l'électrorétinographie (ERG), puis enregistré la réponse ERG de la rétine après le blocage des récepteurs avec des antagonistes spécifiques pour CB1R (AM251) et CB2R (AM630). Comparé au témoin, dans des conditions photopiques, et à certaines intensités faibles du stimulus, le blocage de CB1R diminue l'amplitude de l'onde-b, alors qu’à des intensités plus élevées, le blocage de CB2R augmente l'amplitude des deux-ondes a et b. De plus, le blocage des récepteurs cannabinoïdes provoque une augmentation de la latence des deux ondes a et b. Dans des conditions d’adaptation à l'obscurité, le blocage de CB1R et CB2R réduit l’amplitudes de l'onde a seulement à des intensités plus élevées et réduit l’onde b à intensités plus faibles. Des augmentations significatives de latence ont été observées dans les deux cas. Ces résultats indiquent que les récepteurs CB1 et CB2 chez les primates non humains sont impliqués dans la fonction rétinienne conditions photopiques. En outre, nous avons évalué le profil d'expression du CB1R, de FAAH et de NAPE-PLD au-delà de la rétine dans le corps géniculé latéral des singes et nous rapportons pour la première fois que CB1R et FAAH sont exprimés davantage dans les couches magnocellulaires. La NAPE-PLD a été localisée à travers les couches magno- et parvocellulaires. Aucune de ces composantes n’est exprimée dans les couches koniocellulaires. Ces résultats nous aident à mieux comprendre les effets des cannabinoïdes sur le système visuel qui pourraient nous mener à trouver éventuellement de nouvelles cibles thérapeutiques.


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In the present study, the changes in the brain EPI (Epinephrine), adrenergic receptors and the receptor gene expression were investigated during pancreatic regeneration and insulin secretion. The changes in the pancreatic islet EPI and adrenergic receptors were also studied in the pancreatectomised rats. The regulatory function of EPI in association with Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and glucose were investigated in rat islet cultures. In vitro studies were carried out using antagonists for adrenergic receptor subtypes to see their involvement in the islet DNA synthesis. The mechanism by which the peripheral EPI regulate insulin secretion was also investigated by studying the nuclear binding proteins in the pancreatic islets during pancreatic regeneration and diabetes. The study reveals that EPI can regulate the pancreatic islet cell proliferation by controlling the insulin synthesis and secretion. The brain adrenergic receptor gene expression and functional correlation regulate the pancreatic adrenergic receptors. The functional balance of α and β-adrenergic receptors controls the insulin secretion and pancreatic β-cell proliferation, which will have immense clinical significance in the treatment of Diabetes mellitus.


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Parasympathetic system plays an important role in insulin secretion from the pancreas. Cholinergic effect on pancreatic beta cells exerts primarily through muscarinic receptors. In the present study we investigated the specific role of muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors in glucose induced insulin secretion from rat pancreatic islets in vitro. The involvement of muscarinic receptors was studied using the antagonist atropine. The role of muscarinic MI and M3 receptor subtypes was studied using subtype specific antagonists. Acetylcholine agonist, carbachol, stimulated glucose induced insulin secretion at low concentrations (10-8-10-5 M) with a maximum stimulation at 10-7 M concentration. Carbachol-stimulated insulin secretion was inhibited by atropine confirming the role of muscarinic receptors in cholinergic induced insulin secretion. Both M1 and M3 receptor antagonists blocked insulin secretion induced by carbachol. The results show that M3 receptors are functionally more prominent at 20 mM glucose concentration when compared to MI receptors. Our studies suggest that muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors function differentially regulate glucose induced insulin secretion, which has clinical significance in glucose homeostasis.


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Muscarinic M1 and M3 receptor changes in the brain stem during pancreatic regeneration were investigated. Brain stem acetylcholine esterase activity decreased at the time of regeneration . Sympathetic activity also decreased as indicated by the norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) content of adrenals and also in the plasma. Muscarinic Ml and M3 receptors showed reciprocal changes in the brain stem during regeneration. Muscairnic M1 receptor number decreased at time of regeneration without any change in the affinity. High affinity M3 receptors showed an increase in the number. The affinity did not show any change . The number of low affinity receptors decreased with decreased Kd at 72 hours after partial pancreatectomy. The Kd reversed to control value with a reversal of the number of receptors to near control value . Gene expression studies also showed a similar change in the mRNA level of Ml and M3 receptors . These alterations in the muscarinic receptors regulate sympathetic activity and maintain glucose level during pancreatic regeneration. Central muscarinic M1 and M3 receptor subtypes functional balance is suggested to regulate sympathetic and parasympathetic activity, which in turn control the islet cell proliferation and glucose homeostasis.


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In the present study we assessed plasma and platelet monoamine content using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The study included 22 subjects consisting of 12 freshly-detected male diabetic patients and 10 age and sex-matched healthy controls. The same parameters were measured in streptozotocin -induced diabetic rat models consisting of controls , diabetic and insulin - treated diabetic rats. The platelet counts were significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in rat models as well as human diabetic samples. The plasma norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) concentrations were significantly increased (P < 0.05). The platelet showed a significant increase (P < 0.01) in NE, EPI and serotonin content. Increase in the plasma and platelet content of neurotransmitters may be due to increased sympathetic function, which is an adaptation for the decreased platelet count observed in our study . The results indicate that changes in the neurotransmitter content of the platelet may be a good index to assess the neurotransmitter status in pathological condition such as diabetes mellitus.


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Pyridoxal phosphate is the coenzyme of various decarboxylases involved in the formation of monoamine neurotransmitters such as y-aminobutyric acid , serotonin , dopamine, and norepinephrine . Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats placed on a pyridoxine -deficient diet for 8 weeks showed significant hypertension compared with pyridoxine -supplemented controls . Hypothalamic contents of pyridoxal phosphate , y-aminobutyric acid, and serotonin in the pyridoxine - deficient rats were significantly lower than those in pyridoxine -supplemented controls . Hypertension was associated with sympathetic stimulation . Treatment of pyridoxine-deficient rats with a single dose of pyridoxine (10 mg/kg body weight) reversed the blood pressure to normal levels within 24 hours, with concomitant restorations of hypothalamic serotonin and y-aminobutyric acid as well as the return of plasma norepinephrine and epinephrine to normal levels . Also, pyridoxine treatment reversed the hypothalamic hypothyroidism observed in pyridoxine -deficient rats . These results indicate an association between pyridoxine deficiency and sympathetic stimulation leading to hypertension.


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The present work is an attempt to understand the role of acetylcholine muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors during pancreatic regeneration and insulin secretion. The work focuses on the changes in the muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors in brain and pancreas during pancreatic regeneration. The effect of these receptor subtypes on insulin secretion and pancreatic P-cell proliferation were studied in vitro using rat primary pancreatic islet culture. Muscarinic Ml and M3 receptor kinetics and gene expression studies during pancreatic regeneration and insulin secretion will help to elucidate the role of acetylcholine functional regulation of pancreatic u-cell proliferation and insulin secretion.The cholinergic system through muscarinic M1 and M3 receptors play an important role in the regulation of pancreatic (3-cell proliferation and insulin secretion . Cholinergic activity as indicated by acetylcholine esterase, a marker for cholinergic system, decreased in the brain regions - hypothalamus, brain stem, corpus striatum, cerebral cortex and cerebellum during pancreatic regeneration. Pancreatic muscarinic M1 and M3 receptor activity increased during proliferation indicating that both receptors are stimulatory to (3-cell division. Acetylcholine dose dependently increase EGF induced DNA synthesis in pancreatic islets in vitro, which is inhibited by muscarinic antagonist atropine confirming the role of muscarinic receptors. Muscarinic M1 and M3 receptor antagonists also block acetycholine induced DNA synthesis suggesting the importance of these receptors in regeneration. Acetylcholine also stimulated glucose induced insulin secretion in vitro which is inhibited by muscarinic M1 and M3 receptor antagonists. The muscarinic receptors activity and their functional balance in the brain and pancreas exert a profound influence in the insulin secretion and also regeneration of pancreas


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The current study is an attempt to find a means of lowering oxalate concentration in individuals susceptible to recurrent calcium oxalate stone disease.The formation of renal stone composed of calcium oxalate is a complex process that remains poorly understood and treatment of idiopathic recurrent stone formers is quite difficult and this area has attracted lots of research workers. The main objective of this work are to study the effect of certain mono and dicarboxylic acids on calcium oxalate crystal growth in vitro, isolation and characterization of oxalate degrading bacteria, study the biochemical effect of sodium glycollate and dicarboxylic acids on oxalate metabolism in experimental stone forming rats and To investigate the effect of dicarboxylic acids on oxalate metabolism in experimental hyperoxaluric rats. Oxalic acid is one of the most highly oxidized organic compound widely distributed in the diets of man and animals, and ingestion of plants that contain high concentration of oxalate may lead to intoxication. Excessive ingestion of dietary oxalate may lead to hyperoxaluria and calcium oxalate stone disease.The formation of calcium oxalate stone in the urine is dependent on the saturation level of both calcium and oxalate. Thus the management of one or both of these ions in individuals susceptible to urolithiasis appears to be important. The control of endogenous oxalate synthesis from its precursors in hyperoxaluric situation is likely to yield beneficial results and can be a useful approach in the medical management of urinary stones. A variety of compounds have been investigated to curtain endogenous oxalate synthesis which is a crucial factor, most of these compounds have not proved to be effective in the in vivo situation and some of them are not free from the toxic effect. The non-operative management of stone disease has been practiced in ancient India in the three famous indigenous systems of medicine, Ayurveda, Unani and Siddha, and proved to be effective.However the efficiency of most of these substances is still questionable and demands further study. Man as well as other mammals cannot metabolize oxalic acid. Excessive ingestion of oxalic acid can arise from oxalate rich food and from its major metabolic precursors, glycollate, glyoxylate and ascorbic acid can lead to an acute oxalate toxicity. Increasedlevels of circulating oxalate, which can result in a variety of diseases including renal failure and oxalate lithiasis. The ability to enzymatically degrade oxalate to less noxious Isubstances, formate and CO2, could benefit a great number of individuals including those afflicted with hyperoxaluria and calcium oxalate stone disease.


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The present thesis is an attempt to understand the role of GABA, GABAA and GABAB receptors in the regulation of liver cell proliferation using in vivo and in vitro models. The work also focuses on the brain GABAergic changes associated with normal and neoplastic cell growth in liver and to delineate its regulatory function. The investigation of mechanisms involving mitogenic models without cell necrosis may contribute our knowledge about both on cell growth, carcinogenesis, liver pathology and treatment. Objectives of the present study are, to induce controlled liver cell proliferation by partial hepatectomy and lead nitrate administration and uncontrolled cell proliferation by N-nitrosodiethylamine treatment in male Wistar rats, the changes in the content of GABA, GABAA,GABAB in various rat brain regions. To study the GABAA and GABAB receptor changes in brain stem, hypothalamus, cerebellum and cerebral cortex during the active cortex during the period of active DNA synthesis in liver of different experimental groups. The changes in GABAA and GABAB receptor function of the brain stem, hypothalamus and cerebellum play an important role sympathetic regulation of cell proliferation and neoplastic growth in liver. The decrease in GABA content in brain stem, hypothalamus and cerebellum during regeneration and neoplasia in liver. The time course of brain GABAergic changes was closely correlated with that of heptic DNA synthesis. The functional significance of these changes was further explored by studying the changes in GABAA and GABAB receptors in brain.


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The study deals with the short and long term supply response of the natural rubber in India and to analyse the macro economic environment of NR industry and causative factors of the rubber price crash. It determines the minimum cost of production of natural rubber and to forecast the potential production of NR in India. There is positive response of short run and long run supply to prices. Since correlation analysis show close association between international and domestic price level, international price changes will have its domestic echo. Production and consumption will sustain its rising trend. This makes plans for increasing production estimates show that a mid way level i.e. the range between Rs.32-Rs.38 will give a fair enough profit to the grower in the present situation and provide for the viable sustenance of rubber cultivation. Identification of the SWOT of rubber cultivation would help in supporting rubber cultivation if remedial measures are undertaken with the true spirit. This would help Indian rubber to attain global competitiveness. Then the inflow of valuable foreign exchange will overcome the other economic drawbacks of rubber cultivation


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The present study demonstrate the functional alterations of the GABAA and GABAB receptors and the gene expression during the regeneration of pancreas following partial pancreatectomy. The role of these receptors in insulin secretion and pancreatic DNA synthesis using the specific agonists and antagonists also are studied in vitro. The alterations of GABAA and GABAR receptor function and gene expression in the brain stem, crebellum and hypothalamus play an important role in the sympathetic regulation of insulin secretion during pancreatic regeneration. Previous studies have given much information linking functional interaction between GABA and the peripheral nervous system. The involvement of specific receptor subtypes functional regulation during pancreatic regeneration has not given emphasis and research in this area seems to be scarce. We have observed a decreased GABA content, down regulation of GABAA receptors and an up regulation of GABAB receptors in the cerebral cortex, brain stem and hypothalamus. Real Time-PCR analysis confirmed the receptor data in the brain regions. These alterations in the GABAA and GABAB receptors of the brain are suggested to govern the regenerative response and growth regulation of the pancreas through sympathetic innervation. In addition, receptor binding studies and Real Time-PCR analysis revealed that during pancreatic regeneration GABAA receptors were down regulated and GABAB receptors were up regulated in pancreatic islets. This suggests an inhibitory role for GABAA receptors in islet cell proliferation i.e., the down regulation of this receptor facilitates proliferation. Insulin secretion study during 1 hour showed GABA has inhibited the insulin secretion in a dose dependent manner in normal and hyperglycaemic conditions. Bicuculline did not antagonize this effect. GABAA agonist, muscimol inhibited glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic islets except in the lowest concentration of 1O-9M in presence of 4mM glucose.Musclmol enhanced insulin secretion at 10-7 and 10-4M muscimol in presence of 20mM glucose- 4mM glucose represents normal and 20mM represent hyperglycaemic conditions. GABAB agonist, baclofen also inhibited glucose induced insulin secretion and enhanced at the concentration of 1O-5M at 4mM glucose and at 10-9M baclofen in presence of 20mM glucose. This shows a differential control of the GABAA and GABAB receptors over insulin release from the pancreatic islets. During 24 hours in vitro insulin secretion study it showed that low concentration of GABA has inhibited glucose stimulated insulin secretion from pancreatic islets. Muscimol, the GABAA agonist, inhibited the insulin secretion but, gave an enhanced secretion of insulin in presence of 4mM glucose at 10-7 , 10-5 and 1O-4M muscimol. But in presence of 20mM glucose muscimol significantly inhibited the insulin secretion. GABAB agonist, baclofen also inhibited glucose induced insulin secretion in presence of both 4mM and 20mM glucose. This shows the inhibitory role of GABA and its specific receptor subtypes over insulin synthesis from pancreatic bete-islets. In vitro DNA synthesis studies showed that activation of GABAA receptor by adding muscimol, a specific agonist, inhibited islet DNA synthesis. Also, the addition of baclofen, a specific agonist of GABAB receptor resulted in the stimulation of DNA synthesis.Thus the brain and pancreatic GABAA and GABAB receptor gene expression differentially regulates pancreatic insulin secretion and islet cell proliferation during pancreatic regeneration. This will have immense clinical significance in therapeutic applications in the management of Diabetes mellitus.


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The present work is to understand the alterations of total muscarinic. muscarinic MI and glutamate receptors in the brain regions of pilocarpine induced epileptic rats. The work focuses on the evaluation of the anti epileptic activity of extracts of Bacopa monnieri, Bacoside A and Carbamazepine in vivo. The molecular changes in the muscarinic M I receptors in the pre- and post-treated epileptic model with Bacopa monnieri, Bacoside A and Carbamazepine were also studied. These studies will help us to elucidate the functional role of muscarinic and glutamate receptors in epilepsy.


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In the present study a detailed investigation on the alterations of dopamine and its receptors in the brain regions of streptozotocin induced diabetic and insulin induced hypoglycaemic rats were carried out. Glutamate receptor, NMDARI gene expression in the hypoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic brain was also studied. EEG recording in hypoglycaemic and hyperglycaemic will be carried out to measure brain activity. in vitro studies on glucose uptake and insulin secretion, with and without specific antagonists were carried out to confirm the specific receptor subtypes - DA D1, DA D2 and NMDA involved in the functional regulation during hyperglycaemic and hypoglycaemic brain damage. The molecular studies on the brain damage through dopaminergic and glutamergic receptors will elucidate the therapeutic role in the corrective measures of the damage to the brain during hypoglycaemia and hyperglycaemia. This has importance in the management of diabetes and antidiabetic treatment for better intellectual functioning of the individual.


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In the present work, the role of oxygen, epinephrine and glucose supplementation in regulating neurotransmitter contents, adrenergic and glutamate receptor binding parameters in the cerebral cortex of experimental groups of neonatal rats were investigated. The study of neurotransmitters and their receptors in the cerebral cortex and the EEG pattern in the brain regions of neonatal rats were taken as index for brain damage due to hypoxia, oxygen and epinephrine. Real-Time PCR work was done to confirm the binding parameters. Second messenger, cyclic Adenosine Monophosphate (cAMP) was assayed to find the functional correlation of the receptors. Behavioural studies were carried out to confirm the biochemical and molecular studies. The efficient and timely supplementation of glucose plays a crucial role in correcting the molecular changes due to hypoxia, oxygen and epinephrine. The addictive neuronal damage effect due to oxygen and epinephrine treatment is another important observation. The corrective measures from the molecular study brought to practice will lead to maintain healthy intellectual capacity during the later developmental stages, which has immense clinical significance in neonatal care.