944 resultados para Augmentative manipulation
The endoplasmic reticulum (ER) orchestrates the production of membrane-bound and secreted proteins. However, its capacity to process the synthesis and folding of protein is limited. Protein overload and the accumulation of misfolded proteins in the ER trigger an adaptive response known as the ER-stress response that is mediated by specific ER-anchored signaling pathways. This response regulates cell functions aimed at restoring cellular homeostasis or at promoting apoptosis of irreparably damaged cells. Activation or deregulation of ER-signaling pathways has been associated with various diseases including cancer. Here we discuss how tumors engage ER-signaling pathways to promote tumorigenesis and how manipulation of this process by anticancer drugs may contribute to cancer treatment.
BACKGROUND: Single-center reports have identified retrograde ascending aortic dissection (rAAD) as a potentially lethal complication of thoracic endovascular aortic repair (TEVAR). METHODS AND RESULTS: Between 1995 and 2008, 28 centers participating in the European Registry on Endovascular Aortic Repair Complications reported a total of 63 rAAD cases (incidence, 1.33%; 95% CI, 0.75 to 2.40). Eighty-one percent of patients underwent TEVAR for acute (n=26, 54%) or chronic type B dissection (n=13, 27%). Stent grafts with proximal bare springs were used in majority of patients (83%). Only 7 (15%) patients had intraoperative rAAD, with the remaining occurring during the index hospitalization (n=10, 21%) and during follow-up (n=31, 64%). Presenting symptoms included acute chest pain (n=16, 33%), syncope (n=12, 25%), and sudden death (n=9, 19%) whereas one fourth of patients were asymptomatic (n=12, 25%). Most patients underwent emergency (n=25) or elective (n=5) surgical repair. Outcome was fatal in 20 of 48 patients (42%). Causes of rAAD included the stent graft itself (60%), manipulation of guide wires/sheaths (15%), and progression of underlying aortic disease (15%). CONCLUSIONS: The incidence of rAAD was low (1.33%) in the present analysis with high mortality (42%). Patients undergoing TEVAR for type B dissection appeared to be most prone for the occurrence of rAAD. This complication occurred not only during the index hospitalization but after discharge up to 1050 days after TEVAR. Importantly, the majority of rAAD cases were associated with the use of proximal bare spring stent grafts with direct evidence of stent graft-induced injury at surgery or necropsy in half of the patients.
The objective of this research was to evaluate the parasitism behavior of Telenomus podisi Ashmead, Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) e Trissolcus urichi Crawford (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae) on eggs of Nezara viridula L., Euschistus heros F., Piezodorus guildinii Westwood and Acrosternum aseadum Rolston (Heteroptera: Pentatomidae), in no choice and multiple choice experiments. For all parasitoid species, the results demonstrated the existence of a main host species that maximizes the reproductive success. The competitive interactions among the parasitoid species were investigated in experiments of sequential and simultaneous release of different combinations of parasitoid pairs on the hosts N. viridula, E. heros and A. aseadum. Exploitative competition was observed for egg batches at the genus level (Telenomus vs. Trissolcus) and interference competition at the species level (T. basalis vs. T. urichi). Trissolcus urichi was the most aggressive species, interfering with the parasitism of T. basalis. Generally, T. basalis showed an opportunistic behavior trying to parasitise eggs after T. urichi had abandoned the egg batch. The selection of parasitoid species for use in augmentative biological control programs should take into account the diversity of pentatomids present in soybean in addition to the interactions among the different species of parasitoids.
The cornerstone of the concept of immunosurveillance in cancer should be the experimental demonstration of immune responses able to alter the course of in vivo spontaneous tumor progression. Elegant genetic manipulation of the mouse immune system has proved this tenet. In parallel, progress in understanding human T cell mediated immunity has allowed to document the existence in cancer patients of naturally acquired T cell responses to molecularly defined tumor antigens. Various attributes of cutaneous melanoma tumors, notably their adaptability to in vitro tissue culture conditions, have contributed to convert this tumor in the prototype for studies of human antitumor immune responses. As a consequence, the first human cytolytic T lymphocyte (CTL)-defined tumor antigen and numerous others have been identified using lymphocyte material from patients bearing this tumor, detailed analyses of specific T cell responses have been reported and a relatively large number of clinical trials of vaccination have been performed in the last 15 years. Thus, the "melanoma model" continues to provide valuable insights to guide the development of clinically effective cancer therapies based on the recruitment of the immune system. This chapter reviews recent knowledge on human CD8 and CD4 T cell responses to melanoma antigens.
Remorins (REMs) are proteins of unknown function specific to vascular plants. We have used imaging and biochemical approaches and in situ labeling to demonstrate that REM clusters at plasmodesmata and in approximately 70-nm membrane domains, similar to lipid rafts, in the cytosolic leaflet of the plasma membrane. From a manipulation of REM levels in transgenic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) plants, we show that Potato virus X (PVX) movement is inversely related to REM accumulation. We show that REM can interact physically with the movement protein TRIPLE GENE BLOCK PROTEIN1 from PVX. Based on the localization of REM and its impact on virus macromolecular trafficking, we discuss the potential for lipid rafts to act as functional components in plasmodesmata and the plasma membrane.
Locally advanced prostate cancer (LAPC) is a heterogeneous entity usually embracing T3-4 and/or pelvic lymph-node-positive disease in the absence of established metastases. Outcomes for LAPC with single therapies have traditionally been poor, leading to the investigation of adjuvant therapies. Prostate cancer is a hormonally sensitive tumour, which usually responds to pharmacological manipulation of the androgen receptor or its testosterone-related ligands. As such, androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) has become an important adjuvant strategy for the treatment of LAPC, particularly for patients managed primarily with radiotherapy. Such results have generally not been replicated in surgical patients. With increased use of ADT has come improved awareness of the numerous toxicities associated with long-term use of these agents, as well as the development of strategies for minimizing ADT exposure and actively managing adverse effects. Several trials are exploring agents to enhance radiation cell sensitivity as well as the application of adjuvant docetaxel, an agent with proven efficacy in the metastatic, castrate-resistant setting. The recent work showing activity of cabazitaxel, sipuleucel-T and abiraterone for castrate-resistant disease in the post-docetaxel setting will see these agents investigated in conjunction with definitive surgery and radiotherapy.
Since it is established that human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) affects testosterone production and release in the human body, the use of this hormone as a performance enhancing drug has been prohibited by the World Anti-Doping Agency. Nowadays, the only validated biomarker of a hCG doping is its direct quantification in urine. However, this specific parameter is subjected to large inter-individual variability and its determination is directly dependent on the reliability of hCG immunoassays used. In order to counteract these weaknesses, new biomarkers need to be evidenced. To address this issue, a pilot clinical study was performed on 10 volunteers submitted to 3 subsequent hCG injections. Blood and urine samples were collected during two weeks in order to follow the physiological effects on related compounds such as the steroid profile or hormones involved in the hypothalamo-pituitary axis. The hCG pharmacokinetic observed in all subjects was, as expected, prone to important inter-individual variations. Using ROC plots, level of testosterone and testosterone on luteinizing hormone ratio in both blood and urine were found to be the most relevant biomarker of a hCG abuse, regardless of inter-individual variations. In conclusion, this study showed the crucial importance of reliable quantification methods to assess low differences in hormonal patterns. In regard to these results and to anti-doping requirements and constraints, blood together with urine matrix should be included in the anti-doping testing program. Together with a longitudinal follow-up approach it could constitute a new strategy to detect a hCG abuse, applicable to further forms of steroid or other forbidden drug manipulation.
Parental effort is usually associated with high metabolism that could lead to an increase in the production of reactive oxidative species giving rise to oxidative stress. Since many antioxidants involved in the resistance to oxidative stress can also enhance immune function, an increase in parental effort may diminish the level of antioxidants otherwise involved in parasite resistance. In the present study, we performed brood size manipulation in a population of great tits (Parus major) to create different levels of parental effort. We measured resistance to oxidative stress and used a newly developed quantitative PCR assay to quantify malarial parasitaemia. We found that males with an enlarged brood had significantly higher level of malarial parasites and lower red blood cell resistance to free radicals than males rearing control and reduced broods. Brood size manipulation did not affect female parasitaemia, although females with an enlarged brood had lower red blood cell resistance than females with control and reduced broods. However, for both sexes, there was no relationship between the level of parasitaemia and resistance to oxidative stress, suggesting a twofold cost of reproduction. Our results thus suggest the presence of two proximate and independent mechanisms for the well-documented trade-off between current reproductive effort and parental survival.
The endodermis is a root cell layer common to higher plants and of fundamental importance for root function and nutrient uptake. The endodermis separates outer (peripheral) from inner (central) cell layers by virtue of its Casparian strips, precisely aligned bands of specialized wall material. Here we reveal that the membrane at the Casparian strip is a diffusional barrier between the central and peripheral regions of the plasma membrane and that it mediates attachment to the extracellular matrix. This membrane region thus functions like a tight junction in animal epithelia, although plants lack the molecular modules that establish tight junction in animals. We have also identified a pair of influx and efflux transporters that mark both central and peripheral domains of the plasma membrane. These transporters show opposite polar distributions already in meristems, but their localization becomes refined and restricted upon differentiation. This "central-peripheral" polarity coexists with the apical-basal polarity defined by PIN proteins within the same cells, but utilizes different polarity determinants. Central-peripheral polarity can be already observed in early embryogenesis, where it reveals a cellular polarity within the quiescent center precursor cell. A strict diffusion block between polar domains is common in animals, but had never been described in plants. Yet, its relevance to endodermal function is evident, as central and peripheral membranes of the endodermis face fundamentally different root compartments. Further analysis of endodermal transporter polarity and manipulation of its barrier function will greatly promote our understanding of plant nutrition and stress tolerance in roots.
We examined the moderating role of national identification in understanding when a focus on intergroup similarity versus difference on ingroup stereotypical traits-manipulated with scale anchors-leads to support for discriminatory immigration policies. In line with intergroup distinctiveness research, national identification moderated the similarity-difference manipulation effect. Low national identifiers supported discriminatory immigration policies more when intergroup difference rather than similarity was made salient, whereas the opposite pattern was found for high national identifiers: They trended toward being more discriminatory when similarity was made salient. The impact of assimilation expectations and national identity content on the findings is discussed.
D'une certaine manière, la rhétorique est un art cognitif. L'art de discourir en situation concrète dans l'espoir de faire adhérer l'auditoire à une thèse suppose une forte aptitude cognitive: celle de se représenter la façon dont l'auditoire lui-même se représente une situation rhétorique. Or, à partir du moment où agir sur les représentations d'autrui est facilité par des techniques rhétoriques ou sophistiques, la question de la tromperie verbale s'est immiscée dans des affaires de régulation sociale et, avec elle, des enjeux tant de crédibilité que de crédulité. Dans le cadre démocratique rendant encore plus aiguë une forme de dépendance à l'information d'autrui, la nécessité de croire tout comme la possibilité d'être leurré mettent à l'épreuve tant le fonctionnement social de la Cité que l'évaluation des informations et de leurs auteurs. Le but des contributions de cet ouvrage n'est pas de dénoncer les effets de certains schèmes argumentatifs que d'aucuns jugeraient fallacieux ni d'ajouter une couche nouvelle aux critiques des sophismes, mais d'étudier leur fonctionnement et leurs effets cognitifs hic et nunc. Quels sont les mécanismes langagiers et cognitifs qui expliquent la «performance» des arguments réputés fallacieux? Comment fonctionnent les stratégies rhétoriques à l'intersection entre cognition, sciences du langage et société? Cet ouvrage, issu du colloque Communication et Cognition: manipulation, persuasion et biais dans le langage, tenu à Neuchâtel du 26 au 28 janvier 2011, propose plusieurs propositions originales ou hypothèses stimulantes dans l'espoir qu'elles inspireront tant les chercheurs spécialisés en rhétorique et sciences du langage à aller voir du côté de la psychologie cognitive que les spécialistes de ce domaine à mettre en évidence la rhétoricité de leurs recherches. English version: In a way, rhetoric is a cognitive art. The art of speaking in concrete situations in the hope of gaining the audience's consent on a given issue requires the operation of a cognitive ability: that of being able to represent the way an audience represents itself a rhetorical situation. Nonetheless, once we consider that rhetorical or sophistic techniques influence people's representations, verbal deception becomes a matter of social regulation, together with issues of credibility and credulity. In a democratic context fostering a form of dependence towards other people's information, the necessity of believing everything and the possibility of being duped are challenges for both the social management of the City and the evaluation of information and of its sources. The contribution of the chapters of this volume is neither to be found in the condemnation of the fallacious effects of specific argument schemes nor in the addition of yet another layer to fallacy criticism, but in the study of how fallacies work, hic et nunc. What are the linguistic and cognitive mechanisms at play behind the "performance" of fallacious arguments? How do rhetorical strategies work at the interface of cognition, language science and society? This book gathers papers that were presented during the international conference Communication & Cognition: manipulation, persuasion and biases in language, held at the University of Neuchâtel in January 2011. A number of original proposals and stimulating hypotheses emerge from them: we hope that these will inspire researchers in the language sciences who specialise in rhetoric to take on board cognitive scientific insights but also researchers in cognitive science to engage with the rhetoricity of their own research.
C75 is a synthetic racemic α-methylene-γ-butyrolactone exhibiting anti-tumoral properties in vitro and in vivo as well as inducing hypophagia and weight loss in rodents. These interesting properties are thought to be a consequence of the inhibition of the key enzymes FAS and CPT1 involved in lipid metabolism. The need for larger amounts of this compound for biological evaluation prompted us to develop a convenient and reliable route to multigram quantities of C75 from easily available ethyl penta-3,4-dienoate 6. A recently described protocol for the addition of 6 to a mixture of dicyclohexylborane and nonanal followed by acidic treatment of the crude afforded lactone 8, as a mixture of cis and trans isomers, in good yield. The DBU-catalyzed isomerization of the methyl esters 9 arising from 8 gave a 10:1 trans/cis mixture from which the trans isomer was isolated and easily transformed into C75. The temporary transformation of C75 into a phenylseleno ether derivative makes its purification, manipulation and storage easier.
Insect societies are paramount examples of cooperation, yet they also harbor internal conflicts whose resolution depends on the power of the opponents. The male-haploid, female-diploid sex-determining system of ants causes workers to be more related to sisters than to brothers, whereas queens are equally related to daughters and sons. Workers should thus allocate more resources to females than to males, while queens should favor an equal investment in each sex. Female-biased sex allocation and manipulation of the sex ratio during brood development suggest that workers prevail in many ant species. Here, we show that queens of Formica selysi strongly influenced colony sex allocation by biasing the sex ratio of their eggs. Most colonies specialized in the production of a single sex. Queens in female-specialist colonies laid a high proportion of diploid eggs, whereas queens in male-specialist colonies laid almost exclusively haploid eggs, which constrains worker manipulation. However, the change in sex ratio between the egg and pupae stages suggests that workers eliminated some male brood, and the population sex-investment ratio was between the queens' and workers' equilibria. Altogether, these data provide evidence for an ongoing conflict between queens and workers, with a prominent influence of queens as a result of their control of egg sex ratio.
OBJECTIVES: Agriculture is considered one of the occupations most at risk of acute or chronic respiratory problems. The aim of our study was to determine from which level of exposure to organic dust the respiratory function is chronically affected in workers involved in wheat grain or straw manipulation and to test if some of these working populations can recover their respiratory function after an exposure decrease. METHOD: 87 workers exposed to wheat dust: farmers, harvesters, silo workers and livestock farmers and 62 non exposed workers, were included into a longitudinal study comprising two visits at a six months interval with lung function measurements and symptom questionnaires. Cumulative and mean exposure to wheat dust were generated from detailed work history of each worker and a task-exposure matrix based on task-specific exposure measurements. Immunoglobulins (IgG and IgE) specific of the most frequent microorganisms in wheat dust have been determined. RESULTS: FEV1 decreased significantly with the cumulative exposure and mean exposure levels. The estimated decrease was close to 200 mL per year of high exposure, which corresponds roughly to levels of wheat dust higher than 10 mg/m(3). Peak expiratory flow and several acute symptoms correlate with recent exposure level. Recovery of the respiratory function six months after exposure to wheat dust and evolution of exposure indicators in workers blood (IgG and IgE) will be discussed. CONCLUSIONS: These results show a chronic effect of exposure to wheat dust on bronchial obstruction. Short term effects and reversibility will be assessed using the full study results.
Polyphosphate (iPOP) is a linear polymer of orthophosphate units linked together by high energy phosphoanhydride bonds. It is found in all organisms, localized in organelles called acidocalcisomes and ranges from a few to few hundred monomers in length. iPOP has been found to play a vast array of roles in all organisms, including phosphate and energy metabolism, regulation of enzymes, virulence, pathogenicity, bone remodelling and blood clotting, among many others. Recently it was found that iPOP levels were increased in myeloma cells. The growing interest in iPOP in human cell lines makes it an interesting molecule to study. However, not much is known about its metabolism in eukaryotes. Acidocalcisomes are electron dense, acidic organelles that belong to the group of Lysosome Related Organelles (LROs). The conservation of acidocalcisomes among all kingdoms of life is suggestive of their important roles for the organisms. However, they are difficult to analyse because of limited biochemical tools for investigation. Yeast vacuoles present remarkable similarities to acidocalcisomes in terms of their physiological and structural features, including synthesis and storage of iPOP, which make them an ideal candidate to study biological processes which are shared between vacuoles and acidocalcisomes. The availability of tools for genetic manipulation and isolation of vacuoles makes yeast a candidate of choice for the characterization of iPOP synthesis in eukaryotes. Our group has identified the Vacuolar Transporter Chaperone (VTC) complex as iPOP polymerase and identified the catalytic subunit (Vtc4). The goal of my study was to characterize the process of iPOP synthesis by isolated vacuoles and to reconstitute iPOP synthesis in liposomes. The first step was to develop a method for monitoring iPOP by isolated vacuoles over time and comparing it with previously known methods. Next, a detailed characterization was performed to determine the modulators of the process, both for intact as well as solubilized vacuoles. Finally, attempts were made to purify the VTC complex and reconstitute it in liposomes. A parallel line of study was the translocation and storage of synthesized iPOP in the lumen of the vacuoles. As a result of this study, it is possible to determine distinct pools of iPOP- inside and outside the vacuolar lumen. Additionally, I establish that the vacuolar lysate withstands harsh steps during reconstitution on liposomes and retains iPOP synthesizing activity. The next steps will be purification of the intact VTC complex and its structure determination by cryo-electron microscopy. - Les organismes vivants sont composés d'une ou plusieurs cellules responsables des processus biologiques élémentaires tels que la digestion, la respiration, la synthèse et la reproduction. Leur environnement interne est en équilibre et ils réalisent un très grand nombre de réactions chimiques et biochimiques pour maintenir cet équilibre. A différents compartiments cellulaires, ou organelles, sont attribuées des tâches spécifiques pour maintenir les cellules en vie. L'étude de ces fonctions permet une meilleure compréhension de la vie et des organismes vivants. De nombreux processus sont bien connus et caractérisés mais d'autres nécessitent encore des investigations détaillées. L'un de ces processus est le métabolisme des polyphosphates. Ces molécules sont des polymères linéaires de phosphate inorganique dont la taille peut varier de quelques dizaines à quelques centaines d'unités élémentaires. Ils sont présents dans tous les organismes, des bactéries à l'homme. Ils sont localisés principalement dans des compartiments cellulaires appelés acidocalcisomes, des organelles acides observés en microscopie électronique comme des structures denses aux électrons. Les polyphosphates jouent un rôle important dans le stockage et le métabolisme de l'énergie, la réponse au stress, la virulence, la pathogénicité et la résistance aux drogues. Chez l'homme, ils sont impliqués dans la coagulation du sang et le remodelage osseux. De nouvelles fonctions biologiques des polyphosphates sont encore découvertes, ce qui accroît l'intérêt des chercheurs pour ces molécules. Bien que des progrès considérables ont été réalisés afin de comprendre la fonction des polyphosphates chez les bactéries, ce qui concerne la synthèse, le stockage et la dégradation des polyphosphates chez les eucaryotes est mal connu. Les vacuoles de la levure Saccharomyces cerevisiae sont similaires aux acidocalcisomes des organismes supérieurs en termes de structure et de fonction. Les acidocalcisomes sont difficiles à étudier car il n'existe que peu d'outils génétiques et biochimiques qui permettent leur caractérisation. En revanche, les vacuoles peuvent être aisément isolées des cellules vivantes et manipulées génétiquement. Les vacuoles comme les acidocalcisomes synthétisent et stockent les polyphosphates. Ainsi, les découvertes faites grâce aux vacuoles de levures peuvent être extrapolées aux acidocalcisomes des organismes supérieurs. Le but de mon projet était de caractériser la synthèse des polyphosphates par des vacuoles isolées. Au cours de mon travail de thèse, j'ai mis au point une méthode de mesure de la synthèse des polyphosphates par des organelles purifés. Ensuite, j'ai identifié des composés qui modulent la réaction enzymatique lorsque celle-ci a lieu dans la vacuole ou après solubilisation de l'organelle. J'ai ainsi pu mettre en évidence deux groupes distincts de polyphosphates dans le système : ceux au-dehors de la vacuole et ceux en-dedans de l'organelle. Cette observation suggère donc très fortement que les vacuoles non seulement synthétisent les polyphosphates mais aussi transfère les molécules synthétisées de l'extérieur vers l'intérieur de l'organelle. Il est très vraisemblable que les vacuoles régulent le renouvellement des polyphosphates qu'elles conservent, en réponse à des signaux cellulaires. Des essais de purification de l'enzyme synthétisant les polyphosphates ainsi que sa reconstitution dans des liposomes ont également été entrepris. Ainsi, mon travail présente de nouveaux aspects de la synthèse des polyphosphates chez les eucaryotes et les résultats devraient encourager l'élucidation de mécanismes similaires chez les organismes supérieurs. - Les polyphosphates (iPOP) sont des polymères linéaires de phosphates inorganiques liés par des liaisons phosphoanhydres de haute énergie. Ces molécules sont présentes dans tous les organismes et localisées dans des compartiments cellulaires appelés acidocalcisomes. Elles varient en taille de quelques dizaines à quelques centaines d'unités phosphate. Des fonctions nombreuses et variées ont été attribuées aux iPOP dont un rôle dans les métabolismes de l'énergie et du phosphate, dans la régulation d'activités enzymatiques, la virulence, la pathogénicité, le remodelage osseux et la coagulation sanguine. Il a récemment été montré que les cellules de myélome contiennent une grande quantité de iPOP. Il y donc un intérêt croissant pour les iPOP dans les lignées cellulaires humaines. Cependant, très peu d'informations sur le métabolisme des iPOP chez les eucaryotes sont disponibles. Les acidocalcisomes sont des compartiments acides et denses aux électrons. Ils font partie du groupe des organelles similaires aux lysosomes (LROs pour Lysosome Related Organelles). Le fait que les acidocalcisomes soient conservés dans tous les règnes du vivant montrent l'importance de ces compartiments pour les organismes. Cependant, l'analyse de ces organelles est rendue difficile par l'existence d'un nombre limité d'outils biochimiques permettant leur caractérisation. Les vacuoles de levures possèdent des aspects structuraux et physiologiques très similaires à ceux des acidocalcisomes. Par exemple, ils synthétisent et gardent en réserve les iPOP. Ceci fait des vacuoles de levure un modèle idéal pour l'étude de processus biologiques conservés chez les vacuoles et les acidocalcisomes. De plus, la levure est un organisme de choix pour l'étude de la synthèse des iPOP compte-tenu de l'existence de nombreux outils génétiques et la possibilité d'isoler des vacuoles fonctionnelles. Notre groupe a identifié le complexe VTC (Vacuole transporter Chaperone) comme étant responsable de la synthèse des iPOP et la sous-unité Vtc4p comme celle possédant l'activité catalytique. L'objectif de cette étude était de caractériser le processus de synthèse des iPOP en utilisant des vacuoles isolées et de reconstituer la synthèse des iPOP dans des liposomes. La première étape a consisté en la mise au point d'un dosage permettant la mesure de la quantité de iPOP synthétisés par les organelles isolés en fonction du temps. Cette nouvelle méthode a été comparée aux méthodes décrites précédemment dans la littérature. Ensuite, la caractérisation détaillée du processus a permis d'identifier des composés modulateurs de la réaction à la fois pour des vacuoles intactes et des vacuoles solubilisées. Enfin, des essais de purification du complexe VTC et sa reconstitution dans des liposomes ont été entrepris. De façon parallèle, une étude sur la translocation et le stockage des iPOP dans le lumen des vacuoles a été menée. Il a ainsi été possible de mettre en évidence différents groupes de iPOP : les iPOP localisés à l'intérieur et ceux localisés à l'extérieur des vacuoles isolées. De plus, nous avons observé que le lysat vacuolaire n'est pas détérioré par les étapes de reconstitution dans les liposomes et conserve l'activité de synthèse des iPOP. Les prochaines étapes consisteront en la purification du complexe intact et de la détermination de sa structure par cryo-microscopie électronique.