987 resultados para Ataxia-telangiectasia Atm
Temporomandibular joint disorders causing limitation of mouth opening and pain may be related to the restriction of slipping or forward displacement of the mandibular condyle. Temporomandibluar arthrocentesis is the lavage of the joint and is regarded as a simple method that produces good results in patients with these symptoms. This article reports a case of disc displacement and closed lock in a patient who reported limited mouth opening and pain as the main symptoms. The treatment proposed was arthrocentesis and lavage, combining a corticosteroid with a sodium hyaluronate solution. It is concluded that arthrocentesis is a simple, efficient and barely invasive method for particular types of temporomandibular joint disorders and should be considered before opting for more invasive surgical procedures.
To determine the prevalence and intensity of orofacial pain in adults that participated in a health program at Ribeirão Preto. Methodology: The study was conducted by a self-administered questionnaire, with 19 questions in 99 people aged 18 to 66 years. The method used for data collection was the index Oral Impacton Daily Performances (OIDP), which evaluated the six months preceding the survey, pain experiences in the mouth, teeth or dentures and how these factors interfere with daily activities. Statistical analysis was performed using Epi Info version 3.4. Results: The majority of the adults who participated in this survey (52.5%) reported having an excellent or good oral health, reported having problems with their teeth (60.6%), no problems with the gums (77.8%), no bad taste in mouth (77.8%) or bad breath (77.8%). Among the participants of the study, 56.6% felt orofacial pain in the last six months and the pain were more frequently caused by cold or hot liquids (30.3%), spontaneous pain (17.2%), during the mouth opening (17.2%), pain in the face (13.1%) and ATM (13.1%). Regarding the severity rate, the highest proportion varied from mild to moderate. Conclusions: Even observing a low severity of orofacial pain, its prevalence was high, which probably has a negative effect on life quality of these people.
Ao paciente é necessário fornecer esclarecimentos sobre as possibilidades terapêuticas, apresentando os riscos, benefícios, prognóstico e custos de cada alternativa possível e indicada. Esta é uma determinação ética e jurídica. Não obstante, o profissional da saúde detém o conhecimento clínico/técnico/científico, e determina quais informações serão (ou não) fornecidas. O paciente decide submeter-se a um tratamento, fornecendo o seu Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido com base nos dados a ele apresentados. Infelizmente, pode ocorrer de alguns profissionais não fornecerem todas as informações necessárias a uma tomada de decisão esclarecida ou, depois de obtido o consentimento do paciente, apresentarem-lhe informação que cause sua desistência do tratamento inicialmente aceito. Esta última informação, se pertinente, e não se tratando de fato superveniente, deveria ter sido fornecida inicialmente. Porém, a informação pode não ser de todo verdadeira, e levar o paciente a decidir baseado, por exemplo, em riscos apresentados e mensurados de forma equivocada. A reabilitação crânio-facial da Articulação Têmporo-Mandibular (ATM), por meio de prótese de ATM, é indicada em muitas situações. Amiúde, pacientes que necessitam de tais próteses apresentam problemas funcionais e estéticos; a expectativa gerada com a reabilitação é grande. Este trabalho apresenta um caso e discute questões éticas e legais, incluindo a responsabilidade civil, do fornecimento parcial e inadequado de esclarecimentos a um paciente.
Temporomandibular disorder describes a variety of conditions including joint and muscle in the stomatognathic system, characterized by pain, TMJ sounds, functions irregular jaw and represent the leading cause of nondental pain in the orofacial region. The objective of this research was to evaluate the prevalence of ophthalmological, otological and cognitive-behavioral changes, parafunctional habits in individuals with temporomandibular disorders (TMD). A total of 117 medical records of female and male individuals, aged 18 to 60 years, from the Occlusion, Temporomandibular Dysfunction and Orofacial Pain of the Ribeirão Preto School of Dentistry – USP, between 2010 and 2011. The anamnesis index proposed by Helkimo was used to classify the individuals according to TMD severity degree and to divide them into two groups: AiI (mild to moderate) with 69 individuals and AiII (severe) with 48 individuals. The groups were then subdivided with respect to gender (72.64% female and 27.36% male) and age. There was predominance in the 18-40 year age group (60.68%) when compared to the 41-60 year age group (39.32%). Data were collected through an interview with questions about the presence of parafunctional habits, otological, ophthalmological and behavioral changes. Data were subjected to the statistical analysis using the Kruskal-Wallis test. The prevalence of each change was also evaluated. The results showed statistically significant for all groups according to gender, age and degree of severity. Individuals with temporomandibular disorders exhibited high prevalence of systemic and local dysfunctions.
Estimation of the lower flammability limits of C-H compounds at 25 degrees C and 1 atm; at moderate temperatures and in presence of diluent was the objective of this study. A set of 120 degrees C H compounds was divided into a correlation set and a prediction set of 60 compounds each. The absolute average relative error for the total set was 7.89%; for the correlation set, it was 6.09%; and for the prediction set it was 9.68%. However, it was shown that by considering different sources of experimental data the values were reduced to 6.5% for the prediction set and to 6.29% for the total set. The method showed consistency with Le Chatelier's law for binary mixtures of C H compounds. When tested for a temperature range from 5 degrees C to 100 degrees C , the absolute average relative errors were 2.41% for methane; 4.78% for propane; 0.29% for iso-butane and 3.86% for propylene. When nitrogen was added, the absolute average relative errors were 2.48% for methane; 5.13% for propane; 0.11% for iso-butane and 0.15% for propylene. When carbon dioxide was added, the absolute relative errors were 1.80% for methane; 5.38% for propane; 0.86% for iso-butane and 1.06% for propylene. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Monte Carlo simulations of water-tetrahydrofuran (THF) mixtures were performed in the isothermal-isobaric ensemble (NPT) at T = 298 K and p = 1 atm. The interaction energy was calculated using the TIP4P model for water and a five-site united atom representation for the THF molecule. The potential energy surfaces for water-THF interactions were obtained by using combining rules and the original potential functions used for pure liquids. Theoretical values obtained for the average interaction energy as a function of concentration are in good agreement with available experimental data. Results from the partitioning of the total interaction energy into water-water, water-THF and THF-THF contributions are presented. These results are useful to distinguish between the quantitative contributions of these molecular interactions to the energetic behavior of the water-THF mixing process. The radial distribution functions for HW-OTHF and OW-OTHF site-site interactions show the salient features of hydrogen-bonded liquids. Comparison of the average number of water-water complexes interacting through hydrogen bonding in water-THF and water-methanol mixtures shows an enhancement of the water-water coordination number in a THF rich environment. © 1995.
Livestock poisoning by plants is a frequent occurrence which determines severe losses, such as the fall in the milk and meat production, the cost of expensive treatments, the state of immunosuppression, or even the animal's death. Cattle ingest toxic plants only when there is food shortage, when they cannot select what they eat, or when they ingest food for preference, which is the case of Hovenia dulcis fruits, very rich in sucrose. This plant is widely distributed in the southern and southeastern Brazilian regions. In literature, there are some cases of severe human liver injury associated with a long-term of H. dulcis leaf and fruit tea intake, and only one report regarding spontaneous poisoning of goats caused by this plant ingestion. However, its toxic effects associated with spontaneous ingestion by cattle have never been reported. This paper reports the first case of spontaneous poisoning in cattle by H. dulcis, which occurred in a dairy farm in southwest Paraná, Brazil. Three cattle individuals showed anorexia, ruminal atony, severe diarrhea and neurological tournament, head pressing, blindness, ataxia, and circling. The necropsy of the animals was done, and the remaining alterations were restricted to the digestive system and brain. The clinical signs presented by the animals are characteristic of polioencephalomalacia (PEM), caused by changes in the thiamine metabolism. Furthermore, clinical signs, gross, and microscopic lesions as well as the large amount of the plant throughout the digestive segment led to a diagnosis.
The sol-gel process is a method for obtaining vitreous or vitro-ceramic materials which, are prepared a sol and by drying the liquid phase. This technique has been used extensively for the preparation of glassy gels, films, fibers and particles from the hydrolysis and polycondensation reactions of metal alkoxides. The usual methods for drying are: evaporation drying (xerogels), freeze drying (criogéis) and via supercritical CO2 extraction (aerogels). In the present work, we studied the preparation of silica gels by the sol-gel process from the hydrolysis of alkoxides tetraethylorthosilicate (TEOS) and 3-glycidoxypropyltrimethoxysilane (GPTS). The hydrolysis was promoted from GPTS and TEOS in proportion (4: 1) under acidic conditions. The hydrolysis reaction was promoted inside a Becker at room temperature. After hydrolyses the prepared sol had pH 2, and kept under mechanical agitation for a period of 1 hour. In order to accelerate the polycondensation reaction, the pH was corrected to a value near 5 by slowly adding NH4OH. Then the sols were leaked in sealed polycarbonate containers and maintained for 20 days at 40°C for gelation. Silica aerogels were prepared via supercritical CO2 extraction of the wet gel at temperature and pressure higher than 31°C and 74 atm, in an autoclave specially developed for the process. The structural characteristics were studied in the dry gel (aerogel). Aerogels were then characterized by nitrogen adsorption and small angle light scattering. The nitrogen adsorption data were analyzed for the determination of the BET specific surface (SBET), the total pore volume Vp, the pore mean size (lP=4Vp/SBET), the particle mean size (lS) and the pore size distribution (PSD). And the data from small angle light scattering were analyzed to determine the correlation function (γ'), the area per unit volume (S/V), average pore size (l ) and the average particle size...
A técnica milenar da Acupuntura vem sendo empregada na Odontologia e obtendo bons resultados em diversas situações. Analgesia, relaxamento muscular e inflamação vêm sendo controlados, demonstrando assim conexão entre Acupuntura e redução de certas sintomatologias. As reações locais e à distância necessitam de correto posicionamento das agulhas assim como integridade do sistema nervoso, e são decorrentes da liberação de neurotransmissores (noradrenalina, acetilcolina, serotoninas e dopamina). Dentro da Odontologia, podemos nos utilizar dos seus efeitos no pré e pós operatório, em xerostomia, cefaléias, trismos, disfunção de ATM por estresse, parestesias, paresias, ansiedade, entre outras condições. Nos casos de disfunção de Articulação Temporomandibular por hiperatividade muscular, podemos utilizar a Acupuntura ao invés de relaxante muscular e antiinflamatório. Nesse trabalho, apresentaremos um caso clínico (paciente MCH, 23 anos, gênero feminino), a qual apresentava crises de dor de cabeça (região temporal), fazendo uso constante de medicação analgésica e antiinflamatória, o diagnóstico estabelecido foi Dor Muscular Local associado à hiperatividade muscular. Através do uso da Acupuntura, após aplicações semanais por 3 meses, houve remissão da dor por completo.
O tratamento de indivíduos totalmente desdentados, desde os primórdios dos conceitos e fundamentos da reabilita-ção oral, tem sido um grande desafio para os profissionais da odontologia, especialmente em relação à retenção, suporte e estabilidade das próteses totais. Esses pré-requisitos protéticos estão geralmente deficientes em pacientes que apresentam um longo período de desdentamento, com grande atrofia e reabsor-ção dos rebordos alveolares, especialmente no arco mandibular. Com o advento da implantodontia e com a evolução sequencial dos estudos envolvendo o processo de osseointegração essa filosofia se tornou otimizada pelas próteses totais fixas implantossuportadas, denominadas próteses protocolo, repre-sentando uma modalidade clinicamente previsível no âmbito da dontologia moderna. Com base nessa premissa, o objetivo do presente trabalho é elucidar a sequência clínica de uma reabilitação total bimaxilar, conjugando-se uma prótese total convencional superior e uma prótese protocolo inferior.
Temporomandibular disorders (TMD) are related to discomfort in the temporomandibular joint (TMJ). These diseases are multifactorial and treatment usually requires a combination of different approaches because each patient presents with different and usually complex needs. It is necessary to know how each expert should plan for a successful treatment.
Um equino macho, raça Manga Larga, de 20 dias de idade, pesando 55 kg foi atendido no Hospital Veterinário “Luiz Quintiliano de Oliveira” com histórico de queda no dia anterior, apresentando impotência funcional e desvio do eixo ósseo do membro pélvico esquerdo (MPE). Ao exame radiográfico, constatou-se uma fratura classificada como Salter- Harris tipo II, na região distal da tíbia esquerda, com indicação para osteossíntese. Ao exame físico geral, observou-se frequência cardíaca (FC) de 82 batimentos.min-1, frequência respiratória (f) de 60 movimentos.min-1, mucosas róseas, tempo de preenchimento capilar de dois segundos, temperatura retal (ToC) de 38,5oC e hidratação adequada. Como medicação pré-anestésica, administrou-se xilazina (0,5 mg.kg-1) IV. A indução foi realizada por meio da administração de midazolam (0,1mg.kg-1) e cetamina (2mg.kg-1) IV. Seguiu-se a intubação orotraqueal com sonda n o 12 conectando-se a um circuito anestésico com reinalação parcial de gases, e a manutenção foi realizada com isofluorano em fluxo diluente de oxigênio a 100%, sob ventilação espontânea. Realizou-se a técnica de anestesia peridural com o paciente em decúbito lateral direito, introduzindo uma agulha 30x8 percutaneamente até atingir o espaço peridural entre as vértebras L6 e S1, onde se administrou lidocaína a 2% (2,2mg.kg-1) com vasoconstritor, perfazendo um volume de 6 mLs. Adicionalmente foi realizado o bloqueio perineural dos nervos tibial e fibular do membro acometido, com administração de 5 mLs de lidocaína a 2% com vasoconstritor em cada ponto. A administração de anestésicos locais pela via peridural na região L6 – S1 não é rotineiramente usada em equinos, uma vez que provoca ataxia ou perda do tônus muscular, aumentando os riscos relacionados à intervenção anestésica. No entanto, a recuperação do potro nesse relato de caso foi rápida e isenta de complicações, provalvelmente proporcionando anestesia multimodal e consequentemente menor depressão cardiovascular. A associação da anestesia peridural e bloqueio dos nervos tibial e fibular à anestesia geral, pode ser uma alternativa para intervenções cirúrgicas em membros pélvicos de potros, uma vez que demonstrou ser efetiva e de fácil execução.
This paper studies attained microstructures and reactive mechanisms involved in vacuum infiltration of copper aluminate preforms with liquid aluminium. At high temperatures, under vacuum, the inherent alumina film enveloping the metal is overcome, and aluminium is expected to reduce copper aluminate, rendering alumina and copper. Under this approach, copper aluminate toils as a controlled infiltration path for aluminium, resulting in reactive wetting and infiltration of the preforms. Ceramic preforms containing a mixture of Al2O3 and CuAl2O4 were infiltrated with aluminium under distinct vacuum levels and temperatures, and the resulting reaction and infiltration behaviour is discussed. Copper aluminates stability ranges depend on vacuum level and oxygen partial pressure, which determine both CuAl2O4 and CuAlO2 ability for liquid aluminium infiltration. At 1100 °C and 0.76 atm vacuum level CuAl2O4 is stable, indicating pO2 above 0.11 atm. Reactive infiltration is achieved via reaction between aluminium and CuAl2O4; however, fast formation of an alumina film blocking liquid aluminium wicking results in incipient infiltration. At 1000 °C and 3.8 × 10−7 atm vacuum level, CuAlO2 decomposes to Cu and Al2O3 indicating a pO2 below 6.0 × 10−7 atm; infiltration of the ceramic is hindered by the non-wetting behaviour of the resulting metal alloy. At 1000 °C and 1.9 × 10−6 atm vacuum level CuAlO2 is stable, indicating pO2 above 6.0 × 10−7 atm. Extensive infiltration is achieved via redox reaction between aluminium and CuAlO2, rendering a microstructure characterised by uniform distribution of alumina particles amid an aluminium matrix. This work evidences that liquid aluminium infiltration upon copper aluminate-rich preforms is a feasible route to produce Al–matrix alumina-reinforced composites. The associated reduction reaction renders alumina, as fine particulate composite reinforcements, and copper, which dissolves in liquid aluminium contributing as a matrix strengthener.
As mamas de Angelina Jolie e as relações de corpo, cultura e comunicação no discurso da revista Veja
This article analyzes the representation made by Veja magazine about american actress Angelina Jolie about the news about her preventive double mastectomy wich she was submitted. Based on the reflections of Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari on discourse analysis this article does not cramp about the contributions of linguistics. These reflections contribute to the understanding of this fact within the media landscape to control and discipline the body.
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)