789 resultados para Armazenagem da informação, estudo de caso, Brasil
The work consisted in analyzing how public relations can contribute to the development and application of the concept of employer branding. It also aims to bring contributions to the understanding of how the areas of communication, marketing and human resources, curriculum studied in Public Relations, can assist the professional performance. Based on data collected in the management of the partnership between AIESEC of Brazil and Votorantim, based on the information acquired through observation and participation in AIESEC, it was possible to reflect on how and why the PR professional is able to work in the development of positioning a company as good employer brand
O Brasil sempre teve a característica de receber e abrigar os mais diversos povos, que procuram adaptar sua cultura e seus conhecimentos ao novo local. Alguns municípios possuem características muito fortes dessa adaptação, e um dos casos é o município de Holambra, no interior do estado de São Paulo. No local onde se localizava a colônia de imigração e agora se localiza o município, foi iniciada uma colônia de imigração holandesa. Os colonos passaram a ser direcionados pela Cooperativa, criada para auxiliar a colonização e adaptação ao novo país. O compartilhamento de experiências fez com que a colonização fosse muito bem sucedida. Até os dias atuais, muitos costumes adquiridos da experiência ainda são utilizados, como é o caso do uso de Cooperativas para auxilio na produção agrícola, além da troca de experiências, entre os cooperados, positivas e bastante focadas atualmente no meio ambiente. O trabalho em questão associa a imigração, o cooperativismo e a experiência de um produtor rural no município de Holambra, para mostrar como os laços e contatos criados na sociedade podem melhorar a sustentabilidade do meio ambiente.
In view of the current environmental concerns and legal requirements, this work aims to achieve a diagnosis and offer subsidies for development of an environmental management plan in an industry. The industry considered to be a subject of study of this research is the aviculture, considered its great importance in Brazil and to present a significant environmental impact. The unit of analysis is a chicken slaughterhouse, located in Rio Claro, SP. The developed methodology for identification and analysis of environmental significative aspects were based in the concepts of environmental impact and in the ABNT NBR ISO 14.001:2004. From the analysis of selected aspects, this research proposed several environmental indicators for the company and identified points of environmental improvement. The results of this study provide methods for identifying its environmental aspects and development of its environmental management plan to chicken slaughterhouse and also to other companies.
Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo de examinar as estratégias de expansão das firmas brasileiras do setor de carnes (bovina, suína e avícola) para além das fronteiras nacionais a partir da literatura sobre internacionalização de empresas. Essa literatura aponta fatores como a origem do capital, o grau de internacionalização da empresa, o setor de atuação, entre outros, como importantes condicionantes que afetam esse processo. No entanto, vários desses fatores não são diretamente aplicáveis aos casos brasileiros, caracterizado por uma internacionalização tardia e, em alguns casos, rápida. Para este estudo foram selecionadas três empresas nacionais do setor de carnes que apresentam diferentes estágios de internacionalização: JBS-Friboi, Marfrig, Brasil-Foods (Perdigão e Sadia). As informações selecionadas sobre cada empresas foram reunidas em dossiês corporativos, e analisadas através de estudos de casos, permitiram examinar e comparar as estratégias globais das empresas. Os resultados permitem concluir que as duas primeiras empresas demonstram uma estratégia agressiva de internacionalização (em certa medida a primeira fazendo o papel de líder e a segunda de seguidora e, por isso, complementares em posicionamento nos diferentes mercados regionais), enquanto a terceira se mantém nas etapas iniciais desse processo, fortemente vinculadas às exportações a partir do Brasil
Técnicas construtivas e procedimentos sustentáveis – estudo de caso: edifício na cidade de São Paulo
The environmental problems generated by construction activity have been widely discussed in Brazil, which has begun to incorporate sustainable building techniques in your ventures. Based on these facts, this work focused on addressing the main characteristics of a sustainable building project. Among them are water conservation, energy efficiency in buildings, managing a construction site with little environmental impact and reuse of materials and construction elements. This work, after the presentation of the main characteristics of a sustainable building project, shows a case study about the implementation of environmental certification LEED Gold level in a large building, located in São Paulo - SP, Brazil. With that, we want to produce a research document about the topic of sustainable buildings
No Brasil é visível que existe uma falta de Orquestras considerando sua população. Com esse fato, o trabalho propõe uma análise de caso para que se possa entender a real situação do país em relação a Orquestras, quais as dificuldades de criação e que recursos existem para apoiar a criação e manutenção das mesmas. O projeto analisado é a “Orquestra Jovem”, de Araraquara, Interior de São Paulo. Embora Araraquara já tenha certa tradição em música, até pouco tempo não havia um grupo musical de qualidade que a representasse. Nos últimos anos houve a iniciativa por parte da Secretaria da Cultura em formar tal orquestra, porém com muita dificuldade principalmente em relação ao orçamento, além de ser limitada a participação de um órgão público em leis de incentivo. Empresa especialista em promoção de programas culturais contribuiu, tornando possível inserir o projeto numa lei de incentivo, na Lei Rouanet. As leis de incentivos, tais como a lei Rouanet, o Proac, entre outras, funcionam da seguinte maneira: Aprovado o projeto do proponente, o mesmo vai à busca da capitação de recursos, sendo possível captar das empresas patrocinadoras recursos através do Imposto de Renda, no caso da lei Rouanet, ou do ICMS, no caso do ProAC, ambos deduzidos na prestação de contas da empresa. Existem basicamente dois meios de criar e manter uma orquestra: por iniciativa pública, ou por iniciativa privada suportada por leis de incentivo as quais não só facilitam as questões orçamentárias, mas também apresentam problemas burocráticos, tanto para a aprovação do projeto como para captação de recursos. O presente trabalho se propõe a orientar os interessados na criação de Orquestras, com pleno uso de Leis de Incentivo e formas de captação de recursos da iniciativa privada, com a aplicação de metodologia observada no referido caso.
The proper management of materials storage is essential to supply the needs of production and reduce the inventory costs. Moreover, an effective layout contributes to improve the productivity and reduce the operational costs of a warehouse. This way, the purpose of this study was: to propose an expansion project to the warehouse of a factory in the food sector, suggesting a layout that best fit their needs and to verify its economic feasibility. To achieve this goal, it was applied methods such as ABC curve, spaghetti diagram and concepts of economics engineering to the analysis of investment in the project. The results showed that the second layout model was better than the first, supporting the storage capacity required by the company and presenting an internal movement more efficient. However, with the investment analysis, it was found that it was not feasible, given the conditions of the company, investing in the expansion of the warehouse
O presente trabalho procura colocar a tona – a partir de leituras bibliográficas, conversas e entrevistas com donos de cartórios – a questão fundiária no Brasil, mais especificamente no município de Araraquara; tendo como eixo estruturante a evolução histórica, as leis e a legislação que regem essa instituição; além disso, há uma discussão sobre as teorias a respeito dos direitos de propriedade e custos de transação. Por fim, serão calculados os dispêndios para a compra/venda de uma propriedade rural, observando o porquê de alguns donos de imóveis rurais não registram, ou quando o fazem não é acompanhado do cadastro que compete ao INCRA
The metropolitan region of São Paulo is the most populous of the country, this happens because of its great importance in the national economy and the job opportunities that are offered to the population. These factors result in intense population growth and urban expansion, reaching some non-habitable places of the metropolis, as areas of pipelines, which are very important for the transportation of natural gas, oil and its derivatives. Before the population growth of the region, these sites were unoccupied, do not presenting problems for the population. However, with the disorderly occupation is generated great anthropogenic pressure on the pipeline stitches, causing risks to people who are around them. Therefore it is extremely important to monitor the strip of pipelines through products and techniques of remote sensing and geoprocessing, enabling, through high spatial resolution images, identification of objects or phenomena that occur on Earth's surface that can alter the functioning and safety of pipelines. Therefore, this study aims to monitor a stretch of the area of the pipeline mesh GASPAL/OSVAT and Capuava Refinery (RECAP), located on the outskirts of the metropolitan area of São Paulo in the city of Mauá, who suffer great human pressure, proving thus the techniques of remote sensing and geographic information system (GIS) as effective tools for monitoring phenomena occurred in urban areas of great complexity. The monitoring was done by object-based classification applied in orbital images Ikonos II and RapidEye, of high spatial resolution and, image processing, detection of objects, segmentation, classification and editing were developed through the eCognition and ArcGis softwares. To determine the statistical accuracy of the mapping of the land cover of the stretch of pipeline in Maua, the results were analyzed by error matrix... (Complete abstract click electronic access below)
TThis work deals with present how to increase the accuracy of productivity indicators, aiming to increase the information accuracy of performance indicators and propose improvements to the process in question, more specifically to improve the visualization of information from these indicators for all hierarchical levels of the company, and then make possible use them to assist in the processes of decision making and planning of the production process. We start with an analysis of the current process to be studied seeking sources of information losses during the production process. Afterwards, a specific analysis of the points considered critical, so alternatives are raised for improvements to these points. This project has some specific tools and methodologies that guide the development of work which are required of any project carried out in the company
La circulation urbaine dans les villes brésiliennes a été marquée par l'influence directe de l'automobile. Grâce aux possibilités découlant de l'automobile, les villes se développent de plus en plus désordonnées et exigent la création de nouveaux moyens pour maintenir le flux du trafic. Cependant, la création de nouvelles routes est venu de collaborer avec les embouteillages, parce que plus les routes ont été construites, plus elles ont généré le besoin de transport. La question du développement durable a commencé à être traités de 1987 et alors, les premières idées pour résoudre, entre autres, le problème de la circulation urbaine. Une des solutions suggérées par les études est l'utilisation de transports non-motorisés. Ainsi, le vélo est devenu le grand pari pour un transport plus durable. Au Brésil, le vélo est largement utilisé, mais n'est pas considéré comme un réel moyen de transport, qui conduit à de mauvais investissements et incitations. Par conséquent, des mesures sont nécessaires pour encourager le transport à vélo pour se obtenir, avec d'autres mesures, un transport plus durable. Enfin, l'étude de cas dans deux villes, Guaratinguetá et Lorena, montre l'influence de l'automobile dans la formation de ces deux villes, qui a fini par nuire les autres modes de transport qui auraient pu être mieux utilisés
A erosão genética de espécies domesticadas, provocada pelos processos associados a Revolução Verde despertou o interesse mundial pela agrobiodiversidade manejada em sistemas agrícolas de pequena escala onde situam-se agricultores familiares. Propostas de conservação in situ e/ou on farm têm sido elaboradas. No Brasil, a agricultura familiar tem grande importância na produção de alimentos e a mandioca (Manihot esculenta Crantz) é a espécie que se sobressai, sendo a agricultura familiar responsável por 87% da sua produção. O presente estudo teve como objetivos: um levantamento etnobotânico dos cultivos alimentícios de raízes e tubérculos de agricultores familiares do município de Rio Claro, São Paulo; e analisar aspectos sócio-econômicos visando estratégias para a conservação in situ de variedades por eles cultivadas e potencial continuidade das atividades pelas gerações futuras. Foram entrevistados 31 agricultores, em sua maioria homens, usando o método “Bola de neve”, distribuídos entre nove bairros ou distritos rurais da cidade de Rio Claro. As entrevistas realizadas para coleta dos dados foram semi-estruturadas, tanto para dados sócioeconômicos como para os dados sobre as variedades reconhecidas pelos agricultores. As entrevistas foram realizadas nos sítios dos agricultores e suas áreas de cultivo foram visitadas, onde foram feitas coletas botânicas. Os dados foram analisados de forma qualitativa utilizando-se gráficos e tabelas e descrições do estudo de caso. A espécie predominante da amostra foi a mandioca. Os agricultores mostraram possuir fatores positivos que os caracterizam como mantenedores da diversidade agrícola, como o fato de cultivarem etnovariedades de mandioca diversas e terem um sistema de caracterização e reconhecimento delas de base empírica, contudo, estes agricultores perderam, em sua maioria... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo)
This work consists of the implementation of the steps Define, Measure , Analyze , Improve and Control ( DMAIC ) to develop a Six Sigma project in an industry the food industry. The objective was to demonstrate a potential for reducing the occurrence of crushed cans in potting milk powder industry in a White Belt project. The food industry accounts for about 9 % of Brazil's gross domestic product ( GDP ), generating thousands of jobs . Among the major sectors of the food industry is the manufacturing sector of milk , occupies approximately 10 % of the total turnover of the food industry . Brazil is considered today one of the eight largest producers of milk powder in the world. The milk powder is packed , mostly for aluminum cans that are lined internally with varnishes and other materials to protect the milk of metals from aluminum. When the cans are dented food protection is compromised and may lead ingestion causing dis-eases such as botulism. Aiming to solve the problem of dented cans methodology was used as a case study with a quantitative approach through the DMAIC method. Some quality tools used in each step of the project as brainstorming , cause and effect diagram , flowchart , ef-fort and impact matrix, 5W1H , among other Pareto diagram is presented . A survey about the disposal of cans in the company verifying a mean loss and, from this histor-ical , a goal loss was calculated was performed . With the target set we calculated the annual saving design . During application of DMAIC was found that the highest rate of loss occurred in transportation between the factory and the factory that fills cans milk . Several actions were taken to resolve problems that resulted in dented cans and the first two months of phase control it was found that the smaller losses calculated target resulting in a saving for the company. The short time of implementa-tion of the Improve phase did not allow a more detailed a ...
The sugarcane agribusiness has expanded by Brazil in recent years, especially with government incentives, which funded the construction and expansion of distilleries and sugar mills and alcohol throughout the national territory, as well as the expansion of the cultivation of sugarcane sugar. The state of São Paulo is the main focus of expansion in the sector, and its municipalities impacted significantly. The Pontal do Paranapanema is one of the last frontiers of cane sugar in the state, so that the culture has brought transformations mainly from 2003. Thus, we take the case of the municipality of Martinópolis analysis, which investigated some transformations in economic dynamics from 2004, the year he began the deployment of Plant Athena. For this, we conducted interviews with several subjects and analyzed statistical data from IBGE, LUPA, MAPA and CANASAT. Aware that these changes are limited to the capitalist market economy, we analyze the benefits and disadvantages brought by the activity of the plant for the population as part of economic growth characteristic of this scenario, taking it to the very prospect of local subjects. Alongside this growth, all other forms of inequality and exploitation of surplus value also grow which is not understood or perceived by residents. Hence the need to confront views and discourses on development promoted by the alcohol sector
In the information society, the use of Technologies has been incorporated to our quotidian. The use of personal computers and internet, however, does not reach to all the individuals, creating the problem of digital exclusion. Nowadays, many inclusion politics are being developed to diminish the digital abyss in society, in a way to enable a plural access to the internet. Between these initiatives, we highlight the projects of digital inclusion among the elderly, slice of the population that grows more each day and seek quality of life, social reinclusion and health. In this context, the open universities for the elderly bring to the aged courses and workshops, in order to encourage the activity in this age group. An example of this idea is the Unati of UNESP Bauru, that develops the project “Terceira Idade Digital”. This work aims to analyze the relation between the elderly with certain technologies, apart from showing the digital inclusion scenario, with its delays and progresses