643 resultados para Arès


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L'énergie solaire est une source d'énergie renouvelable et naturellement disponible partout sur terre. Elle est donc tout indiquée pour remplacer à long terme une part importante des combustibles fossiles dans le portrait énergétique mondial. Comme toutes les formes d'énergie utilisées par la société, l'énergie solaire n'échappe pas aux lois économiques et son adoption dépend directement du coût par unité d'énergie produite. Plusieurs recherches et développements technologiques cherchent à réduire ce coût par différents moyens. Une de ces pistes est l'intégration de deux technologies solaires, la technologie photovoltaïque et la technologie thermique, au sein d'un même système. La conception d'un tel système pose plusieurs défis technologiques, le plus important étant sans contredit la compétition entre la quantité d'électricité produite et la qualité de la chaleur. En effet, ces deux variables varient de manière opposée par rapport à la température~: le rendement des cellules photovoltaïques a tendance à diminuer à haute température alors que la valeur utile de l'énergie thermique tend à augmenter. Une conception judicieuse d'un système photovoltaïque/thermique (PV/T) devra donc prendre en compte et connaître précisément le comportement d'une cellule à haute température. Le présent projet propose de concevoir un système permettant la caractérisation de cellules photovoltaïques sur une large plage de température. Premièrement, une revue de littérature pose les bases nécessaires à la compréhension des phénomènes à l'origine de la variation de la performance en fonction de la température. On expose également différents concepts de système PV/T et leur fonctionnement, renforçant ainsi la raison d'être du projet. Deuxièmement, une modélisation théorique d'une cellule photovoltaïque permet de définir grossièrement le comportement attendu à haute température et d'étudier l'importance relative de la variation du courant photogénéré et de la tension en circuit ouvert. Ce modèle sera plus tard comparé à des résultats expérimentaux. Troisièmement, un banc d'essais est conçu et fabriqué d'après une liste de critères et de besoins. Ce banc permet d'illuminer une cellule, de faire varier sa température de -20 °C à 200 °C et de mesurer la courbe I-V associée. Le système est partiellement contrôlé par un PC et la température est asservie par un contrôleur de type PID. Le banc a été conçu de manière à ce que la source de lumière soit aisément échangeable si un spectre différent est désiré. Finalement, le comportement du montage est validé en caractérisant une cellule au silicium et une autre à base de InGaP. Les résultats sont comparés aux prédictions du modèle et aux données de la littérature. Une étude d'incertitude permet également de cibler la source principale de bruit dans le système et propose des pistes d'améliorations à ce propos.


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There is a concern that artificial reefs (AR) may act purely as fishing aggregation devices. Predators attracted to ARs can influence the distribution and abundance of prey fish species. Determining the role of predators in AR is important in advancing the understanding of community interactions. This paper documents the effects of predation on fish assemblages of AR located near a coastal lagoon fish nursery. The Dicentrarchus labrax is a very opportunistic species preying on juveniles (0(+) and 1(+) age classes) of several demersal fish species on the ARs. Reef prey and sea bass abundance were negatively correlated. The mean numbers of prey per sea bass stomach increased with the increase of reef fish prey abundance, suggesting that predation has a significant influence, resulting in a decrease in prey abundance. Prey mortality (4-48%) of demersal reef fish associated species depends on bass density. Prey selection was related both with prey abundance and vulnerability. Results showed that D. labrax predation on AR-fish associated species can increase prey natural mortality. However, the role of bass predation on the ecological functioning of exploited ARs is not clear. There may be increases in local fishing yields due either to an increase in predator biomass through aggregation of sea bass attracted to ARs or to greater production. In contrast, predation on juveniles of economically important reef fish preys, especially the most frequent and abundant (Boops boops), can contribute to a decrease in recruitment to the fishery. Our results indicate that inter-specific interactions (predator-prey) are important in terms of conservation and management, as well as for the evaluation of the long-term effects of reef deployment. Thus, it is necessary to consider ecological interactions, such as predation, prior to the development and deployment of artificial habitats as a tool for rehabilitation.


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Skeletal maturity is used to evaluate biological maturity status. Information about the association between socio-economic status (SES) and skeletal maturity is limited in Portugal. Aims: The aim of this study is to document the skeletal maturity of youths in Madeira and to evaluate variation in maturity associated with SES. Subjects and methods: The study involved 507 subjects (256 boys and 251 girls) from the Madeira Growth Study, a mixed-longitudinal study of five cohorts (8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 years of age) followed at yearly intervals over 3 years (1996–1998). A total of 1493 observations were made. Skeletal age was estimated from radiographs of the hand and wrist using the Tanner–Whitehouse 2 method (TW2). Social class rankings were based on Graffar’s (1956) method. Five social rankings were subsequently grouped into three SES categories: high, average and low. Results: Median for the radius, ulna and short finger bones (RUS scores) in the total sample of boys and girls increased curvilinearly across age whereas median for the 7 (without pisiform) carpal bones (Carpal scores) increased almost linearly. The 20-bone maturity scores demonstrated distinctive trends by gender: the medians for boys increased almost linearly while the medians for girls increased curvilinearly. SES differences were minimal. Only among children aged 10–11 years were high SES boys and girls advanced in skeletal maturity. Madeira adolescents were advanced in skeletal maturity compared with Belgian reference values. Conclusion: The data suggests population variation in TW2 estimates of skeletal maturation. Skeletal maturity was not related to SES in youths from Madeira.


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El presente estudio tiene como objetivo determinar la relación que existe entre la implementación de un sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo (SGSST), y la frecuencia y la severidad de la accidentalidad en la industria de la construcción en Colombia. Para ello se seleccionaron 35 empresas que realizan actividades relacionadas con la edificación, infraestructura e interventoría, que hubiesen implementado un SGSST para la intervención de los riesgos de accidentes y que contaran con la evaluación del mismo. La evaluación del SGSST está enmarcada en cinco dimensiones o criterios: planeación, política, implementación, manejo integral del accidente y revisión por la gerencia. Cada una evaluada a través de diferentes requisitos y se presentan en una escala de 1 a 10, siendo 10 el nivel más alto del cumplimiento por requisito. Teniendo los resultados de esta calificación, la tasa (proporción entre los accidentes reportados y los trabajadores de cada empresa) y los días de incapacidad (ausentismo por accidente de trabajo), se realizó un análisis de las medidas descriptivas consolidado por las empresas del estudio: tendencia central y dispersión para número de trabajadores, tasa de accidentalidad, días de incapacidad y el resultado de los totales de cada criterio de la evaluación y el gran total. Para estudiar la relación entre los resultados de la evaluación y los indicadores de tasa y días, se llevó a cabo un análisis de correlación y regresión lineal entre los indicadores de accidentalidad y los resultados de las puntuaciones de los criterios. Esta correlación se realizó tanto para la primera evaluación como para la segunda. En las dos mediciones las correlaciones fueron negativas mostrando que existe una disminución en la tasa de accidentalidad y días de incapacidad entre una evaluación y la otra. En el análisis de regresión, en la primera evaluación por cada unidad que aumentó la calificación global, se presentó una reducción de la tasa de frecuencia de 0.140. En la segunda evaluación por cada unidad que aumentó la calificación global, la tasa se redujo en 0.159. Ambos hallazgos soportan la necesidad de implementar un SGSST para ayudar a reducir el número inaceptable de lesiones y enfermedades en la industria de la construcción.


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Este estudio de caso pretende explicar los efectos del actual del régimen de propiedad intelectual de obtenciones en la seguridad y la soberanía alimentaria de México. A pesar de algunos esfuerzos hechos por parte del Estado Mexicano por defender y apoyar el modo de producción familiar a pequeña escala, los efectos de este régimen y de la liberalización del comercio han llevado a que se desarrolle más el modo de producción agrícola industrial al cual suelen acceder principalmente los medianos y grandes productores agrícolas, afectando la seguridad y la soberanía alimentaria de México.


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La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es la demencia más frecuente y su prevalencia continúa en aumento tanto en Colombia como en el mundo. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo explorar si las actitudes hacia la EA varían según la edad y género de 450 personas adultas colombianas. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio de corte transversal en el que se aplicó un cuestionario autodiligenciado. Se encontró que efectivamente hay algunas diferencias según la edad y el género en el componente cognoscitivo (creencias y conocimiento) y conductual (intención conductual y conducta) de las actitudes; y diferencias según el género en el componente afectivo. Se concluye que los conocimientos sobre la EA son escasos, que la tristeza es la emoción predominante hacia la EA y que es un tema de interés en el que predomina la idea de que afecta especialmente la memoria. Se discutieron los resultados reconociendo que esta es una aproximación inicial a las actitudes hacia la EA.


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El interés de esta monografía es analizar la influencia de la globalización como proceso mundial y el neoliberalismo como política económica frente a la definición de políticas educativas. Tiene como objetivo analizar la manera en que se han modificado los conceptos de autonomía y democracia universitaria en la universidad pública colombiana, en el marco de la globalización y a través de la educación por competencias desde 1992 hasta el 2013. Con base en una aproximación conceptual de los términos de autonomía y democracia universitaria a través de elementos teóricos e históricos, se analizará como el actual sistema educativo colombiano y la educación por competencias ha modificado los conceptos de autonomía y democracia universitaria en la universidad pública colombiana.


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Carrot (Daucus carota L.) is a biennial plant that accumulates considerable amounts of carotenoid pigments in the storage root. To better understand the molecular mechanisms for carotenoid accumulation in developing storage roots, plastid terminal oxidase (PTOX) cDNA was isolated and selected for reverse-transcription quantitative polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR). Present in photosynthetic species, PTOX is a plastid-located, nucleus encoded plastoquinone (PQ)-O2 oxidoreductase (plastioquinol oxidase). The enzyme is known to play a role as a cofactor for phytoene desaturase, and consequently plays a key role in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway. A single PTOX gene was identified (DcPTOX) in carrot. DcPTOX encodes a putative protein with 366 amino acids that contains the typical structural features of PTOXs from higher plants. The expression of DcPTOX was analysed during the development of white, yellow, orange, red, and purple carrot roots, along with five genes known to be involved in the carotenoid biosynthesis pathway, PSY2, PDS, ZDS1, LCYB1, and LCYE. Expression analysis revealed the presence of DcPTOX transcripts in all cultivars, and an increase of transcripts during the time course of the experiment, with differential expression among cultivars in early stages of root growth. Our results demonstrated that DcPTOX showed a similar profile to that of other carotenoid biosynthetic genes with high correlation to all of them. The preponderant role of PSY in the biosynthesis of carotenoid pigments was also confirmed.


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O presente relatório é resultado do estágio curricular, 11º semestre do Mestrado Integrado em Medicina Veterinária. Este decorreu em duas instituições de referência veterinária em Barcelona (Hospital ARS Veterinária e Hospital Veterinari Montjuïc) e permitiu melhorar e integrar os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do curso. O relatório é composto por três partes: introdução, que situa temporal e espacialmente, relatório de casuística, que abrange todas as atividades realizadas e assistidas, e monografia. A monografia consiste na descrição de uma afeção neurológica, muito comum em Cavalier king charles spaniel, designada de siringomielia. A monografia inicia-se com uma revisão bibliográfica e termina com o relato de quatro casos clínicos acompanhados no Hospital ARS Veterinário; ABSTRACT: Small animal practice This report is the result of the traineeship in the 11th semester of the Integrated Master degree in Veterinary Medicine. It took place in two veterinary reference institutions in Barcelona (hospital ARS veterinary and hospital Veterinari Montjuïc) and contributed to improve and integrate the knowledge acquired throughout the course. The report consists in three parts: Introduction, which locates temporally and spatially, the sample report covering all activities, and monograph. The monography is the description of a neurological disorder, very common in Cavalier king charles spaniel, designated syringomyelia. The monography begins with a literature review and ends with the description of four clinical cases followed in ARS veterinary hospital.


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O presente relatório apresenta as atividades desenvolvidas no estágio decorrido no Hospital Ars Veterinaria. A primeira parte do relatório refere-se ao relatório de casuística com apresentação de casos e procedimentos acompanhados. A segunda refere-se à monografia com o tema “Opções terapêuticas em hemangiossarcoma canino” e encontra-se ilustrada por três casos clínicos. O hemangiossarcoma é uma neoplasia descrita com origem endotelial, devido à aparência histológica, no entanto descobertas recentes sugerem que provém de células progenitoras hematopoiéticas. Os sinais clínicos são inespecíficos e variáveis. A localização mais comum é o baço, embora ocorra noutras localizações. O diagnóstico requer o estadiamento tumoral e para ser completo deve incluir hematologia e bioquímica sérica, provas de coagulação, exames imagiológicos e confirmação histopatológica. O tratamento base é cirúrgico associado a protocolos quimioterápicos baseados em doxorrubicina. Novas terapias começam a ser investigadas de forma a melhorar os tempos de sobrevivência desta neoplasia de prognóstico reservado; Abstract: Small animal medicine This report was elaborated following a traineeship at the Ars Veterinaria Hospital. The first part concerns about cases report and includes presentation of cases and followed procedures. The second part is the monography under the theme “therapeutical options in canine hemangiosarcoma” and it presents three clinical cases seen during the internship. The hemangiossarcoma is a cancer described to have endothelial origin, because of its histological appearance, but recent discoveries suggest that it originates from hematopoietic progenitor cells. The clinical signs are variable and unspecific. The most common location is the spleen, but others might exist. The diagnosis demands tumoral staging, which to be complete must include hematology and biochemical analysis, coagulation tests, imagiologic tests and histopathologic confirmation. The basic treatment is surgical, associated with chemotherapy based on doxorubicin. New therapies are beginning to be investigated, aiming improve survival times of this cancer with reserved prognosis.


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Yacon, Smallanthus sonchifolius, an Andean species. is a rich source of dictetíc oligofructans with low glucose content. proteins and phenolic compounds. These constituents have shown efficacy in the prevention of diet-related ehronic diseases, including gastroin-testinal disorders and diabetes |1,2|. Yacon is part of a research program at the National Center for Natural Products Research (NCNPR) and University of Mississippi Field Station to develop new alternative root crops for Mississippi while attempting to im-prove the diet of low incorne families. Yacon can be easily propa-gated by cultings. Virus and nematode infections have been re-ported on plants propagated by cuttings in Brazil. a country that hás adopted Yacon as specialty crop [3|. We have developed two culture systems. autotrophic and heterotrophic, to produce healthy plants. Herem we describe the presence of endophytic bactéria m micropropagated Yacon. In auxin free media, new roots were induced. Overa 15day period. the average root mduction per expiam was 5.45 to 8.75 under autotrophic and heterotrophic cul-tures, respectively. Root lenglh vaned between 3 and 60mrn. The presence of root hairs and lateral roots was noticed only in auto-trophic condilions. These beneficiai bactéria were identified and chemically ctiaracterized. Acknowledgement: This research work was partially supported by the USDA/ARS Cooperative Research Agreement No. 58-6408-2-009. Referentes; |1) Terada S. et ai. (2006] Yakugaku Zasshi 126(8): 665-669. (2| Valentová K. Ulri-chová j. (2003) Biomedical Papers 147: 119-130. [3| Mogor C. et ai, (2003) Acta Horticulturea 597: 311 -313.


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ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) storage root provides a staple food source for millions of people worldwide. Increasing the carotenoid content in storage root of cassava could provide improved nutritional and health benefits. Because carotenoid accumulation has been associated with storage root color, this study characterized carotenoid profiles, and abundance of key transcripts associated with carotenoid biosynthesis, from 23 landraces of cassava storage root ranging in color from white-to-yellow-to-pink. This study provides important information to plant breeding programs aimed at improving cassava storage root nutritional quality. RESULTS: Among the 23 landraces, five carotenoid types were detected in storage root with white color, while carotenoid types ranged from 1 to 21 in storage root with pink and yellow color. The majority of storage root in these landraces ranged in color from pale-to-intense yellow. In this color group, total ß-carotene, containing all-E-, 9-Z-, and 13-Z-ß-carotene isomers, was the major carotenoid type detected, varying from 26.13 to 76.72 %. Although no ?-carotene was observed, variable amounts of a ?-ring derived xanthophyll, lutein, was detected; with greater accumulation of ?-ring xanthophylls than of ß-ring xanthophyll. Lycopene was detected in a landrace (Cas51) with pink color storage root, but it was not detected in storage root with yellow color. Based on microarray and qRT-PCR analyses, abundance of transcripts coding for enzymes involved in carotenoid biosynthesis were consistent with carotenoid composition determined by contrasting HPLC-Diode Array profiles from storage root of landraces IAC12, Cas64, and Cas51. Abundance of transcripts encoding for proteins regulating plastid division were also consistent with the observed differences in total ß-carotene accumulation. CONCLUSIONS: Among the 23 cassava landraces with varying storage root color and diverse carotenoid types and profiles, landrace Cas51 (pink color storage root) had low LYCb transcript abundance, whereas landrace Cas64 (intense yellow storage root) had decreased HYb transcript abundance. These results may explain the increased amounts of lycopene and total ß-carotene observed in landraces Cas51 and Cas64, respectively. Overall, total carotenoid content in cassava storage root of color class representatives were associated with spatial patterns of secondary growth, color, and abundance of transcripts linked to plastid division. Finally, a partial carotenoid biosynthesis pathway is proposed.


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Research networks provide a framework for review, synthesis and systematic testing of theories by multiple scientists across international borders critical for addressing global-scale issues. In 2012, a GHG research network referred to as MAGGnet (Managing Agricultural Greenhouse Gases Network) was established within the Croplands Research Group of the Global Research Alliance on Agricultural Greenhouse Gases (GRA). With involvement from 46 alliance member countries, MAGGnet seeks to provide a platform for the inventory and analysis of agricultural GHG mitigation research throughout the world. To date, metadata from 315 experimental studies in 20 countries have been compiled using a standardized spreadsheet. Most studies were completed (74%) and conducted within a 1-3-year duration (68%). Soil carbon and nitrous oxide emissions were measured in over 80% of the studies. Among plant variables, grain yield was assessed across studies most frequently (56%), followed by stover (35%) and root (9%) biomass. MAGGnet has contributed to modeling efforts and has spurred other research groups in the GRA to collect experimental site metadata using an adapted spreadsheet. With continued growth and investment, MAGGnet will leverage limited-resource investments by any one country to produce an inclusive, globally shared meta-database focused on the science of GHG mitigation.