917 resultados para Anti-fungal activity


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Gamma tocopherol (gT) exhibits beneficial cardiovascular effects partly due to its anti-inflammatory activity. Important sources of gT are vegetable oils. However, little is known to what extent gT can be transferred into marine animal species such as Atlantic salmon by feeding. Therefore, in this study we have investigated the transfer of dietary gT into salmon. To this end, fish were fed a diet supplemented with 170 ppm gT for 16 weeks whereby alpha tocopherol levels were adjusted to 190 ppm in this and the control diet. Feeding gT-rich diets resulted in a three-fold increase in gT concentrations in the liver and fillet compared to non-gT-supplemented controls. Tissue alpha tocopherol levels were not decreased indicating no antagonistic interaction between gamma- and alpha tocopherol in salmon. The concentration of total omega 3 fatty acids slightly increased in response to dietary gT. Furthermore, dietary gT significantly decreased malondialdehyde in the fillet, determined as a biomarker of lipid peroxidation. In the liver of gT fed salmon we observed an overall down-regulation of genes involved in lipid homeostasis. Additionally, gT improved the antioxidant capacity by up-regulating Gpx4a gene expression in the pyloric caeca. We suggest that Atlantic salmon may provide a marine functional source capable of enriching gT for human consumption.


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It has been widely reported that the small GTP-binding protein Rap1 has an anti-Ras and anti-mitogenic activity. Thus, it is generally accepted that a normal physiological role of Rap1 proteins is to antagonize Ras mitogenic signals, presumably by forming nonproductive complexes with proteins that are typically effectors or modulators of Ras. Rap1 is activated by signals that raise intracellular levels of cAMP, a molecule that has long been known to exert both inhibitory and stimulatory effects on cell growth. We have now tested the intriguing hypothesis that Rap1 could have mitogenic effects in systems in which cAMP stimulates cell proliferation. The result of experiments addressing this possibility revealed that Rap1 has full oncogenic potential. Expression of Rap1 in these cells results in a decreased doubling time, an increased saturation density, and an unusual anchorage-dependent morphological transformation. Most significantly, however, Rap1-expressing cells formed tumors when injected into nude mice. Thus, we propose that the view that holds Rap1 as an antimitogenic protein should be restricted and conclude that Rap1 is a conditional oncoprotein.


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Lymphoid tissues from asymptomatic HIV-infected individuals, as compared with symptomatic HIV-infected subjects, show limited histopathological changes and lower levels of HIV expression. In this report we correlate the control of HIV replication in lymph nodes to the non-cytolytic anti-HIV activity of lymphoid tissue CD8+ cells. Five subjects at different stages of HIV-related disease were studied and the ability of their CD8+ cells, isolated from both lymphoid tissue and peripheral blood, to inhibit HIV replication was compared. CD8+ cells from lymphoid tissue and peripheral blood of two HIV-infected long-term survivors suppressed HIV replication at a low CD8+:CD4+ cell ratio of 0.1. The CD8+ cells from the lymphoid tissue of a third asymptomatic subject suppressed HIV replication at a CD8+:CD4+ cell ratio of 0.25; the subject’s peripheral blood CD8+ cells showed this antiviral response at a lower ratio of 0.05. The lymphoid tissue CD8+ cells from two AIDS patients were not able to suppress HIV replication, and the peripheral blood CD8+ cells of only one of them suppressed HIV replication. The plasma viremia, cellular HIV load as well as the extent of pathology and virus expression in the lymphoid tissue of the two long-term survivors, were reduced compared with these parameters in the three other subjects. The data suggest that the extent of anti-HIV activity by CD8+ cells from lymphoid tissue relative to peripheral blood correlates best with the clinical state measured by lymphoid tissue pathology and HIV burden in lymphoid tissues and blood. The results add further emphasis to the importance of this cellular immune response in controlling HIV pathogenesis.


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Enhanced activity of receptor tyrosine kinases such as the PDGF β-receptor and EGF receptor has been implicated as a contributing factor in the development of malignant and nonmalignant proliferative diseases such as cancer and atherosclerosis. Several epidemiological studies suggest that green tea may prevent the development of cancer and atherosclerosis. One of the major constituents of green tea is the polyphenol epigallocathechin-3 gallate (EGCG). In an attempt to offer a possible explanation for the anti-cancer and anti-atherosclerotic activity of EGCG, we examined the effect of EGCG on the PDGF-BB–, EGF-, angiotensin II-, and FCS-induced activation of the 44 kDa and 42 kDa mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase isoforms (p44mapk/p42mapk) in cultured vascular smooth muscle cells (VSMCs) from rat aorta. VSMCs were treated with EGCG (1–100 μM) for 24 h and stimulated with the above mentioned agonists for different time periods. Stimulation of the p44mapk/p42mapk was detected by the enhanced Western blotting method using phospho-specific MAP kinase antibodies that recognized the Tyr204-phosphorylated (active) isoforms. Treatment of VSMCs with 10 and 50 μM EGCG resulted in an 80% and a complete inhibition of the PDGF-BB–induced activation of MAP kinase isoforms, respectively. In striking contrast, EGCG (1–100 μM) did not influence MAP kinase activation by EGF, angiotensin II, and FCS. Similarly, the maximal effect of PDGF-BB on the c-fos and egr-1 mRNA expression as well as on intracellular free Ca2+ concentration was completely inhibited in EGCG-treated VSMCs, whereas the effect of EGF was not affected. Quantification of the immunoprecipitated tyrosine-phosphorylated PDGF-Rβ, phosphatidylinositol 3′-kinase, and phospholipase C-γ1 by the enhanced Western blotting method revealed that EGCG treatment effectively inhibits tyrosine phosphorylation of these kinases in VSMCs. Furthermore, we show that spheroid formation of human glioblastoma cells (A172) and colony formation of sis-transfected NIH 3T3 cells in semisolid agar are completely inhibited by 20–50 μM EGCG. Our findings demonstrate that EGCG is a selective inhibitor of the tyrosine phosphorylation of PDGF-Rβ and its downstream signaling pathway. The present findings may partly explain the anti-cancer and anti-atherosclerotic activity of green tea.


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It has been demonstrated that CD8+ T cells produce a soluble factor(s) that suppresses human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) replication in CD4+ T cells. The role of soluble factors in the suppression of HIV replication in monocyte/macrophages (M/M) has not been fully delineated. To investigate whether a CD8+ T-cell-derived soluble factor(s) can also suppress HIV infection in the M/M system, primary macrophages were infected with the macrophage tropic HIV-1 strain Ba-L. CD8+ T-cell-depleted peripheral blood mononuclear cells were also infected with HIV-1 IIIB or Ba-L. HIV expression from the chronically infected macrophage cell line U1 was also determined in the presence of CD8+ T-cell supernatants or β-chemokines. We demonstrate that: (i) CD8+ T-cell supernatants did, but β-chemokines did not, suppress HIV replication in the M/M system; (ii) antibodies to regulated on activation normal T-cell expressed and Secreted (RANTES), macrophage inflammatory protein 1α (MIP-1α) and MIP-1β did not, whereas antibodies to interleukin 10, interleukin 13, interferon α, or interferon γ modestly reduced anti-HIV activity of the CD8+ T-cell supernatants; and (iii) the CD8+ T-cell supernatants did, but β-chemokines did not, suppress HIV-1 IIIB replication in peripheral blood mononuclear cells as well as HIV expression in U1 cells. These results suggest that HIV-suppressor activity of CD8+ T cells is a multifactorial phenomenon, and that RANTES, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β do not account for the entire scope of CD8+ T-cell-derived HIV-suppressor factors.


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Quiescent mouse embryonic C3H/10T½ cells are more resistant to different proapoptotic stimuli than are these cells in the exponential phase of growth. However, the exponentially growing 10T½ cells are resistant to inhibitors of RNA or protein synthesis, whereas quiescent cells die upon these treatments. Conditioned medium from quiescent 10T½ cells possesses anti-apoptotic activity, suggesting the presence of protein(s) that function as an inhibitor of the apoptotic program. Using differential display technique, we identified and cloned a cDNA designated sarp1 (secreted apoptosis-related protein) that is expressed in quiescent but not in exponentially growing 10T½ cells. Hybridization studies with sarp1 revealed two additional family members. Cloning and sequencing of sarp2 and sarp3 revealed 38% and 40% sequence identity to sarp1, respectively. Human breast adenocarcinoma MCF7 cells stably transfected with sarp1 or infected with SARP1-expressing adenovirus became more resistant, whereas cells transfected with sarp2 displayed increased sensitivity to different proapoptotic stimuli. Expression of sarp family members is tissue specific. sarp mRNAs encode secreted proteins that possess a cysteine-rich domain (CRD) homologous to the CRD of frizzled proteins but lack putative membrane-spanning segments. Expression of SARPs modifies the intracellular levels of β-catenin, suggesting that SARPs interfere with the Wnt–frizzled proteins signaling pathway.


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The telomeric G-rich single-stranded DNA can adopt in vitro an intramolecular quadruplex structure, which has been shown to directly inhibit telomerase activity. The reactivation of this enzyme in immortalized and most cancer cells suggests that telomerase is a relevant target in oncology, and telomerase inhibitors have been proposed as new potential anticancer agents. In this paper, we describe ethidium derivatives that stabilize G-quadruplexes. These molecules were shown to increase the melting temperature of an intramolecular quadruplex structure, as shown by fluorescence and absorbance measurements, and to facilitate the formation of intermolecular quadruplex structures. In addition, these molecules may be used to reveal the formation of multi-stranded DNA structures by standard fluorescence imaging, and therefore become fluorescent probes of quadruplex structures. This recognition was associated with telomerase inhibition in vitro: these derivatives showed a potent anti-telomerase activity, with IC50 values of 18–100 nM in a standard TRAP assay.


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The pathogenic protozoan parasite Entamoeba histolytica, the cause of amebic dysentery and amebic liver abscess, is an obligate anaerobe, and derives energy from the fermentation of glucose to ethanol with pyruvate and acetyl coenzyme A as intermediates. We have isolated EhADH2, a key enzyme in this pathway, that is a NAD+- and Fe2+-dependent bifunctional enzyme with acetaldehyde dehydrogenase and alcohol dehydrogenase activities. EhADH2 is the only known eukaryotic member of a newly defined family of prokaryotic multifunctional enzymes, which includes the Escherichia coli AdhE enzyme, an enzyme required for anaerobic growth of E. coli. Because of the critical role of EhADH2 in the amebic fermentation pathway and the lack of known eukaryotic homologues of the EhADH2 enzyme, EhADH2 represents a potential target for antiamebic chemotherapy. However, screening of compounds for antiamebic activity is hampered by the cost of large scale growth of Ent. histolytica, and difficulties in quantitating drug efficacy in vitro. To approach this problem, we expressed the EhADH2 gene in a mutant strain of E. coli carrying a deletion of the adhE gene. Expression of EhADH2 restored the ability of the mutant E. coli strain to grow under anaerobic conditions. By screening compounds for the ability to inhibit the anaerobic growth of the E. coli/EhADH2 strain, we have developed a rapid assay for identifying compounds with anti-EhADH2 activity. Using bacteria to bypass the need for parasite culture in the initial screening process for anti-parasitic agents could greatly simplify and reduce the cost of identifying new therapeutic agents effective against parasitic diseases.


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CD8+ cells from long-term survivors [LTS; infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) for 10 or more years and having CD4+ cell counts of > or = 500 cells per microliters] have a 3-fold greater ability to suppress HIV replication than do CD8+ cells from patients who have progressed to disease (progressors) during the same time period. A change in the pattern of cytokines produced in the host from those that typically favor cell-mediated immunity (T helper 1, TH1 or type 1) to those that down-regulate it (T helper 2, TH2 or type 2) was investigated as a cause of this reduced CD8+ cell anti-HIV function. Treatment of CD8+ cells from LTS with the TH1 cytokine interleukin (IL)-2 enhanced their anti-HIV activity, whereas exposure of these cells to TH2 cytokines IL-4 or IL-10 reduced their ability to suppress HIV replication and to produce IL-2. IL-2 could prevent and reverse the inhibitory effects of IL-4 and IL-10. Moreover, prolonged exposure of CD8+ cells from some progressors to IL-2 improved the ability of these cells to suppress HIV replication. These observations support previous findings suggesting that strong CD8+ cell responses play an important role in maintaining an asymptomatic state in HIV infection. The data suggest that the loss of CD8+ cell suppression of HIV replication associated with disease progression results from a shift in cytokine production within the infected host from a TH1 to a TH2 pattern. Modulation of these cytokines could provide benefit to HIV-infected individuals by improving their CD8+ cell anti-HIV activity.


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Concentrações séricas basais da proteína amiloide sérica A (SAA) estão significativamente aumentadas em pacientes com câncer e alguns autores sugerem uma relação causal. Trabalho anterior do grupo mostrou que a SAA induz a proliferação de duas linhagens de glioblastoma humano e afeta os processos de invasividade in vitro, sustentando um papel pró-tumoral para esta proteína. Com base nesse trabalho, investigamos a abrangência dos efeitos de SAA para outro tipo de célula tumoral e para isso escolhemos um painel de linhagens de melanoma humano e uma linhagem primária obtida a partir de aspirado de linfonodo de paciente com melanoma, por nós isolada. Observamos que apesar da célula precursora de melanomas, isto é, melanócito, não produzir SAA, todas as linhagens de melanoma produziram a proteína e expressaram alguns dos seus receptores. Além disso, quando estas células foram estimuladas com SAA houve uma inibição da proliferação em tempos curtos de exposição (48 horas) e efeitos citotóxicos após um tempo maior (7 dias). A SAA também afetou processos de invasividade e a produção das citocinas IL-6, IL-8 e TNF-α. Aos avaliarmos o efeito da SAA na interação das células de melanoma com células do sistema imune, vimos que a SAA ativou uma resposta imune anti-tumoral aumentando a expressão de moléculas co-estumolatórias, como CD69 e HLA-DR, e sua função citotóxica. Ainda, vimos que a produção de TNF-α, IFN-γ, IL-10, IL-1β e IL-8 estimuladas por SAA podem contribuir com os efeitos desta. De forma geral estes resultados nos levam a crer que a SAA tem atividade anti-tumoral em melanomas. Finalizando, com base na importância do desenvolvimento da resistência às terapias atuais para o melanoma, observamos que em células resistentes ao PLX4032, um inibidor de BRAF, os efeitos imunomodulatórios induzidos pela SAA estão abolidos, possivelmente identificando um novo componente da resistência.


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O HDL-c é um fator de risco cardiovascular negativo e sua concentração plasmática apresenta relação inversa com a incidência de eventos cardiovasculares. Entretanto, as evidências relativas ao grupo de indivíduos com níveis de HDL-c acima do percentil 95 da população geral ainda são escassas e o impacto da hiperalfalipoproteinemia (HALP) sobre o risco cardiovascular continua representando motivo de controvérsia na literatura médica. Alguns estudos em populações específicas associam a HALP a aumento do risco cardiovascular. Ao mesmo tempo, outros estudos identificaram populações de indivíduos hipoalfalipoproteinêmicos com marcada longevidade. Assim, demonstrou-se aparente dissociação entre níveis de HDL-c e risco cardiovascular em determinadas populações, reconduzível a aspectos disfuncionais da HDL. O objetivo do presente estudo foi verificar o papel da HALP na determinação do risco cardiovascular; comparar a prevalência de doença cardiovascular subclínica, avaliada por meio da quantificação ultrassonográfica da Espessura Íntimo-Medial Carotídea (EIMC), entre portadores de HDL-c >= 90mg/dL (grupo HALP) e portadores de concentrações de HDL-c atualmente consideradas normais (entre 40 e 50mg/dL para os homens e entre 50 e 60mg/dL para as mulheres); e avaliar características e função da HDL em portadores de HALP por meio do estudo de sua composição, de sua capacidade de efluxo de colesterol, e de sua atividade anti-inflamatória e antioxidante, correlacionando estas características com a presença de doença cardiovascular subclínica avaliada por meio da determinação da EIMC, da Velocidade de Onda de Pulso (VOP) e da presença de Calcificação Arterial Coronariana (CAC) avaliada pela TCMD. Para responder estas perguntas, o presente estudo foi articulado em dois braços: Braço 1: Análise da coorte do estudo ELSA com o objetivo de determinar a prevalência de HALP em uma população geral; definir o perfil demográfico, antropométrico e metabólico dos portadores de HALP; e comparar a prevalência de doença vascular subclínica deste grupo com controles da mesma coorte com níveis normais de HDL-colesterol. Braço 2: Recrutamento de 80 voluntários hígidos e portadores de HALP para avaliação da correlação entre presença de doença vascular subclínica, e aspectos estruturais e funcionais da HDL. Em seus dois braços, o estudo levou a quatro conclusões principais: 1) Níveis marcadamente elevados de HDL-c estão associados a menor espessura íntimo-medial carotídea quando comparados a níveis de HDL-c considerados normais pelas diretrizes vigentes. Embora portadores do fenótipo HALP apresentem, como grupo, um perfil metabólico mais favorável que o encontrado em indivíduos com HDL-c normal, a associação entre EIMC e HALP foi independente dos fatores de risco tradicionais, indicando que a menor prevalência destes últimos em portadores de HDL-c marcadamente elevado justifica apenas parcialmente a menor prevalência de doença vascular subclínica neste grupo; 2) Embora a HALP se apresente como um fenótipo ateroprotetor, há indivíduos com níveis marcadamente elevados de HDL-c que evoluem com doença cardiovascular, clínica ou subclínica. Neste contexto, nossos resultados indicam correlação entre os três métodos avaliados para estudar doença vascular subclínica em portadores de HALP: EIMC, VOP e CAC; 3) Os fatores de risco tradicionais continuam exercendo seu peso na determinação do risco cardiovascular em portadores de HALP. Idade, tabagismo, hipertensão arterial, hipertrigliceridemia e altos níveis de LDL-c apresentaram associação estatisticamente significativa com a presença de doença vascular subclínica no grupo estudado; 4) A avaliação da composição e da função da HDL em portadores de HALP pode permitir identificar indivíduos especificamente mais suscetíveis à aterosclerose. Nossos resultados indicam que, em particular, a atividade anti-inflamatória da HDL, avaliada pela capacidade de inibição da produção de IL-6; o efluxo de colesterol e a capacidade de transferência de triglicérides apresentaram associação independente com menor espessura íntimo-medial carotídea em portadores de HALP, enquanto níveis mais altos de Apo A-IV se associaram a maior grau de doença cardiovascular subclínica


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A geração de resíduos sólidos pelas atividades agroindustriais tem criado a demanda por um reaproveitamento tecnológico desses materiais. Assim, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o potencial bioativo e tecnológico de resíduos agroindustriais, como fontes naturais de compostos fenólicos com atividade antioxidante. Foram analisados resíduos agroindustriais vinícolas, de indústrias produtoras de polpas congeladas de frutas (açaí, cajá, cupuaçu e graviola) e provenientes do beneficiamento de café e de laranja. Inicialmente, foi realizado um estudo para a determinação das condições ótimas de extração, empregando planejamento experimental multivariado com delineamento composto central rotacional, cujos resultados foram avaliados empregando a técnica de superfície de resposta. Na sequência, foram feitos a triagem dos resíduos, baseada na atividade antioxidante, e a caracterização fenólica dos extratos hidroalcoólicos obtidos dos resíduos agroindustriais. De acordo com os resultados de atividade antioxidante, engaço de uva da variedade Chenin Blanc (EC) e semente de açaí (SA) foram os resíduos selecionados, os quais seguiram para as etapas de concentração e fracionamento bioguiado de sua(s) molécula(s) bioativa(s), as quais foram posteriormente identificadas por UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Extratos brutos e concentrados foram avaliados in vitro quanto à capacidade de desativação de espécies reativas de oxigênio (radicais peroxila, ânion superóxido e ácido hipocloroso) e então, aplicados em óleo de soja, emulsão e suspensão de lipossomos, a fim de se avaliar a efetividade desses extratos como antioxidante natural em matrizes lipídicas. Concentrações intermediárias de etanol (40-60%) e alta temperatura (96°C), exceto para semente de açaí (25°C), foram as condições ótimas para a extração de antioxidantes dos resíduos agroindustriais. Epicatequina, ácido gálico, catequina e procianidina B1 foram os compostos de maior ocorrência, quando avaliados pela técnica de HPLC-DAD. O EC apresentou a maior atividade antioxidante global e SA a maior atividade entre os resíduos de polpas de frutas, laranja e café. A concentração dos extratos brutos de EC e SA, pela resina Amberlite XAD®-2, produziu aumento significativo da atividade antioxidante. Além disso, extratos brutos e concentrados apresentaram atividade antiproliferativa e anti-inflamatória. Os extratos concentrados foram fracionados por meio de Sephadex LH-20, a partir da qual foi possível identificar quatro frações de maior bioatividade para o EC e três para o SA. Procianidina B1, catequina, epicatequina e resveratrol foram identificados no extrato concentrado e frações de EC. Dezoito procianidinas poliméricas, catequina, epicatequina foram os principais compostos identificados em SA, por meio de UHPLC-ESI-LTQ-MS. Resveratrol também foi encontrado em SA pela primeira vez. Quando avaliados em óleo de soja, EC e SA demonstraram atividade pro-oxidante. Contudo, elevada atividade antioxidante foi verificada quando essas amostras foram aplicadas em sistemas lipídicos coloidais, pois retardaram o consumo de oxigênio em uma emulsão óleo/água e o período de indução na produção de dienos conjugados em uma suspensão de lipossomos. Portanto, os resíduos agroindustriais EC e SA possuem potencial tecnológico de reaproveitamento industrial podendo ser considerados possíveis matérias-primas para a obtenção de extratos ricos em antioxidantes ou pela extração de antioxidantes naturais de uso pelas indústrias farmacêutica e/ou de alimentos.


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A apoptose é um mecanismo de morte celular programada que ocorre naturalmente nos tecidos. Alterações neste mecanismo podem resultar na formação de neoplasias. O mastocitoma é uma das neoplasias cutâneas mais frequente em canídeos. O fator de prognóstico mais utilizado é o grau histológico. Porém, devido à imprevisibilidade desta neoplasia é necessário um melhor conhecimento do comportamento da mesma para se melhorarem competências em oncologia. Neste projeto foram estudados 23 amostras de mastocitomas caninos de variadas idades, raça e sexo, que foram submetidas à técnica de imunohistoquímica de modo a analisar a expressão de dois marcadores pró-apoptóticos (TUNEL e Bax), um marcador antiapoptótico (Bcl-2) e um marcador proliferativo (Ki-67). A expressão de TUNEL, Bcl-2 e Ki-67 aumentou do grau I para o grau III do mastocitoma e a de Bax diminuiu. Houve também uma diminuição na expressão de Bax e Bcl-2 no mastocitomas de grau II e um ligeiro aumento na expressão de Ki-67 na mesma classe tumoral. Observou-se assim maior atividade anti-apoptótica e aumento da proliferação celular, associados a um ao prolongamento na sobrevivência das células neoplásicas e, consequentemente, a um pior prognóstico, no grau de malignidade mais severo o grau III.


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Histone deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi) are a promising new class of chemotherapeutic drug currently in early phase clinical trials. A large number of structurally diverse HDACi have been purified or synthesised that mostly inhibit the activity of all eleven class I and II HDACs. While these agents demonstrate many features required for anti-cancer activity such as low toxicity against normal cells and an ability to inhibit tumor cell growth and survival at nanomolar concentrations, their mechanisms of action are largely unknown. Initially, a model was proposed whereby HDACi-mediated transactivation of a specific gene or set of genes was responsible for the inhibition of cell cycle progression or induction of apoptosis. Given that HDACs can regulate the activity of a number of nonhistone proteins and that histone acetylation is important for events such as DNA replication and mitosis that do not directly involve gene transcription, it appears that the initial mechanistic model for HDACi may have been too simple. Herein, we provide an update on the transcription-dependent and - independent events that may be important for the anti-tumor activities of HDACi and discuss the use of these compounds in combination with other chemotherapeutic drugs.