724 resultados para Adequate educational practice
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
O recente crecemento significativo do ensino de español no Brasil e a consecuente necesidade de formar profesores desta lingua ven demandando das institucións de Ensino Superior un coidado especial no proceso de formación de futuros docentes. Así, o obxecto de estudo desta tese céntrase na docencia, en súas múltiples dimensións pedagóxicas. O obxectivo xeral é o de analizar, segundo a perspectiva dos autores referenciados, as implicacións do traballo docente no desenvolvemento do proceso de ensino-aprendizaxe nas disciplinas que tratan especificamente da Lingua e Cultura Hispanófona nos Graos en Letras-Español en dúas universidades Ŕ a Universidade Federal do Pará e a Universidade da Amazônia, situadas na cidade de Belém, no estado do Pará (Brasil). Derivadas deste obxectivo formuláronse preguntas, dirixidas a profesores e alumnos, que orientaron o desenvolvemento do estudo. A opción metodolóxica adoptada ten como fundamento os principios da abordaxe cuanticualitativa, considerando os presupostos do paradigma fenomenolóxico, con procedementos descriptivoanalíticos, na perspectiva da triangulación de métodos e suxeitos como unha forma de integrar os diferentes aspectos do estudo. Participaron como suxeitos da investigación profesores e alumnos das dúas institucións. Os dados foron recollidos vía análise documental, cuestionarios con preguntas abertas e pechadas e entrevistas semiestruturadas. As respostas ás preguntas pechadas dos cuestionarios foron traballadas con procedementos estatísticos descritivos e as respostas ás preguntas abertas e as entrevistas foron analizadas con procedementos específicos da análise de contido. Os resultados revelaron que as prácticas docentes presentan algúns puntos críticos, centrados principalmente na planificación, no proceso avaliador, na infraestrutura e no clima relacional. Sen embargo, estas dificultades non se constitúen en obstáculos insuperables, incluso porque outros aspectos foron valorados positivamente por profesores e alumnos, principalmente os relacionados co traballo co contido, os procedementos metodolóxicos e o uso dos recursos didácticos. De maneira xeral, existe unha manifesta opinión positiva en relación á práctica docente dos profesores das dúas institucións. Da análise destes resultados derívanse algunhas recomendacións que poderán contribuír para unha reflexión conxunta da comunidade implicada con vistas ó perfeccionamento da práctica docente nos Grados de Licenciatura en Letras-Español en Brasil.
The duality care-education is an aspect to be considered in the routine of childhood education institutions that have a nursery. The concepts of professionals who work in the nursery interfere with the developed practice, and require great concern regarding the continuing education. The objective of this study was to verify the effects of educational procedures on the concepts related to functions and benefi ts of the nursery for the child – from the professionals who work in a childhood education institution. These professionals were teachers and development assistants from municipal nurseries of Marília, interviewed four times – initially, after each of the two rearing procedures, and six months after the procedures. These procedures consisted of educational workshops, once a week, for one month, and 15 hours of supervised practices in the nursery. Both practices focused on the activities and their benefi ts to the child’s development. We found that the educators’ knowledge comes from common sense, and that educational workshops provided changes on their information levels, which were strengthened by supervised practice. The analysis indicates that the initial and continuing education of professionals need to consider specifi c aspects of child development, so more adequate concepts are built.
Studies show the positive effects that video games can have on student performance and attitude towards learning. In the past few years, strategies have been generated to optimize the use of technological resources with the aim of facilitating widespread adoption of technology in the classroom. Given its low acquisition and maintenance costs, the interpersonal computer allows individual interaction and simultaneous learning with large groups of students. The purpose of this work was to compare arithmetical knowledge acquired by third-grade students through the use of game-based activities and non-game-based activities using an interpersonal computer, with knowledge acquired through the use of traditional paper-and-pencil activities, and to analyze their impact in various socio-cultural contexts. To do this, a quasi-experimental study was conducted with 271 students in three different countries (Brazil, Chile, and Costa Rica), in both rural and urban schools. A set of educational games for practising arithmetic was developed and tested in six schools within these three countries. Results show that there were no significant differences (ANCOVA) in the learning acquired from game-based vs. non-game-based activities. However, both showed a significant difference when compared with the traditional method. Additionally, both groups using the interpersonal computer showed higher levels of student interest than the traditional method group, and these technological methods were seen to be especially effective in increasing learning among weaker students.
In this article, we address online distance mathematics education research and practice in Brazil, which are relative newcomers to the educational scene. We present the national context of education in Brazil, highlighting the organization of the educational system, and also a summary of national legislation on distance education and an overview of digital inclusion in the country. We outline the potential and relevance of distance education for the Brazilian educational system and show how it could intervene in the system. With respect to research and practice in online mathematics education, we present support for research, examples of studies and highlight different aspects being addressed, including its essential components. In addition, we discuss the synergy between distance education and teacher education, and mathematics distance education and modeling, as well as other initiatives in the national scenario.
Spontaneous adverse drug events (ADE) reporting is the main source of data for assessing the risk/benefit of drugs available in the pharmaceutical market. However, its major limitation is underreporting, which hinders and delays the signal detection by Pharmacovigilance (PhV). To identify the techniques of educational intervention (EI) for promotion of PhV by health professionals and to assess their impact. A systematic review was performed in the PUBMED, PAHO, LILACS and EMBASE databases, from November/2011 to January/2012, updated in March/2013. The strategy search included the use of health descriptors and a manual search in the references cited by selected papers. 101 articles were identified, of which 16 met the inclusion criteria. Most of these studies (10) were conducted in European hospitals and physicians were the health professionals subjected to most EI (12), these studies lasted from one month to two years. EI with multifaceted techniques raised the absolute number, the rate of reporting related to adverse drug reactions (ADR), technical defects of health technologies, and also promoted an improvement in the quality of reports, since there was increased reporting of ADR classified as serious, unexpected, related to new drugs and with high degree of causality. Multifaceted educational interventions for multidisciplinary health teams working at all healthcare levels, with sufficient duration to reach all professionals who act in the institution, including issues related to medication errors and therapeutic ineffectiveness, must be validated, with the aim of standardizing the Good Practice of PhV and improve drug safety indicators.
Considering the importance of food and nutritional surveillance as part of a community's basic health care, our objective was to expose and discuss the educational experience of eleven municipalities of the state of São Paulo geared to build an attitude of nutritional security. The accounts were made in the form of workshops with the contribution of basic health care workers of each municipality, based on daily field worksheets and followed by an evaluation process, which used a semi-structured questionnaire. The results were classified into four categories. The methodology, based on the actual participation in the workshops was considered adequate, although some exposure and removal of personal inhibitions were necessary. These barriers were left behind with the aid of group dynamic exercises. Among the themes treated, anthropometry was highlighted because of insufficient technical know-how and standardization. An attitude towards nutritional surveillance was recognized by the health-care professionals as an important basis for the nutritional practice in order to attain food and nutritional security.
The use of medicinal plants among pregnant women and lactating is a common practice in diverse countries. However, many medicinal plants are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactating, due to various adverse effects, such as teratogenic, embryotoxic and abortive effects, exposing these women, their fetus and babies to health unknown risks. Thus, the purpose of this commentary, was to analyze the perception about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women and lactating registered in the "baby on board" NGO, Araraquara, São Paulo state, Brazil, between 2010 at 2013. The group was constituted by 48 women, between the first and last trimester of pregnancy or whilst breastfeeding. Information was collected during group meetings by oral interview, using a questionnaire, as script. The nature of the study was a qualitative analysis. The results were based on reports about the use of medicinal plants by pregnant women during group meetings: use, indication of use, knowledge about risks. All participants received written and oral information about the study and they gave a written informed consent. The use of medicinal plants is a reality among pregnant and lactating women of the "baby on board" NGO. They reported that they feel that "natural" products are not harmful for their health. The primary information sources for the majority of women about medicinal plants during pregnancy are family, neighbors and herbalists. The plants most cited (in popular name in Brazil) were: senna, chamomile, boldo, lemon balm, lemon grass. They were used mainly for: nausea, heartburn, indigestion, flatulence, intestinal and abdominal pain, anxiety, intestinal constipation and low milk production. The pregnant and lactating women lacked knowledge about the health risks of the use of medicinal plants and herbal medicines in pregnancy and lactation. They also reported difficulties in clarifying some questions about the use of medicinal plants with their doctors. The results of the present study showed that educative actions about the rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and breastfeeding could be part of the operating protocols to promote the maternal and child health programs in Araraquara. Thus, our results also suggest the importance of creating institutionalized places, to the implementation of continued education programs about rational use of medicinal plants in pregnancy and lactation. These targeted programs are not only for health professionals, but also for community members, pregnant women and breastfeeding. Our results pointed out the importance of guidance of doctors and healthcare professionals on the scientific studies about medicinal plants and herbal medicines and the risk/benefit of using herbs during pregnancy. Finally, it is noted the importance of the health professionals to inform women of childbearing on risks to their health, as well as on possibilities of utilization of herbs during fertile period, giving special attention to the potential risk of self-medication.
Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR
This study examines the use of Cybercafés/Internet resources and the evaluation of their usefulness. About eight Cybercafés located in the university community were used in this study. Questionnaires, interviews with the Cybercafé owners, staff and users as well as personal observations made during inspection of these cafés were used in this study. The data were analysed according to the background of the Internet users. The richness and high speed, accuracy, and authority were used by users to judge the quality of the Internet. Information such as the establishment of the café's facilities, membership and the future of the Cybercafés were also looked into. Finally, one can clearly see that the dominating impact of digital technology has crossed the Rubicon of controversy. The result of the survey shows that forty percent of the users learnt to use the internet by self instruction, thirty five percent learnt from colleagues or friends. Those in the sciences use the internet the most, the channel mostly used in obtaining information is the search engines. A large number of students, faculties and researchers make use of the internet in obtaining information. Many of those of those users make use of the Cybercafés in the university community.
This study investigated the association between physician education in EOL and variability in EOL practice, as well as the differences between beliefs and practices regarding EOL in the ICU. Physicians from 11 ICUs at a university hospital completed a survey presenting a patient in a vegetative state with no family or advance directives. Questions addressed approaches to EOL care, as well physicians' personal, professional and EOL educational characteristics. The response rate was 89%, with 105 questionnaires analyzed. Mean age was 38 +/- A 8 years, with a mean of 14 +/- A 7 years since graduation. Physicians who did not apply do-not-resuscitate (DNR) orders were less likely to have attended EOL classes than those who applied written DNR orders [0/7 vs. 31/47, OR = 0.549 (0.356-0.848), P = 0.001]. Physicians who involved nurses in the decision-making process were more likely to be ICU specialists [17/22 vs. 46/83, OR = 4.1959 (1.271-13.845), P = 0.013] than physicians who made such decisions among themselves or referred to ethical or judicial committees. Physicians who would apply "full code" had less often read about EOL [3/22 vs. 11/20, OR = 0.0939 (0.012-0.710), P = 0.012] and had less interest in discussing EOL [17/22 vs. 20/20, OR = 0.210 (0.122-0.361), P < 0.001], than physicians who would withdraw life-sustaining therapies. Forty-four percent of respondents would not do what they believed was best for their patient, with 98% of them believing a less aggressive attitude preferable. Legal concerns were the leading cause for this dichotomy. Physician education about EOL is associated with variability in EOL decisions in the ICU. Moreover, actual practice may differ from what physicians believe is best for the patient.
[EN]This study analysed the differences in self-perception, goal orientation and participation in physical activity (PA) in girls (N= 244) attending military schools. Girls had moderately higher levels of perceived competence, and there were no significant differences between age-groups. The figure for task-orientation was higher than ego-orientation. Girls expressed a positive attitude toward school and PE. Most girls did not practiced PA outside school, but 63,9% were involved in school sports. It seems that the military educational institutions are being successful in helping students to adopt physically active lifestyles. The development of perception of competence, task-orientation, and favourable attitudes seem to be important factors to enhance the levels of PA among students.
A new agenda has been coalescing for residential liberal arts education in the United States. At its core are various forms of experiential learning that had long been relegated to the margins of institutions in which pure intellectual achievement was largely separated from, and prized above, practical application of knowledge. Recent years have brought growing student interest in opportunities to engage in experiential learning, including community service, internships, student-faculty research partnerships, study abroad, or co-operative education. All types of colleges and universities have been investing in these programs and in curricular modifications intended to begin integrating them into a coherent educational program. With support from several major associations, foundations, and research collaborations, this twenty-first century reframing of the aims of education has included a persistent call for better evaluative data to gauge the extent to which college students are actually meeting learning goals that faculty are being encouraged to specify more fully.
This session will be based on three presentations that focus on the relationship between liberal education, effective practice and diversity from different perspectives. George Kuh will present data indicating that the educational benefits of "high impact" learning experiences (such as experiential education and undergraduate research), which are significant for all students, are often greater for students from underserved and minority backgrounds than for their majority counterparts. Armando Bengochea will discuss the ways in which an emphasis on effective practice can enhance the educational experiences of students of color within a liberal arts curriculum. Steve Stemler will report on research showing that including practice-oriented criteria in assessments of student achievements and capabilities can assist colleges and universities in identifying and educating minority students with high potential to succeed both in college and beyond college.
A new agenda has been coalescing for residential liberal arts education in the United States. At its core are various forms of experiential learning that had long been relegated to the margins of institutions in which pure intellectual achievement was largely separated from, and prized above, practical application of knowledge. Recent years have brought growing student interest in opportunities to engage in experiential learning, including community service, internships, student-faculty research partnerships, study abroad, or co-operative education. All types of colleges and universities have been investing in these programs and in curricular modifications intended to begin integrating them into a coherent educational program. With support from several major associations, foundations, and research collaborations, this twenty-first century reframing of the aims of education has included a persistent call for better evaluative data to gauge the extent to which college students are actually meeting learning goals that faculty are being encouraged to specify more fully.