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Surface fluorination of poly (trimethylsilylpropyne) (PTMSP) membranes by CF4 plasma was studied. The surface fluorination of the membranes was carried out in an atmosphere of CF4 in a capacitively coupled discharge apparatus with external electrodes. Dramatic increase in selectivity (P(O2)/P(N2)) was observed. The effect of fluorination conditions such as duration of treatment and discharge power on the permeabilities of the membranes was studied. X-ray photoelectron spectrometric data of modified PTMSP membranes showed a drastic alternation in the surface layer. The P(O2) and P(O2)/P(N2) of the membranes were observed to be dependent on the F/C atomic ratio. At F/C > 1, the P(O2/P(N2) value of the membranes could be more than four.
Radial distribution function of CaCl2-KCl (1:2 mol) melt was measured by X-ray scattering of high temperature liquid. The nearest neighbour distances of Ca2+-Cl-, K+-Cl- and Cl--Cl- ionic pairs are 0.278, 0.306 and 0.380 nm, respectively, Discussion on the relation between structure and physicochemical properties in the melt was simply done in this paper.
The complexes named in the title (eta-5-C9H7)3Ln.OC4H8 (Ln = Nd, Gd, Er) were synthesized by the reaction of anhydrous lanthanide trichlorides with indenyl potassium and cyclooctadienyl potassium (1:2:1 molar ratio) in THF. The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, infrared and H-1-NMR spectroscopy, and mass spectrometry. In addition, the crystal structures of (eta-5-C9H7)3Nd.OC4H8 (1) and (eta-5-C9H7)3Gd.OC4H8 (2) were determined by an X-ray diffraction study. Complexes 1 and 2 belong to hexagonal space group P6(3) with unit cell parameters a = b = 11.843(3), c = 10.304(4) angstrom, V = 1251.7(9) angstrom-3, D(c) = 1.49 g.cm-3, Z = 2 for 1, and a = b = 11.805(2), c = 10.236(2) angstrom, V = 1235.4(6) angstrom-3 D(c) = 1.54 g.cm-3, Z = 2 for 2. The structures were solved by Patterson and Fourier techniques and refined by least-squares to final discrepancy indices of R = 0.049, R(w) = 0.053 using 925 independent reflections with I greater-than-or-equal-to 3-sigma(I) for 1, and R = 0.023, R(w) = 0.025 using 1327 independent reflections with I greater-than-or-equal-to 3-sigma(I) for 2. Coordination numbers for Nd3+ and Gd3+ are 10; the average bond lengths Nd-O and Gd-O are 2.557(21) and 2.459(13) angstrom, respectively. The structural studies showed the complexes to have 3-fold symmetry, but the THF molecule has no such symmetry; consequently the arrangement of carbon atoms in the THF molecule are disordered.
本文研究了 TiO_2-Li_2O-Nb_2O_5:Eu~(3+)体系中固溶体形成的温度与组成的关系。化学通式为 Ti_(1-4x-y)EuLixNb_3xO_2,当 y=0.2,0
A quasi-global high-resolution HYbrid Coordinate Ocean Model (HYCOM) is used to investigate seasonal variations of water transports through the four main straits in the South China Sea. The results show that the annual transports through the four straits Luzon Strait, Taiwan Strait, Sunda Shelf and Mindoro Strait are -4.5, 2.3, 0.5 and 1.7 Sv (1 Sv=10(6) m(3)s(-1)), respectively. The Mindoro Strait has an important outflow that accounts for over one third of the total inflow through the Luzon Strait. Furthermore, it indicates that there are strong seasonal variations of water transport in the four straits. The water transport through the Luzon Strait (Taiwan Strait, Sunda Shelf, Mindoro Strait) has a maximum value of -7.6 Sv in December (3.1 Sv in July, 2.1S v in January, 4.5Sv in November), a minimum value of -2.1 Sv in June (1.5 Sv in October, -1.0 Sv in June, -0.2 Sv in May), respectively.
于1999年5-6月间在实验室内对暖温性底层鱼类褐牙鲆(Paralichthys olivaceus)和暖水性近底层鱼类大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)进行了自受精卵开始到早期仔鱼的发育生态学实验。褐牙鲆和大黄鱼的培育温度分别为17.4±0.3 ℃和23.2±0.3 ℃,盐度均为31±0.2‰,遮光静养。通过测定其受精卵细胞的干重、湿重、卵黄和油球体积以及细胞发育过程中的耗氧率、氨排泄率、铵离子含量、游离氨基酸、蛋白质、总脂、脂肪酸等参数的变化(大黄鱼仅限于卵黄和油球体积、耗氧率、氨排泄率、铵离子含量、游离氨基酸和蛋白质),分析不同发育阶段的生化代谢和能量代谢特征;结合已有的研究成果,比较鱼类发育能量学的基本规律。结果表明:1.在受精卵分裂和胚体发育中,褐牙鲆和大黄鱼均呈现明显的铵离子累积现象,其间产生的氨一部分排到环境中,另一部分在卵中积累,孵化时随着卵膜的破裂而排出,导致氨排泄率出现一个峰值。2.游离氨基酸是早期发育阶段的一个重要能源物质,分别构成了褐牙鲆能量代谢的35%和大黄鱼能量代谢的28%。此外,在受精卵发育阶段,游离氨基酸还被用来合成蛋白质,所以在受精卵发育阶段,蛋白质非但不减少,还会有明显的增加。3.在孵化前后,伴随着卵膜的破裂和卵周液的流失,干重和蛋白质含量均有明显的减少。4.卵黄囊期仔鱼早期阶段,蛋白质含量略有增加,这说明还有一部分的游离氨基酸被合成了蛋白质。其后,蛋白质含量呈现下降趋势,表明蛋白质也已被用做能源物质。5.褐牙鲆受精卵中最主要的多不饱和脂肪酸是DHA和EPA,二者合计占多不饱和脂肪酸总量的86%。比较油球体和总脂含量的变化特征,不难发现脂肪酸主要是位于油球中。这说明来自油球的脂类是褐牙鲆仔鱼在这个阶段的主要能源物质,来自油球的中性脂肪NL的脂肪酸FA是从孵化到开口这段时间主要的能源物质。磷脂PL的脂肪酸FA只是被很少的利用(为中性脂肪NL的30%)。6.游离氨基酸FAA是褐牙鲆与大黄鱼在受精发育阶段最重要的能源物质,而在孵化后来自油球的中性脂肪NL的脂肪酸NLFA被用做主要能源物质,蛋白质则是在开口之前就用做能源物质,但其作用还不是很大。主要能源物质的转变可以从氮熵NQ的变化看出来,氮熵呈现一种先降低后升高的态势。但就整个早期发育阶段来说,无氮的脂类所起的作用更大一些。分解的主要中性脂肪酸是那些含量最丰富的种类,而与他们的饱和度无关。7.褐牙鲆从卵受精后8小时到仔鱼开口,能够将卵黄消耗的焓的59.7%转化为生长(P),有43.6%因代谢而散失,还有极少部分0.4%因排汇而丢失。有一定的实验误差在里面。8.褐牙鲆是适温较低的暖温性底层鱼类,卵子较小,发育时水温较低,发育较慢;大黄鱼是适温较高的暖水性近底层鱼类,卵子较大,发育时水温较高,发育较快,所以褐牙鲆与大黄鱼在早期发育阶段所采取的能量对策是不一样的。褐牙鲆游离氨基酸占总的能量代谢的35%,而大黄鱼只占28%,相对而言,暖水性鱼类比暖温性鱼类更为依赖脂类,氨基酸所起的作用相对较小一些。9.依据已有研究成果,不难得出:鱼类早期发育过程中主要能源物质变化和能量代谢牲征有物种特异性。对于含一个油球的鱼类来说,基于脂肪的能量代谢是重要的;而对于不含油球的鱼类来说,氨基酸的作用更为重要一些。这些研究对于仔鱼在开口时营养成分的确定及满足、死亡率以及生活史特征具有十分重要的科学价值。
以海州湾前三岛周围海域为研究地点,开展了栉孔扇贝岛屿生态增养殖理论和关键技术研究。调查了海区的地理、水文、水化学环境以及饵料供应能力;现场测定了栉孔扇贝的滤水率,根据扇贝实际生长情况结合水动力学因子评估了该海域的养殖容量;监测了不同养殖模式情况下栉孔扇贝的存活、生长以及污损生物附着情况;利用免疫学指标揭示了各种养殖方式下栉孔扇贝的健康状态;研究了不同水温、扇贝规格对敌害生物捕食的影响;优化了该海域栉孔扇贝的养殖模式和关键技术。主要研究结果如下: 1.查明了前三岛海域理化环境、生物资源等现状。前三岛海域水质优良,生物资源丰富,虽然饵料浓度相对较低,但是该海域海流畅通,水交换条件好,较高的流速可以弥补饵料浓度的不足,适合开展栉孔扇贝增养殖。由于各项理化因子随着时间和水深的变化而发生变化,必须根据实际情况,对养殖模式等进行相应调整,才能获得更高经济和生态效益。 2.较为系统地研究了前三岛海域深水筏式养殖栉孔扇贝生理生态学特征,评估了养殖容量。周年监测了海域的环境因子和栉孔扇贝的生长情况,利用生物沉积法,现场研究了各时期扇贝的滤食作用。结果表明:该海域养殖栉孔扇贝在当年秋、冬季和次年春季生长迅速,夏季生长相对缓慢,周年平均软组织生长速度为11.29 mg/d,平均干贝壳生长速度为48.84 mg/d,扇贝能够于次年年初达到商品规格(6cm)。不同时期栉孔扇贝的滤水率之间差异显著,滤水率随水温的升高和扇贝规格的增大而增加。利用改进的Incze等(1981)的养殖容量模型,评估了该海域养殖容量,结果表明:在现有条件下,各时期沿着海流方向适养区域长度分别为:4.0,4.6,4.7,5.1,4.5和3.2 km,平均为4.35 km。 3.揭示了不同养殖水层栉孔扇贝存活、生长以及免疫指标特征。于2007年夏、秋高温季节监测了5个不同水层(2, 5, 10, 15, 与 20 m)筏式养殖栉孔扇贝的存活、生长以及免疫指标特征。研究表明各水层栉孔扇贝成活率差异显著,其中15 m(78.0%)和20 m(86.7%)成活率要明显高于2 m(62.9%),5 m(60.8%),和10 m(66.8%);夏季(7~9月)各水层壳高生长速度有较大差异,其中10m (205.0 μm/d)与20 m(236.9 μm/d)要显著高于2,5,和15 m,而秋季(9~11月份)20m生长速度最低,5m水层(262.9 μm/d)要显著高于其他水层;不同水层扇贝软组织生长情况与壳的生长情况类似;扇贝血淋巴SOD活性随着水深的加深而增大,15 和 20 m 养殖的栉孔扇贝ACP活性要高于其他水层,这表明深水养殖栉孔扇贝健康状态要优于浅水层。 4.比较研究了筏式和底播两种养殖方式情况下栉孔扇贝的存活、生长以及免疫指标的周年变化。结果表明夏季栉孔扇贝的生长、免疫酶活性要低于其他季节,扇贝死亡也基本集中于夏季高温季节。除了2008年春季壳高以外,筏式养殖栉孔扇贝的生长、免疫酶活性都要高于底播养殖。实验结束时筏式养殖的成活率(54.6 ± 12.3 %)要显著地低于底播养殖(86.8 ± 3.5 %)。由此可见,在夏季高温季节采取底播养殖提高成活率,然后转为筏式养殖以提高生长速度,这样可以获得更高的产量。 5.研究了日本蟳和多棘海盘车对栉孔扇贝的捕食机制。现场研究表明,成年日本蟳可以捕食壳高小于5.0 cm的栉孔扇贝,捕食强度随着水温的升高而增大,而壳高大于5.9 cm的栉孔扇贝则可以免遭日本蟳的捕食;与栉孔扇贝相比,日本蟳更倾向于捕食贻贝;室内模拟研究表明水温低于10 ℃时,日本蟳对大规格扇贝的捕食作用不明显。相同温度条件下,室内实验日本蟳的捕食强度要低于现场,但其温度系数(Q10)差别不大。室内试验表明多棘海盘车对栉孔扇贝也有很强的捕食作用。提出了提高底播栉孔扇贝成活率的方法,即选择大规格的扇贝在水温较低的秋、冬季进行底播。
Fish Lateolabrax japonicus were exposed to 0.1 and 1 mg/L of anion surfactant sodium dodecylbenzene sulfonate (SDBS) and to 2 and 20 mu g/L of benzo[a]pyrene (B[a]P) for 6, 12, and 18 days, with control and solvent control groups. Liver antioxidant enzymes, including superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), reduced glutathione (GSH), and glutathione S-transferase (GST), were determined; brain acetyleholinesterase (AChE) and liver inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) activities were also measured. The results indicated that (1) L. japonicus avoided oxidative damage through antioxidant systems; (2) SOD, GPx, and GSH were induced, and GST was inhibited and then induced by B[a]P exposure; and (3) CAT, GPx, and AChE were induced while NOS was inhibited, and GST was induced and then inhibited by SDBS stress in experimental period. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Survival, growth and immune response of the scallop, Chlamys farreri, cultured in lantern nets at five different depths (2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 m below the sea surface) were studied in Haizhou Bay during the hot season (summer and autumn) of 2007. Survival and growth rates were quantified bimonthly. Immune activities in hemolymph (superoxide dismutase (SOD) and acid phosphatase (ACP)) were measured to evaluate the health of scallops at the end of the study. Environmental parameters at the five depths were also monitored during the experiment. Mortalities mainly occurred during summer. Survival of scallops suspended at 15 m (78.0%) and 20 m (86.7%) was significantly higher than at 2 m (62.9%), 5 m (60.8%) or 10 m (66.8%) at the end of the study. Mean shell height grew significantly faster at 10 m (205.0 mu m/d) and 20 m (236.9 mu m/d) than at 2, 5 or 15 m in summer (July 9 to September 1); however, shell growth rate at 20 m was significantly lower than at the other four depths in autumn (September 2 to November 6). In contrast to summer, scallops at 5 m grew faster (262.9 mu m/d) during autumn. The growth of soft tissue at different depths showed a similar trend to the shell. Growth rates of shell height and soft tissue were faster in autumn than in summer, with the exception of shell height at 20 m. SOD activity of scallops increased with depth, and ACP activity was significantly higher at 15 and 20 m than at other depths, which suggests that scallops were healthier near the bottom. Factors explaining the depth-related mortality and growth of scallops are also discussed. We conclude that the mass mortality of scallop, C. farreri, during summer can be prevented by moving the culture area to deeper water and yield can be maximized by suspending the scallops in deep water during summer and then transferring them to shallow water in autumn.