977 resultados para 462


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A pesquisa que na presente investigação nos propusemos desenvolver, foi indagar de que modo um clube de robótica poderia proporcionar experiências inovadoras na aprendizagem dos seus participantes. Um ambiente desta natureza, onde os alunos planificam, constroem e programam robôs, envolve dinâmicas interativas capazes de proporcionar aos aprendizes experiências de aprendizagem assentes em teorias como o construtivismo e o construcionismo, tendo por isso, repercussões na forma como o conhecimento é adquirido. Para averiguar a forma como cada participante se envolvia, utilizava o seu conhecimento e o partilhava no grupo para a consecução de um produto final, efetuouse um estudo de caso de natureza qualitativa com abordagem etnográfica, numa escola básica e secundária do conselho de Santa Cruz. As técnicas de pesquisa utilizadas foram a observação participante, entrevistas e análise documental. Durante oito meses, observamos e registamos de modo a podermos apreender este contexto de aprendizagem. Após análise e triangulação dos dados, concluímos que neste ambiente, os aprendizes desenvolvem destrezas e atitudes que lhes permitem avançar patamares no seu conhecimento, proporcionando a construção de novos conceitos científicos, assim como habilidades e competências importantes para as interações sociais e culturais de cada indivíduo e do grupo. Pudemos então depreender que ambientes onde se constroem robôs como elementos mediadores do processo ensino aprendizagem são potenciadores de inovação na forma como o conhecimento é construído.


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The aim of the present study was to assess the effectiveness and adverse effects on dental enamel caused by nightguard vital bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide. This was accomplished through the interaction of researchers from different areas such as dentistry, materials engineering and physics. Fifty volunteers took part in the doubleblind randomized controlled clinical trial. They were allocated to an experimental group that used Opalescence PF 10% (OPA) and a control group that used a placebo gel (PLA). Fragments of human dental enamel from the vestibular surface of healthy premolars, extracted for orthodontic reasons, were fixed to the vestibular surface of the first upper molars of the volunteers for in situ observation. Bleaching was performed at night for 21 days. The observation periods included Baseline (BL), T0 (21 days), T30 (30 days after treatment) and T180 (180 days after treatment, only for the OPA group). Tooth color was assessed by comparing it with the Vita® scale and by the degree of satisfaction expressed by the volunteer. We also assessed adverse clinical effects, dental sensitivity and gingival bleeding. The study of adverse effects on enamel was conducted in vivo and in situ, using the DIAGNOdent® laser fluorescence device to detect mineral loss. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to check for superficial morphological alterations, energy dispersive spectrophotometry (EDS) to semiquantitatively assess chemical composition using the Ca/P ratio, and the x-ray diffraction (XRD) technique to observe alterations in enamel microstructure. The results showed that nightguard vital bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide was effective in 96% of the cases, versus 8% for the PLA group. Dental sensitivity was present in 36% (9/25) of the cases. There was no significant association between gingival bleeding and the type of gel used (p = 1.00). In vivo laser fluorescence analysis showed no difference in values for the control group, whereas in the OPA group there was a statistically significant difference between baseline values in relation to the subsequent periods (p<0.01), with lower mean values for post-bleaching times. There was a significant difference between the groups for times T0 and T30. Micrographic analysis showed no enamel surface alterations related to the treatment performed. No significant alteration in Ca/P ratio was observed in the OPA group (p = 0.624) or in the PLA group (p = 0.462) for each of the observation periods, nor between the groups studied (p=0.102). The XRD pattern for both groups showed the presence of three-phase Hydroxyapatite according to JCPDS files (9-0432[Ca5(PO4)3(OH)], 18-0303[Ca3(PO4)2.xH2O] and 25-0166[Ca5(PO4)3(OH, Cl, F)]). No other peak associated to other phases was found, independent of the group analyzed, which reveals there was no disappearance, nucleation or phase transformation. Neither was there any alteration in peak pattern location. With the methodology and protocol used in this study, nightguard vital bleaching with 10% carbamide peroxide proved to be an effective and safe procedure for dental enamel


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aimed to determine the late-season presence of weeds in reddish brown cotton (cultivar BRS Safira) and the critical times for removing weeds. The experiment was carried out in the area of Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) in Missao Velha-CE, Brazil, located at 7 degrees 42'07" S latitude and 39 degrees 24'18" WGr. longitude, during the 2007/2008 season. The treatments consisted of two control groups: weed-free crop during the initial period after crop emergency, and crop kept with weeds during initial period after plant emergency. Both consisted, 0; 20; 40; 60; 80 e 120 days after crop emergency (DAE), the weed community was evaluated by two phytosociological indices (relative dominance and relative importance). Regression analysis was performed as the model of sigmoidal Boltzman, using data from productivity separately within each type of competition, to identify the critical periods of competition, considering 2; 5 and 10% reduction in yield. The community of weeds was composed by 21 species, standing out among them: Richardia grandiflora, Amaranthus deflexus, Eleusine indica, Merremia aegyptia, Eragrotis pilosa, Cenchrus echinatus and Waltheria indica. Considering 2; 5 and 10% reduction in yield fiber as acceptable, the critical period before weed interference were, respectively, 8; 14 and 20 DAE. The critical period of weed interference, for those same levels of losses, were respectively, 100; 82 and 60 days.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Lagartas do gênero Spodoptera spp. são altamente polífagas, podendo causar danos econômicos em diversas culturas agrícolas. em vista de sua emergente importância na cultura do tomate, principalmente o destinado à indústria, este trabalho teve por objetivo avaliar a não preferência, para alimentação, de lagartas de Spodoptera frugiperda (J. E. Smith, 1797) e Spodoptera eridania (Cramer, 1782) por genótipos de tomateiro, e classificá-los quanto aos graus de resistência. Como padrão susceptível, utilizou-se o cultivar comercial Santa Clara e, como resistente, a linhagem PI 134417, sendo avaliadas, ainda, as linhagens PI 134418, PI 126931, LA 462 e LA 716. Realizaram-se testes de não preferência, para alimentação, com e sem chance de escolha, avaliando-se a atratividade dos genótipos de tomateiro para as lagartas, em tempos pré-estabelecidos após sua liberação, além da massa foliar consumida. em geral, os genótipos LA 716 e PI 126931 foram os menos atrativos para a S. frugiperda, enquanto Santa Clara foi o mais atrativo e consumido. Quanto a S. eridania, os genótipos PI 126931, LA 462, LA 716 e PI 134418 foram os menos preferidos, para a alimentação, pelas lagartas, e Santa Clara e PI 134417 foram os mais atrativos e consumidos. Os genótipos LA e PI 126931 são moderadamente resistentes, do tipo não preferência para alimentação, para a S. frugiperda e S. eridania; PI 134418 e LA 462 são moderadamente resistentes a S. eridania; PI 134417 é susceptível a S. frugiperda e S. eridania; Santa Clara é altamente susceptível a S. frugiperda e S. eridania.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Cyclic oligomers were identified in PET bottles used for mineral water and fruit juice using MS and H-1 and C-13 NMR: a first series cyclic trimer, a first series cyclic tetramer, a first series cyclic dimmer and a second series cyclic trimer. An analytical method to determine first series cyclic trimer in these bottles was developed and validated, using HPLC. The first series cyclic trimer levels were 316-462 mg/100 g of PET bottle. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of tetracaine on Ca-45 efflux, cytoplasmic Ca2+ concentration [Ca2+](i), and insulin secretion in isolated pancreatic islets and beta-cells was studied. In the absence of external Ca2+, tetracaine (0.1-2.0 mM) increased the Ca-45 efflux from isolated islets in a dose-dependant manner. Tetracaine did not affect the increase in Ca-45 efflux caused by 50 mM K+ or by the association of carbachol (0.2 mM) and 50 mM K+. Tetracaine permanently increased the [Ca2+](i) in isolated beta-cells in Ca2+-free medium enriched with 2.8 mM glucose and 25 mu M D-600 (methoxiverapamil). This effect was also observed in the presence of 10 mM caffeine or 1 mu M thapsigargin. In the presence of 16.7 mM glucose, tetracaine transiently increased the insulin secretion from islets perfused in the absence and presence of external Ca2+. These data indicate that tetracaine mobilises Ca2+ from a thapsigargin-insensitive store and stimulates insulin secretion in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. The increase in Ca-45 efflux caused by high concentrations of K+ and by carbachol indicates that tetracaine did not interfere with a cation or inositol triphosphate sensitive Ca2+ pool in beta-cells.


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The current study analyses the relation between commitment (focusing on organization, career and syndicate) and the meaning of the work for 123 employees from a bank of mixed economy, crowed in agencies located in the Northeast capitals and also in four capitals out of this region: Belo Horizonte-MG, Brasília-DF, Rio de Janeiro-RJ and São Paulo-SP. It explores the commitment variability in the work of participants, as well as the score combination in foci, generating the commitment patterns, having used as an instrument a questionnaire consisting: a reduced version of OCQ Organizational Commitment Questionnaire (09 items), which measures the organizational commitment; the reduced Gordon s Scale (10 items), which measures the syndicate commitment; and the Blau s Scale, which measures the commitment to the career/occupation. It speculates, likewise, the meaning of work variability to the sample, seeking for the value attributes (what work should be), descriptive attributes (what work is) and its hierarchy, for which the ISMT-Inventário do Significado e Motivação no Trabalho has been applied; the work centrality, for which two specific inquires were used. The answers were registered in data at SPSS-Statically Package for Social for Windows, and from this point the statistical analyses were accomplished. Eight commitments to work patterns and six from the meaning of work were identified (Cluster analyses). The relation between both constructs was confirmed, corroborating other studies


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Malassezia folliculitis is an inflammatory disorder observed in both immunocompetent and immunosuppressed patients. The authors describe an unusual and exuberant presumed case affecting the face, trunk and upper limbs of a 12-year-old nonimmunosuppressed patient. Although the agent was not identified by culture, the clinical and histopathological aspects plus the response to specific treatment support the diagnosis of Malassezia folliculitis. The only possible predisponent cause observed on the patient was greasy skin. Repetitive cultures were negative. Treatment with itraconazol promoted apparent cure, however, the patient relapsed twelve months later.


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A traqueopatia osteocondroplástica (TO) é uma desordem idiopática, incomum, caracterizada pela presença de nódulos osteocartilaginosos na submucosa das vias aéreas, causando rigidez e estreitamento da árvore respiratória. Afeta principalmente homens acima dos 50 anos com manifestações clínicas devidas à obstrução e/ou a infecções locais. Sua patogênese é desconhecida. Relatamos um caso de TO encontrada acidentalmente em autopsia de mulher com 73 anos de idade, que apresentava carcinoma ductal biliar extra hepático (tumor de Klatskin).


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A degradação ambiental vem modificando nosso cenário de forma acelerada e interferindo negativamente no processo saúde-doença de toda a comunidade. No entanto, o meio ambiente vem sendo concebido como um simples cenário, algo externo ao ser humano, não onde estamos inseridos e no qual acontecem suas interações e inter-relações. A complexidade dos problemas ambientais clama pela adoção de medidas que superem práticas assistencialistas, levando à adoção de práticas transdisciplinares que avancem na promoção da saúde. Neste artigo procura-se discutir, nesta perspectiva, a necessidade de inserção nos cursos de graduação em saúde a temática saúde e meio ambiente, adotando como exemplo um curso de enfermagem do interior paulista que inseriu uma disciplina relacionada ao tema. Analisa também o papel do enfermeiro na relação com o meio ambiente segundo a representação social dos alunos, trabalhada a partir do Discurso do Sujeito Coletivo. Nota-se que é fundamental discutir essa temática ambiental entre os profissionais da saúde, a fim de que eles se empoderem desse conhecimento e consigam identificar problemas relacionados à questão ambiental, propondo ações resolutivas e preventivas, juntamente com a comunidade, procurando amenizar os riscos ambientais a que todos estão expostos. Reforça-se a profundidade do papel dos profissionais de saúde diante dos problemas ambientais, buscando a saúde em uma perspectiva ampliada de promoção da saúde.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)