916 resultados para 420121 Comparative Language Studies
The article examines why some postconflict societies defer the recovery of those who forcibly disappeared as a result of political violence, even after a fully fledged democratic regime is consolidated. The prolonged silences in Cyprus and Spain contradict the experience of other countries such as Bosnia, Guatemala, and South Africa, where truth recovery for disappeared or missing persons was a central element of the transition to peace and democracy. Exhumations of mass graves containing the victims from the two periods of violence in Cyprus (1963–1974) and the Spanish Civil War (1936–1939) was delayed up until the early 2000s. Cyprus and Spain are well suited to explain both prolonged silences in transitional justice and the puzzling decision to become belated truth seekers. The article shows that in negotiated transitions, a subtle elite agreement links the non-instrumental use of the past with the imminent needs for political stability and nascent democratization. As time passes, selective silence becomes an entrenched feature of the political discourse and democratic institutions, acquiring a hegemonic status and prolonging the silencing of violence.
This article explores The Connoisseur's combined engagement with its most important literary precursor and the society of its day. With its satire on the fashionable leisure culture of the mid-eighteenth century, Bonnell Thornton and George Colman's periodical, published from 1754 to 1756, followed self-consciously in the footsteps of Addison. Yet adopting the Addisonian model at mid-century was no straightforward task. Not only had the cultural landscape shifted during the forty years since The Spectator, but emulating this modern classic raised thorny issues regarding the originality and value of The Connoisseur itself. In appropriating the Addisonian essay, the challenge for Colman and Thornton was thus to update Addison: to adapt their model to changing times. This article examines how Colman and Thornton sought to validate their particular contribution to the polite periodical tradition, along with the difficulties they encountered in maintaining a Spectatorial detachment from the fashionable milieu that was their primary theme.
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Children who experienced intrauterine growth restriction (IUGR) may be at increased risk for adverse developmental outcomes in early childhood. The objective of this study was to carry out a systematic review of neurodevelopmental outcomes from 6 months to 3 years after IUGR.
METHODS: PubMed, Embase, PsycINFO, Maternity and Infant Care, and CINAHL databases were searched by using the search terms intrauterine, fetal, growth restriction, child development, neurodevelopment, early childhood, cognitive, motor, speech, language. Studies were eligible for inclusion if participants met specified criteria for growth restriction, follow-up was conducted within 6 months to 3 years, methods were adequately described, non-IUGR comparison groups were included, and full English text of the article was available. A specifically designed data extraction form was used. The methodological quality of included studies was assessed using well-documented quality-appraisal guidelines.
RESULTS: Of 731 studies reviewed, 16 were included. Poorer neurodevelopmental outcomes after IUGR were described in 11. Ten found motor, 8 cognitive, and 7 language delays. Other delays included social development, attention, and adaptive behavior. Only 8 included abnormal Doppler parameters in their definitions of IUGR.
CONCLUSIONS: Evidence suggests that children are at risk for poorer neurodevelopmental outcomes following IUGR from 6 months to 3 years of age. The heterogeneity of primary outcomes, assessment measures, adjustment for confounding variables, and definitions of IUGR limits synthesis and interpretation. Sample sizes in most studies were small, and some examined preterm IUGR children without including term IUGR or AGA comparison groups, limiting the value of extant studies.
This article re-examines the relationship between framing and postposition of the subject in contemporary French, using oral data from the French Oral Narrative Corpus. The authors argue that the widely-supported binary distinction between 'SV-framing' and 'VS-nonframing' is in fact much more complex, with some clear counterexamples to accepted theory and others that force us to re-consider the definition of framing.
Land plant evolution required the generation of a new body plan that could resist the harsher and fluctuating environmental conditions found outside of aquatic environments. Unraveling the genetic basis of plant developmental innovations is not only revealing in terms of an evolutionary point of view, but it is also important for understanding the emergence of agronomically important traits. Comparative genetic studies between basal and modern land plants, both at the genome and trancriptome levels, can help in the generation of hypotheses related to the genetic basis of plant evolutionary development.(...)
This essay deals with the juridical problems related with violence associated with sports. Begining with an historical analysis of the violent situations, with brief sociological references, we’ll try to reach conclusions regarding the evolution of the phenomenon. A brief reference to comparative law studies will help us understand the measures taken by the portuguese legislator, focusing on a critical analysis of that legislation, on it’s repressive and preventive quality
The purpose of this meta-analytic investigation was to review the empirical evidence specific to the effect of physical activity context on social physique anxiety (SP A). English language studies were located from computer and manual literature searches. A total of 146 initial studies were coded. Studies included in the meta-analysis presented at least one empirical effect for SPA between physical activity participants (i.e., athletes or exercisers) and non-physical activity participants. The final sample included thirteen studies, yielding 14 effect sizes, with a total sample size of 2846. Studies were coded for mean SPA between physical activity participants and non-physical activity participants. Moderator variables related to demographic and study characteristics were also coded. Using Hunter and Schmidt's (2004) protocol, statistical artifacts were corrected. Results indicate that, practically speaking, those who were physically active reported lower levels of SPA than the comparison group (dcorr = -.12; SDeorr.-=-;22). Consideration of the magnitude of the ES, the SDeorr, and confidence interval suggests that this effect is not statistically significant. While most moderator analyses reiterated this trend, some differences were worth noting. Previous research has identified SPA to be especially salient for females compared to males, however, in the current investigation, the magnitude of the ES' s comparing physical activity participants to the comparison group was similar (deorr = -.24 for females and deorr = -.23 for males). Also, the type of physical activity was investigated, and results showed that athletes reported lower levels of SP A than the comparison group (deorr = -.19, SDeorr = .08), whereas exercisers reported higher levels of SPA than the comparison group (deorr = .13, SDeorr = .22). Results demonstrate support for the dispositional nature of SP A. Consideration of practical significance suggests that those who are involved in physical activity may experience slightly lower levels of SPA than those not reporting physical activity participation. Results potentially offer support for the bi-directionality of the relationship between physical activity and SP A; however, a causality may not be inferred. More information about the type of physical activity (i.e., frequency/nature of exercise behaviour, sport classificationllevel of athletes) may help clarify the role of physical activity contexts on SPA.
Le développement des sociétés à travers le monde est influencé par des dynamiques de pouvoir social. D’une perspective de genre, les relations patriarcales ont contribué à la réorganisation du développement par un accès inégal aux ressources, à l’espace et à la mobilité. La société mexicaine, caractérisée par un fort patriarcat et une pauvreté endémique, a vu émerger de multiples outils de développement pour pallier aux inégalités de genre. Plus récemment, les programmes de microfinance sont devenus un instrument de choix pour lutter contre la marginalisation des femmes et les inégalités de genre. La littérature scientifique présente des lacunes au sujet de la nature des relations de genre dans les ménages qui bénéficient de la microfinance. Plusieurs études portent sur les impacts de la microfinance sur la vie des femmes, mais peu offrent une vision holistique considérant la microfinance comme un outil de développement capable de changer la nature spatiale des inégalités de genre. Cette recherche est basée sur une comparaison qualitative de deux études de cas de groupes de microfinance de San Miguel Tenextatiloyan et d’Émilio Carranza, deux communautés de la Sierra Norte de Puebla (Mexique). Son objectif principal est d’évaluer le degré selon lequel les programmes de microfinance ont changé la place des femmes dans la société. Pour répondre à cette question, un portrait de l’organisation spatiale du genre sera tracé, puis, les impacts des programmes de microfinance sur la place des femmes dans les espaces domestiques, de travail et communautaires seront évalués. L’étude mène à la conclusion que les programmes de microfinance du CESDER n’ont pas beaucoup changé la place des femmes dans la société. La recherche dévoile plutôt que, dans un contexte de pauvreté, la microfinance stabilise les ménages et offre des lieux d’échange et de réseautage, mais elle n’offre pas aux femmes une véritable chance d’acquérir plus de contrôle sur leur vie. Deuxièmement, les résultats démontrent que les tâches associées à la reproduction sociale – largement assumée par les femmes - engendrent une barrière structurante à l’empowerment des femmes, un obstacle que la microfinance ne parvient pas entièrement à surmonter. Mots-clés : Géographie du genre, relations de pouvoir, développement, microfinance, spatialité, néolibéralisme, Mexique.
The Forgotten Side of Partisanship: Negative Party Identification in Four Anglo-American Democracies
Early studies of electoral behavior proposed that party identification could be negative as well as positive. Over time, though, the concept became mostly understood as a positive construct. The few studies that took negative identification into account tended to portray it as a marginal factor that went “hand-in-hand” with positive preferences. Recent scholarship in psychology reaffirms, however, that negative evaluations are not simply the bipolar opposite of positive ones. This article considers negative party identification from this standpoint, and evaluates its impact in recent national elections in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States. Our findings highlight the autonomous power of negative partisanship. They indicate as well that ideology has an influence on both positive and negative partisan identification.
The concept of global justice has been developed to stress the worldwide implications of moral problems. Not much, however, has been written about the actual politics of global justice. This article focuses on public opinion and argues that attitudes about international redistribution are not a simple projection of attitudes about the domestic situation. In countries where domestic income redistribution is seen as an important priority, foreign aid is less popular; where this is less so, there is more concern for the fate of the poor in the South. Far from reflecting a lack of coherence in public opinion, these counterintuitive results need to be understood in connection with policy achievements in donor countries. The authors' empirical findings suggest that although the commitment to redistribute is stronger at the national level, relationships of solidarity do not stop at national boundaries. The achievement of justice at home in fact sustains justice abroad.
Zusammenfassung - Der sekundäre Botenstoff zyklisches Adenosinmonophosphat (cAMP) reguliert viele fundamentale zelluläre Prozesse wie Zellproliferation, Differenzierung, Energiemetabolismus und Genexpression. In eukaryotischen Zellen vermittelt die cAMP-abhängige Proteinkinase (PKA) die meisten biologischen Funktionen von cAMP. Die PKA besteht aus jeweils zwei regulatorischen (R) und katalytischen (C) Untereinheiten, die zusammen einen inaktiven Holoenzymkomplex bilden, der durch cAMP aktiviert wird. In dieser Arbeit wurde die Bindung von cAMP und cAMP-Analoga an die R Untereinheit der PKA unter funktionellen und mechanistischen Aspekten untersucht. Eine neue, auf Fluoreszenzpolarisation basierende Methode wurde entwickelt, um die Affinität von cAMP-Analoga in einem homogenen Ansatz schnell, reproduzierbar und nicht radioaktiv zu quantifizieren. Zur detaillierten Untersuchung des Bindungsmechanismus von cAMP und cAMP Analoga (Agonisten und Antagonisten) wurden thermodynamische Studien im direkten Vergleich mittels isothermaler Titrationskalorimetrie und kinetischen Analysen (Oberflächenplasmonresonanz, SPR) durchgeführt, wodurch thermodynamische Signaturen für das Bindungsverhalten der Nukleotide an die R Untereinheit der PKA erhalten werden konnten. Durch Interaktionsstudien an mutagenisierten R Untereinheiten wurde der intramolekulare Aktivierungsmechanismus der PKA in Bezug auf cAMP-Bindung, Holoenzymkomplex-Formierung und -Aktivierung untersucht. Die dabei erhaltenen Ergebnisse wurden mit zwei Modellen der cAMP-induzierten Konformationsänderung verglichen, und ein Aktivierungsmechanismus postuliert, der auf konservierten hydrophoben Aminosäuren basiert. Für in vivo Untersuchungen wurden zusammen mit Kooperationspartnern membranpermeable, fluoreszierende cAMP Analoga entwickelt, die Einblicke in die Dynamik der cAMP-Verteilung in Zellen erlauben. Neu entwickelte, Festphasen gebundene cAMP-Analoga (Agonisten und Antagonisten) wurden in einem (sub)proteomischen Ansatz dazu genutzt, natürliche Komplexe der R Untereinheit und des PKA-Holoenzyms aus Zelllysaten zu isolieren und zu identifizieren. Diese Untersuchungen fließen letztlich in einem systembiologischen Ansatz zusammen, der neue Einblicke in die vielschichtigen cAMP gesteuerten Netzwerke und Regulationsprozesse erlaubt.