999 resultados para 329-U1370E


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BACKGROUND: MYCN oncogene amplification has been defined as the most important prognostic factor for neuroblastoma (NB), the most common solid extracranial neoplasm in children. High copy numbers are strongly associated with rapid tumor progression and poor outcome, independently of tumor stage or patient age, and this has become an important factor in treatment stratification. PROCEDURE: By real-time quantitative PCR analysis, we evaluated the clinical relevance of circulating MYCN DNA of 267 patients with locoregional or metastatic NB in children less than 18 months of age. RESULTS: For patients in this age group with INSS stage 4 or 4S NB and stage 3 patients, serum-based determination of MYCN DNA sequences had good sensitivity (85%, 83%, and 75% respectively) and high specificity (100%) when compared to direct tumor gene determination. In contrast, the approach showed low sensitivity patients with stages 1 and 2 disease. CONCLUSION: Our results show that the sensitivity of the serum-based MYCN DNA sequence determination depends on the stage of the disease. However, this simple, reproducible assay may represent a reasonably sensitive and very specific tool to assess tumor MYCN status in cases with stage 3 and metastatic disease for whom a wait and see strategy is often recommended.


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To assess the effect of weight loss on resting metabolic rate (RMR), the energy expenditure of eight obese prepubertal children (age 9 +/- 1 years; weight 48.7 +/- 9.1 kg; BMI 25.3 +/- 3.9) and of 14 age-matched children of normal body weight (age 9 +/- 1 years; weight 28.8 +/- 5.6 kg; BMI 16.5 +/- 1.7) was measured by indirect calorimetry. The obese children were reinvestigated after a mean weight loss of 5.4 +/- 1.2 kg induced by a six-months mixed hypocaloric diet. Before slimming, the obese group showed a higher daily energy intake than the control group (10.40 +/- 3.45 MJ/day vs 7.97 +/- 2.02 MJ/day respectively; P less than 0.05) but a similar value was observed per unit fat-free mass (FFM) (0.315 +/- 0.032 MJ/kgFFM/day vs 0.329 +/- 0.041 MJ/kgFFM/day respectively). The average RMR of the obese children was greater than that of the control group (5217 +/- 531 kJ/day vs 4477 +/- 506 kJ/day) but similar after adjusting for FFM (4728 +/- 3102 kJ/day vs 4899 +/- 3102 kJ/day). Weight loss resulted in a reduction in RMR (5217 +/- 531 kJ/day vs 4874 +/- 820 kJ/day), each kg of weight loss being accompanied by a decrease of RMR of 64 kJ (15.3 kcal) per day. The changes in RMR induced by weight loss paralleled the changes in FFM. No difference was found in average RQ in obese children vs controls (0.85 +/- 0.03 vs 0.87 +/- 0.03 respectively) and in the obese children before and after weight loss (0.87 +/- 0.02).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Two types of hydrogel microspheres have been developed. Fast ionotropic gelation of sodium alginate (Na-alg) in the presence of calcium ions was combined with slow covalent cross-linking of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) derivatives. For the first type, the fast obtainable Ca-alg hydrogel served as spherical matrix for the simultaneously occurring covalent cross-linking of multi-arm PEG derivative. A two-component interpenetrating network was formed in one step upon extruding the mixture of the two polymers into the gelation bath. For the second type, heterobifunctional PEG was grafted onto Na-alg prior to gelation. Upon extrusion of the polymer solution into the gelation bath, fast Ca-alg formation ensured the spherical shape and was accompanied by cross-linker-free covalent cross-linking of the PEG side chains. Thus, one-component hydrogel microspheres resulted. We present the physical properties of the hydrogel microspheres and demonstrate the feasibility of cell microencapsulation for both types of polymer networks.


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Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an X-linked progressive muscle disease. Since the discovery of the dystrophin gene responsible for the condition, various therapeutic strategies have been elaborated. In this paper we introduce three of them, which are well into clinical trials. The first is based on the ability to read through premature stop codons, the second is based on the technique of exon skipping. Both strategies are examples of "personalized medicines", tailored for specific mutation types. The third approach is a pharmacological one, potentially useful for all Duchenne patients, regardless of their mutation type. These first clinical trials raise many questions for researchers as well as for patients and their families, some of which are discussed.


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Collection : Les archives de la Révolution française ; 11.1a.563


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In the Wadi Wasit area (Central Oman Mountains), Dienerian breccias are widespread. These breccias consist mostly of Guadalupian reefal blocks, often dolomitised, and some rare small-sized blocks of lowermost Triassic bivalve-bearing limestones. A unique block, with a size of about 200 m(3), including Permian and earliest Triassic faunas has been studied in detail. The so-called Wadi Wasit block consists of three major lithological units. A basal unstratified grey limestone is rich in various reef-building organisms (rugose corals, calcareous sponges, stromatoporoids) and has been dated as Middle Permian. It is disconformably overlain by well- and thin-bedded light grey to yellowish coloured limestones rich in molluscs. Two major lithologies (Coquina Limestone respectively Bioclastic Limestone unit) characterise the shelly limestones, their contact seems gradual. These two units are well-dated; they are of Griesbachian age and contain three conodont zones, the Parvus Zone, the Staeschei Zone and the Sosioensis Zone, and two ammonoid zones, the Ophiceras tibeticum Zone and an 'unnamed interval'. The third unit consists of a grey marly limestone containing Neospathodus kummeli (basal Dienerian). It is the first record of well-dated basal Triassic sediments in the Arabian Peninsula. The Coquina Limestone is dominated by the bivalve Promyalina with some Claraia and Eumorphotis. This bivalve association is interpreted as a pioneering opportunistic assemblage. Towards the top of the Bioclastic Limestone unit, the faunal diversity increases and contains probably more than 20 taxa of bivalves, microgastropods, crinoids, brachiopods, ammonoids, echinoid spines, ostracods and conodonts. The generic diversity of this biofacies exceeds by far any other Griesbachian assemblage known. Our data give new evidence for the geodynamical history for the distal carbonate shelf bordering the Hawasina Basin. A break in the sedimentation characterises the Late Permian. The basal Triassic shows a steady transgression and the breccias may record a distinct gravitational collapse of platform margins linked with sea-level low stand at the end of Induan time (late Dienerian-basal Smithian). delta(13)C(carb) isotopic analyses were performed and yield typical Permian values of around 4parts per thousand for the Reefal Limestone, with a strong negative shift across the Permian-Triassic boundary. During the Griesbachian values shift positively from 0.5 to 3.1parts per thousand parallel to an increase in faunal diversity and probably primary productivity. The detailed faunal analysis and the discovery of an unexpected diversity give,us a new understanding of the recovery of the Early Triassic marine ecosystem.


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OBJECTIVE: To evaluate prenatal diagnosis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia by ultrasound in well-defined European populations. DESIGN: Data from 20 registries of congenital malformations in 12 European countries were included. The prenatal ultrasound screening programs in the countries ranged from no routine screening to three ultrasound investigations per patient being routinely performed. RESULTS: There were 187 cases with congenital diaphragmatic hernia, with an overall prenatal detection rate of 59% (110/187). There was considerable variation in prenatal detection rate between regions. There was a significant difference in the detection rate of isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia (59/116, 51%) compared with congenital diaphragmatic hernia associated with multiple malformations, karyotype anomalies or syndromes (51/71, 72%) (P = 0.01). Termination of pregnancy was performed in 39 cases (21%) of which 14 cases were isolated congenital diaphragmatic hernia. Mean gestational age at discovery was 24.2 weeks (range, 11-38 weeks). CONCLUSIONS: The overall prenatal detection rate of congenital diaphragmatic hernia is high (59%) but varies significantly between European regions. The gestational age at discovery was greater than 24 weeks in half of the prenatally diagnosed cases.


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Ce travail porte sur le développement des compétences sociales et des cercles sociaux à l'adolescence. Il s'intéresse plus particulièrement à l'effet au cours du temps que peuvent avoir les nouveaux moyens de communication électronique (MCE) sur ces deux aspects de la socialisation. Trois parties principales se dégagent de ce travail. La première partie présente le développement d'un outil multidimensionnel destiné à l'évaluation des compétences sociales et permettant de les distinguer en fonction du contexte d'interaction (online vs. offline). La seconde partie porte sur la comparaison des compétences sociales et de la taille du cercle social de 329 adolescents de 7e et de 8e année primaire, en fonction de leur utilisation, ou non, des MCE. Elle met en évidence que ces deux aspects diffèrent de manière statistiquement significative entre les deux groupes, en faveur des utilisateurs de MCE. La troisième partie se centre sur l'utilisation de différents MCE et sur les effets différentiels qu'ils peuvent avoir au cours du temps sur ces deux aspects de la socialisation. Les analyses des données longitudinales mettent en évidence que l'utilisation de sites de réseaux sociaux (SRS) est particulièrement susceptible d'améliorer les compétences sociales et d'augmenter la taille du cercle social. Un modèle dans lequel les compétences sociales jouent un rôle de médiateur entre l'utilisation de SRS et la taille du cercle social est finalement postulé. - This work's topic concerns the development of social skills and social network size during adolescence. It examines more particularly the effects that new online communication media (OCM) may have on these two aspects of adolescent socialization. It is subdivided in three distinct parts. The first part presents the development of a multidimensional tool designed to assess social skills in two different contexts of interaction (online vs. offline). The second part compares the social skills and social network size of 329 adolescents depending on their use, or not, of OCM. It highlights significant differences on these two aspects between users and non-users, in favor of OCM users. The third part focuses on the differential effects that six OCM may have over time on these two aspects of socialization. Longitudinal data analyses highlight that the use of social network sites (SNS) is particularly likely to improve social skills and to increase social network size. A model in which social skills mediate the relationship between SNS use and social network size is finally postulated.


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The TRAF-interacting protein (TRIP/TRAIP) is a RING-type E3 ubiquitin ligase inhibiting tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α)-mediated NF-κB activation. TRIP ablation results in early embryonic lethality in mice. To investigate TRIP function in epidermis, we examined its expression and the effect of TRIP knockdown (KD) in keratinocytes. TRIP mRNA expression was strongly downregulated in primary human keratinocytes undergoing differentiation triggered by high cell density or high calcium. Short-term phorbol-12-myristate-13-acetate (TPA) treatment or inhibition of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase signaling in proliferative keratinocytes suppressed TRIP transcription. Inhibition by TPA was protein kinase C dependent. Keratinocytes undergoing KD of TRIP expression by lentiviral short-hairpin RNA (shRNA; T4 and T5) had strongly reduced proliferation rates compared with control shRNA. Cell cycle analysis demonstrated that TRIP-KD caused growth arrest in the G1/S phase. Keratinocytes with TRIP-KD resembled differentiated cells consistent with the augmented expression of differentiation markers keratin 1 and filaggrin. Luciferase-based reporter assays showed no increase in NF-κB activity in TRIP-KD keratinocytes, indicating that NF-κB activity in keratinocytes is not regulated by TRIP. TRIP expression was increased by ∼2-fold in basal cell carcinomas compared with normal skin. These results underline the important role of TRIP in the regulation of cell cycle progression and the tight linkage of its expression to keratinocyte proliferation.


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Donateur : Jackson, James (1843-1895)


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Using Dutch data (N = 6630), this article examines how sibling relationships (including full biological, half- and adopted siblings) differed for persons who experienced a negative life event (divorce, physical illness, psychological problems, addiction, problems with the law, victimization of abuse or financial problems) and those who did not. Results showed that people who experienced serious negative life events in the past often had less active, less supportive and more strained sibling ties. The group that experienced a physical illness formed an exception, showing more supportive and active sibling ties, but also higher levels of conflict. Results suggest inequality between persons who have experienced negative life events and those who have not in terms of access to positive and supportive sibling relationships.