979 resultados para 2005-06-BS


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The technique of balancing cross-sections, an important method for studying the tectonic history of sedimentary basins, has many applications. It enables one to compile charts for petroleum exploration and development, and growth sections of ancient structures can be restored so that the structural growth history can be studied. In order to study tectonic evolution in the Zhuanghai area of the Bohai-Bay basin, we selected two seismic profiles and compiled two structural growth sections. Based on the two balanced cross-sections, the evolution can be divided into four phases: the Triassic-Middle Jurassic phase, Late Jurassic - Cretaceous phase, Palaeogene extension phase, and Late Palaeogene-to-present phase. The whole area was uplifted during the Triassic-Middle Jurassic phase because of intense extrusion stress related to the Indo-China movement. During the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, intense extension occurred in east China, and the whole area rifted, leading to the deposition of a thick sedimentary sequence. In the Late Cretaceous, the area suffered uplift and compression associated with the sinistral strike slip of the Tanlu fault. In the Palaeogene, a rifting basin developed in the area. Finally, it became stable and was placed in its present position by dextral strike-slip motion. In addition, some problems associated with compiling balanced cross-sections are discussed.


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紫外灭活牙鲆精子最适剂量为3772ergs/mm2,长时间紫外照射会造成牙鲆精子超微结构、存活率和活力的损伤。采用冷休克法和静水压法可成功抑制雌核发育牙鲆卵第二极体排放,诱导出雌核发育牙鲆子二代雌核发育。15℃培育水温条件下,冷休克法抑制雌核发育牙鲆卵子第二极体排放的最适条件为受精后5min,0-1℃ 水温下处理45 min;静水压法制雌核发育牙鲆卵子第二极体排放的最适条件为受精后5min,480 kg/cm2压力水平处理5min。采用温度休克法和静水压法都可成功诱导出牙鲆同质雌核发育二倍体。15℃培育水温条件下,冷休克法诱导牙鲆同质雌核发育的最适条件为受精后85min,1-2℃ 水温下处理45 min;静水压法诱导牙鲆同质雌核发育最适处理参数为受精后85min,600 kg/cm2压力水平处理6min。采用冷休克法和静水压法都成功诱导出大黄鱼三倍体。冷休克法适合诱导条件为20℃培育水温下授精后3min, 在3-4℃海水中处理8-10min;静水压法适合诱导条件为同样培育水温下授精后3min,在静水压450kg/cm2下处理3min。孵化后120d大黄鱼三倍体和对照组全长的增长上没有明显差异;体重则明显大于二倍体。


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本文采用表面荧光显微镜计数法和分级稀释培养技术对我国南黄海聚球蓝细菌和异养细菌在各个季节的分布特点、摄食压力的来源以及物理水文现象对其分布影响进行了研究,同时还对浮游细菌的年际变化进行了探讨。 1. 春季三个航次中聚球蓝细菌平均丰度为3.71×10E+4 cells/ml, 生物量为10.91µg C l-1;异养细菌平均丰度为3.86×10E+5 cells/ml,生物量为17.72 µg C l-1。在垂直方向上,聚球蓝细菌一直表现为中层>表层>底层,而异养细菌在每个航次中的表现都不尽相同,但总体来说仍是中上层丰度较大。 春末夏初,海区多种水团的存在导致水域水文现象复杂,其中潮汐锋、层化现象等对浮游细菌的分布产生很明显的影响。聚球藻(Synechococcus)蓝细菌生物量最大值主要分布于潮汐锋区及层化区表层和水体中层,异养细菌生物量最大值则多出现在混合区的表、底层和层化区的表层。 2. 夏季对黄海冷水团鼎盛时期的浮游细菌的生态学研究表明:(1)垂直方向上聚球蓝细菌生物量和异养细菌的表现特点不同,聚球蓝细菌生物量的分布情况是中层>表层>底层;异养细菌丰度在垂直方向上的分布状况是表层>中层>底层。(2)聚球蓝细菌对浮游植物总生物量的贡献为2~99%(平均为42.5%),异养细菌生物量与浮游植物总生物量的比值为0.05~6.37(平均为0.85)。(3)浮游细菌的分布于水体温度和盐度变化有一定关系,冷水团中的浮游细菌生物量最低。(4)小型浮游动物对聚球藻蓝细菌的捕食率为0.20~0.42/d。 3. 秋冬季节,11月份黄海沿岸流比暖水流对聚球蓝细菌分布的影响要大,聚球蓝细菌主要分布在黄海沿岸流经过的南黄海北部水域;而异养细菌的分布在此时与聚球蓝细菌的分布恰恰相反。1月份,异养细菌的分布与暖流水的入侵有很好的相关性,主要分布在暖流水的舌锋位置34°N附近;聚球蓝细菌主要分布在暖流水经过的区域33~34.5°N。 秋、冬季,海区突出的水文特征为沿岸流及黄海暖流,它们的强弱、流向及分布直接影响了浮游细菌的分布状况。 4. 南黄海聚球蓝细菌的季节变化是春季(6月)>秋季(10月)>夏季(8月)>冬季(1月),丰度在7.8×103~5.8×104 cells ml-1间;异养细菌的季节变化是夏季(8月)> 春季(6月)>秋季(10月)>冬季(1月),丰度在1.5×10E+5~7.8×10E+5 cells ml-1间。 聚球蓝细菌对浮游植物总生物量的贡献(CB/PB)在南黄海的季节变化情况是春季>秋季>夏季>冬季,平均为35.76%。异养细菌生物量对浮游植物总生物量的比值(BB/PB)的季节变化是夏季>秋季>春季>冬季,平均为61%。 浮游细菌的主要摄食者是微型浮游动物(<20 µm)和小型浮游动物(<200 µm),在不同季节摄食者表现不同。原生动物对浮游细菌的摄食率冬季高于春季。综上所述,浮游细菌在南黄海的分布主要受温度影响,随季节变化较明显;同时也受到原生动物的下行控制。同时物理场对浮游细菌的分布也有影响。


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以红藻中的角叉菜(Chondrus ocellatus)、龙须菜(Gracilaria lemaneiformis)、真江蓠(Gracilaria asiatica)和海膜(Halymenia sinensis)为材料,观察了红藻幼苗的早期发育,通过组织培养构建无性繁殖系,并初步探讨了红藻无性繁殖系的发育及分化机理,为海藻无性繁殖系的获得提供理论基础和依据。 在室内进行了角叉菜的四分孢子和果孢子的细胞培养,并观察其早期发育过程。结果表明,四分孢子和果孢子的早期发育是相似的,可主要分为三个阶段:早期分裂阶段、盘状体阶段和直立体形成阶段。 切段组织培养表明,红藻无性繁殖系的获得主要通过两种途径:一种为切段组织经过培养可直接形成再生植株;另一种为切段组织经培养脱分化,诱导出愈伤组织或类愈伤组织,愈伤组织或类愈伤组织再分化,形成盘状体,盘状体继续发育即可形成再生植株。 通过切段组织培养,获得了龙须菜和真江蓠再生植株。在PES培养液中,添加6-BA(0.25 mg/L)对龙须菜切段组织再生新枝的诱导有促进作用,诱导率可高达84.4%,高浓度的IAA或6-BA(4 mg/L)对切段组织有损伤作用。实验证明伤口大小对切段组织再生新枝有影响,且伤口太大对再生新枝的形成不利。龙须菜的切段组织培养过程中表现出极性。 通过组织培养,诱导出海膜类愈伤组织—丝状体。添加植物生长调节类物质(IAA 和 6-BA)对海膜丝状体的诱导无促进作用。海膜切片在消毒海水中培养即可获得丝状体。海膜丝状体的外植体来源主要有两个:一是健康的藻体; 另一是盘状体,其丝状体的诱导率分别为80% 和90%。筛选出了丝状体适宜的生长条件:13-23℃,10-15 μE•m−2• s−1,12h:12h(Light: Dark),其中18℃为最佳生长温度。高的光照强度(50 μE•m−2•s−1)对丝状体产生损伤作用。 红藻无性繁殖系的发育途径,根据其获得途径也有两种情况。经过切段组织培养直接获得的无性繁殖系,是切段切口处已分化的细胞表现其全能性,恢复分裂能力,再生新枝,切段表现出极性。极性的上端产生新枝,下端形成固着器,成为一个完整的植株。经过愈伤组织和类愈伤组织获得的无性繁殖系,是切口处已分化的细胞表现其全能性,经脱分化形成愈伤组织和类愈伤组织,附着在基质上后,再分化形成盘状体,按照孢子的早期发育途径,形成直立体幼苗。 通过SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳分析,对龙须菜正常藻体及无性繁殖系发育过程中蛋白的表达进行检测,检测出表达差异的蛋白质,推测这两个蛋白可能与龙须菜切段组织再生有关,其中30 KD的蛋白仅在再生新枝中表达,150 KD和125 KD的蛋白仅在正常生长的龙须菜和龙须菜切段的极性下端中表达。 根据高等植物中与萌芽、分生组织以及愈伤组织发育相关的基因序列保守区设计了五对特异引物,通过PCR和RT-PCR扩增检测及DNA测序分析,对红藻无性繁殖系早期发育相关的基因序列,进行了初步分析。


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赤潮毒素广泛存在于各种赤潮藻和各类海洋生物中,不仅对渔业、养殖业危害甚大,而且还直接威胁着人类的生存健康。其中,离子通道类毒素是一类毒性较高的毒素。除一些赤潮藻可以产生此类毒素之外,海洋中还存在某些生物也能够产生离子通道类毒素。为进一步阐明钠离子通道类毒素对细胞的毒性效应机制,本文选取一株小鼠神经母细胞瘤(Neuro-2a)作为受试对象,研究了四种钠离子通道类毒素STX、GTX1,4、GTX2,3、TTX对Neuro-2a细胞的毒性影响机制,并利用STX和TTX,建立了钠离子通道类毒素的细胞毒性检测方法,且应用此方法检测了贝体内、藻体内的毒素含量,进一步与小鼠法和HPLC法进行了比较。 研究表明:STX、GTX1,4、GTX2,3、TTX四种钠离子通道类毒素在长时间内均会对Neuro-2a细胞的增殖产生不利影响。在短时间(24h)内,以上各毒素均没有抑制Neuro-2a细胞的增殖,但是48h后,以上各毒素对Neuro-2a细胞的增殖均产生了抑制作用,且随着各毒素剂量的增加,细胞增殖受抑制程度也表现出一定程度的增高,二者呈剂量-反应关系。STX、GTX1,4、GTX2,3、TTX对Neuro-2a细胞的48h半数抑制浓度(IC50)分别为:250ng/ml、1000ng/ml、1300ng/ml、700ng/ml。本论文还首次研究了STX、GTX1,4、GTX2,3、TTX四种钠离子通道类毒素对Neuro-2a细胞内酶活性的影响。研究发现,STX、GTX1,4、GTX2,3、TTX四种钠离子通道阻断剂类毒素均能够影响Neuro-2a细胞内Na+-K+-ATP酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶TChE的活性。当各毒素作用24h后,Neuro-2a细胞内Na+-K+-ATP酶和乙酰胆碱酯酶TChE的活力均会受到抑制,并且随着各毒素剂量的增加,两种酶的活性也逐渐降低。可见,钠离子通道阻断剂类毒素能对细胞内酶的功能产生一定的影响,此影响连同阻断细胞膜钠离子通道,造成离子流的失衡作用,进一步对细胞产生毒性效应。在对细胞膜通透性的研究中发现,上述四种钠离子通道阻断剂类毒素各剂量组细胞培养液乳酸脱氢酶LDH的漏出率与对照组相比均无显著差异,它们均未引起Neuro-2a细胞膜内LDH的改变,看来钠离子通道阻断剂类毒素不会通过影响细胞膜的通透性而对细胞引起毒性效应。 本研究还利用STX和TTX两种钠离子通道标准毒素以及乌苯苷、藜芦定两种生物毒素,参照Jellett(1992)方法,建立了STX和TTX两种钠离子通道类毒素的细胞毒性检测的标准曲线,分别为:Y=0.266X+51.184和 Y=1.6068X+47.186。检出限分别为5ng/ml和0.8ng/ml。并且利用已建立的细胞毒性检测方法检测了来自浙江舟山和连云港赣榆市的19个织纹螺样品和5株实验室培养的亚历山大藻,得到的实验结果与小鼠生物测试和HPLC检测的结果存在较好的相关关系。鉴于该方法具有高通量、省时、检出限低等优点,因此更具有在沿海环境检测中推广应用的潜力。


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本文研究了16口虾塘的饲料投喂量、水位、盐度、透明度、水温、pH、溶解氧浓度、NH3-N浓度、水色、对虾体长及浮游植物的种类和数量等水体理化因子和生物因子的变化。经过统计分析结果如下: 在养殖前4个月饲料的日平均投喂量基本上呈一个倒“U”型。即随着养殖时间的推移,饲料日平均投喂量逐渐增大,到养殖60 d左右,饲料日平均投喂量达到了最大值,然后进入一个平台期,平台期大约维持30 d左右,随后饲料日平均投喂量逐渐减少。在120 d~130 d饲料日平均投喂量降到最低点后又逐渐回升。 水位平均值变化趋势基本相同,均为前浅后深,即随着养殖时间的推移养殖水位平均值逐渐加深 。 盐度变化趋势基本相同,均为前低后高,即随着养殖时间的推移养殖水体盐度逐渐升高。 透明度的总体变化趋势为:早上透明度比下午大,前期透明度比后期大。 水温基本上是随着养殖时间的推移而逐渐下降。6:30的水温比17:30的水温低。且6:30水温与17:30水温基本上呈平行趋势。 pH变化的总体趋势为:前期较高,随着养殖时间的推移pH逐渐下降,到中期(90d左右)pH降到最低点,尔后又逐渐上升,略呈“V”字形。早上的pH比下午的低。且早上的pH与下午的pH基本上呈平行趋势,间或有较大波动。 6:30时溶解氧浓度的平均值随着养殖时间的推移而逐渐增高。17:30时溶解氧浓度的平均值在整个养殖过程中比较平稳。同时,17:30时溶解氧浓度的平均值高于6:30,养殖前期(前90d)这种趋势更明显。 NH3-N浓度的平均值随着养殖时间的推移而逐渐增高。在养殖后期NH3-N浓度的波动较大。同时,养殖过程中17:30时NH3-N浓度的平均值高于6:30。 6:30时出现9~21号水色,它们出现的比例分别为:9号占0.1%,10号占0.3%,11号占1.1%, 12号0.6%,13号1.5%,14号占3.7%,15号占7.1%,16号占17.5%,17号占22.0%,18号占15.9%,19号占13.7%,20号10.9%,21号占5.8%;17:30时出现11~21号水色,它们出现的比例分别为11号占0.1%, 12号占0.3%,13号占1.2%,14号占4.0%,15号占6.0%,16号占17.8%,17号占24.7%,18号占18.1%,19号占11.8%,20号占9.7%,21号5.7%。 在11种典型水色中共检出浮游植物67种。其中11号水色检出16种,优势种为诺马斜纹藻(占总数47.1%)和菱形海线藻(占总数29.8%)。12号水色共检出16种,优势种为原甲藻(占总数40.85%)和圆筛藻(占总数20.73%)。13号水色共检出16种,优势种为颤藻(占总数45.58%)。14号水色共检出18种,优势种为拟货币直链藻(占总数56.73%)和膝沟藻(占总数12.87%)。15号水色共检出18种,优势种为诺马斜纹藻(占总数64.76%)。16号水色共检出16种,优势种为拟货币直链藻(占总数69.93%)。17号水色共检出14种,优势种为诺马斜纹藻(占总数62.56%)和膝沟藻(占总数15.76%)。18号水色共检出21种,优势种为拟货币直链藻(占总数71.19%)。19号水色共检出18种,优势种为圆筛藻(占总数94.99%)。20号水色共检出18种,优势种为圆筛藻(占总数87.14%)。21号水色共检出15种,优势种为拟货币直链藻(占总数59.80%)和萎软几内亚藻(占总数17.57%)。 相关分析结果表明高位池理化因子中对水色的主要影响因素:17:30PH值、养殖生物量、17:30NH3-N、17:30 透明度、水交换量。 对体长的主要影响因素为 6:30溶解氧、水交换量、17:30水色、饲料投喂量、盐度、17:30透明度、17:30水温、6:30NH3-N。 对对虾本身生物学形状对体重的影响研究表明体长、头胸甲长、胸宽、额剑下缘刺数目对体重的通径系数达到显著水平,它们是直接影响体重的重要指标,其中体长对体重的直接影响(0.428**)最大,是影响体重的最主要因素,其次为头胸甲长(0.290**)和胸宽(0.245**),额剑下缘刺数对体重的直接影响(0.070*)较小;胸高与体重的相关程度很大(0.7923),但它与额剑上缘刺数对体重的直接影响都非常小,主要通过其他性状间接影响活体重,是影响体重的次要因素。


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The effects of feeding level on growth, retention efficiency, faeces production and energy partitioning of redlip mullet were studied. A practical diet was used and fed at six levels from starvation, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4% of body weight (BW) to satiation for 3 weeks. The temperature was kept at 24 +/- 1 degrees C. Reducing the feeding amount resulted in significantly lower weight gain, and retention efficiency was significantly affected by feeding levels and attained the maximum at maximum feeding intake. Feeding 2% BW was the minimum required for fish to maintain growth. Fish carcass composition under different feeding levels could be divided into three groups: (1) starvation and FL1; (2) FL2 and FL3 and (3) FL4 and satiation, with significant differences among the groups but no differences in the groups except that ash content remained at constant value. Body composition of fish of group 2 was close to initial fish. The thermal-unit coefficient was 0.0381 at satiation, and significantly increased with increasing feeding levels. In order to accurately estimate basal metabolism (HeE), another trial on the relationship between HeE (kJ) and BW (g) was carried out. An exponential curve as HeE=0.1255BW(0.8386) explained this relationship. Intake energy (IE) increased from 11.30 to 63.08 kJ per fish, matching with different feeding levels. Energy allocated to growth of IE decreased with reducing feeding amount. There was a linear relationship between metabolism energy and retention energy in percentage.


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Seven new sesquiterpenes (1-7), together with seven known sesquiterpenes, aplysin (8), aplysinol (9), gossonorol (10), 7,10-epoxy-ar-bisabol-11-ol (11), 10-epi-7,10-epoxy-ar-bisabol-11-ol (12), johnstonol (13), and laurebiphenyl (14), have been isolated from the red alga Laurencia tristicha. The structures of new compounds were established as laur-11-en-2,10-diol (1), laur-11-en-10-ol (2), laur-11-en-1,10-diol (3), 4-bromo-1,10-epoxylaur-11-ene (4), cyclolauren-2-ol (5), laurentristich-4-ol (6), and ar-bisabol-9-en-7,11-diol (7) by means of spectroscopic methods including IR, HRMS, and ID and 21) NMR techniques. Compound 6 possessed a novel rearranged skeleton. All compounds were tested against several human cancer cell lines including lung adenocarcinoma (A549), stomach cancer (BGC-823), hepatoma (Bel 7402), colon cancer (HCT-8), and HELA cell lines. Laurebiphenyl (14) showed moderate cytotoxicity against all tested cell lines, with IC50 values of 1.68, 1.22, 1.91, 1.77, and 1.61 mu g/mL, respectively. Other compounds were inactive (IC50 > 10 mu g/mL).


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A method of hydride generation-atomic fluorescence spectrometry was proposed in the present paper for the determination of trace arsenic and selenium in jellyfish. The samples were treated by the combination of microwave digestion and lyophilization. The optimal conditions for treating and analyzing samples were established. The problem of the effect of the superfluous acid in the digesting solution on the results was solved, and the influence of coexisting foreign ions on the determination of arsenic and selenium was investigated. The accuracy of the method was confirmed by the method of standard additions. This method proved to be simple, rapid and repeatable, and is suitable for the analysis of biologic samples containing water.


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High-speed counter-current chromatography (HSCCC) technique in semi-preparative scale has been successfully applied to the separation of bioactive flavonoid compounds, liquiritigenin and isoliquiritigenin in one step from the crude extract of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Risch. The HSCCC was performed using a two-phase solvent system composed of n-hexane-ethyl acetate-methanol-acetonitrile-water (2:2:1:0.6:2, v/v). Yields of liquiritigenin (98.9% purity) and isoliquiritigenin (98.3% purity) obtained were 0.52% and 0.32%. Chemical structures of the purified liquiritigenin and isoliquiritigenin were identified by electrospray ionization-MS (ESI-MS) and NMR analysis. (c) 2005 Published by Elsevier B.V.


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A new species of the previously monotypic xanthid genus Crosnierius Serene & Vadon, 1981 is described from the South China Sea. The species differs from Crosnierius carinatus Serene & Vadon, 1981 in the structure of the anterolateral teeth, ambulatory leg proportions and form of the male first pleopod. Paramedaeus planifrons (Sakai, 1965) is also reported from the South China Sea, the first record of the species outside its type locality of Japan.


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A new halogenated biindole and a new apo-carotenone have been isolated from the ethanolic extract of the green alga Chaetomorpha basiretorsa Sethcell. On the basis of chemical and spectroscopic methods including 2D NMR technique, their structures have been elucidated as 4,4'-dichloro-5,5'-dibromo-7,7'-dimethoxy-2,2'-bi-1H-indole and 1'S*,4R*-8-(4'-hydroxy-2',6',6'-trimethylcyclohex-2-enyl)-6-methyloct-3E,5E,7E-trien-2-one, respectively.


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Since the acceptance of the electrochemical rusting mechanism, oxygen reduction has been considered the main cathodic process, while H+ reduction has been overlooked for the past four decades because oxygen can be readily renewed due to the thin layer Of Solution film formed during atmospheric corrosion. This study shows that measurable hydrogen call be detected at the surface opposite to the corroding side of the specimen during wet-dry cycles, and a clear correlation exists between the quantities of hydrogen permeated through iron sheet and weight loss. Results Suggest the intrinsic importance of H+ reduction that merits further investigation. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In the title compound, C-18(14)3(3)H(FN)O, the dihedral angles made by the triazole ring with the plane of the central benzene ring and the p-fluorophenylcarbonyl group are 82.09 ( 2) and 82.05 (2), respectively. There are weak C-H...O intra- and intermolecular interactions in the crystal structure, which contribute to the stability.


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In recent years, with the discovery oil and gas reservoirs in volcanic rocks, the exploration and development of these reservoirs have attracted widespread attention because of the urgent need for increasing oil and gas production in the world and volcanic rocks has currently become an important exploration target in Liaohe depression. The study area of this dissertation is in the middle section of the easternern sag of Liaohe depression that have been confirmed by studying structural fractures, which constitute a key factor impacting volcanic rocks reservoirs. Substantial reserves and large production capacity in the areas with widely distributed volcanic rocks are important reasons for examining volcanic rocks in the study area. The study began with classification and experimental data analysis of volcanic rocks fractural formation, then focused on the mechanism of fracturing and the development of volcanic rocks structural fracture prediction methodology.and Lastly, predicted volcanic rocks structural fracture before drilling involved a comprehensive study of the petroleum geology of this area, which identified favorable traps thereby reducing exploration risks and promoting the exploration and development of volcanic rocks reservoirs. 3Dstress and 3Dmove software were applied to predict structural fracture by combining the core data, well-logging data and seismic data together and making the visualization of a fracture possible. Base on the detailed fracture prediction results, well OuO48 and well Ou52 were drilled and successfully provided a basis for high efficiency exploration and development of fractured reservoir in the middle section of the eastern sag. As a result of what have been done, a new round of exploration of volcanic rocks was developed. Well OU48 and well OU52 successfully drilled in this area resulted in the in-depth study of the mechanism of structural fracture formation, technological innovation of structural fracture prediction of volcanic rocks , which guided to oil and gas exploration effectively and made it possible for high production of volcanic rocks. By the end of August 2005, the cumulative oil and gas production of Ou48 block were 5.1606 × 104 t and 1271.3× 104 m3 respectively, which made outstanding contributions to the oilfield development. Above all this work not only promoted exploration and structural fracture prediction in volcanic rocks in Liaohe depression, but also applied to in the low-permeability and fractured sandstone reservoir.