993 resultados para 1st year


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QUESTION UNDER STUDY: To describe alcohol use, binge drinking and drinking consequences in 19 year old men. METHODS: During a one-day army recruitment process mandatory for all Swiss males, a convenience sample of 1,004 men completed the "Health and Lifestyle Questionnaire", assessing demographics, alcohol use, binge drinking, and drinking consequences over the last 12 months. Binge drinking was defined as having 5 or more drinks on a single occasion at least once over the last 12 months. Among the 1,004 subjects, binge drinking could not be defined in 123 (12.3%) due to "don't know" responses, leaving 881 subjects with complete data. RESULTS: Of the 881 subjects, 690 (78.3%) reported binge drinking at least once over the last 12 months, 269 (30.5%) with infrequent binge drinking (< or = 1x/month) and 421 (47.8%) with frequent binge drinking (> or = 2x/month). In addition, 379 (43.0%) of the subjects experienced 3 or more drinking consequences over the last 12 months and the number of these consequences increased as the frequency of binge drinking increased (trend analyses significant for 9 of the 12 consequences evaluated). Among the 687 subjects with moderate average alcohol intake (< 14 drinks per week), 252 (36.7%) reported infrequent binge drinking, of whom 82 (32.5%) experienced 3 or more adverse drinking consequences over the last 12 months, whereas 246 (35.8%) reported frequent binge drinking and 128 (52.0%) of these experienced 3 or more adverse drinking consequences. CONCLUSIONS: Binge drinking in this sample of young men is frequent and is associated with numerous consequences, even among those consuming moderate amounts of alcohol.


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Acute heart failure in the early neonatal period is rare. Normally it is due to asphyxia, severe septicaemia, a congenital heart malformation or a viral myocarditis. Kawasaki disease (KD) as a cause of an neonatal myocarditis is not an established diagnosis. KD is a vasculitis of still unknown origin occurring predominantly in infants and preschool children. KD before the age of 3 months is rare. There are only few reports about KD in the 1st month. We present a newborn who showed the cardiac symptoms of KD in the 1st week of life with coronary dilatation and myocarditis. CONCLUSION: The diagnosis of incomplete KD should be considered not only in infants but also in newborns with signs of myocarditis and coronary abnormalities. Therapy with gammaglobulins may prevent the sequelae of coronary involvement.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland aims to promote cooperation for public health between Northern Ireland and Ireland, to tackle inequalities in health and influence public polices in favour of health. In its work, the Institute emphasises a holistic model of health which recognises the interplay of a wide range of health determinants, including economic, social and environmental factors as well as health and social services.


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The Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety invited submissions on the development of a new ten-year Breastfeeding Strategy for Northern Ireland 2012-2022 between May and September 2012. The draft Breastfeeding Strategy 2012 – 2022 proposes further action in relation to breastfeeding and aims to protect, promote, support and normalise breastfeeding within the population of Northern Ireland. Key points from IPH response IPH welcomes the commitment by the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety to develop a comprehensive long-term strategy to support women in Northern Ireland to breastfeed. The timeframe provides scope for developing clear long-term targets and actions and the embedding of breastfeeding culture into allied services, policies and programmes throughout Northern Ireland. The draft strategy’s recognition of the potential of breastfeeding as a means for tackling health inequalities forms a central theme of the IPH submission IPH welcomes the success achieved to date in improving breastfeeding. However, it is clear that the overall breastfeeding rate in Northern Ireland still lags behind the rest of the UK. Inequalities in breastfeeding rates remain an ongoing concern. IPH emphasises the importance of integrating the actions of the breastfeeding strategy with the strategic direction of overall public health policy in particular the forthcoming Fit and Well policy framework and early years strategies. IPH welcomes the inclusion of stipulations regarding weaning practices as an important component of the vision and one which, if achieved, will maximize the benefits from improving breastfeeding rates and duration.


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BACKGROUND AND AIM: There is an ongoing debate on which obesity marker better predicts cardiovascular disease (CVD). In this study, the relationships between obesity markers and high (>5%) 10-year risk of fatal CVD were assessed. METHODS AND RESULTS: A cross-sectional study was conducted including 3047 women and 2689 men aged 35-75years. Body fat percentage was assessed by tetrapolar bioimpedance. CVD risk was assessed using the SCORE risk function and gender- and age-specific cut points for body fat were derived. The diagnostic accuracy of each obesity marker was evaluated through receiver operating characteristics (ROC) analysis. In men, body fat presented a higher correlation (r=0.31) with 10-year CVD risk than waist/hip ratio (WHR, r=0.22), waist (r=0.22) or BMI (r=0.19); the corresponding values in women were 0.18, 0.15, 0.11 and 0.05, respectively (all p<0.05). In both genders, body fat showed the highest area under the ROC curve (AUC): in men, the AUC (95% confidence interval) were 76.0 (73.8-78.2), 67.3 (64.6-69.9), 65.8 (63.1-68.5) and 60.6 (57.9-63.5) for body fat, WHR, waist and BMI, respectively. In women, the corresponding values were 72.3 (69.2-75.3), 66.6 (63.1-70.2), 64.1 (60.6-67.6) and 58.8 (55.2-62.4). The use of the body fat percentage criterion enabled the capture of three times more subjects with high CVD risk than the BMI criterion, and almost twice as much as the WHR criterion. CONCLUSION: Obesity defined by body fat percentage is more related with 10-year risk of fatal CVD than obesity markers based on WHR, waist or BMI.


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Access audio, video and slides from the launch of the report The Institute of Public health in Ireland (IPH) produces population prevalence estimates and forecasts for a number of chronic conditions among adults. IPH has now applied the methodology to longstanding health conditions among young children across the island of Ireland. This report, based on a systematic analysis of data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children in the Republic of Ireland, is the first comprehensive look at longstanding health conditions among young children in Ireland. Estimated prevalence (per cent and number of cases) of longstanding health conditions among three-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland in 2011 by administrative counties/cities. The conditions are carer-reported: - "Longstanding illness, condition or disability” (where longstanding was defined as “anything that has troubled him/her over a period of time or that is likely to affect him/her over a period of time”) - Diagnosed asthma or asthma symptoms - Diagnosed eczema/any kind of skin allergy - Sight problem that required correction - Hearing problem that required correction - The estimates are based on data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children (www.growingup.ie) and population data. See the Chronic Conditions Hub for more details.  


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Access audio, video and slides from the launch of the report The Institute of Public health in Ireland (IPH) produces population prevalence estimates and forecasts for a number of chronic conditions among adults. IPH has now applied the methodology to longstanding health conditions among young children across the island of Ireland. This report, based on a systematic analysis of data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children in the Republic of Ireland, is the first comprehensive look at longstanding health conditions among young children in Ireland. Estimated prevalence (per cent and number of cases) of longstanding health conditions among three-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland in 2011 by administrative counties/cities. The conditions are carer-reported: - "Longstanding illness, condition or disability” (where longstanding was defined as “anything that has troubled him/her over a period of time or that is likely to affect him/her over a period of time”) - Diagnosed asthma or asthma symptoms - Diagnosed eczema/any kind of skin allergy - Sight problem that required correction - Hearing problem that required correction - The estimates are based on data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children (www.growingup.ie) and population data. See the Chronic Conditions Hub for more details.    


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Access audio, video and slides from the launch of the report The Institute of Public health in Ireland (IPH) produces population prevalence estimates and forecasts for a number of chronic conditions among adults. IPH has now applied the methodology to longstanding health conditions among young children across the island of Ireland. This report, based on a systematic analysis of data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children in the Republic of Ireland, is the first comprehensive look at longstanding health conditions among young children in Ireland. Estimated prevalence (per cent and number of cases) of longstanding health conditions among three-year-olds in the Republic of Ireland in 2011 by administrative counties/cities. The conditions are carer-reported: - "Longstanding illness, condition or disability” (where longstanding was defined as “anything that has troubled him/her over a period of time or that is likely to affect him/her over a period of time”) - Diagnosed asthma or asthma symptoms - Diagnosed eczema/any kind of skin allergy - Sight problem that required correction - Hearing problem that required correction - The estimates are based on data from the Growing Up in Ireland National Longitudinal Study of Children (www.growingup.ie) and population data. See the Chronic Conditions Hub for more details.    


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February 2006 - report providing an overview of the performance of the Northern Ireland Trusts


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Dengue virus types 1 and 2 have been isolated in Brazil by the Department of Virology, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, in 1986 and 1990 respectively, after many decades of absence. A successful continental Aedes aegypti control program in the Americas, has been able to eradicate the vector in most countries in the 60's, but the program could not be sustained along the years. Dengue viruses were reintroduced in the American region and the infection became endemic in Brazil, like in most Central and SouthAmerican countries and in the Caribbean region, due to the weaning of the vector control programs in these countries. High demographic densities and poor housing conditions in large urban communities, made the ideal conditions for vector spreading. All four dengue types are circulating in the continent and there is a high risk of the introduction in the country of the other two dengue types in Brazil, with the development of large epidemics. After the Cuban episode in 1981, when by the first time a large epidemic of dengue hemorrhagic fever and dengue shock syndrome have been described in the Americas, both clinical presentations are observed, specially in the countries like Brazil, with circulation of more than one dengue virus type. A tetravalent potent vaccine seems to be the only possible way to control the disease in the future, besides rapid clinical and laboratory diagnosis, in order to offer supportive treatment to the more severe clinical infections.


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Un estudi observacional de pacients amb LES, atesos al University College de London Hospital entre 1976 i 2005, es va dur a terme per revisar les diferències entre homes i dones amb lupus pel que fa a les característiques clíniques, serologia i resultats. 439 dones i 45 homes van ser identificats. L'edat mitjana al diagnòstic va ser de 29,3 anys (12,6), sense diferències significatives entre homes i dones. El sexe femení es va associar significativament amb la presència d'úlceres orals i Ig M ACA. No hi va haver diferències significatives en la comparació de les altres variables. Durant aquest període de seguiment de trenta anys, relativament poques diferències han sorgit al comparar les freqüències de les característiques clíniques i serològiques en homes y dones amb lupus.


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This Regional Strategy, A Healthier Future, aims to provide a vision of how our health and social services will develop and function over the next 20 years. In order to succeed, it must embrace the measures needed to promote health and wellbeing, support, protect and care for the most vulnerable and facilitate the delivery of services.