941 resultados para -- 1472-1553 -- Criticism and interpretation


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The Global Experiment, Water: A Chemical Solution, was one of the flagship activities of the International Year of Chemistry (IYC). During the virtual colloquium of the spring 2012 online ConfChem conference, the main results of this year-long experiment were presented and discussed online for a week. Some of the main conclusions of the virtual conversations relate to the benefits of creating online communities of people sharing similar interests, the use of online educational platforms to gather massive amounts of data, and specific questions about the development of this IYC initiative. The activities of the global water experiment (GWE) were designed by a team of experts and the protocols are available online on the GWE Web site. The results were shown in one interactive world map that allowed students to learn about data visualization, validation, and interpretation. The feedback obtained from the participants of the GWE and later by the contributors of the virtual colloquium was very positive. Many participants asked specific and technical questions about the development of this experiment, while others excitedly endorsed the convenience of these large open-access activities to promote chemistry worldwide. The estimate is that over 2 million people took part in the GWE during the IYC. This communication summarizes one of the invited papers to the ConfChem online conference: A Virtual Colloquium to Sustain and Celebrate IYC 2011 Initiatives in Global Chemical Education, held from May 18 to June 29, 2012 and hosted by the ACS DivCHED Committee on Computers in Chemical Education and the IUPAC Committee on Chemistry Education.


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Headed on the first page with the words "Nomenclatura hebraica," this handwritten volume is a vocabulary with the Hebrew word in the left column, and the English translation on the right. While the book is arranged in sections by letter, individual entries do not appear in strict alphabetical order. The small vocabulary varies greatly and includes entries like enigma, excommunication, and martyr, as well as cucumber and maggot. There are translations of the astrological signs at the end of the volume. Poem written at the bottom of the last page in different hand: "Women when good the best of saints/ that bright seraphick lovely/ she, who nothing of an angel/ wants but truth & immortality./ Verse 2: Who silken limbs & charming/ face. Keeps nature warm."


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In the last several years there has been an increase in the amount of qualitative research using in-depth interviews and comprehensive content analyses in sport psychology. However, no explicit method has been provided to deal with the large amount of unstructured data. This article provides common guidelines for organizing and interpreting unstructured data. Two main operations are suggested and discussed: first, coding meaningful text segments, or creating tags, and second, regrouping similar text segments,or creating categories. Furthermore, software programs for the microcomputer are presented as away to facilitate the organization and interpretation of qualitative data


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This paper assesses the effectiveness of the Meroni doctrine in the light of the recent judgment in the ESMA case. The first part explains in detail the problem of delegation of powers in the EU from the perspective of the principal-agent theory and complements it with the analysis of the trade-off between different levels of independence and accountability of agencies. A simple economic model is developed to illustrated the relationship between the independence and accountability of an agency. It shows that it is the accountability mechanism that induces the agent to act, rather than the extent of his independence. The paper also explains the inter-temporal interactions between the principal and the agent on the basis of the incentives in place for the different players. The second part is devoted to analysis of the functioning of ESMA in the context of its delegated powers. After the presentation of main aspects of the regulatory framework establishing ESMA, the paper continuous with an analysis and interpretation of the discretionary powers of ESMA. The rather rigid position of the Court of Justice in relation to the Meroni doctrine seems to be unsuitable to delegation of complex regulatory tasks. This is particularly evident in the case of financial markets. Finally, the judgment does not examine in any detail whether and how the principals - i.e. the EU and Member States - are best able to evaluate the quality of ESMA decisions and regulations and whether there are different but more effective accountability mechanisms.


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En el presente trabajo exploramos las consecuencias de la lectura del argumento del lenguaje privado realizada por Kripke en el terreno del pensamiento social y político. Ello reviste un interés particular, debido a que lleva a revisar el encuadre en el que usualmente se ha situado la discusión sobre la relevancia político-social del pensamiento de Wittgenstein. La discusión ha estado centrada en el rol del acuerdo comunitario, sus consecuencias conservadoras o relativistas, el ahogo de la crítica y el disenso que resultaría, y otras cuestiones conexas. En ello vemos el síntoma de una problemática epistemológica (la de las garantías del conocimiento) que no termina de superarse, a pesar de la jerga semántica. Mostraremos que el escenario que resulta de la lectura de Kripke, en cambio, rompe con esta problemática, habilitando nuevas preocupaciones, próximas, a nuestro juicio, con las de lo que en el pensamiento francés se han denominado las "filosofías de la sujeción del sujeto"


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En el presente trabajo exploramos las consecuencias de la lectura del argumento del lenguaje privado realizada por Kripke en el terreno del pensamiento social y político. Ello reviste un interés particular, debido a que lleva a revisar el encuadre en el que usualmente se ha situado la discusión sobre la relevancia político-social del pensamiento de Wittgenstein. La discusión ha estado centrada en el rol del acuerdo comunitario, sus consecuencias conservadoras o relativistas, el ahogo de la crítica y el disenso que resultaría, y otras cuestiones conexas. En ello vemos el síntoma de una problemática epistemológica (la de las garantías del conocimiento) que no termina de superarse, a pesar de la jerga semántica. Mostraremos que el escenario que resulta de la lectura de Kripke, en cambio, rompe con esta problemática, habilitando nuevas preocupaciones, próximas, a nuestro juicio, con las de lo que en el pensamiento francés se han denominado las "filosofías de la sujeción del sujeto"


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In the northern McMurdo Sound (Ross Sea, Antarctica), the CRP-2/2A drillhole targeted the western margin of the Victoria Land Basin to investigate Neogene to Palaeogene climatic and tectonic history by obtaining continuous core and downhole logs. Well logging of CRP-2/2A has provided a complete and comprehensive dataset of in situ geophysical measurements. This paper describes the evaluation and interpretation of the downhole logging data using multivariate statistical methods. Two major types of multivariate statistical methods were each yielding a different perspective: (1) Factor analysis was used as an objective tool for classification of the drilled sequence based on physical and chemical properties. The factor logs are mirroring the basic geological controls (i.e., grain size, porosity, clay mineralogy) behind the measured geophysical properties, thereby making them easier to interpret geologically. (2) Cluster analysis of the logs groups similar downhole geophysical properties into one cluster, delineating individual logging or sedimentological units. These objectively and independently defined units, or statistical electrofacies, are helpful in differentiating lithological and sedimentological characterisations (e.g. grain size, provenance). The multivariate statistical methods of factor and cluster analysis proved to be powerful tools for fast, reliable, and objective characterisation of downhole geophysical properties at CRP-2/2A, resulting in interpretations which are consistent with sedimentological findings.


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En el presente trabajo exploramos las consecuencias de la lectura del argumento del lenguaje privado realizada por Kripke en el terreno del pensamiento social y político. Ello reviste un interés particular, debido a que lleva a revisar el encuadre en el que usualmente se ha situado la discusión sobre la relevancia político-social del pensamiento de Wittgenstein. La discusión ha estado centrada en el rol del acuerdo comunitario, sus consecuencias conservadoras o relativistas, el ahogo de la crítica y el disenso que resultaría, y otras cuestiones conexas. En ello vemos el síntoma de una problemática epistemológica (la de las garantías del conocimiento) que no termina de superarse, a pesar de la jerga semántica. Mostraremos que el escenario que resulta de la lectura de Kripke, en cambio, rompe con esta problemática, habilitando nuevas preocupaciones, próximas, a nuestro juicio, con las de lo que en el pensamiento francés se han denominado las "filosofías de la sujeción del sujeto"


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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For most of the past century, the prospect of replacing lost or damaged cells in the central nervous system (CNS) was hampered by the opinion that the adult mammalian CNS was incapable of generating new nerve cells. This belief, Like most dogmas, was essentially founded on a lack of experimental evidence to the contrary. The overturning of this 'no new neuron' hypothesis began midway through the twentieth century with a series of reports documenting neurogenesis in the postnatal and adult brain(1), continued with the isolation and in vitro culture of neurogenic cells from the adult mammalian brain(2,3), and culminated in the discovery of a population of muttipotent, selfrenewing cells in the adult CNS (that is, bona fide neural stem cells)(3-5). Although a variety of techniques were initially used, the neurosphere assay (NSA)(3,6) rapidly emerged as the assay of choice and has since become a valuable toot for isolating, and understanding the biology of, embryonic and adult CNS stem cells. Like all technologies, it is not without its limitations. In this article we will hightight several shortcomings of the assay related to its application and interpretation that we believe have led to a significant body of research whose conclusions may well be misleading.


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The phosphosulfomannan 1 (PI-88) is a mixture of highly sulfated oligosaccharides that is currently undergoing clinical evaluation in cancer patients. As well as it's anticancer properties, 1 displays a number of other interesting biological activities. A series of analogues of 1 were synthesized with a single carbon (pentasaccharide) backbone to facilitate structural characterization and interpretation of biological results. In a fashion similar to 1, all compounds were able to inhibit heparanase and to bind tightly to the proangiogenic growth factors FGF-1, FGF-2, and VEGF. The compounds also inhibited the infection of cells and cell-to-cell spread of herpes simplex virus (HSV-1). Preliminary pharmacokinetic data indicated that the compounds displayed different pharmacokinetic behavior compared with 1. Of particular note was the n-octyl derivative, which was cleared 3 times less rapidly than 1 and may provide increased systemic exposure.


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The discovery and interpretation of microscopic residues on stone artefacts is an expanding front within archaeological science, allowing reconstructions of the past use of specific tools. With notable exceptions, however, the field has seen little theoretical development, relying largely on a rationale in which either individual findings are widely generalized or the age of the site determines the importance of the results. Here an approach to residue interpretation is proposed that draws on notions of narrative, scale, action and agency as one means of expanding the theoretical scope and application of residue studies. It is suggested that the individual resonance of the findings of residue analyses with people in the present day can be used to provide a more nuanced understanding of past actions, which in turn allows both better integration and communication of those findings within and outside the archaeological comm unity, and begins to overcome the problems associated with the typically small sample sizes analysed in stone-tool residue studies.


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Hainge examines Shakespeare's play The Tempest, which was used in the allusions of Louis-Ferdinand Céline's novel Guignol's Band and Peter Greenaway's 1991 film Prospero's Book. He hypothesizes that Céline's novel Feerie pour une autre fois can be conceived of as a response to and interpretation of the The Tempest in the same way that Greenaway's film can be conceived of not as a representation of Shakespeare's play, a simple staging of it, but rather as a subjective response to it, an adaptation in the truest sense of the term.


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Culture is a central but debated concept in many disciplines and its complexity may become an even bigger source of argument in Suicidology. In spite of the intricacy of the study of this construct, the paper illustrates that various scholars have recognised the relevance of culture and ethnicity in the understanding of suicidal behaviour. The author provides evidence of the need to pay more attention to the meaning and interpretation of suicide in cross-cultural research and underlines the necessity to establish cultural-sensitive prevention strategies. The paper closes by providing methodological considerations and suggestions for future research on cultural aspects of suicidal behaviour.


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In the context of a hostile funding environment, universities are increasingly asked to justify their output in narrowly defined economic terms, and this can be difficult in Humanities or Arts faculties where productivity is rarely reducible to a simple financial indicator. This can lead to a number of immediate consequences that I have no need to rehearse here, but can also result in some interesting tensions within the academic community itself. First is that which has become known as the ‘Science Wars’: the increasingly acrimonious exchanges between scientists and scientific academics and cultural critics or theorists about who has the right to describe the world. Much has already been said—and much remains to be said—about this issue, but it is not my intention to discuss it here. Rather, I will look at a second area of contestation: the incorporation of scientific theory into literary or cultural criticism. Much of this work comes from a genuine commitment to interdisciplinarity, and an appreciation of insights that a fresh perspective can bring to a familiar object. However, some can be seen as cynical attempts to lend literary studies the sort of empirical legitimacy of the sciences. In particular, I want to look at a number of critics who have applied information theory to the literary work. In this paper, I will examine several instances of this sort of criticism, and then, through an analysis of a novel by American author Richard Powers, Three Farmers on Their Way to a Dance, show how this sort of criticism merely reduces the meaningful analysis of a complex literary text.