1000 resultados para índice de manejo de carbono
Estudi de la localitat de San Miguel de los Baños (Cuba) segons el punt de vista de l’ecoturisme per tal de proposar la zona com a àrea protegida i evitar la seva degradació
BACKGROUND Adipose tissue is a key regulator of energy balance playing an active role in lipid storage and may be a dynamic buffer to control fatty acid flux. Just like PPARgamma, fatty acid synthesis enzymes such as FASN have been implicated in almost all aspects of human metabolic alterations such as obesity, insulin resistance or dyslipemia. The aim of this work is to investigate how FASN and PPARgamma expression in human adipose tissue is related to carbohydrate metabolism dysfunction and obesity. METHODS The study included eighty-seven patients which were classified according to their BMI and to their glycaemia levels in order to study FASN and PPARgamma gene expression levels, anthropometric and biochemical variables. RESULTS The main result of this work is the close relation between FASN expression level and the factors that lead to hyperglycemic state (increased values of glucose levels, HOMA-IR, HbA1c, BMI and triglycerides). The correlation of the enzyme with these parameters is inversely proportional. On the other hand, PPARgamma is not related to carbohydrate metabolism. CONCLUSIONS We can demonstrate that FASN expression is a good candidate to study the pathophysiology of type II diabetes and obesity in humans.
Sección "Buenas prácticas en gestión clínica"
Este artículo compara diferentes marcos de trabajo y estándares del manejo de riesgo o relacionados, estableciendo ventajas y desventajas de su implementación; entre ellos, BS 25999, BS 25777, ISO/IEC 27000, COSO-ERM, ISO/IEC 20000, ITIL, Cobit 5, CERT-RMM, NIST SP-37. Describe cuales de los marcos comparados soporta procesos de negocio, procesos de TI, medición de la madurez e integración con otros marcos.
Publicado en la página web de la Consejería de Salud y Bienestar social: www.juntadeandalucia.es/salud (Consejería de Salud y Bienestar Social / Profesionales / Salud Pública / Promoción de la Salud / Actividad Física y Alimentación Equilibrada / Consejo dietético)
The purpose of intravenous fluid therapy (IFT) is to maintain or restore internal equilibrium by administering fluids and/or different electrolyte components. Its correct use and the prevention of complications arising from their misuse depend on the knowledge of the medical team on this subject. We analyzed this issue in different clinical areas of a tertiary hospital. MATERIAL AND METHODS We performed a descriptive cross-sectional pilot study via a questionnaire given to physicians specializing in internal medicine (IM) and digestive system surgery (SDS) who perform clinical practice in hospital units with unit dose drug dispensing system. We designed an anonymous questionnaire with 25 questions relative to knowledge of theory and practices, as well as the opinion of physicians regarding IFT. We evaluated the association between nominal qualitative variables with the Chi-square or Fisher's exact test. The behavior of the quantitative variables was assessed using the t-student test. The analysis of the data was generated using SAS/STAT, Version 9. RESULTS 28 questionnaires were collected from 13 surgeons and 15 digestive interns. Over 40% of specialists considered further education in IFT a necessity , especially regarding its prescription (SDS: 61.54%, IM: 71.43%). No statistically significant differences were found between the specialties in terms of perceived frequency of complications associated with IFT or in the frequency indication with the exception of hypovolemic shock, which is considered to be more prevalent in gastrointestinal surgery (p = 0.046). 90% of professionals prefer an individualized prescription. Statistically significant differences in terms of scores in the area of knowledge, with IM physicians achieving the highest scores (p = 0.014). There were also differences in attitude but they are not significant (p = 0.162). Knowledge of intravenous fluid increases with years of clinical experience (Spearman correlation coefficient = 0.386, p = 0.047). CONCLUSIONS The professionals who prescribe IFT perceive the need to design IFT training programs, together with the production of guides and consensus protocols.
Després d’aplicar alguns tractaments d’elaboració i conservació als aliments, queden bacteris lesionats. Aquests bacteris perden la capacitat de créixer en els medis de cultiu selectiu convencionals, de manera que se’n subestima el recompte. Malgrat això, poden recuperar-se als aliments i suposar un risc per la salut, ja que alguns encara poden mantenir activitat metabòlica i integritat estructural. En aquest projecte, es van optimitzar protocols de preparació de mostres per citometria de flux (CF) per avaluar l’estat fisiològic de patògens alimentaris (Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella Enteritidis i Listeria monocytogenes) sotmesos a estrès. Es van estudiar principalment dos paràmetres fisiològics: la integritat de membrana, mitjançant iodur de propidi i fluorocroms de la família SYTO; i l’activitat respiratòria, per la reducció intracel•lular d’una sal de tetrazole, el CTC. En primer lloc, es van avaluar variables de protocol, com la concentració de colorant, la ràtio entre colorants, la solució de tinció i el temps d’incubació, en mostres control (cèl•lules sanes i mortes). A continuació, els protocols optimitzats es van aplicar a suspensions bacterianes en medi de cultiu que prèviament havien estat sotmeses a estressos físics i fisicoquímics. Durant l’etapa final del projecte, els coneixements adquirits sobre la preparació de mostres per CF es van aplicar a l’anàlisi de mostres de matriu complexa: amanides comercials inoculades amb E. coli O157:H7. Als assajos amb indicadors d’integritat de membrana en suspensions bacterianes sotmeses a estrès, es van poder quantificar cèl•lules amb la membrana parcialment danyada (presumptes cèl•lules lesionades). El recompte de cèl•lules que mantingueren l’activitat respiratòria després de ser sotmeses a estrès va ser superior al que es va obtenir mitjançant recompte en placa convencional, cosa que va evidenciar la presència de cèl•lules actives però no cultivables. La introducció d’estratègies per reduir les interferències provocades per les partícules alimentàries i l’ús d’un anticòs amb marcatge fluorescent va permetre detectar selectivament les cèl•lules d’E. coli O157:H7 i avaluar-ne la integritat de membrana simultàniament. L’anàlisi de cèl•lules bacterianes per CF requereix de la exhaustiva optimització dels protocols, que són específics per cada soca i matriu. Malgrat això, i a diferència del mètode convencional per recompte en placa, ofereix la possibilitat d’obtenir una gran quantitat d’informació sobre el sovint complex estat fisiològic d’una mostra.
Publicado en la plataforma de la Red Sabia (Red de Salud y Buen Trato a la Infancia y la Adolescencia. http://www.redsabia.org/) de la Consejería de Igualdad, Salud y Políticas Sociales
INTRODUCCIÓN: La asociación entre la arteriopatía periférica y los nuevos eventos cardiovasculares ya es conocida, no así, en función del Índice tobillo-brazo (ITB). OBJETIVOS: Identificar los valores a partir de los que un ITB patológico se correlaciona con la aparición de eventos cardiovasculares. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Se analiza el resgistro FRENA de pacientes a los que se realiza una única medición del ITB. CONCLUSIONES: No hemos encontrado un valor a partir del cual el ITB se asocie significativamente a un peor pronóstico pero sí una asociación entre un ITB & 0.6 y el riesgo de IAM.
La nefrectomía parcial se ha constituido en el tratamiento de referencia de los tumores renales pequeños. En pacientes de alto riesgo quirúrgico se han planteado técnicas mínimamente invasivas como la ablación por radiofrecuencia como una alternativa terapéutica. En este estudio evaluamos nuestra experiencia en la aplicación de esta técnica en cuanto sus resultados oncológicos y en cuanto a su efecto sobre la función renal a los 3 y 12 meses de seguimiento. Se concluye que se trata de una técnica que no altera la función renal con resultados oncológicos prometedores que deben ser validados por estudios a largo plazo.
BACKGROUND: There is a prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM), unknown DM and stress hyperglycemia among hospital patients, and the nutritional treatment is a key part of care, where carbohydrates (CH) intake is a controversial issue. There is also a discussion on the increase of prevalence for DM, obesity and metabolic disease with refined CH or sugar. OBJECTIVES: This review examines the recommendations from different scientific societies about the percentage of CH in the total calorie intake of the diabetic patient, the CH value in the glycemic index and glycemic load, the new CH included in enteral formulae and the association of refined CH with the high prevalence of DM and metabolic disease. METHODS: Systematic review of literature using the electronic scientific databases Pubmed, Science Direct, Scielo, Scopus and Medline. CONCLUSIONS: Scientific societies are flexible about the CH intake in the diet of diabetic patients, suggesting to customize it according to each metabolic profile. Using the glycemic index and glycemic load can provide an extra benefit in the postprandial glycemic control. The new diabetes-specific enteral formulae, with fructooligosaccharides, resistant maltodextrins and fructose-free show efficacy in improving the glycemic control, although more controlled and long-term studies are needed. There is still some controversy about the links between sugar intake and DM, obesity and metabolic disease, although this relationship would be more linked to an increase of the total calorie intake than to a specific nutrient. .
INTRODUCTION: Gain weight after transplantation is relatively common, also tends to be multifactorial and can be influenced by glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive medications, delayed graft function and cause serious health complications. OBJECTIVES: Assess changes in weight, degree of obesity and body mass index as well as the effect of immunosuppressive treatment over these 5 years after kidney transplantation. METHODS: The samples were 119 kidney transplant recipients, 70 men and 49 women, that attended the query post for five years. All patients were measured Pretransplant and post (from 1st year to the 5th year) weight, height and body mass index calculated by the formula weight/size2 relating it to immunosuppressive treatment taking. RESULTS: There is a considerable increase of body mass index, weight and degree of obesity in the first year after transplantation to increase more slowly in the next four years. The type of immunosuppressive treatment influence the weight and degree of obesity that occurs in this period of time. CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence there are overweight and obesity after the transplant especially during the first year. A year patients earn an average of 6.6 kg in weight and an average of 2.5 kg/m2 in their BMI. During treatment should minimize doses of steroids and include dietary treatment and adequate physical exercise
Estudi de la qualitat ambiental de la Bahía de Cárdenas (Cuba) mitjançant una sèrie d’indicadors físico-químics de l’aigua que reflecteixen l’estat actual de l’ecosistema. Els resultats s’han contrastat amb la legislació cubana per tal de determinar el grau de contaminació de l’aigua. S’han estudiat les fonts contaminants i finalment s’han proposat una sèrie d’actuacions per a la seva millora
Introduction: The quality of life assessment means investigating how patients perceive their disease. Malnutrition-specific characteristics make patients more vulnerable, so it is important to know how these factors impaction patients’ daily life. Aim: To assess the quality of life in malnourished patients who have had hospital admission, and to determine the relationship of the quality of life with age, body mass index, diagnosis of malnutrition, and dependency. Method: Multicenter transversal descriptive study in 106 malnourished patients after hospital admission. The quality of life (SF-12 questionnaire), BMI, functional independency (Barthel index), morbidity, and a dietary intake evaluation were assessed. The relationship between variables was tested by using the Spearman correlation coefficient Results: The patients of the present study showed a SF-12 mean of 38.32 points. The age was significantly correlated with the SF-12 (r= -0.320, p= 0.001). The BMI was correlated with the SF-12 (r= 0.251, p= 0.011) and its mental component (r= 0.289, p= 0.03). It was also reported a significant correlation between the Barthel index and the SF-12 (r= 0.370, p< 0.001). Conclusions: The general health perception in malnourished patients who have had a hospital admission was lower than the Spanish mean. Moreover, the quality of life in these patients is significantly correlated with age, BMI and functional independency.
INTRODUCTION: frequently after kidney transplantation there is an increase in weight with a resulting high percent of obesity in these recipients. This combined with a rapid loss of bone mass, a higher prevalence of osteoporosis and fractures is evident than in normal populations. OBJECTIVES: to explore the relationship between body mass index (BMI) and prevalence of osteoporosis in a population of renal transplant recipients. METHODS: prospective longitudinal study design. The study was conducted on 306 kidney transplant recipients. The relationship between weigh and body mass index with femoral and lumbar osteopenia and osteoporosis prevalence at the moment of transplant and at 12 months post was explored. RESULTS: there was a high prevalence of overweight (35.6%) and obese (14.1%) recipients after renal transplant and 1 year after (42.2% and 24.2% respectively). Significant differences were found(p = 0.049) between the weight at the time of transplant and the presence of osteopenia or osteoporosis at the lumbar level one year after, the highest weights were in recipients with osteoporosis. The mean BMI was higher (p = 0.028) in osteoporotic patients (26.59 kg/m2) than in patients with osteopenia (24.23 kg/m2). CONCLUSION: results seem to be consistent with recent studies in the general population showing excessive weight as a possible factor detrimental to the bone health.