881 resultados para tennis competition
[EN] PURPOSE: To determine the volume and degree of asymmetry of the musculus rectus abdominis (RA) in professional tennis players. METHODS: The volume of the RA was determined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in 8 professional male tennis players and 6 non-active male control subjects. RESULTS: Tennis players had 58% greater RA volume than controls (P = 0.01), due to hypertrophy of both the dominant (34% greater volume, P = 0.02) and non-dominant (82% greater volume, P = 0.01) sides, after accounting for age, the length of the RA muscle and body mass index (BMI) as covariates. In tennis players, there was a marked asymmetry in the development of the RA, which volume was 35% greater in the non-dominant compared to the dominant side (P<0.001). In contrast, no side-to-side difference in RA volume was observed in the controls (P = 0.75). The degree of side-to-side asymmetry increased linearly from the first lumbar disc to the pubic symphysis (r = 0.97, P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: Professional tennis is associated with marked hypertrophy of the musculus rectus abdominis, which achieves a volume that is 58% greater than in non-active controls. Rectus abdominis hypertrophy is more marked in the non-dominant than in the dominant side, particularly in the more distal regions. Our study supports the concept that humans can differentially recruit both rectus abdominis but also the upper and lower regions of each muscle. It remains to be determined if this disequilibrium raises the risk of injury.
[EN] PURPOSE: To determine the volume and degree of asymmetry of iliopsoas (IL) and gluteal muscles (GL) in tennis and soccer players. METHODS: IL and GL volumes were determined using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in male professional tennis (TP) and soccer players (SP), and in non-active control subjects (CG) (n = 8, 15 and 6, respectively). RESULTS: The dominant and non-dominant IL were hypertrophied in TP (24 and 36%, respectively, P<0.05) and SP (32 and 35%, respectively, P<0.05). In TP the asymmetric hypertrophy of IL (13% greater volume in the non-dominant than in the dominant IL, P<0.01) reversed the side-to-side relationship observed in CG (4% greater volume in the dominant than in the contralateral IL, P<0.01), whilst soccer players had similar volumes in both sides (P = 0.87). The degree of side-to-side asymmetry decreased linearly from the first lumbar disc to the pubic symphysis in TP (r = -0.97, P<0.001), SP (r = -0.85, P<0.01) and CG (r = -0.76, P<0.05). The slope of the relationship was lower in SP due to a greater hypertrophy of the proximal segments of the dominant IL. Soccer and CG had similar GL volumes in both sides (P = 0.11 and P = 0.19, for the dominant and contralateral GL, respectively). GL was asymmetrically hypertrophied in TP. The non-dominant GL volume was 20% greater in TP than in CG (P<0.05), whilst TP and CG had similar dominant GL volumes (P = 0.14). CONCLUSIONS: Tennis elicits an asymmetric hypertrophy of IL and reverses the normal dominant-to-non-dominant balance observed in non-active controls, while soccer is associated to a symmetric hypertrophy of IL. Gluteal muscles are asymmetrically hypertrophied in TP, while SP display a similar size to that observed in controls. It remains to be determined whether the different patterns of IL and GL hypertrophy may influence the risk of injury.
[EN] This paper presents a location–price equilibrium problem on a tree. A sufficient condition for having a Nash equilibrium in a spatial competition model that incorporates price, transport, and externality costs is given. This condition implies both competitors are located at the same point, a vertex that is the unique median of the tree. However, this is not an equilibrium necessary condition. Some examples show that not all medians are equilibria. Finally, an application to the Tenerife tram is presented.
[EN]Spoofing identities using photographs is one of the most common techniques to attack 2-D face recognition systems. There seems to exist no comparative stud- ies of di erent techniques using the same protocols and data. The motivation behind this competition is to com- pare the performance of di erent state-of-the-art algo- rithms on the same database using a unique evaluation method. Six di erent teams from universities around the world have participated in the contest.
In this paper, we present the Kinship Verification in the Wild Competition: the first kinship verification competition which is held in conjunction with the International Joint Conference on Biometrics 2014, Clearwater, Florida, USA. The key goal of this competition is to compare the performance of different methods on a new-collected dataset with the same evaluation protocol and develop the first standardized benchmark for kinship verification in the wild.
Programa de doctorado: Economía: aplicaciones a las finanzas y seguros, a la economía sectorial, al medio ambiente y a las infraestructuras
Il tennis è uno sport molto diffuso che negli ultimi trent’anni ha subito molti cambiamenti. Con l’avvento di nuovi materiali più leggeri e maneggevoli la velocità della palla è aumentata notevolmente, rendendo così necessario una modifica a livello tecnico dei colpi fondamentali. Dalla ricerca bibliografica sono emerse interessanti indicazioni su angoli e posizioni corporee ideali da mantenere durante le varie fasi dei colpi, confrontando i giocatori di altissimo livello. Non vi sono invece indicazioni per i maestri di tennis su quali siano i parametri più importanti da allenare a seconda del livello di gioco del proprio atleta. Lo scopo di questa tesi è quello di individuare quali siano le variabili tecniche che influenzano i colpi del diritto e del servizio confrontando atleti di genere differente, giocatori di livello di gioco diverso (esperti, intermedi, principianti) e dopo un anno di attività programmata. Confrontando giocatori adulti di genere diverso, è emerso che le principali differenze sono legate alle variabili di prestazione (velocità della palla e della racchetta) per entrambi i colpi. Questi dati sono simili a quelli riscontrati nel test del lancio della palla, un gesto non influenzato dalla tecnica del colpo. Le differenze tecniche di genere sono poco rilevanti ed attribuibili alla diversa interpretazione dei soggetti. Nel confronto di atleti di vario livello di gioco le variabili di prestazione presentano evidenti differenze, che possono essere messe in relazione con alcune differenze tecniche rilevate nei gesti specifici. Nel servizio i principianti tendono a direzionare l’arto superiore dominante verso la zona bersaglio, abducendo maggiormente la spalla ed avendo il centro della racchetta più a destra rispetto al polso. Inoltre, effettuano un caricamento minore degli arti inferiori, del tronco e del gomito. Per quanto riguarda il diritto si possono evidenziare queste differenze: l’arto superiore è sempre maggiormente esteso per il gruppo dei principianti; il tronco, nei giocatori più abili viene utilizzato in maniera più marcata, durante la fase di caricamento, in movimenti di torsione e di inclinazione laterale. Gli altri due gruppi hanno maggior difficoltà nell’eseguire queste azioni preparatorie, in particolare gli atleti principianti. Dopo un anno di attività programmata sono stati evidenziati miglioramenti prestativi. Anche dal punto di vista tecnico sono state notate delle differenze che possono spiegare il miglioramento della performance nei colpi. Nel servizio l’arto superiore si estende maggiormente per colpire la palla più in alto possibile. Nel diritto sono da sottolineare soprattutto i miglioramenti dei movimenti del tronco in torsione ed in inclinazione laterale. Quindi l’atleta si avvicina progressivamente ad un’esecuzione tecnica corretta. In conclusione, dal punto di vista tecnico non sono state rilevate grosse differenze tra i due generi che possano spiegare le differenze di performance. Perciò questa è legata più ad un fattore di forza che dovrà essere allenata con un programma specifico. Nel confronto fra i vari livelli di gioco e gli effetti di un anno di pratica si possono individuare variabili tecniche che mostrano differenze significative tra i gruppi sperimentali. Gli evoluti utilizzano tutto il corpo per effettuare dei colpi più potenti, utilizzando in maniera tecnicamente più valida gli arti inferiori, il tronco e l’arto superiore. I principianti utilizzano prevalentemente l’arto superiore con contributi meno evidenti degli altri segmenti. Dopo un anno di attività i soggetti esaminati hanno dimostrato di saper utilizzare meglio il tronco e l’arto superiore e ciò può spiegare il miglioramento della performance. Si può ipotizzare che, per il corretto utilizzo degli arti inferiori, sia necessario un tempo più lungo di apprendimento oppure un allenamento più specifico.
The reactions 32S+58,64Ni are studied at 14.5 AMeV. From this energy on, fragmentation begins to be a dominant process, although evaporation and fission are still present. After a selection of the collision mechanism, we show that important even-odd effects are present in the isotopic fragment distributions when the excitation energy is small. The staggering effect appears to be a universal feature of fragment production, slightly enhanced when the emission source is neutron poor. A closer look at the behavior of isotopic chains reveals that odd-even effects cannot be explained by pairing effects in the nuclear mass alone, but depend in a more complex way on the de-excitation chain.
dall'avvento della liberalizzazione, aeroporti e vettori hanno vissuto cambiamenti. Il maggior miglioramneto nella gestione degli aeroporti è una gestione più commerciale ed efficiente. Le forme di regolazione economica e le caratteristiche della gestione manageriale sono state indagate. Dodici paesi sono stati scelti per indagare la situazione del trasporto aereo mondiale, fra questi sia paesi con un sistema maturo sia paesi emergenti. La distribuzione del traffico è stata analizzata con l'indice HHI per evidenziare aeroporti con concentrazione maggiore di 0,25 (in accordo con la normativa statunitense); il sistema aeroportuale è stato analizzato con l'indice di Gini e con l'indice di dominanza. Infine, la teoria dei giochi si è dimostrata un valido supporto per studiare il mercato del trasporto aereo anche con l'uso di giochi di tipo DP
Creazione di un protocollo tramite il pacchetto software SMART-D BTS per l'analisi della dinamica dell'arto superiore durante il servizio del tennis e comparazione dei risultati ottenuti di tre atleti normodotati e di un atleta con disabilità
The aim of this study was to examine whether a real high speed-short term competition influences clinicopathological data focusing on muscle enzymes, iron profile and Acute Phase Proteins. 30 Thoroughbred racing horses (15 geldings and 15 females) aged between 4-12 years (mean 7 years), were used for the study. All the animals performed a high speed-short term competition for a total distance of 154 m in about 12 seconds, repeated 8 times, within approximately one hour (Niballo Horse Race). Blood samples were obtained 24 hours before and within 30 minutes after the end of the races. On all samples were performed a complete blood count (CBC), biochemical and haemostatic profiles. The post-race concentrations for the single parameter were corrected using an estimation of the plasma volume contraction according to the individual Alb concentration. Data were analysed with descriptive statistics and the percentage of variation from the baseline values were recorded. Pre- and post-race results were compared with non-parametric statistics (Mann Whitney U test). A difference was considered significant at p<0.05. A significant plasma volume contraction after the race was detected (Hct, Alb; p<0.01). Other relevant findings were increased concentrations of muscular enzymes (CK, LDH; p<0.01), Crt (p<0.01), significant increased uric acid (p<0.01), a significant decrease of haptoglobin (p<0.01) associated to an increase of ferritin concentrations (p<0.01), significant decrease of fibrinogen (p<0.05) accompanied by a non-significant increase of D-Dimers concentrations (p=0.08). This competition produced relevant abnormalities on clinical pathology in galloping horses. This study confirms a significant muscular damage, oxidative stress, intravascular haemolysis and subclinical hemostatic alterations. Further studies are needed to better understand the pathogenesis, the medical relevance and the impact on performance of these alterations in equine sport medicine.
In the present thesis I examined individual and sex-specific habitat use and site fidelity in the western barbastelle bat, Barbastella barbastellus, using data from a four-year monitoring in a Special Area of Conservation in Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany. The western barbastelle occurs in central and southern Europe from Portugal to the Caucasus, but is considered to be rare in large parts of its range. Up to now, long-term field studies to assess interannual site fidelity and the possible effects of intra- and interspecific competition have not been studied in this species. Nevertheless, such data provide important details to estimate the specific spatial requirements of its populations, which in turn can be incorporated in extended conservation actions. I used radio-telemetry, home range analyses und automated ultrasound detection to assess the relation between landscape elements and western barbastelle bats and their roosts. In addition, I estimated the degree of interspecific niche overlap with two selected forest-dwelling bat species, Bechstein's bat (Myotis bechsteinii) and the brown long-eared bat (Plecotus auritus). Intra- and interannual home range overlap analyses of female B. barbastellus revealed that fidelity to individual foraging grounds, i.e. a traditional use of particular sites, seems to effect the spatial distribution of home ranges more than intraspecific competition among communally roosting females. The results of a joint analysis of annual maternity roost selection and flight activities along commuting corridors highlight the necessity to protect roost complexes in conjunction with commuting corridors. Using radio-tracking data and an Euclidean distance approach I quantified the sex-specific and individual habitat use by female and male western barbastelle bats within their home ranges. My data indicated a partial sexual segregation in summer habitats. Females were found in deciduous forest patches and preferably foraged along linear elements within the forest. Males foraged closer to forest edges and in open habitats. Finally, I examined the resource partitioning between the western barbastelle bat and two syntopic bat species with a potential for interspecific competition due to similarities in foraging strategies, prey selection and roost preferences. Simultaneous radio-tracking of mixed-species pairs revealed a partial spatial separation of the three syntopic bat species along a gradient from the forest to edge habitats and open landscape. Long-eared bats were found close to open habitats which were avoided by the other two species. B. barbastellus preferred linear landscape elements (edge habitats) and forests, M. bechsteinii also preferred forest habitats. Only little overlap in terms of roost structure and tree species selection was found.
Depending on the regulatory regime they are subject to, governments may or may not be allowed to hand out state aid to private firms. The economic justification for state aid can address several issues present in the competition for capital and the competition for transfers from the state. First, there are principal-agent problems involved at several stages. Self-interested politicians might enter state aid deals that are the result of extensive rent-seeking activities of organized interest groups. Thus the institutional design of political systems will have an effect on the propensity of a jurisdiction to award state aid. Secondly, fierce competition for firm locations can lead to over-spending. This effect is stronger if the politicians do not take into account the entirety of the costs created by their participation in the firm location race. Thirdly, state aid deals can be incomplete and not in the interest of the citizens. This applies if there are no sanctions if firms do not meet their obligations from receiving aid, such as creating a certain number of jobs or not relocating again for a certain amount of time. The separation of ownership and control in modern corporations leads to principal-agent problems on the side of the aid recipient as well. Managers might receive personal benefits from subsidies, the use of which is sometimes less monitored than private finance. This can eventually be to the detriment of the shareholders. Overall, it can be concluded that state aid control should also serve the purpose of regulating the contracting between governments and firms. An extended mandate for supervision by the European Commission could include requirements to disincentive the misuse of state aid. The Commission should also focus on the corporate governance regime in place in the jurisdiction that awards the aid as well as in the recipient firm.