922 resultados para spray retention
This study investigated the relative contribution of ion-trapping, microsomal binding, and distribution of unbound drug as determinants in the hepatic retention of basic drugs in the isolated perfused rat liver. The ionophore monensin was used to abolish the vesicular proton gradient and thus allow an estimation of ion-trapping by acidic hepatic vesicles of cationic drugs. In vitro microsomal studies were used to independently estimate microsomal binding and metabolism. Hepatic vesicular ion-trapping, intrinsic elimination clearance, permeability-surface area product, and intracellular binding were derived using a physiologically based pharmacokinetic model. Modeling showed that the ion-trapping was significantly lower after monensin treatment for atenolol and propranolol, but not for antipyrine. However, no changes induced by monensin treatment were observed in intrinsic clearance, permeability, or binding for the three model drugs. Monensin did not affect binding or metabolic activity in vitro for the drugs. The observed ion-trapping was similar to theoretical values estimated using the pHs and fractional volumes of the acidic vesicles and the pK(a) values of drugs. Lipophilicity and pK(a) determined hepatic drug retention: a drug with low pK(a) and low lipophilicity (e.g., antipyrine) distributes as unbound drug, a drug with high pK(a) and low lipophilicity (e.g., atenolol) by ion-trapping, and a drug with a high pK(a) and high lipophilicity (e.g., propranolol) is retained by ion-trapping and intracellular binding. In conclusion, monensin inhibits the ion-trapping of high pK(a) basic drugs, leading to a reduction in hepatic retention but with no effect on hepatic drug extraction.
In variable charge soils, anion retention and accumulation through adsorption at exchange sites is a competitive process. The objectives of this study in the wet tropics of far north Queensland were to investigate (i) whether the pre-existing high sulphate in variable charge soils had any impact on the retention of chloride and nitrate, derived mostly from the applied fertilizer; and (ii) whether chloride competed with nitrate during the adsorption processes. Soil cores up to 12.5 m depth were taken from seven sites, representing four soil types, in the Johnstone River Catchment. Six of these sites had been under sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum-S) cultivation for at least 50 years and one was an undisturbed rainforest. The cores were segmented at 1.0 m depth increments, and subsamples were analysed for nitrate-N, cation (CEC)- and anion-exchange capacities (AEC), pH, exchangeable cations (Ca, Mg, K, Na), soil organic C (SOC), electrical conductivity (EC), sulphate-S, and chloride. Sulphate-S load in 1-12 m depth under cropping ranged from 9.4 to 73.9 t ha(-1) (mean= 40 t ha(-1)) compared with 74.4 t ha(-1) in the rainforest. Chloride load under cropping ranged from 1.5 to 9.6 t ha(-1) (mean= 4.9 t ha(-1)) compared to 0.9 t ha(-1) in the rainforest, and the nitrate-N load from 113 to 2760 kg ha(-1) (mean = 910 kg ha(-1)) under cropping compared to 12 kg ha(-1) in the rainforest. Regardless of the soil type, the total chloride or nitrate-N input in fertilisers was 7.5 t ha(-1), during the last 50 years. Sulphate-S distribution in soil profiles decreased with depth at >2 m, whereas bulges of chloride or nitrate-N were observed at depths >2 m. This suggests that chloride or nitrate adsorption and retention increased with decreasing sulphate dominance. Abrupt decreases in equivalent fraction of sulphate (EFSO4), at depths >2 m, were accompanied by rapid increases in equivalent fraction of chloride (EFCl), followed by nitrate (EFNO3). The stepwise regression for EFCl and EFNO3 indicated that nitrate retention was reduced by the pre-existing sulphate and imported chloride, whereas only sulphate reduced chloride adsorption. The results indicate that chloride and nitrate adsorption and retention occurred, in the order chloride>nitrate, in soils containing large amounts of sulphate under approximately similar total inputs of N- and Cl-fertilisers. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Background. Websites have the potential to deliver enhanced versions of targeted and tailored physical activity programs to large numbers of participants. We describe participant engagement and retention with a stage-based physical activity website in a workplace setting. Methods. We analyzed data from participants in the website condition of a randomized trial designed to test the efficacy of a print- vs. website-delivered intervention. They received four stage-targeted e-mails over 8 weeks, with hyperlinks to the website. Both objective and self-reported website use data were collected and analyzed. Results. Overall, 327 were randomized to the website condition and 250 (76%) completed the follow-up survey. Forty-six percent (n = 152) visited the website over the trial period. A total of 4,114 hits to the website were recorded. Participants who entered the site spent on average 9 min per visit and viewed 18 pages. Website use declined over time; 77% of all visits followed the first e-mail. Conclusions. Limited website engagement, despite the perceived usefulness of the materials, demonstrates possible constraints on the use of e-mails and websites in delivering health behavior change programs. In the often-cluttered information environment of workplaces, issues of engagement and retention in website-delivered programs require attention. (C) 2004 The Institute For Cancer Prevention and Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A steady state mathematical model for co-current spray drying was developed for sugar-rich foods with the application of the glass transition temperature concept. Maltodextrin-sucrose solution was used as a sugar-rich food model. The model included mass, heat and momentum balances for a single droplet drying as well as temperature and humidity profile of the drying medium. A log-normal volume distribution of the droplets was generated at the exit of the rotary atomizer. This generation created a certain number of bins to form a system of non-linear first-order differential equations as a function of the axial distance of the drying chamber. The model was used to calculate the changes of droplet diameter, density, temperature, moisture content and velocity in association with the change of air properties along the axial distance. The difference between the outlet air temperature and the glass transition temperature of the final products (AT) was considered as an indicator of stickiness of the particles in spray drying process. The calculated and experimental AT values were close, indicating successful validation of the model. (c) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were used to detect petroleum-derived spray oils (PDSOs) in citrus seedlings and trees. The NMR spectrum of the phantom containing 10% (v/v) of a nC24 agricultural mineral oil (AMO) showed the resonance of the water protons at delta = 5 ppm, while the resonance of the oil protons at delta = 1.3 to 1.7 ppm. The peak resolution and the chemical shift difference of more than 3.3 ppm between water and oil protons effectively differentiated water and the oil. Chemical shift selective imaging (CSSI) was performed to localize the AMO within the stems of Citrus trifoliata L. seedlings after the application of a 4% (v/v) spray. The chemical shift selective images of the oil were acquired by excitation at delta = 1.5 ppm by averaging over 400 transients in each phase-encoding step. Oil was mainly detected in the outer cortex of stems within 10 d of spray application; some oil was also observed in the inner vascular bundle and pith of the stems at this point. CSSI was also applied to investigate the persistence of oil deposits in sprayed mature Washington navel orange (Citrus x aurantium L.) trees in an orchard. The trees were treated with either fourteen 0.25%, fourteen 0.5%, four 1.75%, or single 7% sprays of a nC23 horticultural mineral oil (HMO) 12 to 16 months before examination of plant tissues by CSSI, and were still showing symptoms of chronic phytotoxicity largely manifested as reduced yield. The oil deposits were detected in stems of sprayed flushes and unsprayed flushes produced 4 to 5 months after the last spray was applied, suggesting a potential movement of the oil via phloem and a correlation of the persistence of oil deposit in plants and the phytotoxicity. The results demonstrate that MRI is an effective method to probe the uptake and localization of PDSOs and other xenobiotics in vivo in plants noninvasively and nondestructively.
Nitrate (NO3) accumulations (up to 1880 kg NO3-N/ha for a 12-m profile) in the soils of the Johnstone River catchment (JRC) may pose a serious environmental threat to the Great Barrier Reef lagoon if the NO3 were released. The: leaching of artificial rainwater through repacked soil columns was investigated to determine the effect of low NO3/low ionic strength inputs on the NO3 Chemistry of the JRC profiles. Repacked soil columns were used to simulate the 11.5-m profiles, and the soil solution anion and cation concentrations were monitored at 10 points throughout the soil column. As the rainwater was applied, NO3 leached down the profile, with substantial quantities exiting the columns. Anion exchange was discounted as the major mechanism of NO3 release due to the substantial net loss of anions from the system (up to 2740 kg NO3-N/ha over the experimental period). As the soils were dominated by variable charge minerals, the effect of changing pH and ionic strength on the surface charge density was investigated in relation to the release of NO3 from the exchange. It was concluded that the equilibration of the soil solution with the low ionic strength rainwater solution resulted in a lessening of both the positive and negative surface charge. Nitrate was released into the soil solution and subsequently leached due to the lessening of the positive surface charge. Loss of NO3 from the soil profile was slow, with equivalent field release times estimated to be tens of years. Although annual release rates were high in absolute terms (up to 175 kg NO3-N/ha.year), they are only slightly greater than the current loss rates from fertilised sugarcane production (up to 50 kg NO3-N/ha.year). In addition to this, the large-scale release of NO3 from the accumulations will only occur until a new equilibrium is established with the input rainwater solution.
Water-in-oil microemulsions (w/o ME) capable of undergoing a phase-transition to lamellar liquid crystals (LC) or bicontinuous ME upon aqueous dilution were formulated using Crodarnol EO, Crill 1 and Crillet 4, an alkanol or alkanediol as cosurfactant and water. The hypothesis that phase-transition of ME to LC may be induced by tears and serve to prolong precomeal retention was tested. The ocular irritation potential of components and formulations was assessed using a modified hen's egg chorioallantoic membrane test (HET-CAM) and the preocular retention of selected formulations was investigated in rabbit eye using gamma scintigraphy. Results showed that Crill 1, Crillet 4 and Crodamol EO were non-irritant. However, all other cosurfactants investigated were irritant and their irritation was dependent on their carbon chain length. A w/o ME formulated without cosurfactant showed a protective effect when a strong irritant (0.1 M NaOH) was used as the aqueous phase. Precorneal clearance studies revealed that the retention of colloidal and coarse dispersed systems was significantly greater than an aqueous solution with no significant difference between ME systems (containing 5% and 10% water) as well as o/w emulsion containing 85% water. Conversely, a LC system formulated without cosurfactant displayed a significantly greater retention compared to other formulations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The development of surface stickiness of droplets of sugar and acid-rich foods during spray drying can be explained using the notion of glass transition temperature (T-g). In this work, criteria for a safe drying regime have been developed and their physical basis provided. A dimensionless time (psi) is introduced as an indicator of spray dryability and it is correlated with the recovery of powders in practical spray drying. Droplets with initial diameters of 120 mum were subjected to simulated spray drying conditions and their safe drying regime and 41 values generated. The model predicted the recovery in a pilot scale spray dryer reasonably well. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The water retention curve (WRC) is a hydraulic characteristic of concrete required for advanced modeling of water (and thus solute) transport in variably saturated, heterogeneous concrete. Unfortunately, determination by a direct experimental method (for example, measuring equilibrium moisture levels of large samples stored in constant humidity cells) is a lengthy process, taking over 2 years for large samples. A surrogate approach is presented in which the WRC is conveniently estimated from mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) and validated by water sorption isotherms: The well-known Barrett, Joyner and Halenda (BJH) method of estimating the pore size distribution (PSD) from the water sorption isotherm is shown to complement the PSD derived from conventional MIP. This provides a basis for predicting the complete WRC from MIP data alone. The van Genuchten equation is used to model the combined water sorption and MIP results. It is a convenient tool for describing water retention characteristics over the full moisture content range. The van Genuchten parameter estimation based solely on MIP is shown to give a satisfactory approximation to the WRC, with a simple restriction on one. of the parameters.
d-Limonene was encapsulated with beta-cyclodextrin to improve its retention during pre-added flavour starch extrusion. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of processing condition on the flavour retention and extrudate properties. Corn starch containing five levels of beta-cyclodextrin-d-limonene capsules (0-5%) were extruded at five different maximum barrel temperatures (133-167 degrees C) and screw speeds (158-242 rpm) using a twin screw extruder. The effect of these parameters on the flavour retention, expansion, texture, colour difference (Delta E), Water Absorption Index, Water Solubility Index, and residence time distribution (RTD) were investigated. Barrel temperature and capsule level predominantly influenced flavour retention and extrudate properties, while screw speed primarily affected extruder performances such as torque, die pressure, specific mechanical energy and RTD. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Determination of the bicarbonate retention factor (BRF) is an important step during development of the indicator amino acid oxidation technique for use in a new model. A series of 4-h oxidation experiments were performed to determine the BRF of broilers aged 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42 d using 4 birds per age group. A priming dose of 1.2 mu Ci of (NaHCO3)-C-14, followed by eight half-hourly doses of 1 mu Ci of (NaHCO3)-C-14 were given orally to each of 4 birds per age. The percentage of 14 C dose expired by the bird at a steady state was measured. These birds, as well as 12 additional birds matched for age and BW, were killed, and femur bone mineral density was measured by quantitative computed tomography to determine the relationship between bone development and bicarbonate retention at each age. There was a correlation (r = 0.50; P < 0.05) between total cross-sectional femur bone mineral density and bicarbonate retention at each age. A prediction equation (Y = 6.95 x 10(-2) X - 3.51 x 10(5)X(2) + 27.58; P < 0.0001, R-2 = 0.79) where Y = bicarbonate retention and X = BW was generated to predict Y as a function of X. Bicarbonate retention values peaked at 28 d, during the stage of the most rapid bone deposition and the highest growth rate. A constant BRF was found from 1,900 to 2,700 g of BW of 35.15 +/- 1.095% (mean SEM). This retention factor will allow the accurate correction of oxidation of C-14-labeled substrates in broilers of different ages and BW in future indicator amino acid oxidation studies.
Reports on the efficacy of physical activity intervention trials usually only include discussion of the primary outcomes. However, assessing factors such as participant retention, adherence and compliance can assist in the accurate interpretation of the overall impact of a program in terms of reach and appeal. A quasi-randomised trial was carried out to assess and compare retention and adherence rates, and compliance with, a twice weekly resistance training program provided either individually at home or in a group format. Retirement villages (n=6) were assigned to either 'Have A Try' (HAT, home-based) or 'Come Have A Try' (CHAT, group-based); both programs included nine strength and two balance exercises. The program involved a 20-week Intervention Phase a 24-week Maintenance Phase and a 20-week On-going Maintenance Phase. One hundred and nineteen participants (mean age 80 +/- 6 years) were recruited (HAT = 38, CHAT = 81). There was no difference in retention rates at the end of the Intervention Phase, but significantly more HAT than CHAT participants had dropped out of the study (p < 0.01) after the Maintenance Phase and the On-going Maintenance Phase. During the Intervention Phase, over half the HAT and CHAT participants completed >= 75% of the prescribed activity sessions, but adherence was significantly greater in CHAT than HAT during the Maintenance Phase (p < 0.01). Participants in CHAT were significantly more compliant than HAT participants (p < 0.05). Both home- and group-based formats were successful over the short-term, but, in retirement villages, the group program had better adherence and compliance in the longer-term. (c) 2006 Sports Medicine Australia. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The purpose of this research was to investigate the retention of flavour volatiles encapsulated in water-insoluble systems during high temperature–short time extrusion process. A protein precipitation method was used to produce water-insoluble capsules encapsulating limonene, and the capsules were added to the extruder feed material (cornstarch). A twin-screw extruder was used to evaluate the effect of capsule level of addition (0–5%), barrel temperature (125–145 °C) and screw speed (145–175 r.p.m.) on extruder parameters (torque, die pressure, specific mechanical energy, residence time distribution) and extrudate properties [flavour retention, texture, colour, density, expansion, water absorption index, water solubility index (WSI)]. Capsule level had a significant effect on extrusion conditions, flavour retention and extrudate physical properties. Flavour retention increased with the increase in capsule level from 0% to 2.5%, reached a maximum value at capsule level of 2.5% and decreased when the capsule level increased from 2.5% to 5%. The die pressure, torque, expansion ratio, hardness and WSI exhibited the opposite effect with the presence of capsules.