720 resultados para social choice theory
Las representaciones sociales son una construcción de significados que las personas otorgan a un objeto en este caso el tratamiento oncológico. En el mundo, el cáncer es una enfermedad de alta prevalencia y sus tratamientos suelen generar numerosos efectos secundarios, pero a la vez es el recurso médico disponible para controlar la enfermedad. Este estudio cualitativo tuvo como objetivo analizar las representaciones sociales del tratamiento oncológico en población colombiana. Participaron voluntariamente 20 personas seleccionadas por conveniencia. Se realizaron entrevistas abiertas y se analizaron los resultados a través del análisis temático y se interpretaron con base en la teoría de las representaciones sociales. Los resultados indicaron que las personas representan el tratamiento oncológico convencional, predominantemente como quimioterapia, generadores de sufrimiento, miedo, alto costo físico, emocional y económico; así como una apuesta en la que la ganancia puede ser la prolongación de la vida o la remisión. Se discuten los resultados y sus implicaciones.
La automedicación no responsable se ha convertido en un problema de salud pública global en las últimas décadas, por sus consecuencias individuales (por ejemplo, la intoxicación) y colectivas (por ejemplo, la resistencia microbiana a los antibióticos). Las intervenciones orientadas a este comportamiento han sido aisladas y muy diferentes. Aunque se tiene evidencia de que su aplicación puede traer beneficios en diferentes poblaciones, no se halló en la literatura una compilación sistemática de dichas intervenciones. El objetivo de la presente revisión es sistematizar la literatura científica sobre las diferentes alternativas de intervención del comportamiento individual de automedicación no responsable. En cuanto al método, la revisión de literatura involucró la búsqueda sistemática de “automedicación” e “intervención” en las bases de datos académicas internacionales con contenidos de psicología, suscritas por la Biblioteca de la Universidad del Rosario. Como resultado se encontró que las intervenciones orientadas al comportamiento de automedicación no responsable se pueden clasificar en dos grandes grupos: (a) intervenciones regulatorias, con dirección “arriba hacia abajo”, que suponen una acción de los Estados nacionales por medio de sus legislaciones o de entidades internacionales (por ejemplo, Organización Mundial de la Salud); y (b) intervenciones educativas, con dirección “abajo hacia arriba”, que suponen acciones con individuos y comunidades con el fin de enseñar acerca del uso adecuado de los medicamentos. Se concluye acerca de la necesidad de complementar ambos tipos de intervención, los cuales, si bien demuestran resultados positivos, aisladamente son insuficientes para contrarrestar integralmente este fenómeno creciente y complejo.
La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo describir las representaciones sociales de un grupo de estudiantes del área de la salud frente a los excombatientes de grupos armados al margen de la ley en Colombia y frente a los procesos de reintegración. El estudio es cualitativo, desde un enfoque procesual de la teoría de las representaciones sociales, participaron estudiantes del área de la salud de una universidad privada de la ciudad de Bogotá. Los datos fueron recogidos mediante un ejercicio de asociación libre para conocer el componente semántico de las representaciones y una entrevista semiestructurada de forma individual con el fin de identificar las dimensiones de información, actitud y campo representacional. Se encontró la prevalencia de prejuicios hacia los excombatientes y la influencia de los medios de comunicación en el nivel y calidad de la información sobre estos objetos de representación, y se identificó una ambigüedad frente al proceso de reintegración; lo que de alguna forma sugiere las dificultades para la inclusión de este grupo a la sociedad, la presencia de una discriminación negativa y las bajas expectativas frente a procesos de cambio en el marco del proceso de paz.
This paper analyzes the impact of a geographical social grouping (neighborhood) and its relative perceived size in the spontaneous group’s identiication level and place satisfaction, as well as the intensity of and motives for discrimination against inhabitants of other places. Two studies are presented: an experimental one using the minimal group categorization paradigm and an onsite investigation of a city neighborhood. Consistent with the predictions, the results showed that smaller neighborhoods reported higher identiication and satisfaction with the place of residence, as well as higher discrimination of other neighborhoods. In line with the optimal distinctiveness theory (ODT), the indings showed that the motivation for discrimination varies as a function of the in-group size. Thus, the members of larger groups discriminate by increasing the diferentiation between the in-group and the out-group, whereas the members of smaller groups increased the value of the in-group. Furthermore, the results were consistent with a social identity theory and ODT explanation of diverse research that shows the non-trivial nature of geographical bounded social grouping and its importance in a diverse set of contexts and its impact in inter-neighborhood relationships.
Assumindo a teoria sociocognitiva de Bandura como marco teórico, o presente estudo aborda as percepções de auto-eficácia e de instrumentalidade enquanto preditoras da auto-regulação da aprendizagem e as influências que as variáveis sexo, idade, habilitações escolares e profissão do pai e da mãe, ano de escolaridade, curso profissional, quantidade de módulos em atraso e quantidade de horas de estudo semanais poderão ter. A amostra é constituída por 521 formandos de ambos os sexos de uma escola profissional privada. Os instrumentos utilizados foram a Ficha de Dados Pessoais e Escolares, o Questionário de Auto-Eficácia da Auto-Regulação da Aprendizagem e o Questionário de lnstrumentalidade da Auto-Regulação da Aprendizagem. Os resultados corroboram a literatura ao verificar-se que as raparigas são mais auto-reguladas na sua aprendizagem, estudam mais tempo e têm menos módulos em atraso do que os rapazes. Verificou-se também a influência do curso profissional sobre as percepções de auto-eficácia e instrumentalidade percebidas. /ABSTRACT: Assuming Bandura’s social-cognitive theory as our framework, the present study refers to the perspectives of self-efficacy and instrumentality as predictors of selfregulated learning and the influence that the variables sex, age, parents school degree and profession, grade and vocational course, the number of modules in which the students weren't successful at and the amount of study hours per week might have on them. The sample is formed by 521 students of both genders from a private vocational school. The instruments used were the FDPE (Sociodemographic data file), QSEsrl (Questionnaire of Self-Efficacy of Self-Regulated Learning) and and Qlsrl (Questionnaire of lnstrumentality of Self-Regulated Learning). The results corroborate previous studies and reveal that female students have higher perceptions of self-efficacy and instrumentality, possess fewer non-successful modules and study more time than the male students. There are significant differences throughout the vocational courses for the perceived self-efficacy and instrumentality.
Nursing shortages still exist in the U.S. so it is important to determine factors that influence decisions to pursue nursing as a career. This comparative, correlational research study revealed factors that may contribute to, or deter students from choosing nursing as a career. The purpose of this study was to determine factors that contribute to a career choice for nursing based on the concepts of social cognitive career theory (SCCT), self efficacy, outcome expectations, and personal goals, among senior high school students, final year nursing students, and first year nursing students. Based on the results strategies may be developed to recruit a younger pool of students to the nursing profession and to boost retention efforts among those who already made a career choice in nursing. Data were collected using a three part questionnaire developed by the researcher to obtain demographic information and data about the respondents' self efficacy, outcome expectations, and personal goals with regards to nursing as a career. Point bi-serial correlations were used to determine relationships between the variables. ANOVAs and ANCOVAs were computed to determine differences in self efficacy and outcome expectations, among the three groups. Additional descriptive data determined reasons for and against a choice for nursing as a career. Self efficacy and outcome expectations were significantly correlated to career choice among all three groups. The nursing students had higher self efficacy perceptions than the high school students. There were no significant differences in outcome expectations between the three groups. The main categories identified as reasons for choosing nursing as a career were; (a) caring, (b) career and educational advancement, (c) personal accomplishment, (d) proficiency and love of the medical field. Common categories identified for not choosing nursing as a career were; (a) responsibility, (b) liability, (c) lack of respect, and (d) low salary. Other categories regarding not choosing nursing as a career included; (a) the nursing program and (b) professional (c) alternate career choice options and (d) fear of sickness and death. Findings from this study support the tenets of SCCT and may be used to recruit and retain nurses and develop curricula.
Neotropical orchid bees (Euglossini) are conspicuously different from other corbiculate bees (Apinae) in their lack of advanced sociality and in male use of acquired odors (fragrances) as pheromone-analogues. In both contexts, orchid bee mating systems, in particular the number of males a female mates with, are of great interest but are currently unknown. To assess female mating frequency in the genus Euglossa, we obtained nests from three species in Mexico and Panama and genotyped mothers and their brood at microsatellite DNA loci. In 26 out of 29 nests, genotypes of female brood were fully consistent with being descended from a singly mated mother. In nests with more than one adult female present, those adult females were frequently related, with genotypes being consistent with full sister-sister (r = 0.75) or mother-daughter (r = 0.5) relationships. Thus, our genetic data support the notions of female philopatry and nest-reuse in the genus Euglossa. Theoretically, single mating should promote the evolution of eusociality by maximizing the relatedness among individuals in a nest. However, in Euglossini this genetic incentive has not led to the formation of eusocial colonies as in other corbiculate bees, presumably due to differing ecological or physiological selective regimes. Finally, monandry in orchid bees is in agreement with the theory that females select a single best mate based on the male fragrance phenotype, which may contain information on male age, cognitive ability, and competitive strength.
Ever since Sen (1993) criticized the notion of internal consistency of choice, there exists a wide spread perception that the standard rationalizability approach to the theory of choice has difficulties coping with the existence of external social norms. This paper introduces a concept of norm-conditional rationalizability and shows that external social norms can be accommodated so as to be compatible with norm-conditional rationalizability by means of suitably modified revealed preference axioms in the theory of rational choice on general domains à la Richter (1966;1971) and Hansson (1968)
De nous jours, les modèles se référant aux comportements individuels représentent la pensée dominante pour comprendre les choix alimentaires dans le domaine de la nutrition en santé publique. Ces modèles conceptualisent les choix alimentaires comme un comportement de consommation décidé de façon rationnelle par des individus, en réponse aux multiples déterminants personnels et environnementaux. Même si ces modèles sont utiles pour décrire les déterminants des comportements individuels d’alimentation, ils ne peuvent expliquer les choix alimentaires en tant que processus social façonné en fonction des individus et des lieux, dans des contextes diversifiés. Cette thèse élabore le Cadre Conceptuel sur la Pratique des Choix Alimentaires afin d’explorer les choix alimentaires comme phénomène social. En utilisant le concept de pratique sociale, les choix alimentaires des individus symbolisent une relation récursive entre la structure sociale et l’agence. Ce cadre conceptuel nous donne un moyen d’identifier les choix alimentaires comme des activités sociales modelées sur la vie de tous les jours et la constituant. Il offre des concepts pour identifier la manière dont les structures sociales renforcent les activités routinières menant aux choix alimentaires. La structure sociale est examinée en utilisant les règles et les ressources de Giddens et est opérationnalisée de la façon suivante : systèmes de significations partagées, normes sociales, ressources matérielles et ressources d'autorité qui permettent ou empêchent les choix alimentaires désirés. Les résultats empiriques de deux études présentées dans cette thèse appuient la proposition que les choix alimentaires sont des pratiques sociales. La première étude examine les pratiques de choix alimentaires au sein des familles. Nous avons identifié les choix alimentaires comme cinq activités routinières distinctes intégrées dans la vie familiale de tous les jours à partir d’analyses réalisées sur les activités d’alimentation habituelles de 20 familles avec de jeunes enfants. Notre seconde étude a élaboré les règles et les ressources des pratiques alimentaires à partir des familles de l’étude. Ensuite, nous avons analysé la façon dont les règles et les ressources pouvaient expliquer les pratiques de choix alimentaires qui sont renforcées ou limitées au sein des familles lors de la routine spécifique à la préparation des repas et de la collation. Les ressources matérielles et d'autorité suffisantes ont permis d’expliquer les pratiques de choix alimentaires qui étaient facilitées, alors que les défis pouvaient être compris comme etant reliés à des ressources limitées. Les règles pouvaient empêcher ou faciliter les pratiques de choix alimentaires par l’entremise de normes ou de significations associées à la préparation de repas. Les données empiriques provenant de cette thèse appuient les choix alimentaires comme étant des activités routinières qui sont structurées socialement et qui caractérisent les familles. Selon la théorie de la structuration de Giddens, les pratiques routinières qui persistent dans le temps forment les institutions sociales. Ainsi, les pratiques routinières de choix alimentaires façonnent les styles d’habitudes alimentaires familiales et contribuent par ailleurs à la constitution des familles elles-mêmes. Cette compréhension identifie de nouvelles directions concernant la façon dont les choix alimentaires sont conceptualisés en santé publique. Les programmes de promotion de la santé destinés à améliorer la nutrition sont des stratégies clés pour prévenir les maladies chroniques et pour améliorer la santé populationnelle. Les choix alimentaires peuvent être abordés comme des activités partagées qui décrivent des groupes sociaux et qui sont socialement structurés par des règles et des ressources présentes dans les contextes de pratiques de choix alimentaires.
In order to understand diets, why and how they change and can be influenced, it is important to understand how food choices are made. The has been the subject of, considerable study within many of the social science disciplines and the humanities. The paper draws on the theoretical and empirical work of psychologists, sociologists, economists, market researchers, anthropologists, geographers and historians to understand better the forces behind food choice, derive some general empirical messages from the literature, to shed light on food choice in a European context and to address the question of whether there is, or has been, a recognisably Atlantic diet. The paper proceeds to analyse the characteristics of the food consumption patterns in the Atlantic diet countries, examines whether their food consumption patterns are homogenous (i.e. similar across the countries of this group), whether they are specific (i.e. different from the ones in other country groups) and finally evaluates the nutritional composition of the Atlantic diet against the WHO/FAO recommendations for a healthy and wholesome diet.
Models used in neoclassical economics assume human behaviour to be purely rational. On the other hand, models adopted in social and behavioural psychology are founded on the ‘black box’ of human cognition. In view of these observations, this paper aims at bridging this gap by introducing psychological constructs in the well established microeconomic framework of choice behaviour based on random utility theory. In particular, it combines constructs developed employing Ajzen’s theory of planned behaviour with Lancaster’s theory of consumer demand for product characteristics to explain stated preferences over certified animal-friendly foods. To reach this objective a web survey was administered in the largest five EU-25 countries: France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. Findings identify some salient cross-cultural differences between northern and southern Europe and suggest that psychological constructs developed using the Ajzen model are useful in explaining heterogeneity of preferences. Implications for policy makers and marketers involved with certified animal-friendly foods are discussed.
Social tagging has become very popular around the Internet as well as in research. The main idea behind tagging is to allow users to provide metadata to the web content from their perspective to facilitate categorization and retrieval. There are many factors that influence users' tag choice. Many studies have been conducted to reveal these factors by analysing tagging data. This paper uses two theories to identify these factors, namely the semiotics theory and activity theory. The former treats tags as signs and the latter treats tagging as an activity. The paper uses both theories to analyse tagging behaviour by explaining all aspects of a tagging system, including tags, tagging system components and the tagging activity. The theoretical analysis produced a framework that was used to identify a number of factors. These factors can be considered as categories that can be consulted to redirect user tagging choice in order to support particular tagging behaviour, such as cross-lingual tagging.
The period 2010–2013 was a time of far-reaching structural reforms of the National Health Service in England. Of particular interest in this paper is the way in which radical critiques of the reform process were marginalised by pragmatic concerns about how to maintain the market-competition thrust of the reforms while avoiding potential fragmentation. We draw on the Essex school of political discourse theory and develop a ‘nodal’ analytical framework to argue that widespread and repeated appeals to a narrative of choice-based integrated care served to take the fragmentation ‘sting’ out of radical critiques of the pro-competition reform process. This served to marginalise alternative visions of health and social care, and to pre-empt the contestation of a key norm in the provision of health care that is closely associated with the notions of ‘any willing provider’ and ‘any qualified provider’: provider-blind provision.
The definition and nomenclature used in queer theory have become distorted from their initial meanings and intents.