889 resultados para situational features
The myotendinous junction (MTJ) is a major area for transmitting force from the skeletal muscle system and acts in joint position and stabilization. This study aimed to use transmission electron microscopy to describe the ultrastructural features of the MTJ of the sternomastoid muscle in Wistar rats from newborn to formation during adulthood and possible changes with aging. Ultrastructural features of the MTJ from the newborn group revealed pattern during development with interactions between muscle cells and extracellular matrix elements with thin folds in the sarcolemma and high cellular activity evidenced through numerous oval mitochondria groupings. The adult group had classical morphological features of the MTJ, with folds in the sarcolemma forming long projections called finger-like processes and sarcoplasmic invaginations. Sarcomeres were aligned in series, showing mitochondria near the Z line in groupings between collagen fiber bundles. The old group had altered finger-like processes, thickened in both levels of sarcoplasmic invaginations and in central connections with the lateral junctions. We conclude that the MTJ undergoes intense activity from newborn to its formation during adulthood. With increasing age, changes to the MTJ were observed in the shapes of the invaginations and finger-like processes due to hypoactivity, potentially compromising force transmission and joint stability. Microsc. Res. Tech. 75:12921296, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Knowing which individuals can be more efficient in spreading a pathogen throughout a determinate environment is a fundamental question in disease control. Indeed, over recent years the spread of epidemic diseases and its relationship with the topology of the involved system have been a recurrent topic in complex network theory, taking into account both network models and real-world data. In this paper we explore possible correlations between the heterogeneous spread of an epidemic disease governed by the susceptible-infected-recovered (SIR) model, and several attributes of the originating vertices, considering Erdos-Renyi (ER), Barabasi-Albert (BA) and random geometric graphs (RGG), as well as a real case study, the US air transportation network, which comprises the 500 busiest airports in the US along with inter-connections. Initially, the heterogeneity of the spreading is achieved by considering the RGG networks, in which we analytically derive an expression for the distribution of the spreading rates among the established contacts, by assuming that such rates decay exponentially with the distance that separates the individuals. Such a distribution is also considered for the ER and BA models, where we observe topological effects on the correlations. In the case of the airport network, the spreading rates are empirically defined, assumed to be directly proportional to the seat availability. Among both the theoretical and real networks considered, we observe a high correlation between the total epidemic prevalence and the degree, as well as the strength and the accessibility of the epidemic sources. For attributes such as the betweenness centrality and the k-shell index, however, the correlation depends on the topology considered.
The associationist account for early word learning is based on the co-occurrence between referents and words. Here we introduce a noisy cross-situational learning scenario in which the referent of the uttered word is eliminated from the context with probability gamma, thus modeling the noise produced by out-of-context words. We examine the performance of a simple associative learning algorithm and find a critical value of the noise parameter gamma(c) above which learning is impossible. We use finite-size scaling to show that the sharpness of the transition persists across a region of order tau(-1/2) about gamma(c), where tau is the number of learning trials, as well as to obtain the learning error (scaling function) in the critical region. In addition, we show that the distribution of durations of periods when the learning error is zero is a power law with exponent -3/2 at the critical point. Copyright (C) EPLA, 2012
The present work aimed to estimate heritability and genetic correlations of reproductive features of Nellore bulls, offspring of mothers classified as superprecocious (M1), precocious (M2) and normal (M3). Twenty one thousand hundred and eighty-six animals with average age of 21.29 months were used, evaluated through the breeding soundness evaluation from 1999 to 2008. The breeding soundness features included physical semen evaluation (progressive sperm motility and sperm vigour), semen morphology (major, minor and total sperm defects), scrotal circumference (SC), testicular volume (TV) and SC at 18 months of age (SC18). The components of variance, heritability and genetic correlations for and between the features were estimated simultaneously by restricted maximum likelihood, with the use of the vce software system vs 6. The heritability estimates were high for SC18, SC and TV (0.43, 0.63 and 0.54; 0.45, 0.45 and 0.44; 0.42, 0.45 and 0.41, respectively for the categories of mothers M1, M2 and M3) and low for physical and morphological semen aspects. The genetic correlations between SC18 and SC were high, as well as between these variables with TV. High and positive genetic correlations were recorded among SC18, SC and TV with the physical aspects of the semen, although no favourable association was verified with the morphological aspects, for the three categories of mothers. It can be concluded that the mothers sexual precocity did not affect the heritability of their offspring reproduction features.
Objective. To evaluate the clinical features of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients with comorbid tic disorders (TD) in a large, multicenter, clinical sample. Method. A cross-sectional study was conducted that included 813 consecutive OCD outpatients from the Brazilian OCD Research Consortium and used several instruments of assessment, including the Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale, the Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS), the USP Sensory Phenomena Scale, and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders. Results. The sample mean current age was 34.9 years old (SE 0.54), and the mean age at obsessive-compulsive symptoms (OCS) onset was 12.8 years old (SE 0.27). Sensory phenomena were reported by 585 individuals (72% of the sample). The general lifetime prevalence of TD was 29.0% (n=236), with 8.9% (n=72) presenting Tourette syndrome, 17.3% (n=5141) chronic motor tic disorder, and 2.8% (n=523) chronic vocal tic disorder. The mean tic severity score, according to the YGTSS, was 27.2 (SE 1.4) in the OCD1TD group. Compared to OCD patients without comorbid TD, those with TD (OCD1TD group, n=236) were more likely to be males (49.2% vs. 38.5%, p<005) and to present sensory phenomena and comorbidity with anxiety disorders in general: separation anxiety disorder, social phobia, specific phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder, attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder, impulse control disorders in general, and skin picking. Also, the "aggressive," "sexual/religious," and "hoarding" symptom dimensions were more severe in the OCD+TD group. Conclusion. Tic-related OCD may constitute a particular subgroup of the disorder with specific phenotypical characteristics, but its neurobiological underpinnings remain to be fully disentangled.
An important step when designing a vaccine is identifying the antigens that function as targets of naturally acquired antibodies. We investigated specific antibody responses against two Plasmodium vivax vaccine candidates, PvMSP-1(19) and PvMSP-3 alpha(359-798). Moreover, we assessed the relationship between these antibodies and morbidity parameters. PvMSP-1(19) was the most immunogenic antigen and the frequency of responders to this protein tended to increase in P. vivax patients with higher parasitemia. For both antigens, IgG antibody responses tended to be lower in patients who had experienced their first bout of malaria. Furthermore, anemic patients presented higher IgG antibody responses to PvMSP-3 alpha(359-798). Since the humoral response involves a number of antibodies acting simultaneously on different targets, we performed a Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Anemic patients had, on average, higher first principal component scores (IgG1/IgG2/IgG3/IgG4 anti-MSP3 alpha), which were negatively correlated with hemoglobin levels. Since antibodies against PfMSP-3 have been strongly associated with clinical protection, we cannot exclude the possibility of a dual role of PvMSP-3 specific antibodies in both immunity and pathogenesis of vivax malaria. Our results confirm the high immunogenicity of the conserved C terminus of PvMSP-1 and points to the considerable immunogenicity of polymorphic PvMSP-3 alpha(359-798) during natural infection. (C) 2012 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
Little is known about the situational contexts in which individuals consume processed sources of dietary sugars. This study aimed to describe the situational contexts associated with the consumption of sweetened food and drink products in a Catholic Middle Eastern Canadian community. A two-stage exploratory sequential mixed-method design was employed with a rationale of triangulation. In stage 1 (n = 62), items and themes describing the situational contexts of sweetened food and drink product consumption were identified from semi-structured interviews and were used to develop the content for the Situational Context Instrument for Sweetened Product Consumption (SCISPC). Face validity, readability and cultural relevance of the instrument were assessed. In stage 2 (n = 192), a cross-sectional study was conducted and exploratory factor analysis was used to examine the structure of themes that emerged from the qualitative analysis as a means of furthering construct validation. The SCISPC reliability and predictive validity on the daily consumption of sweetened products were also assessed. In stage 1, six themes and 40-items describing the situational contexts of sweetened product consumption emerged from the qualitative analysis and were used to construct the first draft of the SCISPC. In stage 2, factor analysis enabled the clarification and/or expansion of the instrument's initial thematic structure. The revised SCISPC has seven factors and 31 items describing the situational contexts of sweetened product consumption. Initial validation of the instrument indicated it has excellent internal consistency and adequate test-retest reliability. Two factors of the SCISPC had predictive validity for the daily consumption of total sugar from sweetened products (Snacking and Energy demands) while the other factors (Socialization, Indulgence, Constraints, Visual Stimuli and Emotional needs) were rather associated to occasional consumption of these products.
The human eye is sensitive to visible light. Increasing illumination on the eye causes the pupil of the eye to contract, while decreasing illumination causes the pupil to dilate. Visible light causes specular reflections inside the iris ring. On the other hand, the human retina is less sensitive to near infra-red (NIR) radiation in the wavelength range from 800 nm to 1400 nm, but iris detail can still be imaged with NIR illumination. In order to measure the dynamic movement of the human pupil and iris while keeping the light-induced reflexes from affecting the quality of the digitalized image, this paper describes a device based on the consensual reflex. This biological phenomenon contracts and dilates the two pupils synchronously when illuminating one of the eyes by visible light. In this paper, we propose to capture images of the pupil of one eye using NIR illumination while illuminating the other eye using a visible-light pulse. This new approach extracts iris features called "dynamic features (DFs)." This innovative methodology proposes the extraction of information about the way the human eye reacts to light, and to use such information for biometric recognition purposes. The results demonstrate that these features are discriminating features, and, even using the Euclidean distance measure, an average accuracy of recognition of 99.1% was obtained. The proposed methodology has the potential to be "fraud-proof," because these DFs can only be extracted from living irises.
Purpose: The claudin-low molecular subtype of breast cancer includes triple negative invasive carcinomas, with a high frequency of metaplastic and medullary features. The aim of this study was to evaluate the immunohistochemistry expression of claudins in a series of metaplastic breast carcinomas. We also assessed other claudin-low features, such as the cancer stem cell-like and epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition phenotypes. Results: The majority of the cases showed weak or negative staining for membrane claudins expression. We found 76.9% (10/13) low expressing cases for claudin-1, 84.6% (11/13) for claudin-3 and claudin-4, and 92.3% (12/13) for claudin-7. Regarding the cancer stem cell marker ALDH1, 30.8% (4/13) showed positive staining. We also showed that the majority of the cases presented a CD44(+)CD24(-/low) phenotype, positivity for vimentin and lack of E-cadherin expression. Interestingly, these claudin-low molecular features were specific of the mesenchymal component of metaplastic breast carcinomas, since its frequency was very low in other breast cancer molecular subtypes, as luminal, HER2-overexpressing and non-metaplastic triple negative tumors. Conclusions: The negative/low expression of claudins and E-cadherin, high levels of vimentin, and the breast cancer stem cell phenotype suggests that metaplastic breast carcinomas have similar features to the ones included in the claudin-low molecular subtype, specially their mesenchymal components. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to evaluate mouth-breathing and nasal-breathing children prior to surgical intervention and 28 months postoperatively, comparing the occlusal features obtained pre- and postoperatively through orthodontic study costs. Methods: The mouth-breathing (MB) group consists of 33 MB children who underwent surgery and presented a nasal-breathing (NB) pattern after surgery The control group comprised 22 NB children. The orthodontic examinations were accomplished prior to surgery (77) and an average of 28 months postoperatively (T2). Results: At T1, the MB and NB children presented no statistically significant difference in any analyzed occlusal features and measurements. At T2, the MB presented larger overjet comparing to NB children (P<.05). MB and NB groups presented statistically similar results (P>.05) concerning intercanine and intermolor distances, second primary molar terminal plane and canine relationship, overbite, crossbite, and open bite. From T1 to T2, the MB and NB groups showed a statistically significant difference in the molar terminal plane. Conclusion: Neither the breathing pattern nor the surgery had any effect on occlusal features in 3- to 6-year-olds. (Pediatr Dent 2012;34:10842) Received May 14, 2010 vertical bar Last Revision April 11, 2010 vertical bar Accepted April 12, 2010
Background: Factor analyses indicate that hoarding symptoms constitute a distinctive dimension of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), usually associated with higher severity and limited insight. The aim was to compare demographic and clinical features of OCD patients with and without hoarding symptoms. Method: A cross sectional study was conducted with 1001 DSM-IV OCD patients from the Brazilian Research Consortium of Obsessive-Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (CTOC), using several instruments. The presence and severity of hoarding symptoms were determined using the Dimensional Yale-Brown Obsessive-Compulsive Scale. Statistical univariate analyses comparing factors possibly associated with hoarding symptoms were conducted, followed by logistic regression to adjust the results for possible confounders. Results: Approximately half of the sample (52.7%, n = 528) presented hoarding symptoms, but only four patients presented solely the hoarding dimension. Hoarding was the least severe dimension in the total sample (mean score: 3.89). The most common lifetime hoarding symptom was the obsessive thought of needing to collect and keep things for the future (44.0%, n = 440). After logistic regression, the following variables remained independently associated with hoarding symptoms: being older, living alone, earlier age of symptoms onset, insidious onset of obsessions, higher anxiety scores, poorer insight and higher frequency of the symmetry-ordering symptom dimension. Concerning comorbidities, major depressive, posttraumatic stress and attention deficit/hyperactivity disorders, compulsive buying and tic disorders remained associated with the hoarding dimension. Conclusion: OCD hoarding patients are more likely to present certain clinical features, but further studies are needed to determine whether OCD patients with hoarding symptoms constitute an etiologically discrete subgroup. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
In this article we present some results of ground-penetrating radar (GPR) studies carried out at the Lapa do Santo archaeological site. This cave is within the Lagoa Santa karstic region, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. Results from 44 GPR profiles obtained with 400 MHz shielded antennas indicated anomalous hyperbolic reflections and areas with high sub-horizontal reflection amplitude suggesting archaeological and geological potential targets, respectively. These results were encouraging and were used to guide excavations at this site. Excavation of test units (metre by metre) allowed identifying an anthropogenic feature, e.g., a fire hearth structure and natural features, such as a stalagmite and top of bedrock. Results also indicated the importance of the GPR survey as a tool for orienting archaeological researches, increasing the probability of finding archaeological interest targets in an excavation program in an area of environmental protection.
We compared outcomes of alveolar hemorrhage (AH) in juvenile (JSLE) and adult onset SLE (ASLE). From 263 JSLE and 1522 ASLE, the AH occurred in 13 (4.9%) and 15 (1.0%) patients, respectively (p < .001). Both groups had comparable disease duration (2.6 +/- 3.0 vs. 5.6 +/- 7.0 years, p = .151) and median SLEDAI scores [17.5 (2 to 32) vs. 17.5 (3 to 28), p = 1.000]. At AH onset, a higher frequency of JSLE were already on a high prednisone dose ( > 0.5 mg/kg/day) compared to ASLE (54% vs. 15%, p = .042). The mean drop of hemoglobin was significantly lower in JSLE (2.9 +/- 0.9 vs. 5.5 +/- 2.9 g/dL, p = .006). Although treatments with methylprednisolone, plasmapheresis, intravenous immunoglobulin and cyclophosphamide were similar in both groups (p > .050), regarding outcomes, there was a trend in high frequency of mechanical ventilation use (85% vs. 47%, p = .055) and also significant mortality (69% vs. 13%, p = .006) in JSLE compared to ASLE. The sepsis frequency was comparable in both groups (50% vs. 27%, p = .433). We have identified that AH in JSLE has a worse outcome most likely related to respiratory failure. The AH onset in JSLE already treated with high-dose steroids raises the concern of inadequate response to this treatment and reinforces the recommendation of early aggressive alternative therapies in this group of patients. Lupus (2012) 21, 872-877.
Lignin is a macromolecule frequently obtained as residue during technological processing of biomass. Modifications in chemical structure of lignin generate valuable products, some with particular and unique characteristics. One of the available methods for modification of industrial lignin is oxidation by hydrogen peroxide. In this work, we conducted systematic studies of the oxidation process that were carried out at various pHs and oxidizing agent concentrations. Biophysical, biochemical, structural properties of the oxidized lignin were analyzed by UV spectrophotometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, scanning electron microscopy and small angle X-ray scattering. Our results reveal that lignin oxidized with 9.1% H(2)O(2) (m/v) at pH 13.3 has the highest fragmentation, oxidation degree and stability. Although this processing condition might be considered quite severe, we have concluded that the stability of the obtained oxidized lignin was greatly increased. Therefore, the identified processing conditions of oxidation may be of practical interest for industrial applications. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Objective. The purposes of this study were to assess clinical, histopathological and immunohistochemical features of 22 oral neurofibromas (NFs) and discuss with previously described literature, addressing the main aspects regarding the differential diagnosis. Materials and methods. Immunohistochemical reactions included S-100, CD34, GLUT-1, EMA, Ki-67, p53 and Collagen IV and histochemical reactions for Alcian blue. Results. Clinically, the preferential location was the maxillary bones, tongue and buccal mucosa. Microscopically, widely spread spindle-shaped cells with scant cytoplasm and elongated nuclei were observed. Immunostaining revealed that the tumor cells weakly expressed GLUT-1, Collagen IV, Ki-67 and p53. They were variably positive for CD34, S-100 protein and membrane epithelial antigen (EMA). Conclusions. The different types of nerve sheath cells observed in the present series reinforce the presence of heterogeneous population in NFs. The strong positivity for S-100 suggests that the lesions were more composed by S-100-positive Schwann cells than other cells. Besides, the high number of CD34-positive cells suggests that this marker can be useful for the differential diagnosis of NFs against PEN, traumatic neuromas and Schwannomas. Finally, the low immunostaining for p53 and Ki-67 may indicate that NFs massively composed by S-100-positive Schwann cells present low potential of aggressiveness and malignant transformation.