954 resultados para signaling protocol


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Carcinoma-associated fibroblasts were reported to promote colorectal cancer (CRC) invasion by secreting motility factors and extracellular matrix processing enzymes. Less is known whether fibroblasts may induce CRC cancer cell motility by contact-dependent mechanisms. To address this question we characterized the interaction between fibroblasts and SW620 and HT29 colorectal cancer cells in 2D and 3D co-culture models in vitro. Here we show that fibroblasts induce contact-dependent cancer cell elongation, motility and invasiveness independently of deposited matrix or secreted factors. These effects depend on fibroblast cell surface-associated fibroblast growth factor (FGF) -2. Inhibition of FGF-2 or FGF receptors (FGFRs) signaling abolishes these effects. FGFRs activate SRC in cancer cells and inhibition or silencing of SRC in cancer cells, but not in fibroblasts, prevents fibroblasts-mediated effects. Using an RGD-based integrin antagonist and function-blocking antibodies we demonstrate that cancer cell adhesion to fibroblasts requires integrin αvβ5. Taken together, these results demonstrate that fibroblasts induce cell-contact-dependent colorectal cancer cell migration and invasion under 2D and 3D conditions in vitro through fibroblast cell surface-associated FGF-2, FGF receptor-mediated SRC activation and αvβ5 integrin-dependent cancer cell adhesion to fibroblasts. The FGF-2-FGFRs-SRC-αvβ5 integrin loop might be explored as candidate therapeutic target to block colorectal cancer invasion.


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Avec plus de 100000 transplantations d'organes solides (TOS) par année dans le monde, la transplantation d'organes reste actuellement l'un des meilleurs traitements disponibles pour de nombreuses maladies en phase terminale. Bien que les médicaments immunosuppresseurs couramment utilisés soient efficaces dans le contrôle de la réponse immune engendrant le rejet aigu d'une greffe, la survie du greffon à long terme ainsi que la présence d'effets secondaires indésirables restent un enjeu considérable en clinique. C'est pourquoi il est nécessaire de trouver de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques innovantes permettant de contrôler la réponse immunitaire et ainsi d'améliorer les résultats à long terme. L'utilisation des lymphocytes T régulateurs (Treg), suppresseurs naturels de la réponse inflammatoire, a fait l'objet de nombreuses études ces dix dernières années, et pourrait être considérée comme un moyen intéressant d'améliorer la tolérance immunologique de la greffe. Cependant, l'un des obstacles de l'utilisation des Treg comme agent thérapeutique est leur nombre insuffisant non seulement en conditions normales, mais en particulier lors d'une forte réponse immune avec expansion de cellules immunitaires alloréactives. En raison des limitations techniques connues pour l'induction des Treg ex-vivo ou in vitro, nous avons dédié la première partie du travail de thèse à la détermination de l'efficacité de l'induction des Treg in vivo grâce à l'utilisation d'un complexe protéique IL-2/JES6-1 (IL2c). Nous avons montré que l'expansion des Treg par IL2c permettait d'augmenter la survie du greffon sur un modèle murin de transplantation de peau avec mismatch entre le donneur et le receveur pour le complexe majeur d'histocompatibilité (CMH). De plus, nous avons vu qu'en combinant IL2c à une inhibition à court terme de la voie de co-stimulation CD40L-CD40 (anti-CD154/MRl, administré au moment de la transplantation) pour empêcher l'activation des lymphocytes T, il est possible d'induire une tolérance robuste à long terme. Finalement, nos résultats soulignent l'importance de cibler une voie de co-stimulation bien particulière. En effet, l'utilisation d'IL2c combinée au blocage de la co-stimulation CD28-B7.1/2 (CTLA-4 Ig) n'induit qu'une faible prolongation de la survie de la greffe et n'induit pas de tolérance. L'application chez l'humain des traitements induisant la tolérance dans des modèles expérimentaux murins ou de primates n'a malheureusement pas montré de résultats probants en recherche clinique ; une des principales raisons étant la présence de lymphocytes B et T mémoires provenant du systeme d immunité acquise. C est pourquoi nous avons testé si la combinaison d'IL2c et MR1 améliorait la survie de la greffe dans des souris pré¬sensibilisées. Nous avons trouvé qu'en présence de lymphocytes B et T mémoires alloréactifs, l'utilisation d'IL2c et MR1 permettait une amélioration de la survie de la greffe de peau des souris immunocompétentes mais comparé aux souris receveuses naïves, aucune tolérance n'a pu être induite. Toutefois, l'ajout d'un traitement anti-LFA-1 (permettant de bloquer la circulation des lymphocytes T activées) a permis d'améliorer de manière significative la survie de la greffe. Cependant, le rejet chronique, dû à la présence de lymphocytes B activés/mémoires et la production d'anticorps donneur-spécifiques, n'a pas pu être évité. Cibler l'activation des lymphocytes T est la stratégie immunothérapeutique prépondérente après une TOS. C'est pourquoi dans la deuxième partie de cette thèse nous nous sommes intéressés au système de signalisation d'un récepteur des lymphocytes T qui dépend de la paracaspase Malti en tant que nouvelle stratégie immunosuppressive pour le contrôle des lymphocytes T alloréactifs. Nous avons montré que bien que l'inhibition de la signalisation du lymphocyte T en aval de Malti induise une tolérance envers un greffon de peau avec incompatibilités antigéniques mineures, cela ne permet cependant qu'une régulation partielle de l'alloréponse contre des antigènes du CMH. Nous nous sommes aussi intéressés spécifiquement à l'activité protéolytique de Malti. L'inhibition constitutive de l'activité protéolytique de Malti chez les souris Malti-ki s'est révélée délétère pour l'induction de la tolérance car elle diminue la fonction des Treg et augmente l'alloréactivité des cellules Thl. Cependant, lors de l'utilisation d'un inhibiteur peptidique de l'activité protéase de Malti in vitro, il a été possible d'observer une atténuation de l'alloéactivité des lymphocytes T ainsi qu'un maintien de la population des Treg existants. Ces résultats nous laissent penser que des études plus poussées sur le rôle de la signalisation médiée par Malti seraient à envisager dans le domaine de la transplantation. En résumé, les résultats obtenus durant cette thèse nous ont permis d'élucider certains mécanismes immunologiques propres à de nouvelles stratégies thérapeutiques potentielles dont le but est d'induire une tolérance lors de TOS. De plus, ces résultats nous ont permis de souligner l'importance d'utiliser des modèles davantage physiologiques contenant, notamment en tenant compte des lymphocytes B et T mémoires alloréactifs. -- Organ transplantation remains the best available treatment for many forms of end-stage organ diseases, with over 100,000 solid organ transplantations (SOT) occurring worldwide eveiy year. Although the available immunosuppressive (IS) drugs are efficient in controlling acute immune activation and graft rejection, the off-target side effects as well as long-term graft and patient survival remain a challenge in the clinic. Hence, innovative therapeutic approaches are needed to improve long-term outcome across immunological barriers. Based on extensive experimental data obtained over the last decade, it is tempting to consider immunotherapy using Treg; the natural suppressors of overt inflammatory responses, in promoting transplantation tolerance. The first hurdle for the therapeutic use of Treg is their insufficient numbers in non- manipulated individuals, in particular when facing strong immune activation and expanding alloreactive effector cells. Because of the limitations associated with current protocols aiming at ex-vivo expansion or in vitro induction of Treg, the aim of the first part of this thesis was to determine the efficacy of direct in vivo expansion of Treg using the IL-2/JES6- 1 immune complex (IL2c). We found that whilst IL2c mediated Treg expansion alone allowed the prolonged graft survival of fìlli MHC-mismatched skin grafts, its combination with short-term CD40L-CD40 co-stimulation blockade (anti-CD 154/MR1) to inhibit T cell activation administered at the time of transplantation was able to achieve long-term robust tolerance. This study also highlighted the importance of combining Treg based therapies with the appropriate co-stimulation blockade as a combination of IL2c and CD28-B7.1/2 co- stimulation blockade (CTLA-4 Ig) only resulted in slight prolongation of graft survival but not tolerance. The translation of tolerance induction therapies modelled in rodents into non-human primates or into clinical trials has seldom been successful. One main reason being the presence of pre-existing memory T- and B-cells due to acquired immunity in humans versus laboratory animals. Hence, we tested whether IL2c+MRl could promote graft survival in pre-sensitized mice. We found that in the presence of alloreactive memory T- and B-cells, IL2c+MRl combination therapy could prolong MHC-mismatched skin graft survival in immunocompetent mice but tolerance was lost compared to the naïve recipients. The addition of anti-LF A-1 treatment, which prevents the trafficking of memory T cells worked synergistically to significantly further enhance graft survival. However, late rejection mediated by activated/memory B cells and persistent donor-specific alloantibodies still occurred. Immunotherapeutic strategies targeting the activation of T cells are the cornerstone in the current immunosuppressive management after SOT. Therefore, in the next part of this thesis we investigated the paracaspase Malti-dependent T-cell receptor signalling as a novel immunosuppressive strategy to control alloreactive T cells in transplantation. We observed that although the inhibition of Malti downstream T signalling lead to tolerance of a minor H- mismatch skin grafts, it was however not sufficient to regulate alloresponses against MHC mismatches and only prolonged graft survival. Furthermore, we investigated the potential of more selectively targeting the protease activity of Malti. Constitutive inhibition of Malti protease activity in Malti-ki mice was detrimental to tolerance induction as it diminished Treg function and increased Thl alloreactivity. However, when using a small peptide inhibitor of Malti proteolytic activity in vitro, we observed an attenuation of alloreactive T cells and sparing of the pre-existing Treg pool. This indicates that further investigation of the role of Malti signalling in the field of transplantation is required. Collectively, the findings of this thesis provide immunological mechanisms underlying novel therapeutic strategies for the promotion of tolerance in SOT. Moreover, we highlight the importance of testing tolerance induction therapies in more physiological models with pre-existing alloreactive memory T and B cells.


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Fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFRs) are involved in proliferative and differentiation physiological responses. Deregulation of FGFR-mediated signaling involving the Ras/PI3K/Akt and the Ras/Raf/ERK MAPK pathways is causally involved in the development of several cancers. The caspase-3/p120 RasGAP module is a stress sensor switch. Under mild stress conditions, RasGAP is cleaved by caspase-3 at position 455. The resulting N-terminal fragment, called fragment N, stimulates anti-death signaling. When caspase-3 activity further increases, fragment N is cleaved at position 157. This generates a fragment, called N2, that no longer protects cells. Here, we investigated in Xenopus oocytes the impact of RasGAP and its fragments on FGF1-mediated signaling during G2/M cell cycle transition. RasGAP used its N-terminal Src homology 2 domain to bind FGFR once stimulated by FGF1, and this was necessary for the recruitment of Akt to the FGFR complex. Fragment N, which did not associate with the FGFR complex, favored FGF1-induced ERK stimulation, leading to accelerated G2/M transition. In contrast, fragment N2 bound the FGFR, and this inhibited mTORC2-dependent Akt Ser-473 phosphorylation and ERK2 phosphorylation but not phosphorylation of Akt on Thr-308. This also blocked cell cycle progression. Inhibition of Akt Ser-473 phosphorylation and entry into G2/M was relieved by PHLPP phosphatase inhibition. Hence, full-length RasGAP favors Akt activity by shielding it from deactivating phosphatases. This shielding was abrogated by fragment N2. These results highlight the role played by RasGAP in FGFR signaling and how graded stress intensities, by generating different RasGAP fragments, can positively or negatively impact this signaling.


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Nykypäivän maailma tukeutuu verkkoihin. Tietokoneverkot ja langattomat puhelimet ovat jo varsin tavallisia suurelle joukolle ihmisiä. Uusi verkkotyyppi on ilmestynyt edelleen helpottamaan ihmisten verkottunutta elämää. Ad hoc –verkot mahdollistavat joustavan verkonmuodostuksen langattomien päätelaitteiden välille ilman olemassa olevaa infrastruktuuria. Diplomityö esittelee uuden simulaatiotyökalun langattomien ad hoc –verkkojen simulointiin protokollatasolla. Se esittelee myös kyseisten verkkojen taustalla olevat periaatteet ja teoriat. Lähemmin tutkitaan OSI-mallin linkkikerroksen kaistanjakoprotokollia ad hoc –verkoissa sekä vastaavan toteutusta simulaattorissa. Lisäksi esitellään joukko simulaatioajoja esimerkiksi simulaattorin toiminnasta ja mahdollisista käyttökohteista.


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Cardiac hypertrophy is a complex remodeling process of the heart induced by physiological or pathological stimuli resulting in increased cardiomyocyte size and myocardial mass. Whereas cardiac hypertrophy can be an adaptive mechanism to stressful conditions of the heart, prolonged hypertrophy can lead to heart failure which represents the primary cause of human morbidity and mortality. Among G protein-coupled receptors, the α1-adrenergic receptors (α1-ARs) play an important role in the development of cardiac hypertrophy as demonstrated by numerous studies in the past decades, both in primary cardiomyocyte cultures and genetically modified mice. The results of these studies have provided evidence of a large variety of α1-AR-induced signaling events contributing to the defining molecular and cellular features of cardiac hypertrophy. Recently, novel signaling mechanisms have been identified and new hypotheses have emerged concerning the functional role of the α1-adrenergic receptors in the heart. This review will summarize the main signaling pathways activated by the α1-AR in the heart and their functional implications in cardiac hypertrophy.


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L"adaptació al nou espai europeu d"educació superior (EEES) ha plantejat alguns canvis en l"enfocament de la formació universitària al nostre país. On abans era el docent el protagonista, ara és l"estudiant el que pren el rol d"actor principal de la seva formació, i l"aprenentatge s"orienta cap a una autonomia i reflexió més grans. En aquest escenari, les noves tecnologies ofereixen un ampli ventall d"opcions per millorar els processos formatius. En aquests sentit, el Grup d"Innovació Docent G IDEA ha participat activament en aquest procés d"adaptació des de ja fa uns quants anys, i ha creat una sèrie de recursos docents digitals que han estat àmpliament provats en diversos ensenyaments de la Facultat d"Economia i Empresa de la Universitat de Barcelona. L"objectiu d"aquest article és presentar el protocol dissenyat per l"equip d"investigadors del G IDEA per implantar aquestes eines didàctiques (webquestes i exercicis tutoritzats), i també els resultats d"una enquesta de satisfacció sobre les competències i habilitats adquirides pels nostres estudiants en la utilització dels recursos. Els resultats mostren, d"una banda, que no ha estat possible crear un mateix protocol aplicable a tots els recursos, a causa de les diferències en els objectius didàctics de les distintes eines docents implantades. D"altra banda, la valoració que els estudiants fan de la utilització de les eines és molt positiva, tot i que hi ha algunes diferències entre els recursos analitzats. Conèixer la valoració que l"alumnat fa d"aquests recursos permet al grup d"investigadors poder-los millorar i adequar al perfil dels estudiants perquè aquests en puguin treure el màxim profit possible.


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Directed cell migration and axonal guidance are essential steps in neural development. Both processes are controlled by specific guidance cues that activate the signaling cascades that ultimately control cytoskeletal dynamics. Another essential step in migration and axonal guidance is the regulation of plasmalemma turnover and exocytosis in leading edges and growth cones. However, the cross talk mechanisms linking guidance receptors and membrane exocytosis are not understood. Netrin-1 is a chemoattractive cue required for the formation of commissural pathways. Here, we show that the Netrin-1 receptor deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) forms a protein complex with the t-SNARE (target SNARE) protein Syntaxin-1 (Sytx1). This interaction is Netrin-1 dependent both in vitro and in vivo, and requires specific Sytx1 and DCC domains. Blockade of Sytx1 function by using botulinum toxins abolished Netrin-1-dependent chemoattraction of axons in mouse neuronal cultures. Similar loss-of-function experiments in the chicken spinal cord in vivo using dominant-negative Sytx1 constructs or RNAi led to defects in commissural axon pathfinding reminiscent to those described in Netrin-1 and DCC loss-of-function models. We also show that Netrin-1 elicits exocytosis at growth cones in a Sytx1-dependent manner. Moreover, we demonstrate that the Sytx1/DCC complex associates with the v-SNARE (vesicle SNARE) tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein (TI-VAMP) and that knockdown of TI-VAMP in the commissural pathway in the spinal cord results in aberrant axonal guidance phenotypes. Our data provide evidence of a new signaling mechanism that couples chemotropic Netrin-1/DCC axonal guidance and Sytx1/TI-VAMP SNARE proteins regulating membrane turnover and exocytosis.


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Letter to the Editor on Wang M, Wang Q, Wang Z, Zhang X, Pan Y. The molecular evolutionary patterns of the insulin/FOXO signaling pathway


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Directed cell migration and axonal guidance are essential steps in neural development. Both processes are controlled by specific guidance cues that activate the signaling cascades that ultimately control cytoskeletal dynamics. Another essential step in migration and axonal guidance is the regulation of plasmalemma turnover and exocytosis in leading edges and growth cones. However, the cross talk mechanisms linking guidance receptors and membrane exocytosis are not understood. Netrin-1 is a chemoattractive cue required for the formation of commissural pathways. Here, we show that the Netrin-1 receptor deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) forms a protein complex with the t-SNARE (target SNARE) protein Syntaxin-1 (Sytx1). This interaction is Netrin-1 dependent both in vitro and in vivo, and requires specific Sytx1 and DCC domains. Blockade of Sytx1 function by using botulinum toxins abolished Netrin-1-dependent chemoattraction of axons in mouse neuronal cultures. Similar loss-of-function experiments in the chicken spinal cord in vivo using dominant-negative Sytx1 constructs or RNAi led to defects in commissural axon pathfinding reminiscent to those described in Netrin-1 and DCC loss-of-function models. We also show that Netrin-1 elicits exocytosis at growth cones in a Sytx1-dependent manner. Moreover, we demonstrate that the Sytx1/DCC complex associates with the v-SNARE (vesicle SNARE) tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein (TI-VAMP) and that knockdown of TI-VAMP in the commissural pathway in the spinal cord results in aberrant axonal guidance phenotypes. Our data provide evidence of a new signaling mechanism that couples chemotropic Netrin-1/DCC axonal guidance and Sytx1/TI-VAMP SNARE proteins regulating membrane turnover and exocytosis.


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Directed cell migration and axonal guidance are essential steps in neural development. Both processes are controlled by specific guidance cues that activate the signaling cascades that ultimately control cytoskeletal dynamics. Another essential step in migration and axonal guidance is the regulation of plasmalemma turnover and exocytosis in leading edges and growth cones. However, the cross talk mechanisms linking guidance receptors and membrane exocytosis are not understood. Netrin-1 is a chemoattractive cue required for the formation of commissural pathways. Here, we show that the Netrin-1 receptor deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) forms a protein complex with the t-SNARE (target SNARE) protein Syntaxin-1 (Sytx1). This interaction is Netrin-1 dependent both in vitro and in vivo, and requires specific Sytx1 and DCC domains. Blockade of Sytx1 function by using botulinum toxins abolished Netrin-1-dependent chemoattraction of axons in mouse neuronal cultures. Similar loss-of-function experiments in the chicken spinal cord in vivo using dominant-negative Sytx1 constructs or RNAi led to defects in commissural axon pathfinding reminiscent to those described in Netrin-1 and DCC loss-of-function models. We also show that Netrin-1 elicits exocytosis at growth cones in a Sytx1-dependent manner. Moreover, we demonstrate that the Sytx1/DCC complex associates with the v-SNARE (vesicle SNARE) tetanus neurotoxin-insensitive vesicle-associated membrane protein (TI-VAMP) and that knockdown of TI-VAMP in the commissural pathway in the spinal cord results in aberrant axonal guidance phenotypes. Our data provide evidence of a new signaling mechanism that couples chemotropic Netrin-1/DCC axonal guidance and Sytx1/TI-VAMP SNARE proteins regulating membrane turnover and exocytosis.


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Plants must constantly adapt to a changing light environment in order to optimize energy conversion through the process of photosynthesis and to limit photodamage. In addition, plants use light cues for timing of key developmental transitions such as initiation of reproduction (transition to flowering). Plants are equipped with a battery of photoreceptors enabling them to sense a very broad light spectrum spanning from UV-B to far-red wavelength (280-750nm). In this review we briefly describe the different families of plant photosensory receptors and the mechanisms by which they transduce environmental information to influence numerous aspects of plant growth and development throughout their life cycle.


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Background: The public health burden of coronary artery disease (CAD) is important. Perfusion cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) is generally accepted to detect and monitor CAD. Few studies have so far addressed its costs and costeffectiveness. Objectives: To compare in a large CMR registry the costs of a CMR-guided strategy vs two hypothetical invasive strategies for the diagnosis and the treatment of patients with suspected CAD. Methods: In 3'647 patients with suspected CAD included prospectively in the EuroCMR Registry (59 centers; 18 countries) costs were calculated for diagnostic examinations, revascularizations as well as for complication management over a 1-year follow-up. Patients with ischemia-positive CMR underwent an invasive X-ray coronary angiography (CXA) and revascularization at the discretion of the treating physician (=CMR+CXA strategy). Ischemia was found in 20.9% of patients and 17.4% of them were revascularized. In ischemia-negative patients by CMR, cardiac death and non-fatal myocardial infarctions occurred in 0.38%/y. In a hypothetical invasive arm the costs were calculated for an initial CXA followed by FFR testing in vessels with ≥50% diameter stenoses (=CXA+FFR strategy). To model this hypothetical arm, the same proportion of ischemic patients and outcome was assumed as for the CMR+CXA strategy. The coronary stenosis - FFR relationship reported in the literature was used to derive the proportion of patients with ≥50% diameter stenoses (Psten) in the study cohort. The costs of a CXA-only strategy were also calculated. Calculations were performed from a third payer perspective for the German, UK, Swiss, and US healthcare systems.


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Tonically active cholinergic interneurons (TANs) from the nucleus accumbens (NAc) are centrally involved in reward behavior. TANs express a vesicular glutamate transporter referred to as VGLUT3 and thus use both acetylcholine and glutamate as neurotransmitters. The respective roles of each transmitter in the regulation of reward and addiction are still unknown. In this study, we showed that disruption of the gene that encodes VGLUT3 (Slc17a8) markedly increased cocaine self-administration in mice. Concomitantly, the amount of dopamine (DA) release was strongly augmented in the NAc of VGLUT3(-/-) mice because of a lack of signaling by metabotropic glutamate receptors. Furthermore, dendritic spines and glutamatergic synaptic transmission on medium spiny neurons were increased in the NAc of VGLUT3(-/-) mice. Increased DA and glutamate signaling in the NAc are hallmarks of addiction. Our study shows that TANs use glutamate to reduce DA release and decrease reinforcing properties of cocaine in mice. Interestingly, we also observed an increased frequency of rare variations in SLC17A8 in a cohort of severe drug abusers compared with controls. Our findings identify VGLUT3 as an unexpected regulator of drug abuse.


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It is known that differentiation of Th17 cells is promoted by activation of STAT3 and inhibited by activation of STAT1. Although both transcription factors are activated by several cytokines, including IL-6, IL-21, and IL-27, each of these cytokines has a very different effect on Th17 differentiation, ranging from strong induction (IL-6) to strong inhibition (IL-27). To determine the molecular basis for these differences, we measured STAT3 and STAT1 activation profiles for IL-6, IL-21, and IL-27, as well as for cytokine pairs over time. We found that the ratio of activated STAT3/activated STAT1 is crucial in determining whether cytokines promote or inhibit Th17 differentiation. IL-6 and IL-21 induced p-STAT3/p-STAT1 ratios > 1, leading to the promotion of Th17 differentiation, whereas IL-27 or IL-6+IL-27 induced p-STAT3/p-STAT1 ratios < 1, resulting in inhibition of Th17 differentiation. Consistent with these findings, we show that IL-27 induces sufficient p-STAT3 to promote Th17 differentiation in the absence of STAT1. Furthermore, IL-27-induced STAT1-deficient T cells were indistinguishable from bona fide highly proinflammatory Th17 cells because they induced severe experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis upon adoptive transfer. Our results suggest that the ratio of p-STAT3/p-STAT1 induced by a cytokine or cytokine pairs can be used to predict whether they induce a competent Th17-differentiation program.


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As the development of integrated circuit technology continues to follow Moore’s law the complexity of circuits increases exponentially. Traditional hardware description languages such as VHDL and Verilog are no longer powerful enough to cope with this level of complexity and do not provide facilities for hardware/software codesign. Languages such as SystemC are intended to solve these problems by combining the powerful expression of high level programming languages and hardware oriented facilities of hardware description languages. To fully replace older languages in the desing flow of digital systems SystemC should also be synthesizable. The devices required by modern high speed networks often share the same tight constraints for e.g. size, power consumption and price with embedded systems but have also very demanding real time and quality of service requirements that are difficult to satisfy with general purpose processors. Dedicated hardware blocks of an application specific instruction set processor are one way to combine fast processing speed, energy efficiency, flexibility and relatively low time-to-market. Common features can be identified in the network processing domain making it possible to develop specialized but configurable processor architectures. One such architecture is the TACO which is based on transport triggered architecture. The architecture offers a high degree of parallelism and modularity and greatly simplified instruction decoding. For this M.Sc.(Tech) thesis, a simulation environment for the TACO architecture was developed with SystemC 2.2 using an old version written with SystemC 1.0 as a starting point. The environment enables rapid design space exploration by providing facilities for hw/sw codesign and simulation and an extendable library of automatically configured reusable hardware blocks. Other topics that are covered are the differences between SystemC 1.0 and 2.2 from the viewpoint of hardware modeling, and compilation of a SystemC model into synthesizable VHDL with Celoxica Agility SystemC Compiler. A simulation model for a processor for TCP/IP packet validation was designed and tested as a test case for the environment.