977 resultados para säädös
As respostas às mudanças de temperatura de plantas aclimatadas e não aclimatadas de E. grandis cultivadas in vitro foram avaliadas considerando alterações dos níveis de prolina e proteínas solúveis totais. Análises de proteínas solúveis através de SDS-PAGE e prolina foram realizadas após 12h a 12ºC (aclimatação ao frio) ou a 33ºC (aclimatação ao calor), e imediatamente depois dos choques térmicos a 41ºC e 0ºC. Análises também foram realizadas após um período de 24h depois dos choques térmicos (período de recuperação). O tratamento de temperatura a 0ºC não alterou o padrão de proteínas nas plantas aclimatadas e não aclimatadas, entretanto a temperatura baixa induziu altos níveis de prolina, que se mantiveram relativamente altos após o período de recuperação. Três novas proteínas (90,5, 75 e 39 kDa), provavelmente HSPs, foram observadas nas plantas aclimatadas e não aclimatadas submetidas às temperaturas altas. As plantas expostas a 41ºC foram capazes de recuperar-se dos choques após o período de recuperação, entretanto não houve recuperação completa das plantas expostas às baixas temperaturas. O efeito da aclimatação sobre a recuperação (homeostasis) pode variar dependendo do parâmetro avaliado, tipo e duração do choque térmico.
Argilas constituem uma classe de complexos micro-heterogêneos e podem ser utilizados como substrato para adsorção. O seu comportamento de sorção em fase sólida intensificada pela presença de surfactantes, argilas organofílicas, é um importante fenômeno explorado pela tecnologia ambiental para a remoção de compostos orgânicos policíclicos (hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos, HPA) da água, introduzidos no ambiente por fontes antropogênicas. Este trabalho tem por objetivo estudar o comportamento fotofísico do antraceno, como modelo de HPA, em sistemas micro-heterogêneos argila-surfactantes-íons metálicos (M(II)= Cd(II), Cu(II), Hg(II), Ni(II) e Pb(II); surfactantes: CTACl; SDS; TR-X100). Os estudos foram conduzidos pelo monitoramento na mudança das propriedades de fluorescência estática e na supressão da emissão do antraceno utilizado como sonda fluorescente. Como supressores foram utilizados os cátions metálicos: Cd(II), Cu(II), Hg(II), Ni(II) e Pb(II). O perfil do espectro de fluorescência e os resultados dos ensaios de supressão da fluorescência da sonda permitiram inferir na localização do sítio de solubilização do antraceno nos sistemas micro-heterogêneos estudados e na conseqüente organização dos mesmos.
O baru (Dipteryx alata Vog.) é uma leguminosa abundante no Cerrado brasileiro, cuja castanha pode ser explorada através do uso sustentável para o aproveitamento das frações proteicas e lipídicas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar as proteínas desta castanha, presentes na farinha desengordurada e no concentrado proteico, quanto as suas propriedades funcionais, ao perfil das frações proteicas e à digestibilidade in vitro. A farinha desengordurada com hexano foi submetida à extração no pH de maior solubilidade das proteínas, obtendo-se o concentrado proteico. O perfil eletroforético das frações proteicas foi avaliado em gel de SDS-PAGE. As propriedades funcionais indicaram a possibilidade de emprego em diversos alimentos, assim como a soja, conferindo capacidade de absorção de água, capacidade de absorção de óleo, propriedades emulsificantes e espumabilidade. As globulinas, seguidas das albuminas, são as frações majoritárias da farinha e do concentrado proteico, respectivamente. A digestibilidade foi superior no concentrado em relação à farinha desengordurada.
No presente protocolo experimental, determinaram-se os proteinogramas séricos, por intermédio da eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida contendo duodecil sulfato de sódio (SDS-PAGE), de 120 cães com raças e idades variadas e atendidos junto ao Hospital Veterinário Governador Laudo Natel da FCAV/Unesp, com o objetivo principal de comparar diferentes frações seroproteicas em estados anêmicos regenerativos, arregenerativos, imunomediados primários e secundários. Os referidos animais foram distribuídos em cinco grupos experimentais: grupo 1: 20 cães de controle; grupo 2: 28 cães com anemia regenerativa não imune; grupo 3: 27 cães com anemia arregenerativa não imune; grupo 4: 10 cães com anemia hemolítica imunomediada primária; grupo 5: 35 cães com anemia hemolítica imunomediada secundária. A técnica SDS-PAGE permitiu o fracionamento de 24 proteínas, cujos pesos moleculares (PM) variaram de 18.000 a 165.000 daltons (Da). Os cães com AHIM primária e secundária apresentaram 24 frações proteicas em seus traçados eletroforéticos, enquanto que cães de controle (1) e portadores de anemia regenerativa (2) e arregenerativa (3) de natureza não imune apresentaram 23 frações de proteínas, cuja proteína de peso molecular 68.000Da não foi encontrada. Dessa forma, 23 frações proteicas foram detectadas e revelaram-se comuns aos proteinogramas dos cães de controle e daqueles dos quatro grupos experimentais. Destas, identificaram-se nominalmente 11 frações proteicas, e as demais foram estudadas com base nos seus respectivos pesos moleculares. em relação aos cães de controle, os anêmicos (grupos 2, 3, 4 e 5) apresentaram maiores concentrações de transferrina sérica e entre estes os animais portadores da AHIM primária. Todos os cães anêmicos apresentaram teores séricos de haptoglobina e fosforilase significativamente maiores que os controles, enquanto que a concentração sérica de ceruloplasmina foi significativamente maior nestes. Tais achados analisados em conjunto agregam informações adicionais úteis à elucidação das AHIMs em cães.
Amostra de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis isolada de vísceras (baço e fígado) de um tatu (Dasipus novencinctus) foi estudada do ponto de vista micológico e imunoquímico. O tatu havia sido capturado em área da usina hidroelétrica de Tucuruí (Estado do Pará). Este já havia sido considerado como reservatório enzoótico do Paracoccidioides brasiliensis naquela região. Esta amostra, conservada na Micoteca do Instituto de Medicina Tropical de São Paulo sob o número 135, apresenta todas as características de Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, com elevado poder antigênico e baixa virulência para cobaios e ratos Wistar. A demonstração do exo-antígeno específico do P. brasiliensis, representado pela glicoproteína de peso molecular 43 kDa, foi evidente através das técnicas de Imunodifusão Dupla, Imunoeletroforese, SDS-PAGE e Imunoblotting.
An extracellular (conidial) and an intracellular (mycelial) alkaline phosphatase from the thermophilic fungus Scytalidium thermophilum were purified by DEAE-cellulose and Concanavalin A-Sepharose chromatography. These enzymes showed allosteric behavior either in the presence or absence of MgCl2, BaCl2, CuCl2, and ZnCl2. All of these ions increased the maximal velocity of both enzymes. The molecular masses of the conidial and mycelial enzymes, estimated by gel filtration, were 162 and 132 kDa, respectively. Both proteins migrated on SDS-PAGE as a single polypeptide of 63 and 58.5 kDa, respectively, suggesting that these enzymes were dimers of identical subunits. The best substrate for the conidial and mycelial phosphatases was p-nitrophenylphosphate, but,beta -glycerophosphate and other phosphorylated compounds also served as substrates. The optimum pH for the conidial and mycelial alkaline phosphatases was 10.0 and 9.5 in the presence of AMPOL buffer, and their carbohydrate contents were about 54% and 63%, respectively. The optimum temperature was 70-75 degreesC for both activities. The enzymes were fully stable up to 1 h at 60 degreesC. These and other properties suggested that the alkaline phosphatases of S. thermophilum might be suitable for biotechnological applications.
An endoxylanase (beta-1,4-xylan xylanohydrolase, EC was purified from the culture filtrate of a strain of Aspergillus versicolor grown on oat wheat. The enzyme was purified to homogeneity by chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and Sephadex G-75. The purified enzyme was a monomer of molecular mass estimated to be 19 kDa by SDS-PAGE and gel filtration. The enzyme was glycoprotein with 71% carbohydrate content and exhibited a pI of 5.4. The purified xylanase was specific for xylan hydrolysis. The enzyme had a K-m of 6.5 mg ml(-1) and a V-max of 1440 U (mg protein)(-1). (C) 1998 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
The albumin and globulin fractions from lentil seeds were isolated and characterised by gel filtration. The latter was shown to be homogeneous and the former heterogeneous on PAGE. The aminoacid analysis revealed high values of amidic amino acids for both fractions with great differences in the sulphur-containing amino acids. Native albumin, globulin and salt-soluble proteins were markedly resistant to trypsin hydrolysis compared to casein. The SDS-PAGE of native salt-soluble proteins indicated that the globulin fragments (20 to 30 kD) were slowly digested in the presence of albumin. The heating increased the hydrolysis of the proteins in the order: salt-soluble, albumin and globulin. The facilitated hydrolysis of the heated salt-soluble fraction seemed to be due to protein-protein interactions induced by heat.
1. The synthesis of heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) mRNA and the expression of Hsp70 in the liver of broiler chickens submitted to acute heat stress (35 degrees C for 5 h) was investigated.2. Hsp70 expression was detected by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis using a polyclonal antiserum against Hsp70 of Blastocladiella emersonii. The specific signal of Hsp70 mRNA was analysed by Northern blot using as probe a Hsp70 cDNA of B. emersonii.3. An increase in the amount of Hsp70 was detected from the first up to the fifth hour of acute heat exposure. This increase in the amount of Hsp70 was accompanied by an increase in Hsp70 mRNA which peaked at 3 h.4. This study shows that the heat induced increase in Hsp70 mRNA and protein in broiler liver, in vivo, are time dependent, similar to that in mammals.
Strains of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans exhibited differences in the inhibition of Fe(2+) oxidation in the presence of 250 mm of cadmium, zinc, and manganese sulfates in respirometric assays. Strains LR and I35 were practically not inhibited, whereas strains SSP and V3 showed significant inhibition (30-70%). Analysis by SDS-PAGE of total proteins from cells grown in the absence of metal sulfates showed different profiles between the more tolerant strains (LR and 135) and the more susceptible ones (SSP and V3). Total proteins of strains LR and V3 were also resolved by two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE). A set of major proteins (40, 32, 22, and 20 kDa) could be identified only in the more tolerant strain LR. Our results show that protein profiles analysis could differentiate A. ferrooxidans strains that considerably differ in the tolerance to metal sulfates and present low genomic similarity as revealed by Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data obtained previously in our laboratory.
Products from the spontaneous reaction of a long-chain arenediazonium salt, 2,6-dimethyl-4-hexadecylbenzenediazonium tetrafluoroborate(16-ArN2BF4), in aqueous micellar solutions of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)? are used to estimate the local concentration of chloride and bromide ions at the micellar surface. The arenediazonium ion, 16-ArN2+, which is totally bound to the SDS micelle, reacts by rate-determining loss of N-2 to give an aryl cation that traps available nucleophiles, i,e., H2O, Cl-, and Br-, to give stable phenol, 16-ArOH, and halobenzene products, 16-ArCl and 16-ArBr, respectively. Product yields, determined by HPLC, are related to local concentrations using calibration curves obtained from independent standards. The local concentrations determined by this method are consistent with co-ion concentrations calculated, using a cell model, by numerical integration of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation (PBE) taking into account salt-induced micellar growth. The salt dependence of the intel facial concentrations of Cl- and Br- are identical. indicating no specific interactions in the interfacial co-ion compartment. PBE calculations predict that, in micellar SDS, increasing the concentration of a particular halide salt (NaX) at constant concentration of another halide (NaY) should result in an increase in the local concentrations of both co-ions. Using this chemical-trapping method, this prediction was demonstrated experimentally.
Dynamic light scattering, surface tension, and clouding temperature have been monitored to elucidate the solution properties of mixed micelles formed between the anionic surfactant sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) and the nonionic surfactant pentaethylene glycol mono-n-dodecyl ether (C12E5) over a wide range of surfactant concentration and temperature. Addition of 0.1 M NaCl shifts the relaxational modes to higher frequency and lowers the clouding temperature (T-c) of the nonionic surfactant solution by about 1 degrees C compared to the salt-free system. T-c for the mixed surfactant solutions is higher than that of the binary C12E5 solutions and depends sensitively on the concentration of the two surfactants but increases only slightly when the total surfactant concentration is increased at a given molar C12E5/SDS concentration ratio. With C12E5/SDS = 5.7, for example, T-c is 46.0 and 47.5 degrees C, respectively, at 5 and 70 mM of C12E5 the mixed solutions are homogeneous and stable and contain nonspherical micelles, which are close to monodisperse over a range of surfactant concentrations and temperature. The mixed system has a lower Krafft point than binary SDS solutions and shows an approximately ideal behavior in contrast to the binary C12E5 solution. The hydrodynamic radius (RH) of the mixed micelle increases with temperature as do C12E5 micelles in the binary solutions and also with increasing C12E5/SDS ratio. At 25 degrees C, the critical micelle concentration of the mixed solution lies between those of the individual surfactants and decreases as the C12E5/SDS ratio is increased.
Statement of problem. Although most of the physical properties of denture base resin polymerized by microwave energy have been shown to be similar to resins polymerized by the conventional heat polymerization method, the presence of porosity is a problem.Purpose. This study evaluated the effect of different microwave polymerization cycles on the porosity of a denture base resin designed for microwave polymerization.Material and methods. Thirty-two rectangular resin specimens (65 X 40 X 5 mm) were divided into 3 experimental groups (A, B, and C; Onda-Cryl, microwave-polymerized resin) and I control group (T; Classico, heat-polymerized resin), according to the following polymerization cycles: (A) 500 W for 3 minutes, (B) 90 W for 13 minutes + 500 W for 90 seconds, (C) 320 W for 3 minutes + 0 W for 4 minutes + 720 W for 3 minutes, and (T) 74degreesC for 9 hours. Porosity was calculated by measurement of the specimen volume before and after its immersion in water. Data were analyzed using 1-way analysis of variance (alpha = .05).Results. The mean values and SDs of the percent mean porosity were: A = 1.05% +/- 0.28%, B = 0.91% +/- 0.15%, C = 0.88% +/- 0.23%, T = 0.93% +/- 0.23%. No significant differences were found in mean porosity among the groups evaluated.Conclusion. Within the limitations of this study, a denture base resin specifically designed for microwave Polymerization tested was not affected by different polymerization cycles. Porosity was similar to the conventional heat-polymerized denture base resin tested.
Statement of problem. Titanium has physical and mechanical properties, which have led to its increased use in dental prostheses despite casting difficulties due to high melting point and formation of oxide layers which affect the metal-ceramic bond strength.Purpose. This in vitro study evaluated the shear bond strength of the interface of 2 dental porcelains and pure titanium injected into a mold at 3 different temperatures.Material and methods. Using commercially pure (cp) titanium bars (Titanium, Grade I) melted at 1668degreesC and cast at mold temperatures of 430degreesC, 700degreesC or 900degreesC, 60 specimens were machined to 4 x 4 mm, with a base of 5 x 1 mm. The 4-mm surfaces were airborne-particle abraded with 100 mum aluminum oxide before applying and firing the bonding agent and evaluating the 2 porcelains (Triceram/Triline ti and Vita Titankeramik). Ten specimens were prepared for each temperature and porcelain combination Shear bond testing was performed in a universal testing machine, with a 500-kg load cell and crosshead speed of 0.5 mm/min. The specimens were loaded until failure. The interfaces of representative fractured specimens of each temperature were examined with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS). Data for shear bond strength (MPa) were statistically analyzed by 2-way ANOVA and the Tukey test (alpha = .05).Results. The results showed significant differences for the metal/porcelain interaction effect (P = .0464). There were no significant differences for the 2 porcelains (P = .4250). The Tukey test showed a significant difference between the pair cp Ti 430degreesC Triceram and cp Ti 900degreesC Triceram, with respective mean values and SDs of 59.74 +/- 11.62 and 34.03 +/- 10.35 MPa.Conclusion. Triceram porcelain showed a bond strength decrease with an increase in the mold temperature for casting titanium. The highest bond strength for Vita porcelain and the best metal-ceramic interface observed with the SEM were found with the mold temperature of 700degreesC.
The bottleneck for the complete understanding of the structure-function relationship of flexible membrane-acting peptides is its dynamics. At the same time, not only the structure but also the dynamics are the key points for their mechanism of action. Our model is PW2, a TRP-rich, cationic peptide selected from phage display libraries that shows anticoccidial activity against Eimeria acervulina. In this manuscript we used a combination of several NMR techniques to tackle these difficulties. The structural features of the membrane-acting peptide PW2 was studied in several membrane mimetic environments: we compared the structural features of PW2 in SDS and DPC micelles, that were reported earlier, with the structure properties in different lipid vesicles and the peptide free in water. We were able to unify the structural information obtained in each of these systems. The structural constraints of the peptide free in water were fundamental for the understanding of plasticity necessary for the membrane interaction. Our data suggested that the WWR sequence is the region responsible for anchoring the peptide to the interfaces, and that this same region displays some degree of conformational order in solution. For PW2, we found that affinity is related to the aromatic region, by anchoring the peptide to the membrane, and specificity is related to the N- and C-termini, which are able to accommodate in the membrane due to its plasticity. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.