959 resultados para rotational isomerism
Theory of limit analysis include upper bound theorem and lower bound theorem. To deal with slope stability analysis by limit analysis is to approximate the real solution from upper limit and lower limit. The most used method of limit analysis is upper bound theorem, therefore it is often applied to slope engineering in many cases. Although upper bound approach of limit analysis can keep away from vague constitutive relation and complex stress analyses, it also can obtain rigorous result. Assuming the critical surface is circular slip surface, two kinematically admissible velocity fields for perpendicular slice method and radial slice method can be established according to the limit analysis of upper bound theorem. By means of virtual work rate equation and strength reduction method, the upper-bound solution of limit analysis for homogeneous soil slope can be obtained. A log-spiral rotational failure mechanism for homogeneous slope is discussed from two different conditions which represent the position of shear crack passing the toe and below the toe. In the dissertition, the author also establishes a rotational failure mechanics with combination of different logarithmic spiral arcs. Furthermore, the calculation formula of upper bound solution for inhomogeneous soil slope stability problem can be deduced based on the upper bound approach of rigid elements. Through calculating the external work rate caused by soil nail, anti-slide pile, geotechnological grid and retaining wall, the upper bound solution of safety factor of soil nail structure slope, slip resistance of anti-slide pile, critical height of reinforced soil slope and active earth pressure of retaining wall can be obtained by upper bound limit analysis method. Taking accumulated body slope as subject investigated, with study on the limit analysis method to calculate slope safety factor, the kinematically admissible velocity fields of perpendicular slice method for slope with broken slip surface is proposed. Through calculating not only the energy dissipation rate produced in the broken slip surfaces and the vertical velocity discontinuity, but also the work rate produced by self-weight and external load, the upper bound solution of slope with broken slip surface is deduced. As a case study, the slope stability of the Sanmashan landslide in the area of the Three Gorges reservoir is analyzed. Based on the theory of limit analysis, the upper bound solution for rock slope with planar failure surface is obtained. By means of virtual work-rate equation, energy dissipation caused by dislocation of thin-layer and terrane can be calculated; furthermore, the formulas of safety factor for upper bound approach of limit analysis can be deduced. In the end, a new computational model of stability analysis for anchored rock slope is presented after taking into consideration the supporting effect of rock-bolts, the action of seismic force and fissure water pressure. By using the model, not only the external woke-rate done by self-weight, seismic force, fissure water pressure and anchorage force but also the internal energy dissipation produced in the slip surface and structural planes can be totally calculated. According to the condition of virtual work rate equation in limit state, the formula of safety factor for upper bound limit analysis can be deduced.
The goal of this work is to navigate through an office environmentsusing only visual information gathered from four cameras placed onboard a mobile robot. The method is insensitive to physical changes within the room it is inspecting, such as moving objects. Forward and rotational motion vision are used to find doors and rooms, and these can be used to build topological maps. The map is built without the use of odometry or trajectory integration. The long term goal of the project described here is for the robot to build simple maps of its environment and to localize itself within this framework.
The motion planning problem is of central importance to the fields of robotics, spatial planning, and automated design. In robotics we are interested in the automatic synthesis of robot motions, given high-level specifications of tasks and geometric models of the robot and obstacles. The Mover's problem is to find a continuous, collision-free path for a moving object through an environment containing obstacles. We present an implemented algorithm for the classical formulation of the three-dimensional Mover's problem: given an arbitrary rigid polyhedral moving object P with three translational and three rotational degrees of freedom, find a continuous, collision-free path taking P from some initial configuration to a desired goal configuration. This thesis describes the first known implementation of a complete algorithm (at a given resolution) for the full six degree of freedom Movers' problem. The algorithm transforms the six degree of freedom planning problem into a point navigation problem in a six-dimensional configuration space (called C-Space). The C-Space obstacles, which characterize the physically unachievable configurations, are directly represented by six-dimensional manifolds whose boundaries are five dimensional C-surfaces. By characterizing these surfaces and their intersections, collision-free paths may be found by the closure of three operators which (i) slide along 5-dimensional intersections of level C-Space obstacles; (ii) slide along 1- to 4-dimensional intersections of level C-surfaces; and (iii) jump between 6 dimensional obstacles. Implementing the point navigation operators requires solving fundamental representational and algorithmic questions: we will derive new structural properties of the C-Space constraints and shoe how to construct and represent C-Surfaces and their intersection manifolds. A definition and new theoretical results are presented for a six-dimensional C-Space extension of the generalized Voronoi diagram, called the C-Voronoi diagram, whose structure we relate to the C-surface intersection manifolds. The representations and algorithms we develop impact many geometric planning problems, and extend to Cartesian manipulators with six degrees of freedom.
A regiao do Cerrado com 205 milhoes de hectares, em menos de tres decadas, transformou-se na principal area agricola do Brasil. Essa rapida transformacao foi possivel devido a investimentos expressivos do governo em infra-estrutura e programas de desenvolvimento para ocupar esse ecossistema aliados aos avancos tecnologicos em manejo de solo e selecao de cultivares adaptadas as condicoes edafoclimaticas da regiao. O crescimento da agricultura nessa regiao teve influencia positiva na geracao de riquezas e de empregos. No entanto, tem gerado impactos ambientais negativos como: compactacao, erosao e perda de materia organica do solo nos sistemas de cultivos anuais. Ao mesmo tempo, os problemas de degradacao de pastagens agravaram-se, sendo especialmente severos em mais de 50% dos 49 milhoes de hectares implantados na regiao. Para manter os solos do bioma Cerrado produtivos de forma sustentavel, e necessario desenvolver sistemas agricolas que permitam manter ou melhorar as propriedades fisicas, quimicas e biologicas do solo. A rotacao de culturas anuais com pastagens e indicada como uma das alternativas para atingir esse proposito. A sustentabilidade economica e ecologica dos sistemas de producao agropecuaria, no Cerrado, podera beneficiar-se mais da integracao lavoura-pecuaria do que de qualquer outra inovacao. Desde 1991, a Embrapa Cerrados e o Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT) tem trabalhado com outras instituicoes para desenvolver sistemas agropastoris, baseados em leguminosas forrageiras, adaptadas a diferentes niveis de uso de corretivos e fertilizantes, quantificando, no tempo, os impactos na produtividade e nas propriedades fisicas, quimicas e biologicas do solo. Praticas de manejo como: calagem, adubacao, preparo de solo e manejo animal influenciam na contribuicao das culturas e das pastagens na producao dos sistemas integrados lavoura-pecuaria. Para medir esses efeitos, um experimento de longa duracao foi estabelecido num Latossolo Vermelho-Escuro na Embrapa Cerrados, Planaltina (DF). Esse experimento tem por objetivos avaliar o efeito da integracao lavoura pecuaria na produtividade de graos e carne e identificar parametros-chave fisicos, quimicos e biologicos, relacionados a melhoria ou a degradacao do solo. Os tratamentos foram constituidos pela combinacao de sistemas, niveis de fertilidade e preparo do solo. Os sistemas utilizados são os seguintes: pastagem continua de graminea pura; pastagem consorciada continua; rotacao de lavoura/pastagem consorciada; lavoura continua; cerrado nativo. O experimento foi complementado com prototipos localizados em Uberlandia (MG). Esses prototipos foram estabelecidos em 1992 em solos arenosos e argilosos em dois sistemas de producao: pastagens em processo de degradacao e lavouras continuas. Os resultados obtidos nesses trabalhos demonstram que os sistemas agropastoris tem potencial para aumentar a produtividade e reduzir os riscos de degradacao, melhorando as propriedades quimicas, fisicas e biologicas do solo. O impacto positivo desses sistemas e ainda maior quando se incluem as leguminosas.
Plakhov, A.Y.; Gouveia, P.D.F., (2007) 'Problems of maximal mean resistance on the plane', Nonlinearity 20(9) pp.2271-2287 RAE2008
Binding, David; Couch, M.A.; Sujatha, K.S.; Webster, M.F., (2003) 'Experimental and numerical simulation of dough kneading in filled geometries', Journal of Food Engineering 58 pp.111-123 RAE2008
Wydział Fizyki: Zakład Optyki
Wydział Fizyki
Similarly to protein folding, the association of two proteins is driven by a free energy funnel, determined by favorable interactions in some neighborhood of the native state. We describe a docking method based on stochastic global minimization of funnel-shaped energy functions in the space of rigid body motions (SE(3)) while accounting for flexibility of the interface side chains. The method, called semi-definite programming-based underestimation (SDU), employs a general quadratic function to underestimate a set of local energy minima and uses the resulting underestimator to bias further sampling. While SDU effectively minimizes functions with funnel-shaped basins, its application to docking in the rotational and translational space SE(3) is not straightforward due to the geometry of that space. We introduce a strategy that uses separate independent variables for side-chain optimization, center-to-center distance of the two proteins, and five angular descriptors of the relative orientations of the molecules. The removal of the center-to-center distance turns out to vastly improve the efficiency of the search, because the five-dimensional space now exhibits a well-behaved energy surface suitable for underestimation. This algorithm explores the free energy surface spanned by encounter complexes that correspond to local free energy minima and shows similarity to the model of macromolecular association that proceeds through a series of collisions. Results for standard protein docking benchmarks establish that in this space the free energy landscape is a funnel in a reasonably broad neighborhood of the native state and that the SDU strategy can generate docking predictions with less than 5 � ligand interface Ca root-mean-square deviation while achieving an approximately 20-fold efficiency gain compared to Monte Carlo methods.
An automated system for detection of head movements is described. The goal is to label relevant head gestures in video of American Sign Language (ASL) communication. In the system, a 3D head tracker recovers head rotation and translation parameters from monocular video. Relevant head gestures are then detected by analyzing the length and frequency of the motion signal's peaks and valleys. Each parameter is analyzed independently, due to the fact that a number of relevant head movements in ASL are associated with major changes around one rotational axis. No explicit training of the system is necessary. Currently, the system can detect "head shakes." In experimental evaluation, classification performance is compared against ground-truth labels obtained from ASL linguists. Initial results are promising, as the system matches the linguists' labels in a significant number of cases.
This study has considered the optimisation of granola breakfast cereal manufacturing processes by wet granulation and pneumatic conveying. Granola is an aggregated food product used as a breakfast cereal and in cereal bars. Processing of granola involves mixing the dry ingredients (typically oats, nuts, etc.) followed by the addition of a binder which can contain honey, water and/or oil. In this work, the design and operation of two parallel wet granulation processes to produce aggregate granola products were incorporated: a) a high shear mixing granulation process followed by drying/toasting in an oven. b) a continuous fluidised bed followed by drying/toasting in an oven. In high shear granulation the influence of process parameters on key granule aggregate quality attributes such as granule size distribution and textural properties of granola were investigated. The experimental results show that the impeller rotational speed is the single most important process parameter which influences granola physical and textural properties. After that binder addition rate and wet massing time also show significant impacts on granule properties. Increasing the impeller speed and wet massing time increases the median granule size while also presenting a positive correlation with density. The combination of high impeller speed and low binder addition rate resulted in granules with the highest levels of hardness and crispness. In the fluidised bed granulation process the effect of nozzle air pressure and binder spray rate on key aggregate quality attributes were studied. The experimental results show that a decrease in nozzle air pressure leads to larger in mean granule size. The combination of lowest nozzle air pressure and lowest binder spray rate results in granules with the highest levels of hardness and crispness. Overall, the high shear granulation process led to larger, denser, less porous and stronger (less likely to break) aggregates than the fluidised bed process. The study also examined the particle breakage of granola during pneumatic conveying produced by both the high shear granulation and the fluidised bed granulation process. Products were pneumatically conveyed in a purpose built conveying rig designed to mimic product conveying and packaging. Three different conveying rig configurations were employed; a straight pipe, a rig consisting two 45° bends and one with 90° bend. Particle breakage increases with applied pressure drop, and a 90° bend pipe results in more attrition for all conveying velocities relative to other pipe geometry. Additionally for the granules produced in the high shear granulator; those produced at the highest impeller speed, while being the largest also have the lowest levels of proportional breakage while smaller granules produced at the lowest impeller speed have the highest levels of breakage. This effect clearly shows the importance of shear history (during granule production) on breakage during subsequent processing. In terms of the fluidised bed granulation, there was no single operating parameter that was deemed to have a significant effect on breakage during subsequent conveying. Finally, a simple power law breakage model based on process input parameters was developed for both manufacturing processes. It was found suitable for predicting the breakage of granola breakfast cereal at various applied air velocities using a number of pipe configurations, taking into account shear histories.
The phosphorescence excitation spectra of two thiones, 4-H-1-xanthione (XT) and 4-H-1-pyrane-4-thione (PT), cooled in a supersonic jet were investigated. The vibronic lineshape of the T1z origin of PT measured by cavity ring-down spectroscopy is considered and the excited state rotational constants are calculated. For XT the 3A2(nπ* ) → X1A1 phosphorescence excitation spectrum was investigated in the region 14900-17600 cm-1. The structure observed is shown to be due to the T1← S0 absorption and an assignment in terms of the vibronic structure of the band is proposed. A previous assignment of the S1 ← S0 origin is considered and the transition involved is shown to be most probably due to the absorption of a vibronic tiplet state T1z,v7. An alternative but tentative assignment of the S1,0 ←S0,0 transition is suggested. In the case of PT the phosphorescence excitation spectrum was investigated in the region of the 1A2(ππ*) ← X1A1 absorption band between 27300 and 28800 cm-1. The spectrum exhibits complex features which are typical for the strong vibronic coupling case of two adjacent electronic states. The observed intermediate level structure was attributed to the coupling with a lower lying dark electronic state 1B1(nπ*2), whose origin was estimated to be ~ 825 - 1025 cm-1 below the origin of 1A2(ππ*)0. Consequences of the vibronic coupling on the decay dynamics of 1A2(ππ*) as well as tentative assignments of vibronic transitions 1A2(ππ*)v ← X1A1 are also discussed. In the T1z ← S0 cavity ring-down absorption spectrum of PT, the vibronic lineshape of the T1z origin is analysed. As the T1z line is separated from the T1x,1y lines by a large zero-field splitting it is possible to use an Asyrot-like program to calculate the vibrational-rotational parameters determining the lineshape. It is shown that PT is non-planar in the first excited triplet state and the lineshape is composed of a mixture of A-type and C-type bandshapes. The non-planarity of PT is discussed.